Pre-installation Tasks

This chapter describes the system requirements and how to create an installation properties file.

1. Overview

Perform the following before installing OpenFrame/TACF (hereafter TACF).

  • Check system requirements

  • Check available disk space

  • Configure Installation properties file

  • Create tablespace

  • Configure license

2. System Requirements

System requirements for installing TACF are as follows:



Solaris 11 (SunOS 5.11) or later (32-bit, 64-bit)

Linux x86 2.6 or later (32-bit, 64-bit)

Linux ia64 2.6 or later (32-bit, 64-bit)


More than 5 GB hard disk space

More than 8 GB RAM


Tibero 6 FixSet05


MF-COBOL, NET-COBOL or OpenFrame COBOL compiler

OpenFrame PL/I compiler

OpenFrame ASM compiler

OpenFrame Product Line

OpenFrame/Base 7.1 and OpenFrame/Batch 7.1

Contact TmaxSoft Technical Support about IBM or HP-UX platform support.

3. Verifying Available Disk Space

Because at least 10 MB of free disk space is required by TACF, the amount of free disk space must be checked before installation. For more information about hardware requirements, refer to System Requirements.

To verify if there is enough free space, execute the df command at the Unix prompt.

The following example shows how to use the df command in a Linux x86 operating system to check the free and used space of a disk that contains a specified directory.

$ df -h /home/oframe

The result of the previous command is as follows:

Filesystem                         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/centos_oflinux64-home  144G   49G   96G  34% /home

The example result shows that the /home/oframe directory is located on the /dev/mapper/centos_oflinux64-home disk, and 49 GB is used out of a capacity of 144 GB. 96 GB is free, which means that 34% of the capacity is used.

4. Verifying Installation of OpenFrame Product Line

TACF is dependant on other independent OpenFrame products. To install and use TACF, OpenFrame/Base and OpenFrame/Batch products must be previously installed.

The following example uses the ofversion tool to check OpenFrame product line.

$ ofversion
ofversion version 7.1.0(0) obuild@tplinux64:ofsrc71/base(#1) 2021-03-17 23:07:27
Print OpenFrame Version Information

OpenFrame Solution is Composed of
- OpenFrame/Base 7.1 64bit
- OpenFrame/Batch MVS 7.1 64bit

For more information about installation and verification of OpenFrame product line, refer to the respective installation guide of each product.

5. Creating Installation Properties Files

To install TACF, set variables for an installation properties file then execute the installation script. Then the installer will read the values defined in the properties file and proceed with the installation based on the values.

This section describes the settings that must be configured in the TACF installation properties file. Refer to sample installation properties files in Sample Installation Properties File.

  1. The name of the properties file must be The file format must be a typical text file format. It is recommended to create the properties file by referring to the sample configuration file, which is provided along with the installer.

  2. When creating a installation properties file, set the option for automatically creating data set to either ‘YES’ or ‘NO’.

5.1. OpenFrame’s Home Directory

Set a directory in which TACF is to be installed. Enter the absolute path in which OpenFrame/Base is installed. Enter the absolute path in which OpenFrame/HiDB is installed. The directory set here is used as OpenFrame’s home directory in all configuration files.

The following is the command required to set OpenFrame’s home directory.

Item Description


Specifies a Unix directory or file path.

The following example sets OpenFrame’s home directory to /home/oframe/OpenFrame.


5.2. TACF Configuration

The following are the items required to set environment variables for the TACF module, which is responsible for the security and authentication in the OpenFrame system.


The following describes each item used in TACF.

Item Description


Specifies whether to use the authentication provided by the operating system.

  • YES: OpenFrame must be started by a user who has the administrator privileges over the operating system.


Specifies the information to create a Tibero tablespace assigned to TACF. Enter the name of the tablespace to store tables for resources that belong to users and classes in TACF.


Specifies whether to automatically create tables in the database assigned to TACF.

  • YES: Automatically creates tables in the database assigned to TACF.

  • NO: Manually creates tables after completing the installation. To create tables in the database assigned to TACF, run the create_tacf script residing with the $OPENFRAME_HOME/scripts directory.

If TACF is installed, OpenFrame/TACF authentication function will be activated automatically. To disable the TACF authentication and use the OS authentication instead after the installation, manually modify the installation configuration file.

The following example configures the installation properties file for TACF.


6. Creating Tablespaces

Create a tablespace to be used as the default volume in the TSAM database.

For more information about creating a tablespace in a specific database, refer to the relevant database guide.

The following example creates a tablespace in the Tibero database. A tablespace 'TACF00', whose size is 50 MB, is set as the default volume.


7. Configuring License

Copy the TACF license to the ${OPENFRAME_HOME}/license directory.


If the license is missing, the following error is displayed during installation.

TMBOOT for node(NODE1) is starting: (E) BOOT2145 License is expired : [COM0907]