OpenFrame/Batch System Tools
This chapter describes the tools used by the OpenFrame/Batch (hereafter Batch) system.
1. Overview
The following is a list of tools used for Batch operations.
Tool Name | Description |
Deletes the old copies of libraries that were moved to a temporary data set after dlupdate. |
Modifies user-made libraries. |
Submits a JOB and shows the result of JOB execution. |
Initializes SPOOL as well as the system tables of JOBQ and OUTPUTQ in a batch system. |
2. dlclean
The dlclean tool deletes libraries that were saved in a temporary data set as a result of using dlupdate.
A related tool is dlupdate . |
The dlclean tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: dlclean datetime(YYYYMMDDHHMISS)
The following example removes all backed up libraries that are older than the specified time, from the PDS data set specified to the TEMPLIB key, in the DYNAMIC_LIBRARY section of the tjes subject under OpenFrame Configuration.
$ dlclean 20191201120000
The following is a temporary data set containing libraries to be deleted using dlclean.
Specify the VALUE of the TEMPLIB key, in the DYNAMIC_LIBRARY section of the tjes subject under OpenFrame Configuration. If you run dlclean without setting this configuration item, an error occurs.
$ ofconfig list -s tjes -sec DYNAMIC_LIBRARY =================================================================================== SUBJECT | SECTION | KEY | VALUE =================================================================================== tjes | DYNAMIC_LIBRARY | TEMPLIB | SYS1.TEMPLIB ===================================================================================
For more information about OpenFrame Configuration, refer to OpenFrame Configuration Guide. |
3. dlupdate
The dlupdate tool modifies a user-created library. Modifications in libraries are sometimes necessary, but if a library is modified or removed, problems can occur in other applications that use it. Therefore, if a library needs to be modified, its name will be changed and it will be moved to the PDS data set. Then, a copy of a new library will be saved to the same data set where the original library was registered. All applications will then link to the library copy.
A related tool is dlclean . |
The dlupdate tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: dlupdate source_path dataset_name
Parameter Description source_path
Specifies the absolute Unix path of a new library file. The library name should be identical to that of the old library.
Specifies the name of the PDS data set that will contain the old library.
The following example updates the /tmp/ library to the USER.LIB data set.
$ dlupdate /tmp/ USER.LIB
The file in USER.LIB is backed up as libtest.so_YYYYMMDD_HHMISS to the PDS data set, and /tmp/ is copied to USER.LIB. If the original is not present in USER.LIB, /tmp/ is only copied to USER.LIB.
The following is a temporary data set containing libraries to be deleted when using dlupdate.
Specify the VALUE of the TEMPLIB key, in the DYNAMIC_LIBRARY section of the tjes subject under OpenFrame Configuration. If you run dlupdate without specifying this configuration item, an error occurs.
$ ofconfig list -s tjes -sec DYNAMIC_LIBRARY =================================================================================== SUBJECT | SECTION | KEY | VALUE =================================================================================== tjes | DYNAMIC_LIBRARY | TEMPLIB | SYS1.TEMPLIB ===================================================================================
For more information about OpenFrame Configuration, refer to OpenFrame Configuration Guide. |
4. textrun
The textrun tool runs a JOB and displays or logs its execution results. Generally, textrun is used within a batch operation to run a JOB with feedback. The batch operation then uses the feedback from textrun to decide whether or not to continue the JOB process.
The textrun tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: textrun –jJCL [-nNodename] [-Cusercatalog] [-oDD[,DD]*] [-eDD[,DD]*] [-tSECOND] [-r] [-Rrestart_step] [-Nvalue] [-dODATE] [-q] [-iUSERID[GROUPNAME]/PASSWORD]
Parameter Description -jJCL
Specifies the JCL file containing the job to be submitted. Can be specified in one of the following ways.
unit filepath (ex: /home/openframe/volume/SYS1.JCLLIB/TEST)
dataset (member) (ex: SYS1.JCLLIB(TEST) )
JCL name (ex: TEST)
If only the JCL name is specified, the JCL is searched for by referring to the VALUE of the JCLLIB key, in the PROCLIB section of the tjes subject under OpenFrame Configuration.
Specifies the node where the JOB will be executed.
Specifies the user catalog where a data set is registered.
Finds the given DDs (data set descriptions) in the SPOOL and records them with stdout. If this option is not selected, SYSOUT DD is recorded with stdout.
Finds the given DDs in the SPOOL and records them with stderr. If this option is not selected, SYSMSG DD is recorded with stderr.
Sets the monitoring refresh frequency (in seconds) until JOB execution results are retrieved. If this option is not selected, the default refresh rate is once every 10 seconds.
Removes the JOB task after JOB execution is completed.
Sets the restart step in case of a JOB restart.
Sets the relative CPU usage priority of a job. This value must be an integer between 0 and 20, with lower numbers having higher priority. This value is not related to I/O priority. (Default value: 10)
Sets the job scheduling date in mmddyy format when using AUTOEDIT. This is required for AUTOEDIT.
Suppresses screen output for JESMSG, SYSOUT, and SYSMSG. This cannot be used with -o and -e options.
Specifies a user (other than the default user) who can execute the job. Login information can be provided to textrun in one of the following five methods. Lower numbers have higher priority.
The user enters the information with the -i option
The program called within JCL uses information of SACEE
(ex: When the tool was called by the PGM parameter in JCL or called in indirect methods such as shell script.)
tacflogin information is used
The information is retrieved from OpenFrame Configuration
The user’s direct input on the keyboard
The following example submits a JCL.
$ textrun -jTEST.jcl
The following example displays the content of DD1 and DD2 with stdout.
$ textrun -jTEST.jcl -oDD1,DD2
The following example sets the monitoring interval between a job execution and the result display to 60 seconds.
$ textrun -jTEST.jcl -t60
The following example executes JCL starting from STEP2.
$ textrun -jTEST.jcl -RSTEP2
The following example deletes a completed job.
$ texturn -jTEST.jcl -r
5. tjesinit
The tjesinit batch system tool initializes not only the system data set but also JOBQ and SPOOL in OpenFrame Batch. Several tasks are performed during OpenFrame Batch initialization as follows:
JESST initialization
All data registered in the OFM_BATCH_JESSET, OFM_BATCH_JCLSST, and OFM_BATCH_NODEST system tables are deleted. Data including JOBQ and OUTPUTQ sizes, and NODELIST and JOB CLASS settings are read from the tjes subject and used to initialize each system table.
JOBQ initialization
All data registered in OFM_BATCH_JOBQ system table are deleted.
OUTPUTQ initialization
All data registered in OFM_BATCH_OUTPUTQ system table are deleted.
SPOOL initialization
The JOB SPOOL directory and all files under the directory within the SPOOL volume are deleted.
The tjesinit tool deletes all data in the OFM_BATCH_JOBQ, OFM_BATCH_OUTPUTQ, OFM_BATCH_JESST, OFM_BATCH_JCLSST, OFM_BATCH_NODEST system tables first, reads data including JOBQ and OUTPUTQ sizes and NODELIST and JOB CLASS settings from the tjes subject, and then initialize the OFM_BATCH_JESST, OFM_BATCH_JCLSST, OFM_BATCH_NODEST system tables.
Before using tjesinit, the system administrator should be aware that:
The DBMS must be running.
The OpenFrame engine (Tmax) must not be running.
The JOB history will be deleted without being backed up.
The tjesinit tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: tjesinit [options]
Option Description -V
Displays tjesinit version information.
Proceeds without displaying a message asking whether to run the tjesinit tool.
The following example executes the tjesinit tool. If you enter 'Y' and press <Enter>, the Batch system is initialized.
$ tjesinit Do you want to execute tjesinit? [Y/N] : Y