What is WebtoB?

Concept of WebtoB

A web server product, WebtoB, aims to offer high performance and stability by efficiently processing user requests. Unlike traditional web servers, WebtoB is designed to flexibly handle a surge in user traffic.

Components and Architecture

WebtoB consists of the following main components:

  • WebtoB Admin

    Manages operational information for the entire system and processes commands and API requests.

  • WebtoB Listener (HTL)

    A listener thread that manages the connection between the client and WebtoB. When a client first connects to WebtoB, it establishes a connection with HTL for communication.

  • WebtoB Handler (HTH)

    Also known as a client handler, this thread mediates task-processing between the client and server. HTH communicates with the server processes to control data flow.

    It receives a service request from a client, processes it, and returns the result to the client. HTH uses a high performance thread model that minimizes locking.


The features of WebtoB are as follows.

  • High Performance and Stability

    Adopting a single process and multi-threaded structure, WebtoB enables multiple threads to operate simultaneously within a single process. This maximizes the efficiency of resource use, ensuring high performance and stability.

  • Scalability

    Provides optimal performance in both cloud and on-premises environments.

Key Functions

WebtoB’s key functions are as follows:

  • Memory Caching

    Memory caching in WebtoB enhances performance by keeping frequently used resources in memory. This provides faster processing speeds compared to disk-based caching. Additionally, the memory caching storage capacity can be adjusted so that it can be optimized for system resources.

  • Various Log Formats

    Supports user-defined log formats and can also generate log formats for other web servers.