Environment Configuration and TACF Resource Access
This chapter describes how to configure an environment for OpenFrame Manager and how to configure TACF resource access authority.
1. Environment Configuration
To use OpenFrame Manager, the following files need to be configured.
1.1. ofmanager.properties
The environment settings including those configured by the user during installation are saved in the following file:
If this file is modified, the JEUS MS server on which OpenFrame Manager is running must be restarted. |
The following is the format of the ofmanager.properties file followed by descriptions of each configuration items.
################################################################################ ##### ##### ##### OpenFrame Manager CONFIGURATIONS ##### ##### ##### ################################################################################ # DB Property ofmanager.datasource=<datasource-name> # OpenFrame GW Property openframe.webterminal.url=<webterminal-ip>:<ofgw-luport>/<webterminal-name> openframe.webterminal.name=<ofgw-name> # Tmax Property openframe.tmax.ip=<tmax-ip> openframe.tmax.port=<tmax-port> openframe.tmax.connection.groupname=<tmax-connection-groupanme> openframe.tmax.connection.init=<tmax-connection-init> openframe.tmax.connection.max=<tmax-connection-max> openframe.tmax.connection.inc=<tmax-connection-inc> # OS Property openframe.os = {mvs|msp|xsp} # CPM Name openframe.cpm.name=<cpm-name> # Encoding encoding = <encoding-name> # Menus Property ofmanager.module = [BM|TM|OSC|OSI|HIDB] # Node Information openframe.defaultNode=<node-name> openframe.nodelist=<node-list> # Domain Property domain.name = <domain-name> domain.type = {Dev|Prod|Test} # textarea font change ofmanager.language={english|japanese} # Auto Refresh Interval in CM > Console > Reply ofmanager.consoleReplyRefreshInterval = ( 0(default) ~ 4 : not using auto-refresh, 5 and over : using auto-refresh) # Allow editing jcl ofmanager.jclSave = {yes|no} ofmanager.userSpool = {true|false}#Using UserSpool # OFManager font # recommendation # japanese = MS Gothic # english = HACK, monospace, sans-serif, serif ofmanager.userFont = MS Gothic
Item | Description |
ofmanager.datasource |
Name of the data source used to create and access database tables. This must be set to the <data-source-id> value of the <data-source> item configured for JEUS domain setting. |
openframe.webterminal.url |
URL to access the [OSC] menu in OpenFrame Manager to check the terminal information.
openframe.webterminal.name |
WebTerminal name to access the [OSC] menu in OpenFrame Manager to check online transaction status. Use the name of OpenFrame Gateway (gw.name setting in ofgw.properties, the OpenFrame Gateway configuration file). |
openframe.tmax.ip |
IP address of OpenFrame Tmax server. |
openframe.tmax.port |
Port number of OpenFrame Tmax server ($TMAX_HOST_PORT setting in OpenFrame) |
openframe.tmax.connection. groupname |
Uses WebT to connect to Tmax. Group name used to create WebtConnectionPool for connecting to Tmax. (Default value: tmax1) |
openframe.tmax.connection.init |
Initial number of connections for WebtConnectionPool. (Default value: 10) |
openframe.tmax.connection.max |
Maximum number of connections allowed for WebtConnectionPool. (Default value: 100) |
openframe.tmax.connection.inc |
Increment by which the number of connections is increased when there are no more available connections. (Default value: 10) |
openframe.os |
OS where OpenFrame is installed. (Default value: mvs)
openframe.cpm.name |
CPM for the character set shown in the Dataset view of the [Base] menu of OpenFrame Manager. (Default value: EBCASCUS.cpm) The available CPM tables are in the $OFMANAGER_HOME/data/cpm directory. |
encoding |
Character set used for character conversion when reading in files, such as spool, JCL, and log, in the [Base] menu of OpenFrame Manager. (Default value: iso-8859-15) Supports encodings supported by Oracle JDK. Set this to the encoding configured on OpenFrame. For the list of supported encodings, refer to 'https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/intl/encoding.doc.html'. |
ofmanager.module |
Menus to include in OpenFrame Manager. Use the following abbreviations and separate modules with a semicolon (;). The specified menus are displayed in OpenFrame Manage, and the [Base] menu is displayed by default.
openframe.nodelist |
Node name of Openframe environment. Multiple node names are separated by semicolon. (Default value: NODE1;NODE2) |
openframe.defaultNode |
Default node used in OFManager. (Default value: NODE1) |
domain.name |
Domain name of OpenFrame Manager. This can be set according to the site environment and is displayed in the Information Area. |
domain.type |
Domain type of OpenFrame Manager. This can be set to one of the following according to the purpose of using OpenFrame Manager and is displayed in the title area at the top left of the page. However, if set to Prod, only OpenFrame Manager is displayed in the title area.
ofmanager.language |
Font for textareas, such as JCL view. If not specified, the default value will be used.
ofmanager.consoleReply RefreshInterval |
Performs auto-refresh for Console Reply based on user-specified interval.
ofmanager.jclSave |
Edits and saves JCL by going to [Batch] >[JCLs] > [JCL Details] of OpenFrame Manager.
ofmanager.userSpool |
Option to use the [User Spool] menu of [Batch] of OpenFrame Manager. (Default value: false) The menu is used to display a list of spools whose output class is W. If not specified, it defaults to false. |
ofmanager.userFont |
Font for displaying text delivered from Tmax of OpenFrame Manager. |
For more information about configuring OpenFrame GW WebTerminal, refer to "2.2. OpenFrame GW Configuration File" in OpenFrame GW Administrator’s Guide. |
The following is an example of OpenFrame Manager configurations.
################################################################################ ##### ##### ##### OpenFrame Manager CONFIGURATIONS ##### ##### ##### ################################################################################ # DB Property ofmanager.datasource = ds_ofm1 # OpenFrame GW Property openframe.webterminal.url = openframe.webterminal.name= ofgw7 # TMAX WebT Property # Tmax Property openframe.tmax.ip= openframe.tmax.port=4394 openframe.tmax.connection.groupname=tmax1 openframe.tmax.connection.init=10 openframe.tmax.connection.max=100 openframe.tmax.connection.inc=10 # OS Property openframe.os = msp # CPM Name openframe.cpm.name=EBCASCUS.cpm # Encoding encoding = iso-8859-15 # Menus Property ofmanager.module = BM;TM;OSC; # Node Information openframe.defaultNode=NODE1 openframe.nodelist=NODE1;NODE2; # Domain Property domain.name = OPENFRAME Env. domain.type = development # textarea MS gothic font ofmanager.language=japanese # Auto Refresh Interval in CM > Console > Reply ofmanager.consoleReplyRefreshInterval = 5 # Using UserSpool ofmanager.userSpool=true # Menu Authority Check ofmanager.menuAuthChk=true # OFManager font # recommendation # japanese = MS Gothic # english = HACK, monospace, sans-serif, serif ofmanager.userFont = HACK
1.2. logback.xml
Specifies the file format and log level of a log file.
The following is a configuration example of the property file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="30 seconds"> <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender"> <encoder class="ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder"> <pattern> [%d{yyyy-MM-dd}T%d{HH:mm:ss.SSSSS}] [OFMANAGER|%-24logger{0}] [%.-1level] %msg%n </pattern> </encoder> </appender> <property name="USER_HOME" value="/home/user/logs" /> <appender name="ROLLING" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender"> <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy"> <!-- daily rollover --> <fileNamePattern>${USER_HOME}/ofmanager_%d{MM-dd-yyyy}.%i.log</fileNamePattern> <timeBasedFileNamingAndTriggeringPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedFNATP"> <!-- or whenever the file size reaches 50MB --> <maxFileSize>300MB</maxFileSize> </timeBasedFileNamingAndTriggeringPolicy> <!-- keep 30 days' worth of history --> <maxHistory>30</maxHistory> </rollingPolicy> <encoder> <pattern> [%d{yyyy-MM-dd}T%d{HH:mm:ss.SSSSS}] [OFMANAGER|%-24logger{0}] [%.-1level] %msg%n </pattern> </encoder> </appender> <logger name="org.springframework" level="OFF"> </logger> <logger name="com.tmax.ofmanager" additivity="false" level="DEBUG"> <appender-ref ref="ROLLING" /> </logger> <root level="WARN"> <appender-ref ref="ROLLING" /> </root> </configuration>
The following describes the items of the property file.
Item | Description |
<configuration> |
Dynamically changes log levels by specifying the scan and scanperiod items. |
<appender> |
Adds a log appender to be provided by LogBack. (Logs are recorded for each event.)
<property> |
The value configured in <property> can be used as a variable. USER_HOME is used as a log file path in this file. |
<fileNamepatten> |
Pattern of log file name. The default value uses date format and index ("%i"). |
<maxFileSize> |
Maximum size of each file. |
<maxHistory> |
Maximum number of days to keep file logs. If the number of days exceeds the limit, the oldest logs are automatically deleted first. |
<pattern> |
Format of the logs to display. |
<root> |
Sets the log level and adds <appender> to output the log level in the logger format. |
These items are provided by default so the administrator needs to customize them according to the environment. For the information about additional items, refer to the other guides for logback. |
2. TACF Resource Access
You can restrict access to some resources in OpenFrame Manager through TACF authorization. When a resource is defined in the OFMANAGR class, only users with TACF access authority can access it. If a resource is not defined in the OFMANAGR class, it can be accessed by all users.
The following describes the access authority set when you define each resource in the OFMANAGR class.
Resource Profile | Description |
Only users with LOGIN READ authority can log into OpenFrame Manager. |
Only users with READ authority on ST.OFCONFIG resource can use the [Config] button. |
Only users with READ authority on CM.COMMAND resource can use the [Base] >[Command] menu. |
Only users with OM.PGMADMIN READ authority can use the [Add], [Import], [Edit], and [Delete] buttons in the [OSC] > [Program Deploy] menu. |
Only users with OM.AIM READ authority can see the [AIM] menu. |
Only users with TM.USER READ authority can see the [TACF] > [Users] menu. If ofmanager.menuAuthChk is set to false, TACF authority is not checked for the [Users] menu. |
Only users with TM.GROUP READ authority can see the [TACF] > [Groups] menu. If ofmanager.menuAuthChk is set to false, TACF authority is not checked for the [Groups] menu. |
Only users with TM.RESOURCE READ authority can see the [TACF] > [General Resources] menu. If ofmanager.menuAuthChk is set to false, TACF authority is not checked for the [General Resources] menu. |
Only users with TM.DATASET READ authority can see the [TACF] > [Datasets] menu. If ofmanager.menuAuthChk is set to false, TACF authority is not checked for the [Datasets] menu. |
Only users with BM.USERSPOOL READ authority can see the [Batch] > [User Spool] menu. |
For more information about the menu functions enabled according to the user’s authority in the resource profile, refer to the respective chapter. |
3. Multi-node Configuration
To run OpenFrame Manager in a mul-node environment, additional configurations are needed. In addition, Tmax configuration files of all nodes that belong to the same domain must be the same.
The following is an example of configuring a muti-node environment with NODE1 and NODE2. To run OpenFrame Manager in a multi-node environment, several services use Tmax’s Data-Driven-Rounting function and the data used for routing is node name. The SERVICE section displays not the entire services but the services that need modification. The OSCOIVP1_OMC1 service is necessary in an environment where OpenFrame OSC is installed.
*ROUTING rt_nodename FIELD = "FIELD/FB_NODENAME", RANGES = "'NODE1':svg_node1,'NODE2':svg_node2,*:svg_node1" *SERVICE OFRUISVRCONFIG SVRNAME = ofruisvr, ROUTING = rt_nodename OFRUISVRRDFILE SVRNAME = ofruisvr, ROUTING = rt_nodename OFRUISVRRDDIR SVRNAME = ofruisvr, ROUTING = rt_nodename OBMJMSVRJDETAIL SVRNAME = obmjmsvr, ROUTING = rt_nodename OBMJINITCHECK SVRNAME = obmjinit, ROUTING = rt_nodename OBMJINITCTLNODE SVRNAME = obmjinit, ROUTING = rt_nodename OBMJINITCTLJOB SVRNAME = obmjinit, ROUTING = rt_nodename OBMJINITCTLINIT SVRNAME = obmjinit, ROUTING = rt_nodename OBMJINITRUN SVRNAME = obmjinit, ROUTING = rt_nodename OBMJINITSTATUS SVRNAME = obmjinit, ROUTING = rt_nodename OSCOIVP1_OMC1 SVRNAME = OSCOIVP1OMC, ROUTING = rt_nodename
To use TJES in a multi-node environment, refer to "7.1.2 Muti Node Configuration" in OpenFrame TJES Guide. |