Assembler Interface Development
This chapter describes how to generate an assembler interface code using the ofasmif tool in OpenFrame ASM.
1. Interface Specification File
ofasmif creates a cpp interface source file from an interface specification file. An interface is needed to make an asm to non-asm call or a non-asm to asm call.
An interface specification (version 3) has the following structure:
{ "entry_list": [ { "entry_name" : "ENTRYNAME1", "fixed_parameter_list" : [ { "param_size" : (PARASIZE), "param_type" : (PARATYPE) }, ... ] }, { "entry_name" : "ENTRYNAME2", "variable_parameter_list" : { "max_length" : (MAXLEN) } } ... .. . ], "program_name" : "PROGNAME", "version" : 3 }
A JSON array of entry specifications of a program.
Each entry defines an entry_name corresponding to the program entry point and the parameters, fixed_parameter_list and variable_parameter_list, that are passed into the program.
Name of the entry point (different from the program name).
A JSON array of fixed number of parameters for the entry.
Each parameter consists of a param_size and param_type.
Parameter Description param_size
Parameter size in bytes.
Parameter type.
P: pointer type
NP: non-pointer type
V: variable length type
A JSON object to hold a variable number of parameters for the entry.
Parameter Description max_length
Maximum allowed number of parameters.
Assembler program name. An assembler program has an asmo file extension.
Interface specification version (same as the version of the ofasmif command).
2. ofasmif Command
The following describes how to use the ofasmif command.
ofasmif [command option...]
Basic ofasmif command options
Option Description -i filename
Sets an input file. Must have the json extension to be recognized as an interface specification file.
-o filename
Sets an output file.
Enables auto indentation.
Displays help.