Initialization Tools
This chapter describes how to initialize the OpenFrame system with the initialization tools.
1. Overview
The following is a list of tools for initializing OpenFrame.
Tool Name | Description |
Creates or deletes the catalog, VTOC, and LOCK system tables needed during OpenFrame installation. |
Creates or deletes the JESST, JOBQ, and OUTPUTQ tables needed during OpenFrame installation. |
Creates a PDS data set. |
Creates or deletes the GROUP, SUBGROUP, USER, PASSWORD, CONNECTION, CLASS, DATASET, RESOURCE, and PERMISSION tables needed during OpenFrame installation. |
Creates, modifies, deletes or retrieves volumes for OpenFrame products. |
2. baseinit
The baseinit tool creates or deletes the catalog, VTOC, and LOCK system tables needed during OpenFrame installation.
The baseinit tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: baseinit <create|remove> [options]
Parameter Description create
Creates the specified table.
Removes the specified table.
Option Description [-t tablespace]
Specifies the tablespace in which to create the table. Required for Tibero and Oracle, but not supported in MS SQL.
The following example creates and then removes the catalog and VTOC system tables in the DEFVOL tablespace under Tibero or Oracle.
$ baseinit create -t DEFVOL $ baseinit remove -t DEFVOL
The following example creates and then removes the catalog, VTOC, and LOCK system tables in MS SQL.
$ baseinit create $ baseinit remove
3. batchinit
The batchinit tool creates or deletes the JESST, JOBQ, and OUTPUTQ tables needed during OpenFrame installation.
The batchinit tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: batchinit <create|remove> [options]
Parameter Description create
Creates the specified table.
Removes the specified table.
Option Description [-t tablespace]
Specifies the tablespace in which to create the table. Required for Tibero and Oracle, but not supported in MS SQL.
The following example creates and then removes the JESST, JOBQ, and OUTPUTQ tables in the DEFVOL tablespace under Tibero or Oracle.
$ batchinit create -t DEFVOL $ batchinit remove -t DEFVOL
The following example executes batchinit in MS SQL.
$ batchinit create $ batchinit remove
4. pdsgen
The pdsgen tool creates PDS data sets. When a PDS data set is created, it will not be locked. Therefore, it is recommended to use this tool only during installation.
A PDS created with pdsgen has the following default attribtues: RECFM=FB, LRECL=80, and BLKSIZE=4096.
The pdsgen tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: pdsgen <dsname> <volser> [-f <recfm>] [-l <lrecl>]
Parameter Description <dsname>
Specifies the name of the PDS data set to be created.
Specifies the serial of the volume where the data set will be stored.
[-f <recfm>]
Specifies the format of records within the data set.
[-l <lrecl>]
Specifies the length of records within the data set.
The following example creates a data set TEST.PDS in the volume 100000.
$ pdsgen TEST.PDS 100000
The results are as follows:
Data Set Name . . . : TEST.PDS Data Set Type . . . : NONVSAM Catalog Name . . . : SYS1.MASTER.ICFCAT Management Class . : Creation Date . . : 2019/08/24 Data Set Owner . : ROOT Expiration Date . : ***None*** Storage Class . . . : Volume Serial . . : 100000 Device Type . . . : 3380 Data Class . . . . : Organization . . : PO Record Format . . : FB KEYLEN . . . . . : 0 Record Length . . : 80 KEYPOS . . . . . : 0 Block Size . . . : 4096 Current Allocation Primary Space . . : N.A. Number of Extents : N.A. Secondary Space . : N.A. Data Set Size . . : 0 Last Access Date Last Access Date : ***None*** Last Access Time : **None**
5. tacfinit
The tacfinit tool creates or deletes the GROUP, SUBGROUP, USER, PASSWORD, CONNECTION, CLASS, DATASET, RESOURCE, and PERMISSION tables needed during OpenFrame installation. The initialization data is automatically inserted into the GROUP, USER, CLASS, and CONNECTION tables upon their creation.
The tacfinit tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: tacfinit <create|remove> [options]
Parameter Description create
Creates the specified table.
Removes the specified table.
Option Description [-t tablespace]
Specifies the tablespace in which to create the table. Required for Tibero and Oracle, but not supported in MS SQL.
The following example executes tacfinit in the DEFVOL tablespace under Tibero or Oracle.
$ tacfinit create -t DEFVOL $ tacfinit remove -t DEFVOL
The following example executes tacfinit in MS SQL.
$ tacfinit create $ tacfinit remove
6. volmgr
The volmgr tool creates, updates, deletes and queries volumes and devices during the initial setup or operation of an OpenFrame product.
Starting from OpenFrame 7.1, VOLUME, DEVICE and ESOTERIC are managed by volmgr, and ESOTERIC is now called a device group. Furthermore, a tape volume can be created by using a specific option.
When installing OpenFrame for the first time, ofruisvr requires a volume creation before startup. To create, update and delete volumes without operating ofruisvr during installation, use the -i option. After the initial installation, you must execute commands without the -i option.
To create a volume in OpenFrame, a tablespace with the same name as the volume must be defined in the database. However, a tape volume can be created without a tablespace.
The following example shows how to execute volmgr:
Usage: volmgr <command> <type> [options]
Parameter Description command
DEFINE: Creates a new volume, device, or device group.
DELETE: Deletes a new volume, device, or device group.
UPDATE: Updates a specified volume or device.
LIST: Searches a volume, device, or device group.
volume: Executes a command for the volume.
device: Executes a command for the device.
group: Executes a command for the device group.
The following are different options specified for each command:
When creating a volume
Option Description [-v volser]
Volume name.
[-p path]
Volume directory path.
[-dn device_number]
Device number.
[-s spool]
Used for a spool volume.
[-t tape]
Used to create a physical tape volume.
[-lv logical_volume]
Used to specify a logical tape volume to connect when creating a physical tape volume.
[-ts tablespace]
Used to specify the tablespace name to be connected.
[-i init]
Used at the initial setup.
When creating a device
Option Description [-dn device_number]
Device number.
[-dt device_type]
Device type.
3380: Used to create a DASD device.
3480: Used to create a tape device.
[-ms max_space]
Maximum space.
When creating a device group
Option Description [-dn device_number]
Device number.
[-dg device_group]
Device group.
When deleting a volume
Option Description [-v volser]
Name of the volume to be deleted.
[-f force]
Force deletes a volume in use.
[-t tape]
Used to delete a physical tape volume.
[-i init]
Used at the initial setup.
When deleting a device
Option Description [-dn device_number]
Number of the device to be deleted.
[-f force]
Force deletes a device in use.
When deleting a device group
Option Description [-dg device_group]
Device group to be deleted.
[-dn device_number]
Number of the device to be deleted.
When updating a volume
Option Description [-v volser]
Volume name.
[-p path]
Volume directory path.
[-dn device_number]
Device number.
[-pv physical volume]
Used to update a physical tape volume connected with a logical tape volume.
[-ts tablespace]
Used to change the tablespace.
[-i init]
Used at the initial setup.
When updating a device
Option Description [-dn device_number]
Device number.
[-dt device_type]
Device type.
[-ms max_space]
Maximum space.
When searching for a volume
Option Description [-v volser]
Volume name.
Detailed information.
Uses raw type.
Used to retrieve the list of defined physical tape volumes.
When searching for a device
Option Description [-dn device_number]
Device number to search for.
When searching for a device group
Option Description [-dg device_group]
Device group. Cannot be used along with the -dn option.
[-dn device_number]
Device number. Cannot be used along with the -dg option.
The following creates a DEFVOL volume belonging to a device whose number is 0001 from a device group named SYSDA.
$ volmgr define device -dn 0001 -dt 3380 -ms 2048 $ volmgr define group -dn 0001 -dg SYSDA $ volmgr define volume -v DEFVOL -dn 0001 volmgr version 7.1.0(10) tmax@tgumdev:oframe_7_1_src/base(#1) 2019-10-21 10:16:42 *** Volume Manager *** COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY!
You can verify that the volume has been successfully created as follows:
$ volmgr list volume -v DEFVOL volmgr version 7.1.0(10) tmax@tgumdev:oframe_7_1_src/base(#1) 2019-10-21 10:16:42 *** Volume Manager *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume Total Usage Free Tablespace Volume Path --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFVOL | VSAM 100(MB) 13.75(%) 88320(KB) DEFVOL ------ | NONVSAM 179(GB) 76.51(%) 43145(MB) ------ /home/tmax/oframe_7_1/volume_DEFVOL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Total 1 volume entries printed. COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY!
The following defines a tape device and logical and physical tape volumes. It creates a physical tape volume and then connects it with a logical tape volume by using the UPDATE command.
$ volmgr define device -dn 0010 -dt 3480 -ms 2048 $ volmgr define group -dn 0010 -dg STAPE $ volmgr define volume -v STAPE1 -dn 0010 $ volmgr define volume -v ST0001 -lv STAPE1 -t $ volmgr update volume -v STAPE1 -pv ST0001 -t
The following deletes the DEFVOL volume and 0001 device.
$ volmgr delete volume -v DEFVOL $ volmgr delete device -dn 0001
The following deletes the SYSDA device group.
$ volmgr delete group -dg SYSDA
The following deletes the 0001 device in the SYSDA device group.
$ volmgr delete group -dg SYSDA -dn 0001
The following updates the DEFVOL volume and the 0002 device.
$ volmgr update volume -v DEFVOL -dn 0003 $ volmgr update device -dn 0002 -dt 3380 -ms 2048
The following connects the STAPE1 tape volume with the ST0002 physical tape volume.
$ volmgr update volume -v STAPE1 -pv ST0002
The following queries a volume list.
$ volmgr list volume
The result is as follows:
$ volmgr list volume volmgr version 7.1.0(10) tmax@tgumdev:oframe_7_1_src/base(#1) 2019-10-21 10:16:42 *** Volume Manager *** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume Total Usage Free Tablespace Volume Path -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFVOL | VSAM 100(MB) 13.75(%) 88320(KB) DEFVOL ------ | NONVSAM 179(GB) 76.51(%) 43145(MB) ------ /home/tmax/oframe_7_1/volume_DEFVOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Total 1 volume entries printed. COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY!
The following queries a physical tape volume list.
$ volmgr list volume -t
The result is as follows. The * mark followed by a volume name means that the physical tape volume is connected with a logical tape volume.
$ volmgr list volume -t volmgr version 7.1.0(10) tmax@tgumdev:oframe_7_1_src/base(#1) 2019-10-21 10:16:42 *** Volume Manager *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Volume Linked Volume Volume Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NVOL00 | STAPE1 /home/arena/oframe_71_fix3/volume_NVOL00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *ST0001 | STAPE1 /home/arena/oframe_71_fix3/volume_ST0001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *ST0002 | STAPE3 /home/arena/oframe_71_fix3/volume_ST0002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ST0003 | STAPE3 /home/arena/oframe_71_fix3/volume_ST0003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Total 4 volume entries printed.
The following queries device information.
$ volmgr list device
The result is as follows:
volmgr list device volmgr version 7.1.0(10) tmax@tgumdev:oframe_7_1_src/base(#1) 2019-10-21 10:16:42 *** Volume Manager *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Device Number | Device Type Volume Space Limit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0001 | 3380 3000 4096 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0002 | 3380 DEFVOL 2048 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0005 | 3380 4000 4096 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The following queries device group information.
$ volmgr list group
The result is as follows:
volmgr list device volmgr version 7.1.0(10) tmax@tgumdev:oframe_7_1_src/base(#1) 2019-10-21 10:16:42 *** Volume Manager *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Device Group | Device Number Device Type Volume Space Limit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSBB | 0005 3380 3000 4096 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSDA | 0001 3380 DEFVOL 2048 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0002 3380 4000 4096 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------