Structure and Configuration

This chapter describes how to use the user scripts provided in the WebTerminal.

1. war File Structure

The following is the war file structure:

  +-- css
  +-- icons
  +-- resources
        |-- webterminal-shortcut-table.json
  +-- scripts
  +-- uilib
  +-- WEB-INF
        |-- classes
        |-- jeus-web-dd.xml
        |-- web.xml
  +-- META-INF
  |-- wsgateway.html

The following describes the folders and files in the webterminal.war file:


Contains css files for screen and print output.


Contains loading screen images, and input field mark images.


Stores the following files for using WebTerminal.

File Description

Stores the configuration information of the web terminal engine. For more information, refer to Configuration File.


JSON-formatted file that lists the shortcut key settings loaded by the web terminal engine.

The following is a part of webterminal-shortcut-table.json file.

  "CLEAR": [["R-CTRL", "ENTER"], ["PAUSE"]],
  "ENTER": [["ENTER"]],
  "ERASE_EOF": [["R-CTRL", "SHIFT", "F4"], ["SHIFT", "DELETE"]],
  "ERASE_EOF_TAB": [["R-CTRL", "SHIFT",  "H"]],
  "FIRST_FIELD": [["HOME"]],
  "SELECT_ALL": [["ALT", "A"]],
  "RESET": [["L-CTRL"]],

Contains JS files for communication and screen output.


UI library directory used in the WebTerminal.


Contains DD (Deployment Descriptor) files (not used in the WebTerminal).


Contains the class and configuration files required for executing a web application.
Contains web.xml file (Java EE standard web application), and jeus-web-dd.xml file (JEUS web application DD).

File Description


A configuration file that sets the page to display automatically when url is specified with the context name to access the application.


Configuration file that sets the <context-path> of an application.


HTML file for the initial screen display.

2. Configuration File

The WebTerminal configuration file,, is in the following resources folder. The settings in the file are applied to the WebTerminal when you refresh the browser.

The file is located in the following path.


The following are the items in the file.

# Webterminal configurations
cpm = {US | JP | KR | FI | FR | JEF | TW}
sosi = {true | false}
size = {24:80 | 32:80 | 43:80 | 27:132}
caps_lock = {yes | no}
auto_tab = {yes | no}
auto_tab_paste = {true | false}
mask = {ip, port, lu}
rtrim = {true | false}
load_shortcut = {true | false}
use_ime_input = {true | false}
help_url =
protect_numeric = {true | false}
remove_newline = {true | false}
reset_insert = {true | false}

# Color configurations
prot_intens = color
prot_normal = color
unprot_intens = color
unprot_normal = color
default_fg = color
Item Description


Character code page for the user’s language. (Default: US)

  • US: English CPM table. (ASCEBCUS:EBCASCUS)

  • JP: Japanese CPM table. (ASCEBCJP:EBCASCJP)

  • KR: Korean CPM table. (ASCEBCKR:EBCASCKR)

  • FI: Finnish CPM table. (ASCEBCFI:EBCASCFI)

  • FR: French CPM table. (ASCEBCFR:EBCASCFR)

  • TW : Taiwanese CPM table. (ASCEBCTW : EBCASCTW)


Option to use SOSI.

  • True: Displays SOSI transmitted from the Map to the terminal with space. (Default value)

  • False: Does not display the SOSI to the terminal with null.


Option to set the size of the Alternate Screen for using the web terminal.

  • 24:80: 24 rows x 80 columns. (Default value)

  • 32:80: 32 rows x 80 columns.

  • 43:80: 43 rows x 80 columns.

  • 27:132: 27 rows x 132 columns.


Option to input all alphabet letters in uppercase.

  • Yes: Alphabet letters are entered in uppercase regardless of the keyboard setting.

  • No: Alphabet letters are entered according to the keyboard setting. (Default value)


Option to enable automatic cursor movement.

  • Yes: Cursor automatically moves to the start of the next field when it reaches the end in the current field.

  • No: Cursor does not move when it reaches the end in the current field. (Default value)


How to handle remaining data if not all clipboard data was pasted in the input field. (Default value: True)

If auto_tab is set to no, the input stops at the end of the field regardless of this setting.

  • True: Pastes remaining clipboard data in the next field. (Default value)

  • False: Stops the input.


Option to mask user’s login information on the screen after logging into WebTerminal.

Use a comma (,) as a delimiter to specify multiple options.

  • ip: mask IP with 'X'.

  • port: mask port number with 'X'.

  • lu: mask LU information with 'X'.


Option to remove the newline character CRLF (\r\n) from the end of the string.

  • True: Remove the character.

  • False: Do not remove the character.


Options to import shortcuts from the webterminal-shortcut-table.json file to determine whether to apply the same shortcuts to all clients connected to the WebTerminal.

  • True: Import shortcuts from file to apply to WebTerminal engine.

  • False: Do not import shortcuts. (Default value)


Option to use the INPUT BOX for character selection on the terminal screen when inputting combination characters such as Korean, Chinese, or Japanese. INPUT BOX uses the IME provided by Windows, and when not using the INPUT BOX, the IME function of the web browser is used.

  • True: Use INPUT BOX in the 2 bytes input field.

  • False: Do not use INPUT BOX in the 2 bytes input field. (Default value)


The URL to display a new web page related to the current terminal screen. Currently, it is supported only when connecting with OSC7.

Displays the web page screen with the address completed up to the MAP name of the printed screen after the value (URL value) defined in help_url, when the key defined in HELP Function is entered in SHORTCUT. HELP Function is activated in the [SHORTCUT] menu only when a value is specified in help_url.

The WebTerminal provides the function of displaying the web page with a URL value including the MAP name, and the data to be printed on the web page can be freely created and used according to the customer’s environment.

(e.g. MAP-related help screen displayed on the current terminal)


Sets for the default value of character input processing in the numeric property input field.

  • True: Only numbers (-.0123456789) are allowed. (Default value)

  • False: Characters other than numbers (-.0123456789) are also allowed.


Option to remove the rightmost newline character CRLF (\r\n) from the string to be pasted.

  • True: Remove the rightmost newline character from the string to be pasted.

  • False: Do not remove the rightmost newline character from the string to be pasted. (Default value)


Sets for INSERT MODE after performing the RESET function.

  • True: Release INSERT MODE after performing RESET.

  • False: Do not release INSERT MODE after performing RESET. (Default value)

Color configurations

Colors supported by HTML. The value can be found in CSS Color Value.

  • prot_intens: Text color of intensified (highlighted) protected fields.

  • prot_normal: Text color of protected fields.

  • unprot_intens: Text color of intensified (highlighted) unprotected fields.

  • unprot_normal: Text color of unprotected fields.

  • default_fg: Text color of the fields that do not satisfy the previous four options.

Additional Configuration Files

Additional configuration files are located in the following path:

File Description


Initial screen display.

Database, Tmax, and WebTerminal settings.

For information about each configuration item, refer to OpenFrame GW Administrator’s Guide.