- Resource Definition
Configuration information, such as resource name, type, and attributes, required to access resources.
- Map
A file of assembler macros that generates the GUI screen used for communication between applications and terminals in the OSC system.
- Task
A unit of system execution initiated by a user request.
- Transaction
A unit of processing initiated by a user request. A transaction is also a complete operation that is recoverable.
- Format
A file of assembler macros that formats the GUI screen used for communication between applications and terminals in the OSC system.
- Agent
An OpenFrame Manager server component that is responsible for communication with other machines.
- Alternate Index
A method of accessing base cluster records by a field other than the primary key field.
A unique identifier for each defined OSC application server in the OpenFrame system. Tmax server names defined in the Tmax configuration file are used as the APPLID of OSC application servers.
- Active Terminal Information (ATI)
A region used to store and manage information about the client emulators that are connected to the OpenFrame system via either the MSC or MSI Gateway.
- Automatic Transaction Initiation (ATI)
A feature that automatically initiates transaction requests without client prompt.
- Base Cluster
Name of the source data set that is being processed through an alternate index.
- Basic Catalog Structure (BCS)
A VSAM KSDS that uses data set names as key values to store and retrieve information about data sets in the system. BCS is one of the data sets that makes up the catalog.
- Batch Messaging Processing (BMP)
A module responsible for user applications that run in the IMS/DC BMP region. It provides message support for batch jobs.
- Basic Mapping Support (BMS)
A mainframe module responsible for converting messages from user terminals into a data format used by applications running in the CICS system. It also handles communication from CICS back to the user terminal.
- Catalog
A data set that contains meta-information about other data sets, allowing them to be accessed by name.
A call-level interface that enables OSC, OSI, and Batch applications to access HiDB.
- CICS-Value Data Areas (CVDA)
A non-user specified system value used by OSC application programs.
- Code Page Manager (CPM)
A Unicode-based tool for converting and managing data between systems that use different text encodings. CPM maps each system’s code to Unicode as an intermediate format.
- Common Work Area (CWA)
A work area shared by all OSC or CISC server applications.
CWA is shared by server groups in the same OSC region and by programs in the same CICS region. - Communication Area (COMMAREA)
A data communication region used to exchange data between two programs in a transaction, or between two separate transactions in the same terminal. This is only applicable to programs in CICS.
- Control Interval
A region on the DASD where VSAM stores data records and record control information.
- Customer Information Control System (CICS)
A mainframe server system for processing online transactions.
- Database Description (DBD)
A collection of macro assembler commands that define the relationships between a database structure and access methods, record segments and fields, and segment types.
- Data Control Block (DCB)
A structure that contains processing information for a data set. It is generated by extracting information from JCL DD statements or the catalog.
- Data Entry Database (DEDB)
A direct access database composed of one or more areas. Each area contains a root segment and a number of subordinate segments. The DEDB is designed for high-capacity, high-performance database processing.
- Data Language One (DL/I)
An interface component that allows applications to access transaction messages or the database managed by the IMS system.
- Data Set Access Method
A technique used to store and search for data records.
- DL/I Interface Block (DIB)
A system control block that connects DL/I modules and application programs when using the EXEC DLI interface.
- Distributed Program Link (DPL)
A link used by OSC application programs to access programs on remote OSC application servers.
A command interface used by OSC application programs to access OSC resources.
A command interface used by OSC and Batch applications to access resources by using PCB. Using DL/I enables access to HiDB and the message queue of IMS/DC.
- EXEC Interface Block (EIB)
A system control block that connects OSC application programs with OSC application server processes.
- Function Shipping
A function that allows OSC application programs to access resources configured on remote OSC application servers.
- Generation Data Group (GDG)
A group of data sets that can be managed as a unit.
- Generation Data Set (GDS)
Individual data sets belonging to a Generation Data Group.
- Hierarchical Database/High Performance Database (HiDB)
An OpenFrame database product that is similar to Mainframe IMS/DB.
- IMS Fast Path (IFP) type supporting component
A module that allows user applications to run in the IMS/DC IFP region.
- Information Management System/Database (IMS/DB)
An IBM mainframe product. IMS/DB is a hierarchical database management system for storing and managing application data.
- Information Management System/Data Communication (IMS/DC)
A message-based transaction processing system for mainframes that processes transaction requests received from network terminals or other applications.
- Internal Reader
An internal module that allows OpenFrame modules to send JCL to TJES.
PCB resource used to read from or write to the OSI Message Queue.
- Job Control Language (JCL)
A scripting language that tells TJES how to run batch jobs or start subsystems.
A system data set where information about TJES jobs is stored.
- Lock Server
A server process that locks in-use data sets to ensure exclusivity of access during data set manipulation.
- Logical Relationship
Indicates a logical link between two physically different database segments.
- Logical Unit of Work (LUW)
An application may be divided into logically separate sections called a Logical Unit of Work.
- Mapping Support type C (MSC)
An interface that converts messages entered into TN3270 terminal emulators (client machines) into the data format used by an OpenFrame/Online OSC application server, and vice versa. It also converts data to and from EBCDIC and ASCII between terminal emulators and OSC application server. This is equivalent to Mainframe BMS.
- Mapping Support type I (MSI)
An interface that converts messages entered into TN3270 terminal emulators (client machines) into the data format used by an OpenFrame/Online OSI application server and vice versa. It also converts data to and from EBCDIC and ASCII between terminal emulators and OSC application server. This is equivalent to Mainframe MFS.
- Master
An OpenFrame Manager server component responsible for communication with OpenFrame engine.
- Message Format Service (MFS)
A facility responsible for converting messages entered at user terminals into the data format used by mainframe IMS/DC application servers and vice versa.
- Message Processing Program (MPP)
A module that facilitates application execution flow in the IMS/DC MPP region. It performs the role of the message queue manager in IBM Mainframe MPP.
- Message Queue
A system resource used by OSI MPPs.
- Mirror Server
An OSC application server that processes requests that require remote communication between servers, such as function shipping and DPL.
It shares the configuration files and resources used by the target server.
- Mirror Service
A service performed by a mirror server to process a request from a remote OSC application server.
- Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS)
An operating system of Mainframe System/370 and System/390.
- Named Counter Server (NCS)
A counter server that provides sequential numbers in the mainframe SYSPLEX environment.
- Non-VSAM
All data set access methods developed prior to the use of VSAM.
- Online Core
A component that is shared by all application servers of OpenFrame Online system. Tmax TP monitor acts as its engine.
- Online Server type C (OSC)
A middleware module that processes online transactions. This is equivalent to IBM CICS Transaction Server.
- Online Server type I (OSI)
A middleware module that processes online transactions. This is equivalent to IBM IMS/DC.
- Online System Definition (OSD)
A region where OSC resource definitions are defined and stored.
- OpenFrame Manager
Provides a GUI environment for monitoring and managing OpenFrame.
- OpenFrame/OSC Installation Verification Procedure (OIVP)
A set of test applications that are used to verify that OpenFrame/OSC has been installed and configured correctly.
- OSC Application Server
A Tmax server that provides resources and execution environment for OSC applications.
- OSC Supplied Transaction (OST)
An OSC module that provides the same functionality as CICS Supplied Transaction.
- OSC System Server
A server that supports OSC application server and provide additional system functions.
A system data set that stores information about the output created during job execution in TJES.
A catalog entry used when processing base clusters through an alternate index. Each alternate index is defined as a single path.
- PCB Mask
A data structure that contains information about the results of DL/I calls made by an application.
- Program Control Block (PCB)
A control block that defines the application interface for the IMS database, message source, or destination. It is defined by the DBA when the PSB is created.
- Partitioned Data Set (PDS)
A PDS is composed of sequentially structured members and each member consists of a directory of sequential files.
- Program Specification Block (PSB)
A collection of macro assembler commands that defines program access permissions. A PSB defines the database segments and fields that an application can read and the operations the application can perform on the segments.
- Region
An address space where a program runs in a mainframe. Each CICS region corresponds to one OSC application server. However, each OSC application server can generate multiple independent server processes.
- Region Work Area (RWA)
A shared memory region for storing information used by all the processes generated by a single OSC application server.
- Runtime System Definition (RTSD)
A region containing resource definitions accessed by OSC application servers at runtime.
- Secondary Index
An alternate method of accessing a data set, where records are organized logically according to a key other than the primary key.
- Segment Search Argument (SSA)
A parameter that specifies the search criteria to use in processing a DL/I call processing.
- Sequential Data Set (SDS)
A data set where data is accessed in the order that the records were stored in the data set.
- Simultaneous Peripheral Operations OnLine (SPOOL)
A temporary storage region for storing input for or results generated during a JOB processing.
- Sphere
A set of indexes containing a base cluster and all of its alternate indexes.
- Storage Management System (SMS)
A system utility and library module that is used to manage data sets and storage devices.
A unique identifier for each OSC application server.
- System Work Area (SWA)
An area where information used by the OSC system is stored. This space cannot be accessed by applications.
- Temporary Storage Queue (TSQ)
A queue used by OSC application servers to temporarily store data.
- Terminal Control Table User Area (TCTUA)
A region allocated to the terminals that are connected to the OSC system.
- Tmax Access Control Facility (TACF)
A user authentication and security module, which provides the same functionality as RACF.
- Tmax Job Entry Subsystem (TJES)
A batch management sub system that receives jobs, schedules them for processing, converts them to internal machine-readable form, and controls their output processing.
- Tmax VSAM (TSAM)
A module that manages and processes VSAM data sets. This module provides the same functionality as VSAM.
- Transaction Work Area (TWA)
A work area that is allocated to process a transaction when it is initiated and is accessible to all local programs in the transaction.
- Transient Data Queue (TDQ)
A data transmission queue that is used for moving data internally or sending data from one OSC application server to another.
- Unit of Work (UOW)
The smallest unit of work that can be rolled back. They are used as recovery points that are either at the end of a task or at the SYNCPOINT.
- Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM)
A data set access method type. It is used to directly or sequentially process fixed- or variable-length records that are stored on a disk.
- Volume Table of Contents (VTOC)
A system data set that manages allocation, free space, and other volume information.
- VSAM Volume Data Set (VVDS)
A VSAM ESDS data set created for each volume in the system. It is one of the data sets that make up the catalog.
- Zero-downtime OS (z/OS)
A 64-bit operating system used in IBM mainframes that is more up-to-date than OS/390.