Compilation Tools

This chapter describes how to use OFCOBOL compilation tools.

1. ofcob

Compiles OFCOBOL programs.

  • Usage

    Usage: ofcob <source-file> [options]
  • Options

    You can check compilation options by using the -h option.

    Option Description


    Specifies the output file as a shared object. (Default)

    -o Output-File

    Specifies an output file name.


    Specifies the directory that includes the library to link.


    Specifies the library to link.


    Leaves debugging information to use ofdebug.


    Displays the OFCOBOL version.


    Maintains interim files generated during the compilation process.


    Displays the current time when the DISPLAY statement is executed.


    Displays the license information of OFCOBOL.


    Enables READY and RESET TRACE segments in the Procedure Division.


    Ensures that COMP, COMP-4, and BINARY data maintains the allocated size.


    Assumes that trace segments are always in use.


    Leaves more detailed debugging information.


    Performs the compilation so that OFASM can be used together.


    Compiles OS/VS COBOL syntax.


    Uses apostrophes instead of quotation marks for QUOTE and QUOTES figurative constants.


    Compiles syntax related to IBM Report Writer.


    Performs the compilation so that the cbltdli function can be called.


    Performs the compilation so that the aertdli function can be called.


    Performs the compilation so that the aibtdli function can be called.


    Maintains the sign value of the source in the zoned decimal format.


    Enables the use of general literals in DBCS.


    Enables the use of hex values in the packed decimal format.

    --enable-caf <funcname>

    Calls the function specified in <funcname> before executing the program.


    Checks if the file name is the same as PRGRAM-ID before the compilation.


    Checks index overflow when a program is executed.


    Sets the initial value of variables to spaces.

    --DIR <filename>

    Gets compilation options from the specified file.


    Replaces a COMP variable by a COMP-5 variable if the COMP variable redefines a POINTER variable.


    When executing WRITE statement, if AFTER ADVANCING phrases is specified, this optoin adds 1 byte of ASA control character to the beginning of the data set record of the specified file or report file.


    When executing a MOVE statement, this option generates ABEND if COMP-3 declared source is not packed decimal type.

    --cpm-name <filename>

    The specified file references a CPM table. To reference a CPM table, specify the $OPENFRAME_HOME/lib/ library.


    Performs the compilation supporting expanded COBOL syntax.


    Changes the output format of the CURRENT-DATE special register. Only available in OS/VS COBOL.


    Enables VS COBOL 2.


    Removes Shift-In/Shift-Out Byte from G literal.


    Displays an error message if PERFORM Statement’s call stack exceeds 32.


    Closes all files automatically when a COBOL program ends.


    Disables the 8-character limit on the target copybook name when using the COPY statement.

    --CURRENCY <Type>

    Enables the use of Japanese yen currency symbol by using back slash (\) as a picture symbol.

    Compile Error

    Finds the error location correctly by creating the .cobi file when a compilation error occurs.

  • Example

    The following compiles the test.cob source file as shared libraries by linking libraries located in /home/ofcob/libpath and /home/ofcob/libpath/newpath. After the compilation, and are created.

    ofcob test.cob -L/home/ofcob/libpath -lTest -L/home/ofcob/libpath/newpath -lNewTest