Installation and Uninstallation
This chapter describes how to install and uninstall OpenFrame Manager.
1. Installation
This section describes how to install OpenFrame Manager in console mode in Unix/Linux.
The following describes how to install OpenFrame Manager using a shell. The installation process is the same regardless of the system. Enter "back" to go back to the previous step of the installation process or "quit" to quit the installation, and then press <Enter>.
Copy the OpenFrame Manager installer binary file (OpenFrame_Manager7_1_1_Generic.bin) to the desired installation location.
If execute permission for the installer binary file does not exist, execute the "chmod a+x" command in the console to grant the permission as follows:
[oframejeus1@ofLinux64 ~]$ chmod a+x OpenFrame_Manager7_1_1_Generic.bin
Select one of the following installer execution methods and then press the <Enter> key.
Method 1
Method 2
sh OpenFrame_Manager7_1_1_Generic.bin
Review the installation overview, and then press the <Enter> key.
[oframejeus1@ofLinux64 ~]$ sh OpenFrame_Manager7_1_1_Generic.bin Preparing to install... Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive... Configuring the installer for this system's environment... Launching installer... Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation... =============================================================================== OpenFrame Manager 7.1 Fix1_using_jeus8_5 (created with InstallAnywhere) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Introduction ------------ InstallAnywhere will guide you through the installation of OpenFrame Manager 7.1 Fix1 It is strongly recommended that you quit all programs before continuing with this installation. Respond to each prompt to proceed to the next step in the installation. If you want to change something on a previous step, type 'back'. You may cancel this installation at any time by typing 'quit'. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE:
Review the license agreement.
Type 'Y' to accept the license agreement or 'N' to decline it, and then press the <Enter> key. If the license agreement is not accepted, the installation will exit.
=============================================================================== License Agreement ----------------- Installation and Use of OpenFrame Manager 7.1 Fix1 Requires Acceptance of the Following License Agreement: TmaxSoft Release TmaxSoft Co., Ltd. (hereafter, TmaxSoft) End-User License Agreement Product : OpenFrame Manager 7.1 Fix1 This is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an company) and TmaxSoft, Incorporated. By opening the sealed software package and/or by using the software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. TmaxSoft License 1. Grant of License: This TmaxSoft License Agreement ("License") permits you to use one copy of the TmaxSoft product OpenFrame Manager, on any single computer, provided the software is in use on only one computer at any one time. If this package is a license pack, you may make and use additional copies of the software up to the number of licensed copies authorized. If you have multiple licenses for the software, then at any time you may have as many copies of the software in use as you have licenses. The software is "in use" on a computer when it is loaded into the temporary memory (i.e., RAM) or installed into the permanent memory (e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM, or other storage devices) of that computer, except that a copy installed on a network server for the sole purpose of distribution to other computers is not "in use". If the anticipated number of users of the software will exceed the number of applicable licenses, then you must have a reasonable PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE: mechanism or process in place to ensure that the number of persons using the software concurrently does not exceed the number of licenses. 2. Copyright: The software (including any images, "applets," photographs, animations, video, audio, music and text incorporated into the software) is owned by TmaxSoft or its suppliers and international treaty provisions. Therefore, you must treat the software like any other copyrighted materials (e.g., a book or musical recording) except that you may either (a) make one copy of the software solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) transfer the software to a single hard disk provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. You may not copy the printed materials accompanying the software, nor print copies of any user documentation provided in "online" or electronic form. 3. Other restrictions: This license is your proof of license to exercise the rights granted herein and must be retained by you. You may not rent, lease, or transfer your rights under this license on a permanent basis provided you transfer this license, the software, and all accompanying printed materials, retain no copies, and the recipient agrees to the terms of this license. You may not reverse engine, decompile, or disassemble the software, except to the extent that the foregoing restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable law. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE: DO YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT? (Y/N):
Specify the JEUS_HOME directory.
Enter the JEUS root directory with an absolute path, and then press the <Enter> key. (Default value: $HOME/jeus8_5)
=============================================================================== Choose JEUS Folder ------------------ Note 1. This OpenFrame Manager7.1 Fix1 is available in the JEUS 8.5 environment. 2. In order to install OpenFrame Manager7.1 Fix1 successfully, Jeus's domainServer and DataBase must be running. 3. The tablespace to be used by the OpenFrameManager must be created before install. Please Enter JEUS HOME Default Install Folder: /home/oframe10/jeus8_5 ENTER AN ABSOLUTE PATH, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT :
If the specified JEUS_HOME directory does not exist or a version of JEUS earlier than 8.5 is used, the installer will ask to change the JEUS_HOME directory or quit the installation.
Type '1' to change or '2' to quit, and then press the <Enter> key.
=============================================================================== JEUS Application Server Folder Not Found ---------------------------------------- Installer couldn’t find JEUS Application Server folder Chosen folder is not a JEUS_HOME. To choose a different folder, click 'Change'. To cancel the installation, click 'Quit'. ->1- Change 2- Quit ENTER THE NUMBER OF THE DESIRED CHOICE, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT:
Enter the domain name and server name of JEUS on which to install OpenFrame Manager.
=============================================================================== Get Jeus Information -------------------- Plase Enter the DomainAdminServer Name and the ManagedServer name (Installation Server Folder) JEUS DomainAdminServer Name (DEFAULT: jeus_domain): JEUS ManagedServer Name (DEFAULT: server1): JEUS DomainAdminServer Password (DEFAULT: ): 1111111 JEUS DomainAdminServer IP (DEFAULT: JEUS DomainAdminServer Base Port (DEFAULT: 9736):
The following describes each item.
Item Description JEUS DomainAdminServer Name
JEUS domain name.
Enter a <domain_name> that exists under $JEUS_HOME/domains/.
Default value: Domain name specified when installing JEUS
JEUS ManagedServer Name
JEUS server name.
Enter a <server_name> that exists under $JEUS_HOME/domains/<domain_name>/servers/.
Default value: server1
JEUS DomainAdminServer Password
JEUS administrator password. (Required)
JEUS DomainAdminServer IP
IP of DAS (Domain Administration Server) in JEUS. (Default value: local IP)
JEUS DomainAdminServer Base Port
Base port number of DAS in JEUS.
This can be found in $JEUS_HOME/domains/<domain_name>/config/domain.xml. (Default value: 9736)
Select the database vendor of the JDBC driver to use for OpenFrame Manager. (Default value: 1)
If '4- other' is selected, the database information must be manually configured by the user after the installation by executing SQL for JEUS domain configuration and OpenFrame Manager.
=============================================================================== Get DataBase Information ------------------------ Choose vendor Name of JDBC driver ->1- Tibero 2- Oracle 3- MS-SQL 4- others ENTER THE NUMBER FOR YOUR CHOICE, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT: :
OpenFrame Manager provides Tibero 6 JDBC driver by default. To use another driver, copy the JDBC driver for the database version to the appropriate location. (Location: $JEUS_HOME/lib/datasource)
Enter the database information.
=============================================================================== Get DataBase Information ------------------------ Please Enter Database Information DataBase Server Name (DEFAULT: DataBase Port (DEFAULT: ): 8444 DataBase Name (DEFAULT: ): oframe4 DataBase User ID (DEFAULT: ): tibero DataBase User PW (DEFAULT: ): tmax
The following describes each item.
Item Description DataBase Server Name
Database server name. (Default value: Local IP)
DataBase Port
Port number. (Required)
DataBase Name
Database name. Enter SID for Oracle only. (Default value: $TB_SID)
DataBase User ID
Database user ID. (Required)
DataBase User PW
Database user password. (Required)
Enter the OpenFrame Manager information.
=============================================================================== Get OpenFrame Manager Information ------------------------- Enter requested information Datasource ID (DEFAULT: ds_ofm1): Application Name (DEFAULT: ofmanager): TABLESPACE Name (DEFAULT: OFMGR01):
The following describes each item.
Item Description Datasource ID
Data source name specified in the JEUS configuration file. (Default value: ds_ofm1)
This is set in the <data-source> section in the JEUS configuration file ($JEUS_HOME/domains/<domain_name>/config/domain.xml) and in the 'ofmanager.datasource' item in the OpenFrame Manager configuration file ( For more information about the configuration files, refer to Environment Configuration and TACF Resource Access.
Application Name
Application ID for the OpenFrame Manager. (Default value: ofmanager)
It is used to deploy the application.
This is set in the <deployed-application> section in the JEUS configuration file ($JEUS_HOME/domains/<domain_name>/config/domain.xml), and is used to create the OpenFrame Manager directory.
Name of the tablespace for OpenFrame Manager. (Default value: DEFVOL)
You must create the tablespace before installing OpenFrame Manager. The tablespace name is used in the table creation script that is executed during the installation.
Enter the menus to add to OpenFrame Manager.
The [Base] menu is installed by default. You can enter multiple options by using a comma (,) as a delimiter. The selected modules are set in the 'ofmanager.module' item in the configuration file and can be modified. For more information about the configuration file, refer to Environment Configuration and TACF Resource Access.
=============================================================================== Check the menu to use. ------------------------ Check all the menus you want to use in the OpenFrame Manager. (Base menus are set by default.) ->1- Batch Manager (BM) ->2- TACF Manager (TM) ->3- Online Manager (OSC) ->4- Online Manager (AIM) ENTER A COMMA-SEPARATED LIST OF NUMBERS REPRESENTING THE DESIRED CHOICES, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT:
To use AIM module, 'ofmanager.module' item in the configuration file must be modified after installing the module.
Enter the OS on which to install OpenFrame. (Default value: 1)
After the installation, the OS is set in the 'openframe.os' item in configuration file and can be modified. For more information about the configuration file, refer to Environment Configuration and TACF Resource Access.
=============================================================================== Get OpenFrame OS Information. ----------------------------- Please Enter OpenFrame OS Information. (MVS is set by default.) ->1- MVS 2- MSP 3- XSP ENTER THE NUMBER FOR YOUR CHOICE, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT: :
Enter the node information of the OpenFrame environment.
=============================================================================== Get Node Information -------------------- Please Enter node Information Node names must be separated by semicolons. NodeList (DEFAULT: NODE1;NODE2): NODE1;NODE2 DefaultNode (DEFAULT: NODE1): NODE1
The following describes each items For more information about the configuration file, refer to Environment Configuration and TACF Resource Access.
Item Description NodeList
Enter all node names of OpenFrame .
Separate multiple nodes by using a semicolon(;).
(Default value: NODE1;NODE2)
Enter the default node to use in OpenFrame Manager.
(Default value: NODE1)
To use [OSC] menu in OpenFrame Manager, enter the OpenFrame Gateway information. This information is required only if '3- Online Manager (OSC)' was selected in the previous step.
=============================================================================== Get Online Information ----------------------------- Enter requested information Webterminal IP (DEFAULT: Webtermianl Application Name (DEFAULT: webterminal): webterminal7 OpenFrame GW LU PORT (DEFAULT: 5556): 5699 OpenFrame GW Name (DEFAULT: ofgw): ofgw7
The following describes each item. The settings are saved in the file after the installation of OpenFrame Manager. For more information about the configuration file, refer to Environment Configuration and TACF Resource Access.
Item Description Webterminal IP
WebTerminal IP. (Default value: Local IP)
This is saved in the 'openframe.webterminal.url' item in the file.
Webtermianl Application Name
WebTerminal application name. (Default value: webterminal)
This can be found in the JEUS configuration file (domain.xml file) of the WebTerminal.
This is saved in the 'openframe.webterminal.url' item in the file.
OpenFrame GW LU PORT
LU port number used in OpenFrame Gateway. (Default value: 5556)
This can be found in the 'lu.port' item in the OpenFrame Gateway configuration file ($OFGW_HOME/ofgwconf/
This is saved in the 'openframe.webterminal.url' item in the file.
OpenFrame GW Name
OpenFrame Gateway name. (Default value: ofgw)
This can be found in the '' item in the OpenFrame Gateway configuration file ($OFGW_HOME/ofgwconf/
This is saved in the '' item in the file.
Enter the connection information of the Tmax server that OpenFrame Manager will access.
=============================================================================== Get Tmax Information -------------------- Enter requested information ($OPENFRAME_HOME/core/config/oframe.m) Tmax NODE IP (DEFAULT: Tmax NODE PORT (DEFAULT: ): 4394
The following describes each item. For information about the file, refer to Environment Configuration and TACF Resource Access.
Item Description Tmax NODE IP
Tmax IP. (Default value: Local IP)
This is saved in the 'openframe.tmax.ip' item in the file.
Tmax port number. (Default value: $TMAX_HOST_PORT)
This is saved in the 'openframe.tmax.port' item in the file.
Enter the absolute path to copy the OpenFrame Manager license file to.
=============================================================================== Get OpenFrame Manager license Path -------------------------- Enter requested information ex) /home/user/license/OFManagerLicense OpenFrame Manager License Path (DEFAULT: ): /home/oframejeus1/License/OFManagerLicense
Select whether or not to restart the JEUS server to complete the installation of OpenFrame Manager.
=============================================================================== Restart ManagedServer --------------------- Do you want to restart the server(server1)? (To apply the changes, restart the server.) ->1- Yes 2- No ENTER THE NUMBER OF THE DESIRED CHOICE, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT:
The following describes each item.
Item Description 1- Yes
Restart JEUS web application server to apply OpenFrame Manager application deployment and configuration. (Default value)
2- No
After the installation, the user must execute the script and then restart JEUS web application server to apply the changes. For more information, refer to Manual Environment Configuration.
A pre-installation summary is displayed.
Review the installation details, and then press the <ENTER> key. To modify the configuration, type 'quit' and then restart the installation, or type 'back' to return to the previous step.
=============================================================================== Pre-Installation Summary ------------------------ Please Review the Following Before Continuing: Product Name: OpenFrame Manager 7.1 Fix1_using_jeus8_5 JEUS_HOME /home/oframejeus1/jeus8_5 Jeus DomainAdminServer Name jeus_domain Jeus DomainAdminServer PORT 9736 Jeus ManagerServer Name server1 Data Source ID ds_ofm1 Application Name ofmanager Manager TableSpace Name DEFVOL OpenFrame OS mvs OpenFrame Node List NODE1;NODE2 OpenFrame Default Node NODE1 Tmax NODE IP Tmax NODE PORT 4394 OpenFrame Manager License PATH /home/oframejeus1/License/OFManagerLicense OpenFrame Manager Menus BM;TM;OSC; Disk Space Information (for Installation Target): Required: 71,953,592 bytes Available: 851,980,222,464 bytes PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE:
Installation progress is displayed.
=============================================================================== Installing... ------------- [==================|==================|==================|==================] [------------
After the installation is complete, the following message will be displayed.
=============================================================================== Installation Complete --------------------- Congratulations! OpenFrame Manager 7.1 Fix1 has been successfully installed to: /home/oframejeus1/jeus8_5/domains/jeus_domain/servers/server1/lib/application/ofmanager Press Done to quit the installer. PRESS <ENTER> TO EXIT THE INSTALLER:
2. Manual Environment Configuration
If the user has selected not to restart JEUS server (step 15) during the installation, a script error may occur and may cause other issues, such as abnormal start of JEUS or database, or incorrect input during installation. In this case, the user must manually configure JEUS settings related to OpenFrame Manager or execute the related script.
If JEUS does not start properly or was incorrectly configured during the installation, JEUS settings must be reconfigured manually.
Skip this section if the user has selected to restart the server during the installation. |
2.1. Scripts
The scripts required for manual environment configuration are located in the following location.
$JEUS_HOME/domains/<domain_name>/servers/<server_name>/lib/application/ <application_name>/scripts/
Use jeusadmin to manually configure OpenFrame Manager.
The following describes each script.
File | Description |
---|---| |
Configures <data-source> item. | |
Deploys the OpenFrame Manager application. To complete the deployment, restart the server and verify the deployment. | |
Undeploys the OpenFrame Manager application. |
If OpenFrame Manager does not run properly, reinstall it or check its settings in the JEUS domain configuration. |
The scripts required for manual database table processing are located in the following location:
The following describes each script.
File | Description |
create_tables.sql |
SQL script that creates tablespaces, tables, and indexes required for OpenFrame Manager. This script uses table area information entered by a user during OpenFrame Manager installation. | |
Source code that executes SQL statements in create_tables.sql. This source code uses database information entered by a user during OpenFrame Manager installation. | |
Shell script that compiles and executes by using a JDBC driver. This script is executed during OpenFrame Manager installation. Execute this script manually for manual installation. |
drop_tables.sql |
SQL script that removes tablespaces, tables, and indexes required for OpenFrame Manager. | |
Source code that executes SQL statements in drop_tables.sql. This source code uses database information entered by a user during OpenFrame Manager installation. | |
Shell script that compiles and executes by using a JDBC driver. This script is executed during OpenFrame Manager uninstallation. Execute this script manually for manual uninstallation. |
2.2. Executing Scripts
The following are the steps for manually configuring JEUS environment by executing the and scripts provided in OpenFrame Manager.
Find domain.xml in the following path where JEUS is installed. Refer to the domain_ofmanager_sample.xml file under the OpenFrame Manager home directory.
In domain.xml, add the <data-source>, <deployed-application>, and <database> tags for OpenFrame Manager.
The following is a sample configuration of server1 where OpenFrame Manager is installed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <domain xmlns="" version="8.5"> ..... <server> <name>server1</name> <node-name>ofLinux64s</node-name> <listeners> <base>BASE</base> <listener> <name>BASE</name> <listen-port>9936</listen-port> <use-nio>true</use-nio> <selectors>1</selectors> <use-dual-selector>false</use-dual-selector> <backlog>128</backlog> <select-timeout>120000</select-timeout> <read-timeout>30000</read-timeout> <reserved-thread-num>0</reserved-thread-num> </listener> <listener> <name>http-server1</name> <listen-port>8088</listen-port> <use-nio>true</use-nio> <selectors>1</selectors> <use-dual-selector>false</use-dual-selector> <backlog>128</backlog> <select-timeout>120000</select-timeout> <read-timeout>30000</read-timeout> <reserved-thread-num>0</reserved-thread-num> </listener> ..... <!-- OpenFrame Manager Datasource Start --> <data-sources> <data-source>ds_ofm1</data-source> </data-sources> <!-- OpenFrame Manager Datasource End --> </server> </servers> <deployed-applications> <!-- OpenFrame Manager DEPLOY Start --> <deployed-application> <id>ofmanager</id> <path> /home/oframejeus1/jeus8_5/domains/jeus_domain/servers/server1/lib/application/ofmanager/ </path> <type>WAR</type> <targets> <server> <name>server1</name> </server> </targets> <options> <classloading>ISOLATED</classloading> <fast-deploy>false</fast-deploy> <keep-generated>false</keep-generated> <shared>false</shared> <security-domain-name>SYSTEM_DOMAIN</security-domain-name> </options> </deployed-application> <!-- OpenFrame Manager DEPLOY End --> </deployed-applications> <resources> <data-source> <!-- OpenFrame Manager Datasource Start --> <database> <data-source-id>ds_ofm1</data-source-id> <export-name>ds_ofm1</export-name> <data-source-class-name> com.tmax.tibero.jdbc.ext.TbConnectionPoolDataSource </data-source-class-name> <data-source-type>ConnectionPoolDataSource</data-source-type> <vendor>tibero</vendor> <server-name></server-name> <port-number>8444</port-number> <database-name>oframe4</database-name> <user>tibero</user> <password>tmax</password> <login-timeout>0</login-timeout> <auto-commit>DRIVER</auto-commit> <stmt-query-timeout>0</stmt-query-timeout> <pool-destroy-timeout>10000</pool-destroy-timeout> <support-xa-emulation>false</support-xa-emulation> <connection-pool> <pooling> <min>2</min> <max>30</max> <step>1</step> <period>3600000</period> </pooling> <wait-free-connection> <enable-wait>false</enable-wait> <wait-time>10000</wait-time> </wait-free-connection> <max-use-count>0</max-use-count> <dba-timeout>-1</dba-timeout> <stmt-caching-size>-1</stmt-caching-size> <stmt-fetch-size>-1</stmt-fetch-size> <connection-trace> <enabled>false</enabled> <get-connection-trace>true</get-connection-trace> <auto-commit-trace>false</auto-commit-trace> </connection-trace> <use-sql-trace>false</use-sql-trace> <keep-connection-handle-open>false</keep-connection-handle-open> </connection-pool> </database> <!-- OpenFrame Manager Datasource End --> </data-source> </resources> </domain>
For more information about the configuration, refer to JEUS XML Reference.
Restart JEUS to apply the configurations of the domain.xml file to the server. For more information, refer to JEUS Startup and Shutdown.
3. Installation Verification
After installing OpenFrame Manager, verify the installation.
3.1. Checking Installation Logs
If OpenFrame Manager installer was used, logs generated during the installation are recorded in the install logs.
Logs are recorded for the following installation steps.
Copying the license file.
Adding and applying <data-source>.
Creating the database tables and indexes.
Restarting JEUS (Managed Server).
Deploying the OpenFrame Manager application.
Checking the deployed application.
The following are the messages generated in the log file, install_script.log, when installing OpenFrame Manager on server1.
### [Install Scripts Start] #1 [Copy OpenFrame Manager License] [OpenFrame Manager License] License copy Complete. #2 [Run] ** Run Jeusadmin (Data-source) ** ** Run Add data-source ** Attempting to connect to The connection has been established to Domain Administration Server adminServer in the domain ofgw_domain. The specified data source [ds_ofm1] already exists in domain.xml, so it cannot be added. ** Run Add Data-sources to server ** Attempting to connect to The connection has been established to Domain Administration Server adminServer in the domain ofgw_domain. Successfully performed the ADD operation for data sources to the server [server1]. Check the results using "add-data-sources-to-server -server server1" ** End Jeusadmin (Data-source) ** #3 [Run] ===================================== DB_DRV : oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver DB_URL : jdbc:oracle:thin:@ DB_ID : c##oframe5 DB_PWD : tmax123 ------------------------------------- DB Connect Success ===================================== ===================================== SQL File : create_tables.sql DB SQL Excute Success ===================================== #4 [Run] *** Server restart result : 0 *** Run Jeusadmin (Server Stop/Start) *** ** Run Stop Server ** Attempting to connect to The connection has been established to Domain Administration Server adminServer in the domain jeus_domain. Server [server1] was successfully stopped. ** Run Start Server ** /home/oframejeus1/jeus8_5/bin *************************************************************** - JEUS Home : /home/oframejeus1/jeus8_5 - JEUS Base Port : - Java Vendor : Sun - Added Java Option : *************************************************************** =============== JEUS LICENSE INFORMATION ================ == VERSION : JEUS 8.5 ( == EDITION: Enterprise (Trial License) == NOTICE: This license restricts the number of allowed clients. == Max. Number of Clients: 5 ========================================================== [2017.07.01 00:09:00][2] [launcher-1] [SERVER-0201] Successfully connected to the Domain Administration Server( [2017.09.05 00:09:00][2] [launcher-1] [Launcher-0058] All local configurations are up-to-date. ... [2017.09.05 00:09:05][2] [server1-12] [ShoalTransport-0010] Connection of SocketStream@2aa60941( -> has been allowed. [2017.09.05 00:09:05][2] [server1-1] [EJB-5501] EJB engine started successfully. [2017.09.05 00:09:05][2] [server1-1] [JMS-7374] The persistence store manager for the JMS broker 'server1' has been started. [2017.09.05 00:09:05][2] [server1-1] [JMS-6822] The JMS engine with the broker named server1 has started. [2017.09.05 00:09:05][2] [server1-1] [WEB-1003] Socket send buffer size of this operating system = [8192], JEUS default output buffer size = [8192] [2017.09.05 00:09:06][2] [server1-1] [WEB-1030] The web engine has started successfully. [2017.09.05 00:09:06][2] [server1-1] [SERVER-0248] The JEUS server is STANDBY. [2017.09.05 00:09:06][2] [server1-1] [SERVER-0248] The JEUS server is STARTING. [2017.09.05 00:09:06][2] [server1-1] [WEB-3413] The web engine is ready to receive requests. [2017.09.05 00:09:06][2] [server1-1] [UNIFY-0100] Listener information base (plain, : 9336) - VIRTUAL - SecurityServer - FileTransfer - JNDI - JMXConnectionServer/JeusMBeanServer - JMXConnectionServer/JEUSMP_server1 - GMS-NetworkManager - TransactionManager - JMSServiceChannel-default - HTTP Listener http-server1 (plain, : 8588) - HTTP Listener [2017.09.05 00:09:06][0] [server1-1] [SERVER-0242] Successfully started the server. [2017.09.05 00:09:06][2] [server1-1] [SERVER-0248] The JEUS server is RUNNING. [2017.09.05 00:09:06][2] [server1-1] [SERVER-0401] The elapsed time to start: 3891ms. [2017.09.05 00:09:06][2] [launcher-10] [Launcher-0034] The server[server1] initialization completed successfully[pid : 21247]. [2017.09.05 00:09:06][0] [launcher-1] [Launcher-0040] Successfully started the server. The server state is now RUNNING. *** End Jeusadmin (Server Stop/Start) *** *** Run Jeusadmin (deploy) *** ** Run deploy-application ** Attempting to connect to The connection has been established to Domain Administration Server adminServer in the domain jeus_domain. deploy the application for the application [ds_ofm1] succeeded. ** Run application info ** Attempting to connect to The connection has been established to Domain Administration Server adminServer in the domain jeus_domain. Application information for the domain [jeus_domain]. ================================================================================ --------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Applicat| Applicati| State | Target | Target | Application Path | | ion ID | on Type | | Servers | Clusters | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |ofmanager| WAR |RUNNING | server1 | |/home/oframejeus1/jeus8_5/do| | | | | | |mains/jeus_domain/servers/se| | | | | | |rver1/lib/application/ofmana| | | | | | |ger | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================================================================ *** End Jeusadmin (deploy) *** ### [Install Scripts End]
3.2. Checking OpenFrame Manager Home Directory Configuration
Check that the $OFMANAGER_HOME directory is configured properly in the Unix profile of the installation user account.
OFMANAGER_HOME=/home/oframejeus1/jeus8_5/domains/jeus_domain/servers/server1/lib/application/ofmanager export OFMANAGER_HOME
3.3. Checking Database Information
Confirm that the tables and indexes for OpenFrame Manager are created successfully, by using the database account entered during the installation.
SQL> SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME LIKE 'OFM_MGR_PGM%' OR TABLE_NAME LIKE 'OFM_OFMANAGER%'; TABLE_NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFM_MGR_PGM_ADMIN OFM_MGR_PGM_DPLY_HISTORY OFM_MGR_PGM_DPLY_INFO OFM_OFMANAGER_LOG_READ OFM_OFMANAGER_TRAN_STATICS 5 rows selected. SQL> SELECT INDEX_NAME FROM ALL_INDEXES WHERE INDEX_NAME LIKE 'OFM_MGR_PGM%'; INDEX_NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFM_MGR_PGM_DPLY_INFO_IDX OFM_MGR_PGM_DPLY_HISTORY_IDX1 2 rows selected.
3.4. Checking JEUS Startup
After OpenFrame Manager is installed successfully, JEUS (Managed Server) is restarted. At JEUS startup, OpenFrame Manager starts up and license compliance is checked. Check the processes and logs of JEUS DAS and MS.
Use the Java jps tool to check that the processes have been started successfully.
[oframejeus1@ofLinux64 ~]$ jps 28754 DomainAdminServerBootstrapper 30160 Jps 29642 ServerBootstrapper
Check that JEUS and OpenFrame Manager have been started successfully by checking the logs.
DAS logs
MS logs
OpenFrame Manager logs
The OpenFrame Manager logs are stored in the path specified in the logback.xml file. The default path is shown in the following example.
$JEUS_HOME/domains/<domain_name>/servers/<server_name>/lib/application/<application_name>/ logs/ofmanager_{mm-dd-yyyy.#}.log
WebT logs
$JEUS_HOME/domains/<domain_name>/servers/<server_name>/lib/application/<application_name>/ logs/webt_{mm-dd-yyyy.#}.log
3.5. Starting Up OpenFrame Manager
After successfully starting up JEUS, open a web browser and enter the OpenFrame Manager application url in the address bar to access OpenFrame Manager.
http://{JEUS IP Address}:{JEUS Server's HTTP Port Number}/{Application Name}
OpenFrame Manager currently supports Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera. Internet Explorer is not supported. |
JEUS IP and port, and the OpenFrame Manager application name can be found in the following file.
In the following sample domain.xml, IP is the IP of server1, HTTP listener port is 8088, and the deployed application is "ofmanager".
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <domain xmlns="" version="8.5"> ... <servers> <server> <name>server1</name> <node-name>ofLinux64</node-name> <listeners> <base>BASE</base> ... <listener> <name>http-server1</name> <listen-port>8088</listen-port> <use-nio>true</use-nio> <selectors>1</selectors> <use-dual-selector>false</use-dual-selector> <backlog>128</backlog> <select-timeout>120000</select-timeout> <read-timeout>30000</read-timeout> <reserved-thread-num>0</reserved-thread-num> </listener> ... <deployed-application> <id>ofmanager</id> <path> /home/oframejeus1/jeus8_5/domains/jeus_domain/servers/server1/lib/application/ofmanager </path> <type>WAR</type> <targets> <server> <name>server1</name> </server> </targets> <options> <classloading>ISOLATED</classloading> <fast-deploy>false</fast-deploy> <keep-generated>false</keep-generated> <shared>false</shared> </options> </deployed-application> ...
Using the information in the previous file, enter the URL in the address bar to access OpenFrame Manager as follows:
The previous URL opens the OpenFrame Manager login page. Enter the ID and Password, and then click [Login].


4. Uninstallation
This section describes how to uninstall OpenFrame Manager.
The jeusadmin command, undeploy-application, is executed when uninstalling OpenFrame Manager. Make sure that DAS is running when uninstalling OpenFrame Manager so that the command can be executed. Otherwise, the OpenFrame Manager application settings will remain in the JEUS domain configuration. |
The following are the steps for uninstallation.
To uninstall OpenFrame Manager, execute OFMANAGER_Uninstall, or remove the installation folder through the console.
The following shows the progress of uninstalling OpenFrame Manager using the Uninstall file.
[oframejeus1@ofLinux64 UninstallerData]$ sh OFMANAGER_Uninstall Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation... =============================================================================== OpenFrame Manager 7.1 Fix1 (created with InstallAnywhere by Macrovision) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Uninstall OpenFrame Manager 7.1 Fix1 -------------------- About to uninstall... OpenFrame Manager 7.1 Fix1 This will remove features installed by InstallAnywhere. It will not remove files and folders created after the installation. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE: =============================================================================== Uninstalling... -------------- ...* * ************************* ************************* ************************* ************************ ...* * ************************* ************************* ************************* ************************ ...* * ************************* ************************* ************************* ************************ ...* * ************************* ************************* ************************* ************************ ...* * ************************* ************************* ************************* ************************* =============================================================================== Uninstall Complete ------------------ Some items could not be removed.
5. Uninstallation Verification
Check the following items to verify that OpenFrame Manager has been uninstalled successfully.
Files and folders
Check that the installation directories have been completely removed. Directories that were created after the installation must be manually deleted.
Environment configuration
Check that the environment variable, $OFMANAGER_HOME, has been deleted.
Check that the <deployed-application> section and the <data-source> section of the MS have been removed from the JEUS domain configuration file. The <database> section under the <resources> section is not removed because it can be used by another MS.
Database tables
Check that the database tables created during installation have been deleted.