Catalog Management API
This appendix describes how to manage catalog items and data sets using the Catalog Management API.
1. Overview
Catalogs and data sets can be managed by using the OpenFrame Catalog Management API.
To write a program using the Catalog Management API, you must include the ams_user.h header file that is distributed with the OpenFrame binary and link the library when compiling the program.
The Catalog Management API can be categorized as follows:
Initialization & Finalization
API Description Executes initialization for catalog management.
Executes tasks necessary for finishing catalog management.
Volume Information
API Description Retrieves the list of volumes registered in the system.
Retrieves the default volume registered in the system.
Retrieves the directory path for a specific volume.
Catalog Search
API Description Specifies the catalog search order.
Searches for a specific entry in the catalog.
Retrieves the master catalog information registered in the system.
Searches the catalogs that are candidates for cataloging a specific data set.
File Path Resolution
API Description Retrieves the Unix file path for a specific data set name.
Retrieves the filename for a specific data set name.
Entry Management
API Description Deletes the data set registered in the catalog.
Reads the catalog information registered in the catalog.
Retrieves the list of entries associated with the specified cataloged entry.
2. Initialization & Finalization
2.1. amsu_initialize()
Performs initialization for catalog management by loading necessary resources into memory. If another Catalog Management API is used without calling this function, an error occurs.
int amsu_initialize();
Return Value
If successful, 0 is returned. If an error occurs, a negative error code is returned.
3. Volume Information
3.1. amsu_volume_list()
Retrieves the list of volumes registered in the system.
int amsu_volume_list(int *count, char *volser[]);
Parameter Description count (OUT)
Size of the buffer given to volser (IN) and the number of registered volumes.
volser (OUT)
Buffer to store the registered volume serials.
Return Value
If successful, 0 is returned. If an error occurs, a negative error code is returned.
3.2. amsu_default_volume()
Retrieves the default volume registered in the system.
int amsu_default_volume(char *volser);
Parameter Description volser (OUT)
Buffer used to store the default volume serial.
Return Value
If executed successfully, 0 is returned. If an error occurs, a negative error code is returned.
3.3. amsu_volume_path()
Retrieves the directory path of a specific volume.
int amsu_volume_path(char *volser, char *vpath);
Parameter Description volser (IN)
Volume serial for which the directory path is needed.
vpath (OUT)
Buffer to store the directory path.
Return Value
If executed successfully, 0 is returned. If an error occurred, a negative error code is returned.
4. Catalog Search
4.1. amsu_use_catalogs()
Specifies the catalog search order.
int amsu_use_catalogs(char **cat_names); int amsu_use_catalog(char *cat_name);
Parameter Description cat_names (IN)
List of catalog names that is to be searched first during the catalog search.
cat_name (IN)
Name of the catalog that is to be searched first during the catalog search.
Return Value
If executed successfully, 0 is returned. If an error occurs, a negative error code is returned.
4.2. amsu_search_entries()
Searches for a specific entry in a catalog. Catalogs are prioritized as follows:
Catalog specified by amsu_use_catalogs()
Alias catalog specified by filter_key
Master catalog if the previous searches return no result
int amsu_search_entries(char *filter_key, char *entry_types, int *count, amsu_result_t *result, int flags);
Parameter Description filter_key
Catalog entry expression to search for. (IN: including wild card characters, such as '*', '%')
entry_types (IN)
Catalog entry type to search for. (NULL means all)
count (OUT)
Result buffer size (IN), search result entry count.
result (OUT)
Buffer to store the search result.
flags (IN)
Catalog search option.
Return Value
If successful, 0 is returned. If an error occurs, a negative error code is returned.
The following are catalog entry types and search option macros. Refer to the macros defined in the ams_user.h header file for catalog entry types and catalog search options.
Macro Entry type Description AMSU_ENTRY_TYPE_NONVSAM
Generation data group
VSAM cluster
Data component
Alternate index
Generation data set
Index component
Access path
User catalog
Catalog Search Option Macros:
Macro Search option Description AMSU_SEARCH_DEFAULT
Searches for the default value
Returns the component if the cluster name matches the filter key
Searches only a single catalog
A catalog search result is stored in the following structure:
/* -------------------------- catalog search result -------------------- */ typedef struct _amsu_result_t { char catname[AMSU_ENTRY_NAME_LENGTH+1]; char entname[AMSU_ENTRY_NAME_LENGTH+1]; char enttype; } amsu_result_t;
4.3. amsu_master_catalog()
Retrieves master catalog information registered in the system.
int amsu_master_catalog(char *mascat_name, char *mascat_vser);
Parameter Description mascat_name (OUT)
Buffer to store the master catalog data set name.
mascat_vser (OUT)
Buffer to store the master catalog volume serial.
Return Value
If successful, 0 is returned. If an error occurs, a negative error code is returned.
4.4. amsu_candidate_catalog()
Searches the candidate catalog for a specific data set.
Candidate catalogs are determined through the following steps:
GDG catalog if a data set name is GDS
Catalog specified by amsu_use_catalogs()
Alias catalog defined with the data set name
Master catalog if none of the previous conditions are met.
int amsu_candidate_catalog(char *dsname, char *cat_name);
Parameter Description dsname (IN)
Name of the data set to be cataloged.
cat_name (OUT)
Buffer to store the name of the candidate catalog.
Return Value
If successful, 0 is returned. If an error occurs, a negative error code is returned.
5. File Path Resolution
5.1. amsu_filepath2()
Retrieves the file path with a specific data set name.
int amsu_filepath(char *dsname, char *volser, char *filepath); int amsu_filepath2(char *dsname, char *membname, char *volser, char *filepath);
Parameter Description dsname (IN)
Name of the data set to find the file path.
membname (IN)
PDS member to find the file path.
volser (IN)
Volume serial where the specified data set is stored.
filepath (OUT)
Buffer to store Unix file path.
Return Value
If successful, 0 is returned. If an error occurs, a negative error code is returned.
5.2. amsu_filename2()
Retrieves file name of the specified data set name.
int amsu_filename(char *dsname, char *filename); int amsu_filename2(char *dsname, char *membname, char *filename);
Parameter Description dsname (IN)
Name of the data set to find the file path.
membname (IN)
PDS member to find the file path.
filename (OUT)
Buffer to store Unix file path.
Return Value
If successful, 0 is returned. If an error occurs, a negative error code is returned.
6. Entry Management
6.1. amsu_delete()
Deletes entries registered in a catalog.
int amsu_delete(char *cat_name, char *entry_name, char entry_type, int flags);
Parameter Description cat_name (IN)
Name of the catalog where the entry is cataloged.
entry_name (IN)
Name of the cataloged entry.
entry_type (IN)
Type of cataloged entry.
flags (IN)
Option for catalog deletion.
Return Value
If successful, 0 is returned. If an error occurs, a negative error code is returned.
6.2. amsu_info()
Reads the information of the entry registered in a catalog.
int amsu_info(char *cat_name, char *entry_name, char entry_type, void *entry_info, int flags);
Parameter Description cat_name (IN)
Name of the catalog where the entry is cataloged.
entry_name (IN)
Name of the cataloged entry.
entry_type (IN)
Type of cataloged entry.
flags (IN)
Catalog query option.
Return Value
If successful, 0 is returned. If an error occurs, a negative error code is returned.
Depending on the catalog type, information about the catalog entry is stored in different structures. The data structure for the GDG entry is as follows:
/* -------------------------- GDG info type ---------------------------- */ typedef struct _amsu_gdg_info_t { char dscrdt2[8]; /* creation date */ char dsexdt2[8]; /* expiration date */ char ownerid[8]; /* owner of the data set */ int16_t gdglimit; /* maximum number of GDS allowed */ uint8_t gdgattr; /* GDG attributes - bit flags */ } amsu_gdg_info_t;
For entries other than GDG, refer to the structures defined in the ams_user.h header file.
6.3. amsu_assoc()
Retrieves the list of entries associated with the specified cataloged entry.
int amsu_assoc(char *cat_name, char *entry_name, char entry_type, int *count, amsu_symbol_t *assocs);
Parameter Description cat_name (IN)
Name of the catalog the entry is cataloged in.
entry_name (IN)
Name of the cataloged entry.
entry_type (IN)
Type of the cataloged entry.
count (OUT)
Associated buffer size (IN) and associated entry count.
assoc (OUT)
Associated entry buffer.
Return Value
If successful, 0 is returned. If an error occurs, a negative error code is returned.
Associated entry list is stored in a structure as follows:
/* -------------------------- catalog entry symbol --------------------- */ typedef struct _amsu_symbol_t { char entname[AMSU_ENTRY_NAME_LENGTH+1]; char enttype; } amsu_symbol_t;