This chapter describes the key features of the [HiDB] menu in OpenFrame Manager.

1. Overview

[HiDB] provides a set of management functions for OpenFrame/HiDB system and allows users to view HiDB metadata such as DBD and PSB.

Click [HiDB] at the top menu and then select the desired menu from the left navigation pane.

figure hidb main
HiDB Main Screen

The following describes the menus in the navigation pane.

Menu Description


Displays HiDB metadata DBD.


Displays HiDB metadata PSB.

For more information about the aforementioned items in HiDB, refer to OpenFrame HiDB Administrator’s Guide.

2. DBD

Click [HiDB] from the top menu or select [DBD] from the navigation pane to view the DBD metadata of OpenFrame/HiDB.

When you enter the search criteria on the DBD page and click the [Search] button, a list of the retrieved DBDs is displayed.

figure hidb dbd main
[HiDB] - DBD Main Screen
  • Search Conditions

    The following describes the DBD search conditions.

    Item Description

    DBD Name

    Name of the DBD.

  • Search Results

    The following describes the search result columns.

    Column Description


    Name of a DBD.

    DLI Access

    DL/I access type of DBD.

    SYS Access

    SYS access type of DBD.

2.1. DBD Details

In the search result list, you can click a specific DBD name to navigate to the DBD Details page.

The DBD Details page consists of the [Table View] and [Script View] tabs.

2.1.1. [Table View] Tab

The [Table View] tab in the DBD Details page displays the detailed DBD information in tables.

figure hidb dbd detail
[HiDB] - DBD Details - [Table View] Tab
  • DBD

    Displays the basic information of the DBD.

    Item Description


    DBD name.

    DLI Access

    DL/I access type of the DBD.

    SYS Access

    SYS access type of the DBD.


    Name of the randomizing exit routine for the DBD.

  • Dataset

    Displays datasets associated with the DBD.

    Item Description


    Primary DDNAME of the dataset group.


    Output dataset DDNAME for HSAM, SHSAM, and GSAM databases.


    Label of the dataset statement.

    CI Size 1

    Control interval or block size of a primary dataset depending on the database type.

    CI Size 2

    Control interval or block size of an overflow dataset depending on the database type.


    Blocking factor 1 of a primary dataset depending on the database type.


    Blocking factor 2 of an overflow dataset depending on the database type.

    Device Type

    Physical location where the dataset is stored.


    Number of direct access cylinders to be scanned.


    Method for distributing free space in HDAM or HIDAM database.


    Method for indicating free space in HDAM or HIDAM database as a percentage.

  • Segment

    Displays segments associated with the DBD.

    Item Description


    Segment name. Clicking a name opens a screen where you can view detailed information of the segment.

    For more information about segment details page, refer to Segment Information.


    Name of the physical parent segment.


    Name of the logical parent segment.

    DBD Name

    Name of the DBD to which the logical parent segment belongs.


    Name of the logical or logical child segment.


    Name of the DBD to which the logical or logical child segment belongs.


    Name of the physical or logical parent segment.


    Name of the DBD to which the physical or logical parent segment belongs.

  • Area

    Displays areas associated with a DBD.

    Item Description


    DDNAME of an area.

    CI Size

    Control interval of an area.


    Number of control intervals in a unit of work (UOW).


    Information of the data entry database (DEDB).

Segment Information

Clicking a name in the 'Segment' table on the [Table View] tab opens a detailed segment information window.

figure hidb segment detail
Segment Information
  • LChild

    Displays LChild associated with a segment.

    Item Description

    Segment Name

    Name of the logical child segment or index pointer segment.

    DBD Name

    Name of the DBD to which the logical child or index pointer segment belongs.

    Pair Segment Name

    Name of the segment in a bidirectional logical relationship.


    Name of the primary index’s sequence field or index segment’s index field.

  • Field

    Displays fields associated with a segment.

    Item Description


    Field name.


    Length of the field in bytes.


    Starting position of the field.


    Attributes of the field.


    Displays XDFLD associated with the segment.

    Item Description


    XDFLD name.

    Related Segment

    Name of the secondary index segment.

2.1.2. [Script View] Tab

The [Script View] tab in the DBD Details page displays the original script of a DBD and related PSBs.

figure hidb dbd scriptview
[HiDB] - DBD Details - [Script View] Tab
  • DBD Viewer

    Displays the DBD script.

  • Related PSB

    Displays a list of related PSBs.

    Item Description


    PSB name.

    When you click each name in the list, a window opens where you can check the script of the related PSB.

    figure hidb relate psb
    PSB Viewer

3. PSB

Click [PSB] from the navigation pane to view the PSB metadata of OpenFrame/HiDB.

When you enter the search criteria on the PSB page and click the [Search] button, a list of the retrieved PSBs is displayed.

figure hidb psb main
[HiDB] - PSB Main Screen
  • Search Conditions

    The following describes the PSB search conditions.

    Item Description

    PSB Name

    Name of the PSB.

  • Search Results

    The following describes the search result columns.

    Column Description


    Name of the PSB.

3.1. PSB Details

In the search result list, you can click a specific PSB name to navigate to the PSB Details page.

The PSB Details page consists of the [Table View] and [Script View] tabs.

3.1.1. [Table View] Tab

The [Table View] tab in the PSB Details page displays the detailed PSB information in tables.

figure hidb psb detail
[HiDB] - PSB Details - [Table View] Tab
  • PSB

    Displays the basic information of a PSB.

    Item Description


    PSB name.

  • PCB

    Displays PCBs associated with a PSB.

    Item Description


    Sequence for managing a PCB. If you click a sequence, a window opens displaying details of the PCB sequence.

    For more information on the PCB sequence details window, refer to PCB Sequence Details.

    Related DBD Name

    DBD name.


    Attributes of the PCB.

    PCB Name

    PCB name.

    Key Length

    Length of the associated key.

PCB Sequence Details

Clicking a sequence in the 'PCB' table on the [Table View] tab opens a sequence details window for the PCB sequence.

figure hidb pcb detail
[HiDB] - PCB Sequence Details

    Displays SENSEG associated with a PCB.

    Item Description

    Segment Name

    Segment name specified in the DBD.

    Parent Name

    Parent segment name specified in the DBD.

3.1.2. [Script View] Tab

The [Script View] tab in the PSB Details page displays the original script of a PSB and related DBDs.

figure hidb psb scriptview
[HiDB] - PSB Details - [Script View] Tab
  • PSB Viewer

    Displays the PSB script.

  • Relate DBD

    Displays a list of related DBDs.

    Item Description


    DBD name.

    When you click each name in the list, a window opens where you can check the script of the related DBD.

    figure hidb relate dbd
    DBD Viewer