Installation Process
In a Linux environment, WebtoB is installed through the following process. To cancel the installation process, press <Ctrl>+C.
The installer provides default settings, but you should always be careful when entering configuration values. |
Running the Installation File
Run the installation file (*.bin). After pre-installation tasks are performed, a brief usage message appears.
Press the <ENTER> key to continue.
$ sh ./WebtoB-6_Linux_x64.bin =============================================================================== Introduction ------------ Installer will guide you through the installation of WebtoB 6. It is strongly recommended that you quit all programs before continuing with this installation. Respond to each prompt to proceed to the next step in the installation. If you want to change something on a previous step, type 'back'. You may cancel this installation at any time by typing 'quit'. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE :
License Agreement
When the WebtoB license information and agreement are displayed, choose whether to accept the agreement. Press the <ENTER> key to review the full license information. If you accept the agreement, enter 'Y' to proceed to the next step. If you do not agree, enter 'N' to cancel the installation.
If the <ENTER> key is pressed, the remaining portion of the license information is displayed.
=============================================================================== License Agreement ----------------- Installation and use of WebtoB 6 requires acceptance of the following License Agreement: WebtoB Release Tmax Soft Co., Ltd. (hereafter, Tmax Soft) End-User License Agreement Product : WebtoB This is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an company) and Tmax Soft, Incorporated. By opening the sealed software package and/or by using the software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. Tmax Soft License 1. Grant of License: This Tmax Soft License Agreement ("License") permits you to use one copy of the Tmax Soft product Tmax, on any single computer, provided the software is in use on only one computer at any one time. If this package is a license pack, you may make and use additional copies of the software up to the number of licensed copies authorized. If you have multiple licenses for the software, then at any time you may have as many copies of the software in use as you have licenses. The software is "in use" on a computer when it is loaded into the temporary memory (i.e., RAM) or installed into the permanent memory (e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM, or other storage devices) of that computer, except that a copy installed on a network server for the sole purpose of distribution to other computers is not "in use". If the anticipated number of users of the software will exceed the number of applicable licenses, then you must have a reasonable PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE: mechanism or process in place to ensure that the number of persons using the software concurrently does not exceed the number of licenses. 2. Copyright: The software (including any images, "applets," photographs, animations, video, audio, music and text incorporated into the software) is owned by Tmax Soft or its suppliers and international treaty provisions. Therefore, you must treat the software like any other copyrighted materials (e.g., a book or musical recording) except that you may either (a) make one copy of the software solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) transfer the software to a single hard disk provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. You may not copy the printed materials accompanying the software, nor print copies of any user documentation provided in "online" or electronic form. 3. Other restrictions: This license is your proof of license to exercise the rights granted herein and must be retained by you. You may not rent, lease, or transfer your rights under this license on a permanent basis provided you transfer this license, the software, and all accompanying printed materials, retain no copies, and the recipient agrees to the terms of this license. You may not reverse engine, decompile, or disassemble the software, except to the extent that the foregoing restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable law. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE : DO YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT? [y/n] :
Specifying the Installation Directory
Set the directory where WebtoB will be installed. Press the <ENTER> key to use the default value, or enter the absolute path to change the directory. (Default: $HOME/webtob)
The following is an example of specifying the installation path as /home/tmax/webtob6.
=============================================================================== Choose Install Folder --------------------- Where would you like to install? Default Install Folder: /home/tmax/webtob ENTER AN ABSOLUTE PATH, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT Input -> _________________________________
Verifying the Installation Path
Verify the path where WebtoB will be installed. If the path is correct, press the <ENTER> key to start the installation.
=============================================================================== Ready To Install ---------------- Ready to install WebtoB 6 onto your system at the following location: /home/tmax/webtob PRESS <ENTER> TO INSTALL ( Press Ctrl-C to quit )
Proceeding with the Installation
Once the WebtoB file is installed and all necessary tasks are completed, check the precautions for using WebtoB. After reviewing all the information, press the <ENTER> key to proceed to the next step.
=============================================================================== Installing... ------------- config/ docs/ . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . ssl/ ssl/.rnd ssl/wbssl.cnf WebtoB directory structure ------------------------- +- bin |- config |- docs |- icons WEBTOBDIR-+- lib |- license |- log |- path |- ssl +- include =============================================================================== Information ----------- WebtoB 6 can only be used with GLIBC 2.26 or higher. WebtoB 6 does not support background operation. It can be operated arbitrarily by attaching "&" at the end of the execution script (, but there is a possibility of malfunction in some cases. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE:
Finishing the Installation
When the installation is successfully completed, an installation completion message is displayed. Press the <ENTER> key to complete the installation.
============[ Installation is completed successfully ]============ WebtoB installation is completed successfully. Thank you for using WebtoB Product! Technical support center Homepage: ==================================================================
Installation Verification
Ensure that the following directories are created in the specified path ($WEBTOB6_HOME_PATH) and files are installed in the directories.
$WEBTOB6_HOME_PATH +- bin |- config |- docs |- icons |- lib |- license |- log |- path |- ssl +- include
The following list is a description for each directory.
- bin
Executable files (,, wsboot, wsdown, wsadmin, configValidator, configMigrator, mkpwd,, etc.) directory.
- config
WebtoB environment files directory.
- docs
Default HTML files directory.
- icons
Default icons directory.
- lib
Library files directory.
- license
License files directory.
- log
Log files directory.
- path
Named-pipe for internal communication among processes directory.
- ssl
SSL related files directory.
- schema
WebtoB schema files directory.
- include
WebtoB header files directory.
Environment Variables
Ensure that the environment variables are registered in '.profile' (for ksh) or '.bash_profile' (for bash shell).
The following is an example of a '.bash_profile' file:
# 2024. 07. 30. (Tue) 20:03:03 KST WEBTOB6_HOME_PATH=/home/tmax/webtob6; export WEBTOB6_HOME_PATH WEBTOB6_CONFIG_FILE_NAME=webtob-config.yaml; export WEBTOB6_CONFIG_FILE_NAME PATH=${WEBTOB6_HOME_PATH}/bin:$PATH; export PATH
The following describes the environment variables that can be set in WebtoB.
Environment Variable | Description |
Sets the directory information where WebtoB is installed. |
Sets the name of the WebtoB configuration file. |
Sets the path to the WebtoB configuration file. |
Sets the path to the library used by WebtoB. |
Sets the path where the WebtoB license file is located. |
Sets the path to the certificate used by WebtoB. |
Sets the path to the schema file used by WebtoB. |