TJESMGR Commands
This chapter describes job execution command, job and output commands, RUNNER SLOT command, INITIATOR command, data set command, spool back-up command, and other TJESMGR commands.
1. Overview
tjesmgr manages jobs and the TJES system. It also processes any data set related work and spool backup functions. Only TACF- or OS-authenticated users can use TJESMGR. If any submitted JCL files do not contain a configured USER parameter, then the jobs is submitted as the currently logged-in user.
If a user is logged into TJESMGR, commands is executed in the TJESMGR process window. However, commands can also be entered frmo the Unix prompt and viewed through the tjesmgr -h command.
tjesmgr commands can control execution authorities by using the TJESMGR class after being registered in TACF as resources. For more information, refer to OpenFrame TACF Administrator’s Guide. |
Usage of tjesmgr
$ tjesmgr -i[ USERID[ [GROUPNAME] ]][/PASSWORD] [command]
The following is the order of priority for getting login information.
When the user enters the -i option
When SACEE information is used by a program called in JCL. When the tool is called by a PGM parameter in JCL or by a shell script indirectly.
When using the tacflogin information.
When getting from OpenFrame Configuration
When entered by the user
tjesmgr usage help
$ tjesmgr -h
tjesmgr version information
$ tjesmgr -v
The following executes PS (Print Screen) from the Unix prompt.
The following requires pre-processing commands, and thus the command cannot be processed.
$ tjesmgr –iUSERNAME/PASSWORD $ PODD JOB00001 di=1
The PODD command can be executed after the PSJOB or POSPOOL command is first executed. For more information, refer to PODD (Print Output DD Information).
Command List
The following is the list of commands.
Job Processing Commands
Command Description Purges a job specified by job-ID or job-name.
Changes the status of a job (specified by job-ID or job-name) from START to HOLD.
Changes the class of a job specified by job-ID or job-name.
Changes the priority of job specified by job-ID.
Logically checks whether the program specified in the PGM operand exists for the input JCLFILE, and whether the data set described in the DD statement exists and is registered in the catalog. When processing is completed, the job is queued in JOBQ in DONE state.
Sets a relative CPU priority for a job specified by job-ID or job-name.
Purges the output of a job specified by job-ID or out-number from OUTPUTQ.
Changes the output disposition of a job specified by job-ID or out-number from HOLD to WRITE.
Creates and submits a job containing the step that calls a specified procedure.
Removes a job specified by job-ID or job-name.
Changes the status of a job (specified by job-ID or job-name) from SUSPEND to RESUME.
Submits a job according to the specified input parameters.
Checks the syntax of the JCLFILE. If there is no syntax error, the file is stored in JOBQ in DONE state.
Changes the status of a job (specified by job-ID or job-name) from HOLD to START.
Changes the status of a job (specified by job-ID or job-name) from WORKING to STOP.
Changes the status of a job (specified by job-ID or job-name) from WORKING to SUSPEND.
Job/Output Commands
Command Description Displays the output status by JOBID.
Displays the spool of the dd-index or dd-name, specified by job-ID, through a viewer specified to the VALUE of the VIEWER key in the DEFAULT_OPTION section of the tjesmgr subject, under OpenFrame Configuration.
Displays the output information of the job specified by job-ID.
Displays detailed information about the output lists.
Displays spool information of a job specified by job-ID.
Displays the information for jobs queued in JOBQ filtered by job variables such as JOBNAME, JOBID, CLASS, STATUS, RC, NODE or JCL.
Prints out the job history specified by input conditions.
Displays the number of data set I/O of the job specified by job-ID.
Prints out the detailed information of the job specified by job-ID.
Prints out step information of the job specified by job-ID.
Command Description Boots TJES on one node or on all nodes.
Changes the specified CLASS status.
Toggles the status of the Runner slot between ACTIVE and INACTIVE.
Assigns the input class to the specified Runner slot.
Stops all jobs on the specified node.
Displays the status of all nodes.
Displays the status count of jobs by class.
Displays the status of Runner slot by nodes.
Shuts down TJES on all nodes.
Displays the class status.
Data Set Commands
Command Description Copies the data set specified in 'from-dataset-name' to the data set specified in 'to-dataset-name' or to the 'to-volume-serial' volume.
Creates a non-VSAM data set according to the input parameters specified by the user through a prompt.
Deletes specified non-VSAM data sets.
Exports specified non-VSAM data sets.
Imports exported files and restores them as a data set.
Displays the list of data sets registered in the VTOC satisfying the input conditions.
Changes the data set name, modifies the volume, or handles both jobs.
Recatalogs a non-VSAM data set according to the input parameters specified by the user through a prompt.
Deletes specified data set from the catalog.
Changes the last modification date of a non-VSAM data set defined by the input parameters.
Creates a GDG data set according to the input parameters specified through a prompt.
Deletes specified GDG data sets.
Displays the list of data sets registered in the specified catalog.
Displays detailed information about the specified data set.
Displays detailed information about the specified entry.
Displays the lock information of the specified data set.
Displays the volume information.
Sets the specified catalog-name as the default catalog to be used for data set related commands.
Spool Backup Commands
Command Description Backs up specified spools.
Displays the specified backup date (year/month).
Displays the backup status.
Stops the currently operating backup.
Removes spools restored in the specified temporary directory.
Displays the spools of the restored job using a pre-configured viewer.
Displays the spool information of the restored job defined by input parameters.
Displays the list of spools backed up on the specified date.
Displays detailed information about the restored job defined by input parameters.
Displays the I/O information of the restored jobs, defined by input parameters.
Restores the backed up spools to a temporary directory to look up the contents.
Miscellaneous Commands
Command Description Clears the tjesmsr window.
Displays the ID of the currently logged-in user.
Opens a file specified by the input using a pre-configured editor.
Displays error messages specified by the input error-number.
Shows the usage instructions for the command given. If no command is specified, usages of all commands are provided.
Displays the license file information defined by input parameters.
Displays the execution information of the job specified with NOTIFY by a relogged-in USERID.
Displays the information of printers registered in OpenFrame Configuration.
Displays a dialog that allows a new user to log in.
Displays the list of current users connecting to TSO.
Displays TJES version information.
For more information about subject, section and key in the configuration example of each command, refer to OpenFrame Configuration Guide. |
2. Job Processing Commands
This section describes how to use job processing commands, which can submit and modify jobs.
Purges a job specified by the job-ID or job-name. Applicable only for jobs in HOLD or START state.
CANCEL {<job-ID>|N=<job-name>}
2.2. HOLD
Changes the status of a job specified by the job-ID or job-name from START to HOLD. Jobs in HOLD state cannot be scheduled. Applicable only for jobs in START state.
HOLD {<job-ID>|N=<job-name>}
Changes the class of a job specified by job-ID or job-name. Applicable only for jobs in HOLD or START state. Mainly used when a job cannot be executed immediately as a result of the allocation of all Runners of the specified class to other jobs.
INQUQUECLASS(IC) {job-ID|N=<job-name>} C=<class>
Changes the priority of a job specified by the job-ID. A number between 0 and 15 can be set as a priority-number, and the higher this number, the earlier the job is executed.
Applicable only for jobs in START or HOLD state.
INQUEUEPRIORITY(IP) <job-ID> <priority-number>
2.5. JEM
Logically checks whether the program specified in the PGM operand exists for the input JCLFILE, and whether the data set described in the DD statement exists and is registered in the catalog. When processing is completed, it is accumulated in JOBQ in DONE state.
JEM <JCLFILE> [CAT=<catalog-name>]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description <JCLFILE>
JCL file specified as a JCL name, a UNIX file path, or a DATASET (member). If set to JCL name, JCL file is searched in the data set specified to the VALUE of the JCLLIB and USERLIB keys in the PROCLIB section of the tjes subject, under OpenFrame Configuration. However, you cannot use JCL whose data set name is in the form of a JOBID, such as JOBnnnnn.
Specified if the JCLFILE is set to DATASET (member) format and the dataset is registered in the user catalog.
2.6. NICE
Sets a relative CPU priority for a job specified by the job-ID or job-name. Applicable only for jobs in WORKING state.
NICE {<job-ID>|N=<job-name>} <out-number>
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description <job-ID>
Job ID.
Job name.
Number between 0 and 20; lower numbers indicate a higher priority. Note that this priority is in regards to CPU use time, not input or output priority.
Converts the output disposition of a job specified by the job-ID or out-number from HOLD to WRITE.
Submits a procedure. If the procedure is submitted by the PSTART command, the job containing the step that calls the procedure is submitted. Like the RUN command, the submitted job is queued in the JOBQ. The procedure must be a catalog procedure.
PSTART(PRS) <procedure-name> [C=<class>] [NODE=<node-name>] [<procedure-parameters>]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description <procedure-name>
Procedure name to execute. If the name is specified, JCL containing the step that calls the procedure is created and submitted through tjesmgr. The procedure is searched from the data set specified to the VALUE of the PROC00 in the PROCLIB section of the tjes subject, under OpenFrame Configuration.
Job class of JCL to execute the procedure.
If a node-name is specified, the job is submitted to run on that node.
If no node-name is specified, the job is submitted to run depending on the VALUE of the DEFAULT_RUNNING_NODE key in the DEFAULT_OPTION section of the tjesmgr subject, under OpenFrame Configuration.
Symbolic parameters to be used by the procedure. A parameter is specified in the format of <key>=<value> as in JCL, and multiple parameters can be specified by using a comma (,) as a delimiter.
2.10. REMOVE
Removes a job specified by the job-ID or job-name. Applicable only for jobs in DONE, ERROR, STOP, or FLUSH state.
REMOVE {<job-ID>|N=<job-name>}
2.11. RESUME
Changes the status of a job (specified by job-ID or job-name) from SUSPEND to RESUME. In other words, a job that has been temporarily paused is resumed. Applicable only for jobs in SUSPEND state.
RESUME {<job-ID>|N=<job-name>}
2.12. RUN
Submits a job according to input parameters. When submitted, the job, in START state, is queued in the JOBQ. You can check jobs queued in the JOBQ by using the PS command.
RUN(R) <JCLFILE> [NODE=<node-name>] [STEP=<restart-step>] [CAT=<catalog-name>]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description <JCLFILE>
Can be specified as a JCL name, Unix file path, or data set (member) type. If a JCL name is specified, the JCL is searched from the data set specified to the VALUE of the JCLLIB and USERLIB keys in the PROCLIB section of the tjes subject, under OpenFrame Configuration. However, a JCL whose data set name matches the type of JOBID, such as JOBnnnnn, cannot be submitted with tjesmgr.
If a node-name is specified, the job is submitted to run on that node.
If no node-name is specified, the VALUE of the DEFAULT_RUNNING_NODE key in the DEFAULT_OPTION section of tjesmgr subject, under OpenFrame Configuration, determines whether only the current node must run the job, or any node can run the job.
Runs the job starting from the step specified in JCL. Steps within a branch of the IF statement cannot be specified as restart-step.
Specified if the data set is registered in the user catalog when configuring JCLFILE as a DATASET (member).
2.13. SCAN
Checks the syntax of the JCLFILE. If there is no syntax error, the file is stored in JOBQ in DONE state.
SCAN(SCN) <JCLFILE> [CAT=<catalog-name>]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description <JCLFILE>
Can be specified as a JCL name, Unix file path or DATASET (member) format. If this parameter is configured in JCL name, JCL is searched from the data set specified to the VALUE of the JCLLIB and USERLIB keys in the PROCLIB section of the tjes subject, under OpenFrame Configuration. However, the JCL which matches the JOBID format such as JOBnnnnn cannot be used.
Specified if the data set is registered in the user catalog when configuring JCLFILE as DATASET (member).
2.14. START
Changes the status of a job (specified by job-ID or job-name) from HOLD to START. Applicable only for jobs in HOLD state.
START {<job-ID>|N=<job-name>}
3. Job/Output Commands
After job submission, the status and results of the jobs can be viewed with the following commands. Also the output related information can be obtained using the commands.
3.1. PO (Print Output status)
Displays the output status by JOBID.
Display Information
The following describes display information about output status by JOBID.
Item Description JOBID
Job ID.
Output status.
3.2. PODD (Print Output DD Information)
Opens the spool of the dd-index or dd-name, specified by job-ID, with the viewer configured to the VALUE of the VIEWER key in the DEFAULT_OPTION section, from the tjesmgr subject under OpenFrame Configuration. Before using the PODD command, you must run the PSJOB or POSPOOL commands which are executed by a shell in tjesmgr.
PODD <job-ID> { DI=<dd-index> | DN=<dd-name> }
Specifies the viewer that can open spool.
$ ofconfig list -s tjesmgr -sec DEFAULT_OPTION -k VIEWER -l ====================================================================================== SUBJECT : tjesmgr SECTION : DEFAULT_OPTION KEY : VIEWER TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : vi &FILEPATH VALUE(M)* : vim -w&ROWCOUNT -R &FILEPATH VALUE(D) : vim -w&ROWCOUNT -R &FILEPATH AVAIL_VALUE : DESCRIPTION : Viewing program name for tjesmgr command PODD. &ROWCOUNT will be replaced window size. &FILEPATH will be replaced viewing filepath. -w&ROWCOUNT option is valid only for `old vi' not `vim'. ======================================================================================
3.3. POJOB (Print Output of JOB)
Displays the output information of the job specified by job-ID.
The following describes the parameter.
Parameter Description <job-ID>
Output information of the job specified by job-ID.
Display Information
The following describes display information.
Item Description OUTPUTID
Output ID
Data set ID
Data set name as written in the JCL
Output Class
Output status
Print related option
Print related option
Print related option
Print related option
Print related option
The display information of the POJOB command is the same as POLIST.
3.4. POLIST (Print Output detail LIST)
Displays detailed information of output lists.
POLIST [<job-id>] [N=<job-name>] [S=<output-status>] [C=<outclass>]
Display Information
The following describes display information.
Item Description OUTPUTID
Output ID
Job ID of the job
Name of the job
ID assigned to the data set
Data set name described in the JCL
Name of the output class
Output status
Print related option
Print related option
Print related option
Print related option
Print related option
DDID, FORMS, CHARS, FORMDEF, PAGEDEF, and WRITER are all related to print. For more information, refer to Output Processing and Spool Backup Commands. |
3.5. POSPOOL (Print Output SPOOL of JOB)
Displays spool information of a job specified by job-ID.
The following describes the parameter.
Parameter Description <job-ID>
Spool information of the job specified by job-ID.
Display Information
The following describes display information.
Item Description NO
Used as input parameter with PODD command (as DDINDEX).
Step name created by spool.
DD name of the assigned spool.
Spool size.
Data set name of the spool.
SPOOL_LIST sets the spool display condition.
$ ofconfig list -s tjesmgr -sec DEFAULT_OPTION -k SPOOL_LIST -l ====================================================================================== SUBJECT : tjesmgr SECTION : DEFAULT_OPTION KEY : SPOOL_LIST TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : ALL VALUE(M)* : ALL VALUE(D) : ALL AVAIL_VALUE : ALL,EXIST,GTZERO DESCRIPTION : tjesmgr command(POSPOOL) display option. ALL : display all spool list. EXIST : display existing spool list. GTZERO : display spool list whose size are greater than zero. ======================================================================================
3.6. PS (Print Screen)
Lists information for jobs in the JOBQ filtered by job variables such as JOBNAME, JOBID, CLASS, STATUS, RC, NODE or JCL.
PS [{ N=<job-name> | [C=<class>] [S=<job-status>] [RC=<return-code>] [NODE=<node-name>] | [SUBM=<submit_date>|<submit_date(from)-submit_date(to)>] | <from-job-ID> [C=<class>] [S=<job-status>] [RC=<return-code>] [NODE=<node-name] | <job-status> | DESC N=<job-name>|RC=<return-code> }]
Display Information
The following describes display information.
Item Description JOBNAME
Name of the job.
Job ID of the job.
Class of the job.
Status of the job. One of the following single byte characters:
W: Working
D: Done
E: Error
F: Flush
S: Start
H: Hold
P: Suspend
T: Stop
Return code of the job.
Name of the node running on the job.
Submit time of the job. Displayed only when the SUBM option is used.
Start time of the job.
End time of the job.
Name of JCL file where the job statements are stored.
The conditions must be specified in the following order: CLASS, STATUS, RETCODE, and NODENAME.
Correct Use
PS c=A s=W rc=0
Incorrect Use
PS s=W c=A → parsing error occurs
DESC Command outputs the JOB List in descending order.
Displays the job history.
When you execute the command, the search window for PSHISTORY condition appears and the job history log corresponding to the condition is displayed.
Input Parameters
The following describes the input parameters.
Parameter Description USERID
Specifies USERID to search in logs.
Specifies the date to search in logs.
Specifies the operation to search in logs.
Specifies JOBID to search in logs.
3.8. PSIO (Print Screen Input/Output information)
Displays the data set I/O number of the job specified by job-ID.
PSIO <job-ID>
The following describes the parameter.
Parameter Description <job-ID>
Shows the data set I/O count of the job corresponding to the entered job-ID.
Display Information
The following describes display information.
Item Description [STEP]
Step name.
DD name described in JCL.
Data set name.
RTV (Retrieved count)
Number of data sets retrieved by step.
INS (Inserted count)
Number of data sets added by step.
UPD (Updated count)
Number of data sets updated by step.
DEL (Deleted count)
Number of data sets deleted by step.
3.9. PSJOB (Print Screen JOB detail information)
Prints the detailed information of the job specified by job-ID. If the job is in the WORKING state, the screen is updated regularly (every second) with current job information.
Display Information
The following describes display information.
Item Description JOBID
ID of the job.
Name of the node running on the job.
Name of the job.
Class of the job.
Current status of the job. Return value is given in parenthesis ( ) for jobs with DONE, ERROR, or FLUSH status.
Priority of the job.
Runner index of the executed job. Information about the runner slot can be checked from PSJCLRUN.
Reasons why jobs 'wait' in the WORKING state.
ALREADY LOCK: The data set to be allocated by JCL is already locked.
JOBNAME DUP: Another job with the same name is being processed. The relevant configuration is set to the VALUE of the DUPL_JOBNAME key in the SCHEDULING section, from the tjes subject.
JCLHOLD: JCLHOLD is set for the job in JCL.
Name of user who submitted the job.
JCL path of the job.
The submit, start, and end time of the job.
Resource usage of the job.
PROCESS: Total process usage time.
CPU: Total CPU usage time of working processes. If the job is in the WORKING state, total CPU usage time of tjclrun and currently working processes is shown. Otherwise, CPU usage time of only tjclrun is shown.
CPU ?%: CPU usage of working process. Only shown for jobs in the WORKING state.
MEM ?Kb: Memory size of working process. Only shown for jobs in the WORKING state.
Step information of the job.
[???]: Step name
START: Step start time
RC: Step return code
CPU: Step CPU time
/ ??s: Step total time
Displays the spool list of the job. Same as the POSPOOL command.
Output process information for the job.
The following information is displayed for jobs in the WORKING state.
The current step being processed.
R: Read count on the target data set.
W: Write count on the target data set.
3.10. PSSTEP (Print Screen STEP)
Prints out step information of the job specified by job-ID. If the job is in the WORKING state, the screen is updated regularly (every second) with current job information.
Display Information
The following describes display information.
Item Description STEP LIST
Step information of the job.
[???]: Step name
START: Step start time
RC: Step return code
CPU: Step CPU time
??s: Step total time
4. INITIATOR Commands
This section describes how to use the TJES environment-related commands for executing jobs.
4.1. BOOT
Boots TJES on all nodes. Booted nodes can execute jobs by allocating them to relevant Runner slots.
BOOT [NODE=<node-name>]
The following describes the parameter.
Parameter Description [NODE=<node-name>]
Boots only the node with the specified name.
Changes the specified CLASS status.
Specifies the default status of CLASS. If not specified in the configuration file, the default value is START, the value corresponding to N when displaying the CHANGECLASS command.
$ ofconfig list -s tjes -sec JOBCLASS -l ====================================================================================== SUBJECT : tjes SECTION : JOBCLASS KEY : A TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : START VALUE(M)* : START VALUE(D) : START AVAIL_VALUE : START,HOLD DESCRIPTION : Specifies the properties of JOB CLASS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT : tjes SECTION : JOBCLASS KEY : B TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : START VALUE(M)* : START VALUE(D) : START AVAIL_VALUE : START,HOLD DESCRIPTION : Specifies the properties of JOB CLASS. ======================================================================================
Toggles the status of the Runner slot between ACTIVE and INACTIVE. The PSJCLRUN command can be used to verify the updated status of the Runner slots.
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description I=<index>
Defines multiple values or a range.
Changes the status of runner slot of its own node when no node-name is specified.
The following example shows how to define a range of values when using the JCLRUNACTIVE and JCLRUNINACTIVE commands.
$ RA I=0,1,2,3 $ RI I=0-9
Related Environment Configuration
Used when searching for the current node.
$ ofconfig list -s tjes -sec NODEINFO -k NODENAME -l ====================================================================================== SUBJECT : tjes SECTION : NODEINFO KEY : NODENAME TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : NODE1 VALUE(M)* : NODE1 VALUE(D) : NODE1 AVAIL_VALUE : DESCRIPTION : TMAX node name. (recommend to use HOSTNAME) ======================================================================================
Assigns the input class to the specified Runner slot.
JCLRUNCLASS(RC) I=index,,, CS=<classes> [NODE=<node-name>]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description I=<index>
Defines multiple values or a range.
Modifies class configuration of its own node when node-name is not specified.
The following example shows how to define a range of values and a class by using the JCLRUNCLASS command.
$ JCLRUNCLASS I=0,1,2,3 CS=A $ RC I=0-9 CS=AB
Used to find the current node.
$ ofconfig list -s tjes -sec NODEINFO -k NODENAME -l ====================================================================================== SUBJECT : tjes SECTION : NODEINFO KEY : NODENAME TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : NODE1 VALUE(M)* : NODE1 VALUE(D) : NODE1 AVAIL_VALUE : DESCRIPTION : TMAX node name. (recommend to use HOSTNAME) ======================================================================================
Stops all jobs on the specified node. This command can be used when the node becomes abnormal and the jobs on the node can no longer be controlled.
NODECLEAR NODE=<node-name>
Displays the status of all nodes.
Display Information
The following describes the information to display.
Item Description NODENAME
Node name.
Status of the obmjinit server.
Booting status of TJES.
Not booted
Displays the status count of jobs by class. It lists the NODE, CLASS, HOLD, START, WORKING, SUSPEND, DONE, STOP, ERROR and FLUSH counts of the jobs by class.
Displays the status of Runner slot by nodes.
PSJCLRUN(PSR) [NODE=<node-name>]
The following describes the parameter.
Parameter Description [NODE=<node-name>]
Displays the status of the current Runner slot when no node-name is specified.
Display Information
The display information about the Runner Slot is as follows:
Item Description IDX
Runner index used in the following.
Name of Runner slot defined to the INIT{nnnn} key in the INITDEF section of the tjes subject, under OpenFrame Configuration. For more information, refer to OpenFrame Configuration Guide.
Runner slot status.
Classes assigned to the Runner slot.
Information of jobs assigned to the Runner slot. When using the RA, RI, RC or SHUTDOWN command to change the class or status of the Runner slot, if the Runner slot has a job allocated, a message appears to note that the change status will happen at a later time.
STATUS will be [DOWNED] after JOB finished
Used to find the current node.
$ ofconfig list -s tjes -sec NODEINFO -k NODENAME -l ====================================================================================== SUBJECT : tjes SECTION : NODEINFO KEY : NODENAME TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : NODE1 VALUE(M)* : NODE1 VALUE(D) : NODE1 AVAIL_VALUE : DESCRIPTION : TMAX node name. (recommend to use HOSTNAME) ======================================================================================
Specifies the default settings of Runner slots. Used to find the current node.
$ ofconfig list -s tjes -sec INITDEF -l ==================================================================================== SUBJECT : tjes SECTION : INITDEF KEY : INIT0000 TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : INITA,A,ACTIVE VALUE(M)* : INITA,A,ACTIVE VALUE(D) : INITA,A,ACTIVE AVAIL_VALUE : DESCRIPTION : INITXXXX= name, multi class, ACTIVE/INACTIVE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBJECT : tjes SECTION : INITDEF KEY : INIT0001 TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : INITB,B,ACTIVE VALUE(M)* : INITB,B,ACTIVE VALUE(D) : INITB,B,ACTIVE AVAIL_VALUE : DESCRIPTION : INITXXXX= name, multi class, ACTIVE/INACTIVE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. .. Omitted .. .. ====================================================================================
Shuts down TJES on all nodes. When down, all empty Runner slots are changed to 'DOWN', which limits any additional job scheduling while other Runner slots in WORKING state go into DOWN state as soon as their jobs are finished.
SHUTDOWN [NODE=<node-name>]
The following describes the parameter.
Parameter Description [NODE=<node-name>]
Shuts down only the specified node.
For more information about the command, refer to PSJCLRUN(PSR). |
Displays the class status. If the class is in HOLD state, the job to be submitted to the class goes always into a HOLD state.
Display Information
The following describes the class information to display.
Item Description CLASS
Specifies the class name.
Indicates whether the class is in HOLD state or not. (Y or N)
Specifies the default status of CLASS. If not specified in OpenFrame Configuration, the default value is START, the value corresponding to N when displaying the SHOWCLASS command.
$ ofconfig list -s tjes -sec JOBCLASS -l ===================================================================================== SUBJECT : tjes SECTION : JOBCLASS KEY : A TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : START VALUE(M)* : START VALUE(D) : START AVAIL_VALUE : START,HOLD DESCRIPTION : Specifies the properties of JOB CLASS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT : tjes SECTION : JOBCLASS KEY : B TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : START VALUE(M)* : START VALUE(D) : START AVAIL_VALUE : START,HOLD DESCRIPTION : Specifies the properties of JOB CLASS. =====================================================================================
5. Data Set Commands
This section describes the commands used to view, create, delete or copy data sets.
For more information about USERCATALOG, refer to "SETCATALOG (SETCAT) command" of tjesmgr and "Chapter 4. Integrated Catalog" in OpenFrame Data Set Guide. |
Copies the data set specified in 'from-dataset-name' to the data set specified in 'to-dataset-name', and specify as options the catalog and volume information with which to search for 'from-dataset-name' as well as the volume and catalog on which 'to-dataset-name' is located.
DATASETCOPY(DSCOPY) <from-dataset-name> [CAT=<from-catalog-name>] [VOL=<from-volume-serial>] <to-dataset-name> [TOV=<to-volume-serial> [TOC=<to-catalog-name>] [FORCE]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description <from-dataset-name>
Source data set name.
User catalog. If not specified, a data set is searched in the following order: ALIAS, master catalog, and VOLUME.
Volume information of to-dataset-name. If not specified, the default volume is searched.
Target data set name, which must be specified with either <to-dataset-name> or TOV=<to-volume-serial>.
Volume serial for the copied data set. If not specified, the data set is copied to the default volume.
Catalog for the copied data set.
Force an overwrite if a copied data set already exists before copying the PDS members. If not specified, no overwriting occurs. This option is applied only when the source data set is a PDS member.
For more information about the default catalog, refer to SETCATALOG (SETCAT). |
Provides a prompt for creating non-VSAM data sets according to the conditions set by the user.
Input Parameters
The following describes the input parameters.
Parameter Description NAME
Specifies the name of the non-VSAM data set to create. Required item.
Specifies the name of a PDS member to create.
Specifies the location of the volume in which to store the non-VSAM data set. The default value follows UNIT or SMS rules. If no value is specified, the default value is used.
Specifies the UNIT of the data set. The default value follows VOLUME. If the entered UNIT and VOLUME do not match each other, an error occurs.
Specifies the DSORG of the data set.
Specifies the record format of the data set.
Specifies the KEY length of the data set. Applicable for ISAM data sets.
Specifies the maximum record length of the data set.
Specifies the KEY position of the data set. Applicable for ISAM data sets.
Specifies the block size of the data set. (Default value: 4096)
Specifies the length of the track, cylinder or block. The value can be set as TRK, CYL or an integer corresponding to the block length. Internally, TRK is 48 KB and CYL, 768 KB.
Specifies the initial allocation size for the data set. (Unit: KB) The allocation rules for the default PRIMARY value is as follows:
If neither PRIMARY nor TRK/CYL/blklgth is specified, the SpaceLimit value of the Device of the data set is used.
If PRIMARY is specified and TRK/CYL/blklgth is omitted, TRK/CYL/blklgth is considered as the default value (1024 bytes), which is multiplied by the value of PRIMARY.
If PRIMARY is omitted and TRK/CYL/blklgth is specified, PRIMARY is considered as the default value (4096 bytes), which is multiplied by the value of TRK/CYL/blklgth.
Specifies the subsequent allocation size of the data set. (Unit: KB)
Specifies the expiration date of the data set. (Default value: 99991231)
Specifies the user catalog.
If no user catalog is specified, the master catalog or ALIAS is applied. The commands for creation do not follow the options of the SETCATALOG command of tjesmgr.
Creates only a data set without cataloging.
Specifies the data class of sms.
Specifies the management class of sms.
Specifies the storage class of sms.
For more information about VSAM data set creation, refer to OpenFrame Utility Reference Guide. |
Deletes non-VSAM data sets.
DATASETDELETE(DSDELETE) [FORCE] <dataset-name> [CAT=<catalog-name] [VOL=<volume-serial>]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description [FORCE]
Deletes information in the catalog without showing error messages even if the file does not exist for the non-VSAM data set.
Specifies the name of the data set to delete.
Specifies the catalog-name if the data set is registered in the catalog.
Specifies the volume-serial when deleting a data set that is not registered in the catalog.
Exports a non-VSAM data set defined by the input parameters.
DATASETEXPORT(DSEXPORT) <from-dataset-name> <to-filepath> [CAT=<catalog-name>]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description <from-dataset-name>
Specifies the non-VSAM data set to export.
Specifies the absolute path name (Unix) for the non-VSAM data set.
Used if <from-dataset-name> is not registered in the default catalog.
Imports exported files to return as a data set. When executed, a prompt window appears where the user can enter the conditions to import the files as a non-VSAM data set.
The following describes the parameter.
Parameter Description <from-filepath>
Specifies the Unix absolute path containing the non-VSAM data sets.
Input Parameters
The following describes the input parameters. You can modify the name and format of the data set specified for exporting. If already registered, the existing data set is simply overwritten.
Parameter Description NAME
Specifies the name of the non-VSAM data set to modify.
Specifies the location of the volume to store the non-VSAM data set.
Specifies the record format of the data set.
Specifies the maximum record length of the data set. (Default value: 80)
Specifies the block size of the data set. (Default value: 4096)
Specifies the expiration data of the data set. (Default value: 99991231)
Specifies the user catalog.
If no user catalog is specified, the master catalog or ALIAS is applied. The commands for creating do not follow the options of the SETCATALOG command of tjesmgr.
Displays the list of data sets registered in VTOC, which are all non-VSAM data sets.
DATASETLIST(DSLIST) [<dataset-prefix>] [VOL=<volume-serial>]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description [<dataset-prefix>]
Displays any data sets starting with dataset-prefix.
Displays any data sets located in the specified volume.
Display Information
The following describes the display information of data sets registered in VTOC.
Item Description VTOC name
Searched data set.
Volume containing the data set to display.
Structure of the data set to display.
Record format of the data set to display.
Record length of the data set to display.
Changes the data set name, modifies the volume, or handles both jobs. It also moves the data set defined by 'from-dataset-name' to a data set indicated by 'to-dataset-name' or to the 'to-volume-serial' volume.
DATASETMOVE(DSMOVE) <from-dataset-name> [CAT=<catalog-name>] [VOL=<from-volume-serial>] {<to-dataset-name> | TOV=<to-volume-serial>}
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description <from-dataset-name>
Source data set name.
User catalog. If not specified, a data set is searched in the following order: ALIAS, master catalog, VOLUME
Volume information of to-dataset-name. If not specified, the default volume is searched.
Target data set name, which must be specified with either <to-dataset-name> or TOV=<to-volume-serial>.
Target volume information, which must be specified with either <to-dataset-name> or TOV=<to-volume-serial>.
Recatalogs the non-VSAM data sets according to the input conditions specified by the user through a prompt. This command is used when registering a non-VSAM data set for which a file exists but is not registered in a catalog, or when changing a non-VSAM data set catalog that is already registered in a catalog.
Input Parameters
The following describes the input parameters.
Parameter Description NAME
Specifies the name of the non-VSAM data set to recatalog. Required item.
Specifies the currently registered catalog of the data set to recatalog. (Default value: master catalog)
Specifies the position of the volume containing the non-VSAM data set to recatalog.
Specifies the DSORG of the data set.
Specifies the record format of the data set.
Specifies the key length of the data set. Applicable for ISAM data sets.
Specifies the maximum record length of the data set.
Specifies the key position of the data set. Applicable for ISAM data sets.
Specifies the block size of the data set. (Default value: 4096)
Specifies the expiry date of the data set. (Default value: 99991231)
Specifies the user catalog. If no user catalog is specified, the master catalog or ALIAS is applied.
Deletes the data set defined by the input from catalog.
DATASETUNCATALOG(DSUNCAT) <dataset-name> [CAT=<catalog-name>]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description <dataset-name>
Specifies the name of the data set to delete from catalog.
Specifies the catalog where the data set is registered.
Changes the last modification date of a non-VSAM data set defined by the input parameters.
DATATOUCH(DSTOUCH) <dataset-name> [VOL=<volume-serial>] [CAT=<catalog-name>] [DATE=<yyyymmdd>]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description <dataset-name>
Specifies the non-VSAM data set whose modification date to be changed.
Specifies the volume containing the non-VSAM data set.
Specifies the user catalog.
Specifies a new modification date.
Provides a prompt window for creating a GDG data set according to the user input.
Input Parameters
The following describes the input parameters.
Parameter Description NAME
Specifies the name of the GDG data set to create. Required item.
Specifies the limit of the GDS data set. (Default value: 255)
Specifies the expiration date of the GDG data set.
Specifies the user catalog to register the GDG data set. If no user catalog is specified, the master catalog or ALIAS is applied. The commands for creation
If no user catalog is specified, the master catalog or ALIAS is applied. The commands for creating do not follow the options of the SETCATALOG command of tjesmgr.
Specifies the range of removing GDS association information from the GDG entry of the catalog in a case where the LIMIT value is exceeded during GDS creation.
0: Removes only the oldest GDS association information from the NOEMPTY and GDG entries. (Default value)
1: Removes all GDS association information except that of most recently created, from the EMPTY and GDG entries.
Specifies the actions to be taken for the GDS whose association information is removed from the GDG entry of the catalog through the EMPTY/NOEMPTY options.
0 (NOSCRATCH): Considers GDS as a normal non-VSAM data set and register it in the catalog again. (Default value)
1 (SCRATCH): Deletes GDS physically.
Deletes GDG data sets defined by the input parameters. If a data set containing a GDG member is deleted, an error is thrown. In this case, the GDG member must be deleted first.
GDGDELETE <dataset-name> [CAT=<catalog-name>] [FORCE]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description <dataset-name>
Specifies the GDG data set to delete.
Specifies the catalog containing the GDG data set.
Forces a deletion for any existing associated GDS.
Displays the list of data sets registered in the catalog filtered by user input parameters.
PSCATALOG(PSCAT) <entry-prefix> [CAT=<catalog-name>]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description <entry-prefix>
Displays all data sets starting with entry-prefix.
Displays all data sets registered in the user catalog.
Display information
The following describes the data set information registered in the catalog.
Item Description CATALOG NAME
Searched data set.
Volume containing the data set to display.
Type of the data set to display, such as NON-VSAM, CLUSTER, AIX, PATH, GDG, UCAT and ALIAS.
Type of the VSAM data set to display, such as KSDS and RRDS.
Type of the non-VSAM data set to display, such as PDS, SDS and GDS.
Displays detailed information about the data set based on PSDS parameters.
PSDATASET(PSDS) <dataset-name> [CAT=<catalog-name>] [MEM=<member-prefix>] [VOL=<volume-serial>]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description <dataset-name>
Specifies the name of the data set containing the information to search for.
Displays the data set registered in the catalog specified with 'catalog-name.'
Displays the member of a data set specified with MEM.
Displays the detailed information of a non-cataloged data set, which is retrieved by specifying VOL.
Display Information
The following describes the detailed information to be displayed. Any information enclosed in parentheses corresponds to VSAM type data sets.
Item Description Data Set Name
Specifies the name of the data set to display.
Data Set Type
Specifies the type of the data to display.
Catalog Name
Specifies the name of the catalog containing the data set to display.
Management Class
Specifies the management class referenced for creating the data set to display.
Creation Date
Specifies the creation date of the data set to display.
Data Set Owner
Specifies the owner of the data set to display.
Expiration Date
Specifies the expiration date of the data set to display.
Storage Class
Specifies the storage class referenced for creating the data set to display.
Volume Serial
Specifies the volume containing the data set to display.
Device Type
Specifies the device type of the data set to display. If the device type is a tape data set, it is specified as 'TAPE Device.'
Data Class
Specifies the data class referenced for creating the data set to display.
Specifies the DSORG of the data set to display.
Record Format (AVGLRECL)
Specifies the RECFM of the data set to display. (Average length of the data set to display)
Specifies the key length of the data set to display.
Record Length (MAXLRECL)
Specifies the length of the data set to display. (Maximum length of the data set to display)
Specifies the key position of the data set to display.
Specifies the block size of the data set to display. (CISIZE of the data set to display)
Specifies the KEYPOS of AIX of the data set to display.
Primary Space
Specifies the initial allocation size of the data set to display.
Number of Extents
Specifies the number of extensions when allocating the data set to display.
Secondary Space
Specifies the subsequent allocation size of the data set to display.
Data Set Size
Specifies the physical size of the data set to display. In the case of a tape data set, the size is compressed. If DATASIZE, not compressed.
Last Access Date
Specifies the date of the last access or modification of the data set to display.
Last Access Time
Specifies the time of the last access or modification of the data set to display.
Views data sets associated with the data set to display. Mainly used to view VSAM data set information.
The following describes the information to display of a data set member, if the data set contains any.
Item Description Name
Member name.
Physical file owner.
Physical file size.
Last Access Date
Most recent access or modification date.
Displays detailed information about data sets. The difference from the PSDATASET command is that PSENTRY displays data sets that are registered in the catalog but have no associated volume, such as GDG, PATH or ALIAS.
PSENTRY(PSENT) <entry-name> [CAT=<catalog-name>]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description <entry-name>
Specifies the name of the entry containing the information to search for.
Displays the registered catalog-name.
Display Information
The following describes the information to display.
Item Description Entry Name
Name of the entry to display.
Entry Type
Type of the entry to display.
Catalog Name
Name of the catalog containing the entry to display.
Creation Date
Creation date of the entry to display.
Entry Owner
Owner of the entry to display.
Expiration Date
Expiration date of the entry to display.
GDG Limit
Maximum number of GDS creation for a GDG entry to display.
Entries associated with the entry to display.
5.16. PSLOCK (PSL)
Displays the lock information of the specified data set.
PSLOCK(PSL) [<job-ID> | DSN=<dataset-prefix> [CAT=<catalog-name>]]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description <job-ID>
Displays a list of jobs that are locked by the specified job-ID.
Specifies the full name or prefix of the data set. Displays a list of all locked data sets starting with the prefix.
Specifies a cataloged data set to search for.
Display information
The following describes the information to display.
Item Description Options (column 1 and 2)
1: Displays R when a lock is requested.
2: Displays '*' when the process that sets or requests a lock is being executed. It is not seen if the node of the process is different.
Process identifier of the lock
Job ID of the lock
Node of the lock
Requested lock type. One of the following.
Exclusive: This type is used in order to modify the data set. The lock cannot be shared with another job.
Shared: This type is used in order to look up the data set. The lock can be shared with another job.
Requested lock name, which is specified in the format of “USERCATALOG_NAME:DATASET_NAME.”
Displays the volume information.
Display Information
The following describes the information to display.
Item Description Volume
Volume serial name.
Total volume size.
Current volume usage.
Available volume size.
Tablespace name in the database corresponding to the volume serial.
Volume Path
Unix file path of the volume.
Sets the specified catalog-name as the default catalog to be used for data set related commands.
SETCATALOG(SETCAT) [<catalog-name>]
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description [<catalog-name>]
Sets the specified catalog-name as the default catalog to enable data set related commands on it. If no catalog-name is set, the default catalog is changed to an empty string.
The catalog priority order is as follows:
User catalog defined by the CAT parameter
User catalog defined by SETCAT
User catalog according to the data set alias
Master catalog
If no catalog-name is set, the TAPECAT becomes the default catalog for the PSCAT or PSDS command as follows:
6. Spool Backup Commands
This section describes how to use the commands for backing up spools.
Backs up a spool specified by the input. The backup spools are stored as compressed files in a directory defined to the VALUE of the SPOOL_BACKUP_DIR key in the SPOOL section of the tjes subject, under OpenFrame Configuration. If the SPBA command is used, the obmjspbk server performs the backup. However, if the backup is already being performed, the backup command is not executed.
Spool backup is available when the job is in DONE, ERROR, STOP, or FLUSH state. If the job is not in one of those four states, the next job is tried to be backed up.
SPOOLBACKUP(SPBA) { DT=<yyyymmddhhmiss> | <start-job-ID>,<end-job-ID> }
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description DT=<yyyymmddhhmiss>
Specifies the time when the job is submitted and backs up the spools of the jobs that have been submitted prior to the specified time.
Specifies the range of jobs to back up.
Display Information
The SPBA command displays the following messages depending on the situation.
Item Description Spool backup command submitted.
Indicates that the backup command is executed normally.
Spool backup server is busy!
Indicates that the command cannot be accepted because another backup is currently in progress.
The following directory stores backed up spools.
$ ofconfig list -s tjes -sec SPOOL -k SPOOL_BACKUP_DIR -l =================================================================================== SUBJECT : tjes SECTION : SPOOL KEY : SPOOL_BACKUP_DIR TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : $(OPENFRAME_HOME)/spbackup VALUE(M)* : $(OPENFRAME_HOME)/spbackup VALUE(D) : $(OPENFRAME_HOME)/spbackup AVAIL_VALUE : DESCRIPTION : Directory where spool archive. ===================================================================================
The following directory retrieves backed up spools.
$ ofconfig list -s tjes -sec SPOOL -k SPOOL_UNPACK_DIR -l =================================================================================== SUBJECT : tjes SECTION : SPOOL KEY : SPOOL_UNPACK_DIR TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : $(OPENFRAME_HOME)/spunpack VALUE(M)* : $(OPENFRAME_HOME)/spunpack VALUE(D) : $(OPENFRAME_HOME)/spunpack AVAIL_VALUE : DESCRIPTION : Directory where archived spool is extracted temporarily. ===================================================================================
Displays the date when a backup is performed.
SPOOLBACKUPLIST(SPBL) DATE={ <yyyymm>|<yyyy> }
The following describes the parameter.
Parameter Description DATE={ <yyyymm> | <yyyy> }
Year/month to search.
Display Information
The following describes the information to display.
Item Description BACKUP_DATE
Displays the date when the spool is backed up.
Displays backup progress and completion status.
Display Information
The following displays the status of the current or last backup operation.
server state:<state>, attempt:<count>, done:<count>, success rate:<percent>
Item Description server state:<state>
Displays the current server status.
WORKING: Backup in progress
IDLE: Any other status than WORKING
Displays the number of attempts to backup spools.
Displays the number of spools that are successfully backed up.
success rate:<percent>
Displays the percentage of success among a number of attempts.
Ends the backup currently in progress. No operation is performed if there is no backup in progress.
Removes restored spools from the temporary directory defined by the input. In other words, removes the spools that have been restored by the SPOOLRESTORE command.
The following describes the parameter.
Parameter Description I=<index>
Spool index number displayed on SPOOLPS.
Displays the spools of restored jobs specified by the input through pre-configured viewer.
SPOOLPODD(SPPODD) I=<index> SPDI=<dd-index>
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description I=<index>
Number from SPOOLPS.
dd-index to display.
The SPOOLPODD command is the same as PODD. For more information, refer to PODD (Print Output DD Information).
Displays spool information of a restored job defined by the input. You must first run the SPOOLPS and SPOOLRESTORE commands to see the results of SPOOLPOSPOOL.
The following describes the parameter.
Parameter Description I=<index>
Index number of the spool to display on SPOOLPS.
Display Information
Same as POSPOOL.
Displays the list of spools backed up on the specified date.
SPOOLPS(SPPS) { DATE=<yyyymmdd> [N=<job-name-prefix>] | N=<job-name-prefix> }
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description DATE=<yyyymmdd>
Date when the spool is backed up.
Prefix of the job-name to search for among the backed up jobs.
Display Information
The following describes the information to display.
Item Description NO
Number of the spool list to display. The spool list number is used in SPOOLRESTORE, SPOOLPSJOB, and SPOOLPSIO.
Name of the job to display.
ID of the job to display.
Date when the job to display is submitted.
Date when the job to display is backed up.
Displays the detailed information of a restored job specified by the input. You must first run the SPOOLPS and SPOOLRESTORE commands to see the results of the SPOOLPSJOB command.
The following describes the parameter.
Parameter Description I=<index>
Index number of the spool to dislpay on SPOOLPSJOB.
Display Information
Same as the information displayed when the job of PSJOB is ended, except that the OUTPUT information is not printed.
Displays the I/O information of a restored job specified by the input. You must first run the SPOOLPS and SPOOLRESTORE commands to see the results of the SPOOLPSIO command.
The following describes the parameter.
Parameter Description I=<index>
Index number of the spool to display on SPOOLPS.
Display Information
Displays the count of read/write operations of data sets by step.
Restores backed up spools specified by the input to a temporary directory so that the contents can be looked up. You must first run the SPOOLPS command prior to SPOOLRESOTRE.
The following describes the parameter.
Parameter Description I=<index>
Index number of the spool to display on SPOOLPS.
The following specifies the directory to back up spools.
$ ofconfig list -s tjes -sec SPOOL -k SPOOL_BACKUP_DIR -l =================================================================================== SUBJECT : tjes SECTION : SPOOL KEY : SPOOL_BACKUP_DIR TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : $(OPENFRAME_HOME)/spbackup VALUE(M)* : $(OPENFRAME_HOME)/spbackup VALUE(D) : $(OPENFRAME_HOME)/spbackup AVAIL_VALUE : DESCRIPTION : Directory where spool archive. ===================================================================================
The following specifies the directory to temporarily restore spools to look up the contents.
$ ofconfig list -s tjes -sec SPOOL -k SPOOL_UNPACK_DIR -l =================================================================================== SUBJECT : tjes SECTION : SPOOL KEY : SPOOL_UNPACK_DIR TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : $(OPENFRAME_HOME)/spunpack VALUE(M)* : $(OPENFRAME_HOME)/spunpack VALUE(D) : $(OPENFRAME_HOME)/spunpack AVAIL_VALUE : DESCRIPTION : Directory where archived spool is extracted temporarily. ===================================================================================
7. Miscellaneous Commands
This section describes how to use the miscellaneous commands.
7.3. EDIT
Opens a file specified by the input using a pre-configured editor.
EDIT <filepath>
The following describe the parameter.
Parameter Description <filepath>
Specifies the absolute path.
The following specifies the editor to open files.
$ ofconfig list -s tjesmgr -sec DEFAULT_OPTION -k EDITOR -l ==================================================================================== SUBJECT : tjesmgr SECTION : DEFAULT_OPTION KEY : EDITOR TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : vi &FILEPATH VALUE(M)* : vim -w&ROWCOUNT &FILEPATH VALUE(D) : vim -w&ROWCOUNT &FILEPATH AVAIL_VALUE : DESCRIPTION : Editing program name for tjesmgr command EDIT. &ROWCOUNT will be replaced window size. &FILEPATH will be replaced editing filepath. -w&ROWCOUNT option is valid only for `old vi' not `vim'. ====================================================================================
7.5. HELP
Displays instructions about how to use the specified command. If no parameter is specified, usage instructions of all commands are displayed.
HELP [<tjesmgr_command>]
Displays the license file information defined by input.
LICENSE { <product> | <abs-filepath> | <filename> }
The following describes the parameters.
Parameter Description <product>
Specifies which product to display license information about. Any of the five following products: TJES, TACF, HIDB, OSC and OSI.
<abs-filepath >
Searches for the license file from the specified absolute path.
Searches for the license file in license directory registered in OpenFrame Configuration, when entering only the name of license file.
The following sets the license directory.
$ ofconfig list -s ofsys -sec DIRECTORY -k LICENSE_DIR -l =================================================================================== SUBJECT : ofsys SECTION : DIRECTORY KEY : LICENSE_DIR TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : ${OPENFRAME_HOME}/license VALUE(M)* : ${OPENFRAME_HOME}/license VALUE(D) : ${OPENFRAME_HOME}/license AVAIL_VALUE : DESCRIPTION : ===================================================================================
7.7. NOTIFY (N)
Displays the execution information of a job processed as NOTIFY, with the currently logged-on USERID. If you run a job by specifying a USERID to the NOTIFY parameter in a job statement or JES JCL (MSP) / JES2 JCL (MVS) statement, a message is sent to the USERID after the job is finished. If you connect to tjesmgr with the USERID, you can check the message shown between commands in the tjesmgr execution screen, or the execution information of all jobs (JOBNAME, JOBID, or JOB finish status) that send a message through the NOTIFY command.
Display Information
The following describes the information to display.
Item Description DATE
Date when NOTIFY is left.
Time when NOTIFY is left.
Execution information of the job that leaves NOTIFY.
Displays the printer information registered in OpenFrame Configuration.
Display Information
The following describes the information to display.
Item Description PRINTER_NAME
Printer name.
Output classes.
Commands to run printer.
Printer library path.
The following configures the printer.
$ ofconfig list -s print -sec PRINTER1 -l =================================================================================== SUBJECT : print SECTION : PRINTER1 KEY : CLASS TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : AB VALUE(M)* : AB VALUE(D) : AB AVAIL_VALUE : DESCRIPTION : Output class used for this printer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT : print SECTION : PRINTER1 KEY : COMMAND TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : cat VALUE(M)* : cat VALUE(D) : cat AVAIL_VALUE : DESCRIPTION : Printer's command. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT : print SECTION : PRINTER1 KEY : DRIVER_PATH TYPE : 2 DEFAULT_VALUE : ${OPENFRAME_HOME}/lib/ VALUE(M)* : ${OPENFRAME_HOME}/lib/ VALUE(D) : ${OPENFRAME_HOME}/lib/ AVAIL_VALUE : DESCRIPTION : Dynamic loading library path for printer. ===================================================================================
Displays a dialog that allows a new user to log in.
Input Parameters
The following describes the input parameters.
Parameter Description ID
User ID to log in with.
Group of the user to log in with.
Password of the user to log in with.
Displays the list of current users connecting to TSO.
TSOLIST(TSL) [ ID=<userid> | LU=<luname> ]
Display Information
The following describes the information to display.
Item Description USER_ID
TSO user ID.
TSO user’s LUNAME.
TSO user’s JOBID.
TSO user’s login time.