JES2 JCL Control Statements
This chapter describes JES2 JCL control statements and thier operands.
1. Overview
The following is a list of JES2 JCL control statements.
JES2 JCL Control Statement | Description |
Describes JES2. |
Describes JOB’s control information. |
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame. |
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame. |
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame. |
Specifies priorities for JOB. |
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame. |
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame. |
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame. |
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame. |
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame. |
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame. |
2. JES2 Command Statements
A JES2 Command Statement describes JES2 commands. Describe the JES2 commands before the first JOB statement is described. JES2 commands described in other places will not be used.
The success of JES2 command execution through a JES2 command statement does not affect the execution or submission of JOB, which is described after JES2 command statement.
A JES2 command can be used alone without a JOB statement. When executing JCL with only a JES2 command, OpenFrame Batch allocates JOBNAME (TJESSUBM) arbitrarily and executes the JES2 command. Then, the JOB is terminated as DONE.
The results of the JES2 command execution are recorded as 'submit_YYYYMMSS.log' within the subdirectory job under the directory specified in the VALUE of the LOG_DIR key in the DIRECTORY section of the ofsys subject under OpenFrame Configuration.
The following describes a JES2 command statement.
Field Description command
Describes operations in column 4 following "/*\" or "\*$". For more information about supported commands, refer to Command.
Describes operands after operations followed by zero or some empty spaces, or commas. Operand types vary depending on command types.
The following describes the command field. Commands supported by OpenFrame are as follows:
Executes the entered OS command.
/*\VS[ ],'OS command'
The following describes OS commands.
Command Description Submits the entered procedure.
Executes the command through the OSI system.
Commands not described in this table are not supported. |
2.1. S
Submits the entered procedure.
S procedure name,symbolic parameter=value[,symbolic parameter=value]...
Field Description procedure name
Specifies the name of a procedure to be submitted.
symbolic parameter
Refer to Symbolic Parameter of PROC Statement.
3. JOBPARM Statement
Describes JOB’s control information. It is written after a JOB statement. If operands are overlapped, the first written one is used.
/*JOBPARM△¹keyword operand[,keyword operand]...△¹[comments]
Field Description JOBPARM
Specifies the operation JOBPARM. Write "JOBPARM" starting from column 3, which is after "/*".
keyword operand[,keyword operand]
Specifies keyword operands after the operation followed by one or more empty spaces. The order of operands does not matter. For more information, see Operand and descriptions for each operand.
Used after operands followed by one or more empty spaces. Comments can be described up to column 71.
Descriptions for each operand are as follows:
Keyword operand
Operand Description Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame.
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame.
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame.
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame.
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame.
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame.
Specifies the maximum number of lines for output.
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame.
Used to find a procedure to be executed in STEP.
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame.
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame.
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame.
Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame.
Used to find a procedure to be executed in STEP. If PROCLIB is used, the system searches a procedure to be executed in STEP through the specified PROCLIB.
A library DD name of a catalog procedure is used to get a data set list. The catalog procedure is specified in the VALUE of the {ddname} key in the PROCLIB section from the tjes subject under OpenFrame Configuration. Among the members in the fetched data set list, the procedure to be executed is primarily searched for.
The procedure to be executed in STEP is searched for in the following order. If the target procedure cannot be found until the step 5, FLUSH occurs.
Searching among the input stream procedures.
Searching among the members described in a JCLLIB statement if the JCLLIB statement is used.
Searching among the members of the data sets specified in the VALUE of the {ddname} key in the PROCLIB section from the tjes subject under OpenFrame Configuration, if the PROCLIB={ddname} operand is specified in a JOBPARM statement, which is a JES2 JCL control statement.
Searching among the members of the data sets specified in the VALUE of the PROC00 key in the PROCLIB section from the tjes subject under OpenFrame Configuration.
Searching among SYS1.PROCLIB members.
For more information about the tjes subject, refer to OpenFrame Configuration Guide. |
The following describes the PROCLIB operand.
PROCLIB | P = {ddname}
Field Description {ddname}
Specifies the name of a DD statement in which a library list is set. The library list is referenced to find a catalog procedure.
The PROCLIB operand is not used if no library DD name of a catalog procedure is specified in the VALUE of the {ddname} key in the PROCLIB section from the tjes subject under OpenFrame Configuration.
The following example uses the PROCLIB operand in a JOBPARM statement. Since PROCLIB is specified as PROC00, PROC01 in STEP1 can be found among members of the data sets specified to the PROC00 key in PROCLIB the section from the tjes subject under OpenFrame Configuration.
6. NOTIFY Statement
Specifies a user to check a message, which is left after completion of JOB, through a command from tjesmgr.
Field Description NOTIFY
Specifies the operation NOTIFY. Write "NOTIFY" starting from column 3, which is after "/*."
Specifies a symbolic name having up to eight characters.
If NOTIFY is specified both in the JOB and JES JCL statements, the JES JCL one is used and the JOB one is ignored.
The following example specifies to leave a message to USER1.
8. PRIORITY Statement
Specifies priorities for JOB. It is used before a JOB statement.
Field Description PRIORITY
Specifies the operation PRIORITY. Write "/*" and then "PRIORITY".
Specifies a number between 1 and 15 after the operation followed by one or more empty spaces. For more information, refer to Priority.
Specifies a priority of JOB. A priority of JOB is used for scheduling along with JOB CLASS, with higher numbers having higher priority. Scheduler decides the order of execution for JOBs that have the same CLASS, depending on the value of the priority operand.
If multiple JOBs have the same priority, the JOB that is submitted first is executed first. The priority of a JOB is elevated over time according to the aging policy. Set priorities on the PRTYHIGH and PRTYLOW keys in the SCHEDULING section from the tjes subject.
For more information about the tjes subject, refer to OpenFrame Configuration Guide. |
Field Description priority
Specifies a priority related to JOB scheduling with a number between 1 and 15.
To use this operand, set the VALUE of the PRTYJECL key, in the SCHEDULING section from the tjes subject under OpenFrame Configuration, to YES.
If priorities are specified in the PRIORITY statement as well as the JOB statement using PRITY operand, the PRIORITY statement supersedes the JOB statement.
The following example specifies the priority as 10.
The following example shows that if a priority is specified both in a JOB and PRIORITY statements, the PRIORITY one is used. The following example specifies the priority of the JOB as 5.
9. ROUTE Statement
Specifies an output destination for a SYSOUT data set or identifies a network node where a job is executed. OpenFrame currently supports only the PRINT statement.
Field Description ROUTE
Specifies the operation ROUTE. Write "/*" and then "ROUTE".
Specifies a destination for a SYSOUT data set. Write one or more empty spaces after the PRINT operand and then specify the destination.
Used only when a destination is not specified in a SYSOUT DD or an OUTPUT statement. If specified in the statement, the priority is as follows:
14. XMIT Statement
Transmits data to another node. Syntax checked, but not used in OpenFrame.
To avoid a syntax error, instream data is processed until an XMIT statement is used.
/*XMIT operand△¹[DLM=value]
Field Description operand
Specifies up to 14 symbolic characters.
The following example uses an XMIT statement.
//JOB1 JOB /*XMIT TMAX DLM=AA . . (records to be transmitted) . AA