This chapter describes examples of Tmax programs developed in various environments.
1. Programs for Each Communication Type
This section describes examples of synchronous, asynchronous, and interactive programs.
1.1. Synchronous Communication
In the following example, a client copies a string to a STRING buffer and calls a service. The service routine of a server receives the string, converts it to all upper case, and then returns the converted string.
Program Files
Common program
File Description sample.m
Tmax configuration file.
Client program
File Description sync_cli.c
Client program.
Server program
File Description syncsvc.c
Service program that converts a string to all upper case.
Tmax makefile that must be modified.
Program Feature
Client program
Feature Description Tmax connection
Basic connection (no client information).
Buffer type
Communication type
Synchronous communication using tpcall().
Server program
Feature Description Service
Database connection
Tmax Configuration File
The following is an example.
*DOMAIN resrc SHMKEY = 77990, MAXUSER = 256 *NODE tmax TMAXDIR = "/home/tmax", APPDIR = "/home/tmax/appbin", PATHDIR = "/home/tmax/path", TLOGDIR = "/home/tmax/log/tlog", ULOGDIR = "/home/tmax/log/slog", SLOGDIR = "/home/tmax/log/ulog" *SVRGROUP svg1 NODENAME = tmax *SERVER syncsvc SVGNAME = svg1, MIN = 1, MAX = 5, CLOPT = " –e $(SVR).err –o $(SVR).out " *SERVICE TOUPPERSTR SVRNAME = syncsvc
Client Program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> main(int argc,char *argv[]) { char *sendbuf, *recvbuf; long rlen; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: $ %s string \n",argv[0]); exit(1); } if (tpstart((TPSTART_T*)NULL) == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"Tpstart failed\n"); exit(1); } if ((sendbuf = tpalloc("STRING",NULL,0)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error allocation send buffer\n"); tpend(); exit(1); } if ((recvbuf = tpalloc("STRING",NULL,0)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error allocation recv buffer\n"); tpend(); exit(1); } strcpy(sendbuf ,argv[ 1 ] ) ; if ( tpcall("TOUPPERSTR",sendbuf,0,&sendbuf,&rlen, TPNOFLAGS) == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"Can’t send request to service TOUPPER->%s!\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)) ; tpfree(sendbuf) ; tpfree(recvbuf) ; tpend(); exit(1); } printf("Sent value:%s\n ",sendbuf ); printf("Returned value:%s\n ",recvbuf ); tpfree(sendbuf); tpfree(recvbuf); tpend( );
Server program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> TOUPPERSTR(TPSVCINFO *msg) { int i; for (i = 0; i < msg->len ; i++) msg->data[i] = toupper(msg->data[i]); msg->data[i] = ‘\0’; tpreturn(TPSUCCESS, 0, msg->data, 0, TPNOFLAGS); }
1.2. Asynchronous Communication
In the following example, a client copies a string to a STRUCT buffer and calls a service. The service routine of a server receives the string, converts it to upper or lower case, and then returns the converted string. The client requests the TOUPPER service through asynchronous communication and then calls the TOLOWER service through synchronous communication. The client receives the TOLOWER service result first and then receives the TOUPPER service result.
Program Files
Common program
File Description demo.s
Defines a struct buffer.
Tmax configuration file.
Client program
File Description async_cli.c
Client program.
Server program
File Description asyncsvc.c
Service program converts a string to upper or lower case.
Tmax makefile that must be modified.
Program Feature
Client program
Feature Description Tmax connection
Basic connection.
Buffer type
Communication type
Synchronous and asynchronous.
Server program
Feature Description Service
Database connection
Communication type
Synchronous and asynchronous.
Struct Buffer
The following example is a struct buffer used for asynchronous communication.
struct strdata { int flag; char sdata[20]; };
Tmax Configuration File
The following is an example.
*DOMAIN resrc SHMKEY = 77990, MAXUSER = 256 *NODE tmax TMAXDIR = "/home/tmax", APPDIR = "/home/tmax/appbin", PATHDIR = "/home/tmax/path" *SVRGROUP svg1 NODENAME = tmax *SERVER asyncsvc SVGNAME = svg1, MIN = 1, MAX = 5 *SERVICE TOUPPER SVRNAME = asyncsvc TOLOWER SVRNAME = asyncsvc
Client Program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" main(int argc,char *argv[ ]) { struct strdata *sendbuf, *sendbuf1; long dlen,clen; int cd; if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: $ %s string STRING\n", argv[0], argv[1]); exit(1) ; } if (tpstart((TPSTART_T *)NULL) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "TPSTART_T failed\n"); exit(1) ; } sendbuf = (struct strdata *)tpalloc("STRUCT", "strdata", 0); if ( sendbuf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error allocation send buffer\n"); tpend () ; exit(1) ; } sendbuf1 = (struct strdata *)tpalloc("STRUCT", "strdata", 0); if (sendbuf1 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error allocation send1 buffer\n"); tpend(); exit(1) ; } strcpy(sendbuf->sdata, argv[1]); strcpy(sendbuf1->sdata, argv[2]); if ((cd = tpacall("TOUPPER", (char *)sendbuf, 0, TPNOFLAGS)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Toupper error -> %s", tpstrerror(tperrno)); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); tpend(); exit(1) ; } if (tpcall("TOLOWER",(char *)sendbuf1,0,(char **)&sendbuf1, &dlen, TPSIGRSTRT) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Tolower error -> %s", tpstrerror(tperrno)); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); tpend(); exit(1) ; } if (tpgetrply(&cd, (char **)&sendbuf, &clen, TPSIGRSTRT) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Toupper getrply error -> %s", tpstrerror(tperrno)); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); tpend(); exit(1) ; } printf("Return value %s\n %s\n", sendbuf -> sdata, sendbuf1 -> sdata); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); tpfree((char *)sendbuf1); tpend() ; }
Server program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" TOUPPER(TPSVCINFO *msg) { int i = 0; struct strdata *stdata; stdata = (struct strdata *)msg -> data; while (stdata->sdata[ i ] != ‘\0’) { stdata->sdata[ i ] = toupper(stdata->sdata[ i ]); i++ ; } tpreturn(TPSUCCESS, 0, (char *)stdata, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } TOLOWER(TPSVCINFO *msg) { int i = 0; struct strdata *stdata; stdata = (struct strdata *)msg -> data; while ( stdata->sdata[ i ] != ‘\0’) { stdata->sdata[ i ] = tolower(stdata->sdata[ i ]); i++; } tpreturn(TPSUCCESS, 0, (char *)stdata, 0, TPNOFLAGS); }
1.3. Interactive Communication
A client receives user input and sends a number through a STRING buffer. The service routine of a server returns customer information with a number that is greater than the sent number in a database table.
The client sends the number along with a communication control to the server through interactive communication. The server reads all database data through a cursor and sends data that meets the condition to the client. The client can check that the data is successfully fetched through TPEVSVCSUCC.
Program Files
Common program
File Description demo.s
Defines a structure.
Tmax configuration file.
Script for creating a database table.
Script for outputting tables and data.
Client program
File Description conv_cli.c
Client program.
Server program
File Description convsvc.pc
Server program.
Tmax makefile that must be modified.
Program Feature
Client program
Feature Description Tmax connection
Basic connection.
Buffer type
STRING for transmission and STRUCT for reception.
Communication type
Server program
Feature Description Service
Database connection
Oracle is used.
Struct Buffer
The following example is a struct buffer used for interactive communication.
struct sel_o { char seqno[10]; char corpno[10]; char compdate[8]; int totmon; float guarat; float guamon; } ;
Tmax Configuration File
The following is an example.
* DOMAIN resrc SHMKEY = 77990, MAXUSER = 256 *NODE tmax TMAXDIR = "/home/tmax", APPDIR = "/home/tmax/appbin", PATHDIR ="/home/tmax/path" * SVRGROUP svg1 NODENAME = tmax, DBNAME = ORACLE, OPENINFO = "ORACLE_XA+Acc=P/scott/tiger+SesTm=60", TMSNAME = svg1_tms *SERVER convsvc SVGNAME = svg1, CONV = Y *SERVICE MULTI SVRNAME = convsvc
The following items are added.
Item | Description |
Database name. |
Oracle database connection information. |
Name of the process that handles global transactions. |
Interactive mode server. |
Database Script
The following creates an Oracle table.
sqlplus scott/tiger << EOF create table multi_sel ( seqno VARCHAR(10), corpno VARCHAR(10), compdate VARCHAR(8), totmon NUMERIC(38), guarat FLOAT, guamon FLOAT ); create unique index idx_tdb on multi_sel(seqno); EOF
The following outputs the Oracle table and data.
<sel.sql >
sqlplus scott/tiger << EOF Desc multi_sel; select * from multi_sel; EOF
Client Program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sel_o *rcvbuf; char *sndbuf; long sndlen, rcvlen, revent; int cd; if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage: client string\n"); exit(1); } /* connects to Tmax with tpstart() */ if (tpstart((TPSTART_T *) NULL) == -1) { printf("tpstart failed\n"); exit(1); } if ((sndbuf = tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 12)) == NULL) { printf("tpalloc failed:sndbuf\n"); tpend(); exit(1); } if ((rcvbuf = (struct sel_o *)tpalloc("STRUCT", "sel_o", 0)) == NULL) { printf("tpalloc failed:rcvbuf\n"); tpfree(sndbuf); tpend(); exit(1); } strcpy(sndbuf, argv[1]); if ((cd = tpconnect ("MULTI", sndbuf, 0, TPRECVONLY)) == -1){ printf("tpconnect failed:CONVER service, tperrno=%d\n", tperrno); tpfree(sndbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); exit(1); } /* interactive communication connection, The interaction control is sent to a server. */ printf("tpconnect SUCESS \"MULTI\" service\n"); while ( 1 ) { /* receives multiple data */ printf("tprecv strat\n"); if( tprecv(cd, (char **)&rcvbuf, &rcvlen, TPNOTIME, &revent) < 0 ) { /* If ends with tpreturn() in a server */ if (revent == TPEV_SVCSUCC){ printf("all is completed\n"); break; } printf("tprecv failed, tperrno=%s, revent=%x\n", tpstrerror(tperrno), revent ); tpfree(sndbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); exit(1); } printf("seqno = %s\t\t corpno =%s\n", rcvbuf->seqno, rcvbuf->corpno); printf("compdate = %s\t\t totmon =%d\n", rcvbuf->compdate, rcvbuf->totmon); printf("guarat = %f\t\t guamon =%f\n\n\n", rcvbuf->guarat, rcvbuf->guamon) ; } tpfree(sndbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); printf("FINISH\n"); }
Server program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" EXEC SQL begin declare section; /* Oracle global variables declaration */ char seq[10]; struct sel_o *sndbuf; EXEC SQL end declare section; EXEC SQL include sqlca; MULTI(TPSVCINFO *msg) { int i, cd; long sndlen, revent; memset(seq, 0, 10); strcpy(seq, msg->data); if ((sndbuf = (struct sel_o *) tpalloc ("STRUCT", "sel_o", 0)) == NULL) { printf("tpalloc failed:\n"); tpreturn (TPFAIL, -1, NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } /* declares a cursor for large amount of data */ EXEC SQL declare democursor cursor for select * from corp where seqno > :seq; EXEC SQL open democursor; EXEC SQL whenever not found goto end_of_fetch; if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0){ printf("oracle sqlerror=%s", sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc); tpreturn (TPFAIL, sqlca.sqlcode, NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } /* sends data while there is no Oracle error */ while ( sqlca.sqlcode == 0 ){ EXEC SQL fetch democursor into :sndbuf; if (tpsend (msg->cd, (char *)sndbuf, 0, TPNOTIME, &revent) == -1){ printf("tpsend failed, tperrno=%d, revent=%x\n", tperrno, revent ) ; tpfree ((char *)sndbuf); tpreturn (TPFAIL, -1, NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } } tpreturn (TPFAIL, sqlca.sqlcode, NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); end_of_fetch: exec sql close democursor; printf("tpreturn before"); tpreturn (TPSUCCESS, 0, NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); }
2. Global Transaction Programs
A global transaction is when multiple resource managers (databases) and physical entities participate in processing one logical unit. Tmax regards all transactions as global transactions, and two-phase commit (2PC) is used for data integrity.
A client receives user input and sends a unique number and data through a struct buffer. A server updates any data that has the unique number and adds it to a table by calling a service that uses another database. If an error occurs, the client can simultaneously roll back both databases because the client specifies the whole process as a single transaction.

Program Files
Common program
File Description demo.s
Struct buffer configuration file.
Tmax configuration file.
SQL script for creating a database table.
Client program
File Description client.c
Client program.
Server program
File Description update.pc
Server program that executes UPDATE for a database.
Server program that executes INSERT for a database.
Tmax makefile that must be modified.
Program Feature
Client program
Feature Description Tmax connection
Basic connection.
Buffer type
Communication type
Synchronous communication using tpcall().
Transaction handling
Transaction scope is specified by a client.
Server program
Feature Description Server program
2 server programs that use different databases.
Database connection
2 types of Oracle databases.
Struct Buffer
The following example is a struct buffer used for global transactions.
struct input { int account_id; int branch_id; char phone[15]; char address[61]; };
Tmax Configuration File
The following is an example.
*DOMAIN res SHMKEY=88000, MINCLH=1, MAXCLH=5, TPORTNO=8880, BLOCKTIME=60 *NODE tmax1 TMAXDIR = "/user/ tmax ", APPDIR = "/user/ tmax /appbin", PATHDIR = "/user/ tmax /path", TLOGDIR = "/user/ tmax /log/tlog", ULOGDIR="/user/ tmax /log/ulog", SLOGDIR="/user/ tmax /log/slog" tmax2 TMAXDIR = "/user/ tmax ", APPDIR = "/user/ tmax /appbin", PATHDIR = "/user/ tmax /path", TLOGDIR = "/user/ tmax /log/tlog", ULOGDIR="/user/ tmax /log/ulog", SLOGDIR="/user/ tmax /log/slog" *SVRGROUP svg1 NODENAME = tmax1, DBNAME = ORACLE, OPENINFO = "ORACLE_XA+Acc=P/scott/tiger+SesTm=60", TMSNAME = svg1_tms svg2 NODENAME = tmax2, DBNAME = ORACLE, OPENINFO = "ORACLE_XA+Acc=P/scott/tiger+SesTm=60", TMSNAME = svg2_tms *SERVER update SVGNAME=svg1 insert SVGNAME=svg2 *SERVICE UPDATE SVRNAME=update INSERT SVRNAME=insert
Database Script
The following creates an Oracle table.
sqlplus scott/tiger << EOF drop table ACCOUNT; create table ACCOUNT ( ACCOUNT_ID integer, BRANCH_ID integer not null, SSN char(13) not null, BALANCE number, ACCT_TYPE char(1), LAST_NAME char(21), FIRST_NAME char(21), MID_INIT char(1), PHONE char(15), ADDRESS char(61), CONSTRAINT ACCOUNT_PK PRIMARY KEY(ACCOUNT_ID) ); quit EOF
Client Program
The following is an example.
<client.c >
#include <stdio.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" #define TEMP_PHONE "6283-2114" #define TEMP_ADDRESS "Korea" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct input *sndbuf; char *rcvbuf; int acnt_id, n, timeout; long len; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage:%s account_id \n", argv[0]); exit(1); } acnt_id = atoi(argv[1]); timeout = 5; n = tmaxreadenv("tmax.env", "tmax"); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tmaxreadenv fail! tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); exit(1); } n = tpstart((TPSTART_T *)NULL); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tpstart fail! tperrno = %s\n", tperrno); exit(1); } sndbuf = (struct input *)tpalloc("STRUCT", "input", sizeof(struct input)); if (sndbuf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "tpalloc fail: sndbuf tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } rcvbuf = (char *)tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 0); if (rcvbuf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "tpalloc fail: rcvbuf tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } sndbuf->account_id = acnt_id; sndbuf->branch_id = acnt_id; strcpy(sndbuf ->phone, TEMP_PHONE); strcpy(sndbuf ->address, TEMP_ADDRESS); tx_set_transaction_timeout(timeout); n = tx_begin(); if (n < 0) fprintf(stderr, "tx begin fail! tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); n = tpcall("UPDATE", (char *)sndbuf, sizeof(struct input), (char **)&rcvbuf, (long *)&len, TPNOFLAGS); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tpcall fail! tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } n = tx_commit(); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tx commit fail! tx error = %d \n", n); tx_rollback(); tpend(); exit(1); } printf("rtn msg = %s\n", rcvbuf); tpfree((char *)sndbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); }
Server program
The following example is a server program that executes UPDATE for a database.
#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include <usrinc/sdl.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" #define OKMSG "YOU COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION" EXEC SQL include sqlca.h; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int account_id; int branch_id; char ssn[15]; char phone[15]; char address[61]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; UPDATE(TPSVCINFO *msg) { struct input *rcvbuf; int ret; long acnt_id, rcvlen; char *send; rcvbuf = (struct input *)(msg->data); send = (char *)tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 0); if (send == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "tpalloc fail errno = %s\n", strerror(tperrno)); tpreturn(TPFAIL, 0, (char *)NULL, 0, 0); } account_id = rcvbuf->account_id; branch_id = rcvbuf->branch_id; strcpy(phone, rcvbuf->phone); strcpy(address, rcvbuf->address); strcpy(ssn, "1234567"); EXEC SQL UPDATE ACCOUNT SET BRANCH_ID = :branch_id, PHONE = :phone, ADDRESS = :address, SSN = :ssn WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = :account_id; if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0 && sqlca.sqlcode != 1403 ) { fprintf(stderr, "update failed sqlcode = %d\n", sqlca.sqlcode); tpreturn(TPFAIL, -1, (char *)NULL, 0, 0); } rcvbuf->account_id++; ret = tpcall("INSERT", (char *)rcvbuf, 0, (char **)&send, (long *)&rcvlen, TPNOFLAGS); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tpcall fail tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpreturn(TPFAIL, -1, (char *)NULL, 0, 0); } strcpy(send, OKMSG); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS, 1, (char *)send, strlen(send), TPNOFLAGS); }
The following example is a server program that executes INSERT for a database.
#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include <usrinc/sdl.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" #define OKMSG "YOU COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION" EXEC SQL include sqlca.h; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int account_id; int branch_id; char ssn[15]; char phone[15]; char address[61]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; INSERT(msg) TPSVCINFO *msg; { struct input *rcvbuf; int ret; long acnt_id; char *send; rcvbuf = (struct input *)(msg->data); send = (char *)tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 0); if (send == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "tpalloc fail errno = %s\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); tpreturn(TPFAIL, 0, (char *)NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } account_id = rcvbuf->account_id; branch_id = rcvbuf->branch_id; strcpy(phone, rcvbuf->phone); strcpy(address, rcvbuf->address); strcpy(ssn, "1234567"); /* Declare && Open Cursor for Fetch */ EXEC SQL INSERT INTO ACCOUNT ( ACCOUNT_ID, BRANCH_ID, SSN, PHONE, ADDRESS ) VALUES ( :account_id, :branch_id, :ssn, :phone, :address); if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0 && sqlca.sqlcode != 1403 ) { printf("insert failed sqlcode = %d\n", sqlca.sqlcode); tpreturn(TPFAIL, -1, (char *)NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } strcpy(send, OKMSG); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS, 1, (char *)send, strlen(send), TPNOFLAGS); }
3. Database Programs
This section describes several examples that illustrate the use of Oracle and Informix databases.
3.1. Oracle Insert Program
A client receives user input and calls a service through a struct buffer. A server receives the input and adds it to a corresponding table. If an error occurs, a client can roll back the database by specifying the process as a single transaction.
Program Files
Common program
File Description demo.s
Struct buffer configuration file.
Tmax configuration file.
SQL script for creating a database table.
Script for outputting tables and data.
Client program
File Description oins_cli.c
Client program.
Server program
File Description oinssvc.pc
Oracle source of a service program.
Tmax makefile that must be modified.
Program Feature
Client program
Feature Description Tmax connection
Basic connection.
Buffer type
Communication type
Synchronous communication using tpcall().
Transaction handling
Transaction scope is specified by a client.
Server program
Feature Description Service
Database connection
Oracle database.
Struct Buffer
The following is an example.
struct ktran { int no; char name[20]; };
Tmax Configuration File
The following is an example.
*DOMAIN resrc SHMKEY = 77990, MAXUSER = 256 *NODE tmax TMAXDIR = /home/tmax, APPDIR = /home/tmax/appbin, PATHDIR = /home/tmax/path *SVRGROUP svg1 NODENAME = tmax, DBNAME = ORACLE, OPENINFO = "Oracle_XA+Acc=P/scott/tiger+SesTm=60", TMSNAME = svg1_tms *SERVER oinssvc SVGNAME = svg1, MIN = 1, MAX = 5 *SERVICE ORAINS SVRNAME = oinssvc
The following items are added.
Item | Description |
Database name. |
Oracle database connection information. CLOSEINFO does not need to be specified for an Oracle database because It is called by tpsvrinfo(). |
Name of the process that handles automatic transactions that meet OPENINFO. The service included in svg1 is handled as automatic transitions. |
Database Script
The following creates an Oracle table.
sqlplus scott/tiger << EOF create table testdb1 ( no number(7), name char(30) ) ; EOF
The following outputs the Oracle table and data.
sqlpus scott/tiger << EOF desc testdb1; select * from testdb1; select count (*) from testdb1; EOF
Client Program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ktran *sndbuf, *rcvbuf; long sndlen, rcvlen; int cd; if (argc != 3) { printf("Usage: client no name\n"); exit(1); } printf("tpstart-start \n"); if(tpstart ((TPSTART_T *) NULL) == -1) { printf("Tpstart failed\n"); exit(1); } printf("tpstart-ok \n"); if((sndbuf=(struct ktran *) tpalloc("STRUCT","ktran",0))==NULL) { printf("tpalloc failed:sndbuf, tperrno=%d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1) ; } if((rcvbuf = (struct ktran *) tpalloc("STRUCT", "ktran", 0))== NULL) { printf("tpalloc failed:rcvbuf, tperrno=%d\n", tperrno); tpfree((char *)sndbuf); tpend(); exit(1); } sndbuf->no = atoi(argv[1]); strcpy(sndbuf->name, argv[2]); printf("tpcall-start \n"); tx_begin(); if(tpcall("ORAINS",(char *)sndbuf,0,(char **)&rcvbuf,&rcvlen,TPNOFLAGS)==-1) { printf("tpcall failed:ORA service, tperrno=%d", tperrno); printf("sql code=%d\n", tpurcode); tx_rollback(); tpfree ((char *)sndbuf); tpfree ((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); exit(1); } printf("tpcall-success \n"); tx_commit(); tpfree ((char *)sndbuf); tpfree ((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); }
Server program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" EXEC SQL begin declare section; char name[20]; int no; EXEC SQL end declare section; EXEC SQL include sqlca; ORAINS(TPSVCINFO *msg) { struct ktran *stdata; stdata = (struct ktran *)msg->data; strcpy(name, stdata->name); no = stdata->no; printf("Ora service started\n"); /* inserts to a database */ EXEC SQL insert into testdb1(no, name) values(:no, :name); if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0){ printf("oracle sqlerror=%s",sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc); tpreturn (TPFAIL, sqlca.sqlcode, NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } tpreturn (TPSUCCESS, sqlca.sqlcode, stdata, 0, TPNOFLAGS); }
3.2. Oracle Select Program
A client receives user input and calls a service through a struct buffer. A server receives all corresponding data and returns it using a structure array. If an error occurs, a client can roll back the database by specifying the process as a single transaction.
Program Files
Common program
File Description demo.s
Struct buffer configuration file.
Tmax configuration file.
SQL script for creating a database table.
Script for outputting tables and data.
Client program
File Description oins_cli.c
Client program.
Function module used by a client.
Server program
File Description oselsvc.pc
Oracle source of a service program.
Tmax makefile that must be modified.
Program Feature
Client program
Feature Description Tmax connection
Basic connection.
Buffer type
Communication type
Synchronous communication using tpcall().
Transaction handling
Transaction scope is specified by a client.
Server program
Feature Description Service
Database connection
Oracle database.
Buffer usage
Buffer size can be changed if necessary.
Struct Buffer
The following is an example.
struct stru_his{ long ACCOUNT_ID ; long TELLER_ID ; long BRANCH_ID ; long AMOUNT ; } ;
Tmax Configuration File
The following is an example.
*DOMAIN resrc SHMKEY = 77990, MAXUSER = 256 *NODE tmax TMAXDIR ="/home/tmax", APPDIR ="/home/tmax/appbin", PATHDIR ="/home/tmax/path" *SVRGROUP svg1 NODENAME = tmax, DBNAME = ORACLE, OPENINFO = "Oracle_XA+Acc=P/scott/tiger+SesTm=600", TMSNAME = svg1_tms *SERVER oselsvc SVGNAME = svg1, MIN = 1, MAX = 5 *SERVICE ORASEL SVRNAME = oselsvc
The following items are added.
Item | Description |
Database name. |
Oracle database connection information. CLOSEINFO does not need to be specified for an Oracle database. Available options are described in the following table. |
Name of the process that handles transactions. |
Corresponding service is automatically processed in transaction status. |
The following options are available for OPENINFO.
Option | Description |
LogDir |
Records XA-related log in a specified location. If unspecified, the <xa_NULLdate.trc> file is created in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log or a current directory. |
DbgFl |
Level of the debug flag. 0x01 (basic level), 0x04 (OCI level), and other levels can be used. |
The following uses the LogDir and DbgFl options for OPENINFO.
OPENINFO="Oracle_XA+Acc=P/account/password +SesTm=60+LogDir=/tmp+DbgFl=0x01"
To avoid disk full issues, disalbe the degug mode during development. |
Database Script
The following creates an Oracle table.
sqlplus scott/tiger << EOF create table sel_his( account_id number(6), teller_id number(6), branch_id number(6), amount number(6) ); create unique index idx_tdb1 on sel_his(account_id); EOF
The following outputs the Oracle table and data.
sqlplus scott/tiger << EOF desc sel_his; select * from sel_his; EOF
Client Program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include <usrinc/tx.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" #define NARRAY 10 #define NOTFOUND 1403 main(int argc,char *argv[]) { struct stru_his *transf; int i, j; long urcode, nrecv, narray = NARRAY; long account_id, teller_id, branch_id, amount; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage:$%s ACOUNT_ID !\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } if (tpstart((TPSTART_T *) NULL) == -1) { /* connects to Tmax */ fprintf(stderr,"TPSTART_T(tpinfo) failed -> %s!\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)) ; exit(1) ; } /* creates a c struct buffer */ transf = (struct stru_his *) tpalloc("STRUCT", "stru_his",0); if (transf == (struct stru_his *)NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Tpalloc failed->%s!\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)) ; tpend(); exit(1); } memset(transf, 0x00, sizeof(struct stru_his)); account_id = atoi(argv[1]); transf->ACCOUNT_ID = account_id; /* sets transaction timeout */ tx_set_transaction_timeout(30); /* starts global transactions */ if (tx_begin() < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tx_begin() failed ->%s!\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); tpfree((char*)transf); tpend(); exit(0) ; } if (tpcall("ORASEL",(char *)transf, 0, (char **)&transf, &nrecv, TPNOFLAGS)== -1){ /* request the"ORASEL" service with synchronous communication */ fprintf(stderr,"Tpcall(SELECT...)error->%s ! ", tpstrerror(tperrno)) ; tpfree((char *)transf); /* cancels a transaction if failed */ tx_rollback(); tpend(); exit(0) ; } /* commits a transaction if successful */ if (tx_commit() == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "tx_commit() failed ->%s!\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)) ; tpfree((char *)transf); tpend(); exit(0) ; } /* Received data is an array of a structure. */ for (j =0 ; j < tpurcode ; j++) { /* prints data selected by Oracle */ if (j == 0) printf("%-12s%-10s%-10s%-10s\n", "ACCOUNT_ID","TELLER_ID", "BRANCH_ID", "AMOUNT"); account_id=transf[j].ACCOUNT_ID; teller_id=transf[j].TELLER_ID; branch_id=(*(transf+j)).BRANCH_ID; amount=transf[j].AMOUNT; printf("%-12d %-10d %-10d %-10d\n", account_id, teller_id,branch_id, amount); } /* if there is not selected data or it is the end */ if (urcode == NOTFOUND) { printf("No records selected!\n"); tpfree((char *)transf); tpend(); return 0; } tpfree((char *)transf); tpend(); }
Server program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" #define NARRAY 10 #define TOOMANY 2112 #define NOTFOUND 1403 EXEC SQL include sqlca.h; EXEC SQL begin declare section; long key, rowno= NARRAY; long account_id[NARRAY],teller_id[NARRAY], branch_id[NARRAY], amount[NARRAY] ; EXEC SQL end declare section; ORASEL(TPSVCINFO *msg) { struct stru_his *transf; int i , lastno; transf=(struct stru_his *) msg->data; /* transfers contents of the msg buffer to a program variable */ key = transf->ACCOUNT_ID; /* adjusts the size of the transf buffer */ if((transf=(struct stru_his *) tprealloc((char*)transf, sizeof(struct stru_his) * NARRAY ))==(struct stru_his*)NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "tprealloc error ->%s\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); tpreturn(TPFAIL, tperrno, NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } EXEC SQL select account_id, teller_id, branch_id, amount into :account_id, :teller_id, :branch_id, :amount from sel_his where account_id > :key /* puts data that has account_id greater than the key value sent */ order by account_id; /* by a client to a global variable */ /* sql error check (excludes no data or too many data) */ if (sqlca.sqlcode!=0 && sqlca.sqlcode!=NOTFOUND && sqlca.sqlcode!=TOOMANY) { fprintf(stderr,"SQL ERROR ->NO(%d):%s\n", sqlca.sqlcode, sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc) ; tpreturn(TPFAIL, sqlca.sqlcode, NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } /* puts the number of access to lastno */ lastno = sqlca.sqlerrd[2]; /* too many selected data */ if (sqlca.sqlcode == TOOMANY) lastno =rowno; /* No records */ if (lastno == 0) transf->ACCOUNT_ID = 0; /* puts data selected by Oracle to a buffer to be sent */ for ( i = 0 ; i < lastno; i++) { transf[i].ACCOUNT_ID = account_id[i]; transf[i].TELLER_ID = teller_id[i]; transf[i].BRANCH_ID = branch_id[i]; transf[i].AMOUNT = amount[i]; } tpreturn(TPSUCCESS, lastno, transf, i * sizeof(struct stru_his), TPNOFLAGS ); }
3.3. Informix Insert Program
A client receives user input and calls a service through a struct buffer. A server receives the input and adds it to a corresponding table. A client can roll back by specifying the process as a single transaction when an error occurs.
Check the following before compiling Informix applications.
Unix environment (.profile, .login, and .cshrc)
Set the following items.
INFORMIXDIR=/home/informix INFORMIXSERVER=tmax ONCONFIG=onconfig PATH=$INFORMIXDIR/bin: … LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/informix/lib:/home/informix/lib/esql: …
Check the following operations and settings.
# Server esql makefile TARGET = <target filename> APOBJS = $(TARGET).o SDLFILE = info.s LIBS = -lsvr -linfs # For Solaris, add –lnsl –lsocket. OBJS = $(APOBJS) $(SDLOBJ) $(SVCTOBJ) SDLOBJ = ${SDLFILE:.s=_sdl.o} SDLC = ${SDLFILE:.s=_sdl.c} SVCTOBJ = $(TARGET)_svctab.o CFLAGS =-O -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql -I$(TMAXDIR) # Solaris 32bit, Compaq, Linux: CFLAGS = -O -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql –I$(TMAXDIR) # Solaris 64bit: CFLAGS = -xarch=v9 -O -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql –I$(TMAXDIR) # HP 32bit: CFLAGS = -Ae -O -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql –I$(TMAXDIR) # HP 64bit: CFLAGS = -Ae +DA2.0W +DD64 +DS2.0 -O -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql –I$(TMAXDIR) # IBM 32bit: CFLAGS = -q32 –brtl -O -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql –I$(TMAXDIR) # IBM 64bit: CFLAGS = -q64 –brtl -O -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql –I$(TMAXDIR) INFLIBD = $(INFORMIXDIR)/lib/esql INFLIBDD = $(INFORMIXDIR)/lib INFLIBS = -lifsql -lifasf -lifgen -lifos -lifgls -lm -ldl -lcrypt $(INFORMIXDIR)/lib/esql/ checkapi.o -lifglx -lifxa APPDIR = $(TMAXDIR)/appbin SVCTDIR = $(TMAXDIR)/svct TMAXLIBDIR = $(TMAXDIR)/lib # .SUFFIXES : .ec .s .c .o .ec.c : esql -e $*.ec # # server compile # all: $(TARGET) $(TARGET):$(OBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -L$(TMAXLIBDIR) -L$(INFLIBD) -L$(INFLIBDD) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) $(INFLIBS) mv $(TARGET) $(APPDIR)/. rm -f $(OBJS) $(APOBJS): $(TARGET).ec esql -e -I$(TMAXDIR)/usrinc $(TARGET).ec $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(TARGET).c $(SVCTOBJ): touch $(SVCTDIR)/$(TARGET)_svctab.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(SVCTDIR)/$(TARGET)_svctab.c $(SDLOBJ): $(TMAXDIR)/bin/sdlc -i ../sdl/$(SDLFILE) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c ../sdl/$(SDLC) # clean: -rm -f *.o core $(TARGET) $(TARGET).lis
<TMS Makefile>
# TARGET = info_tms INFOLIBDIR = ${INFORMIXDIR}/lib INFOELIBDIR = ${INFORMIXDIR}/esql INFOLIBD = ${INFORMIXDIR}/lib/esql INFOLIBS = -lifsql -lifasf -lifgen -lifos -lifgls -lm -ldl -lcrypt /opt/informix/lib/esql/checkapi.o -lifglx -lifxa # For Solaris, add –lnsl –lsocket –laio –lelf CFLAGS =-O -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql -I$(TMAXDIR) # Solaris 32bit, Compaq, Linux: CFLAGS = -O -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql –I$(TMAXDIR) # Solaris 64bit: CFLAGS = -xarch=v9 -O -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql –I$(TMAXDIR) # HP 32bit: CFLAGS = -Ae -O -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql –I$(TMAXDIR) # HP 64bit: CFLAGS = -Ae +DA2.0W +DD64 +DS2.0 -O -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql –I$(TMAXDIR) # IBM 32bit: CFLAGS = -q32 –brtl -O -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql –I$(TMAXDIR # IBM 64bit: CFLAGS = -q64 –brtl -O -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql –I$(TMAXDIR TMAXLIBDIR = $(TMAXDIR)/lib TMAXLIBS = -ltms -linfs # CC = /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc : solaris only $(TARGET): $(APOBJ) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(TARGET) -L$(TMAXLIBDIR) -L$(INFOLIBD) -L$(INFOLIBDIR) -L $(INFOELIBDIR) $(INFOLIBS) $(TMAXLIBS) mv $(TARGET) $(TMAXDIR)/appbin # clean: -rm -f *.o core $(TARGET)
Program Files
Common program
File Description demo.s
Struct buffer configuration file.
Tmax configuration file.
SQL script for creating a database. XA mode is supported when a database is created in logging mode.
SQL script for creating a database table.
Script for outputting tables and data.
Client program
File Description client.c
Client program.
Server program
File Description tdbsvr.ec
Server program.
Modifies the Makefile provided by Tmax.
Program Feature
Client program
Feature Description Tmax connection
Basic connection.
Buffer type
Communication type
Synchronous communication using tpcall().
Transaction handling
Transaction scope is specified by a client.
Server program
Feature Description Service
Database connection
Informix database.
Struct Buffer
The following is an example.
struct info { char seq[8]; char data01[128]; char data02[128]; char data03[128]; };
Tmax Configuration File
The following is an example.
*DOMAIN resrc SHMKEY = 77990, MAXUSER = 256 *NODE tmax TMAXDIR ="/home/tmax", A APPDIR ="/home/tmax/appbin", PATHDIR ="/home/tmax/path" *SVRGROUP svg1 NODENAME = tmax, DBNAME = INFORMIX, OPENINFO = "stores7", CLOSEINFO = "", TMSNAME = info_tms *SERVER tdbsvr SVGNAME = svg1, MIN = 1, MAX = 5 *SERVICE INSERT SVRNAME = tdbsvr
The following items are added.
Item | Description |
Database name. |
Informix database connection and disconnection information. tpsvrinfo() and tpsvrdone() use the information. |
Name of the process that handles transactions. Automatic transactions that become available due to OPENINFO are handled. The corresponding service included in svg1 is handled in the automatic transaction state. |
Database Script
The following creates an Informix table.
dbaccess << EOF create database stores7 with buffered log; grant connect to public; database stores7; drop table testdb1; create table testdb1 ( seq VARCHAR(8) , data01 VARCHAR(120) , data02 VARCHAR(120) , data03 VARCHAR(120) ) lock mode row; create unique index idx_tdb1 on testdb1(seq); EOF
The following outputs the Informix table and data.
dbaccess << EOF database stores7; select * from testdb1; EOF
Client Program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include <usrinc/tx.h> #include "info.s" main(int argc, char **argv) { struct info *transf; char data[256]; long nrecv; /* connects to Tmax */ if ((tpstart((TPSTART_T *)NULL) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "tpstart(TPINFO...) failed ->%s!\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)) ; exit(1) ; } /* allocates buffer memory to be used in an application program */ if ((transf=(struct info *)tpalloc ("STRUCT","info",0))==(struct info *)NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "tpalloc(struct info, ...) failed ->%s!\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)) ; tpend(); exit(1) ; } /* fills the data fields to be transferred */ strcpy(transf->seq, "000001"); strcpy(transf->data01, "Hello"); strcpy(transf->data02, "World"); strcpy(transf->data03, "1234"); /* sets transaction timeout * / tx_set_transaction_timeout (30); /* informs of transaction starts */ if (tx_begin() < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tx_begin() failed ->%s!\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)) ; tpfree ((char *)transf); tpend( ); exit(0); } /* calls a service */ if (tpcall("INSERT",(char*) transf,0,(char **)&transf,&nrecv,TPNOFLAGS)==-1){ fprintf(stderr,"tpcall(struct info, ...) failed ->%s!\n",tpstrerror(tperrno)) ; tx_rollback (); tpfree ((char *)transf), tpend(); exit(0); } /* Transactions are complete. */ if (tx_commit () < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tx_commit() failed ->%s!\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)) ; tpfree ((char *)transf); tpend( ); exit(0); } tpfree ((char *)transf ); /* disconnects from Tmax */ tpend( ) ; }
Server program
The following is an example.
< tdbsvr.ec>
#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include "info.s" EXEC SQL include sqlca.h; /* a service name */ INSERT(TPSVCINFO *msg) { /* declares a buffer type for the program */ struct info *INFO; /* declares a buffer type for SQL statements */ EXEC SQL begin declare section; varchar seq[8],buf01[128],buf02[128],buf03[128]; EXEC SQL end declare section; /* receives data in a structure format from the message buffer */ INFO = (struct info *)msg -> data; /* copies data received in a structure format to a database buffer */ strcpy(seq, INFO->seq); strcpy(buf01, INFO->data01); strcpy(buf02, INFO->data02); strcpy(buf03, INFO->data03); /* performs an Insert SQL statement */ EXEC SQL insert into testdb1 (seq,data01,data02,data03) values(:seq, :buf01, :buf02, :buf03); /* if an error occurs */ if ( sqlca.sqlcode ! = 0) { /* informs Insert is failed */ printf("SQL error => %d !" ,sqlca.sqlcode); tpreturn (TPFAIL, sqlca.sqlcode, NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } /* when Insert successfully completes */ tpreturn (TPSUCCESS, 0, NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); }
3.4. Informix Select Program
A client receives user input and calls a service through a struct buffer. A server receives all corresponding data and returns it using a structure array. If an error occurs, a client can roll back the database by specifying the process as a single transaction.
Program Files
Common program
File Description acct.s
Tmax configuration file.
SQL script for creating a database.
SQL script for creating a database table.
Script for outputting tables and data.
Client program
File Description client.c
Client program.
Function module used by client.c.
Server program
File Description sel_acct.ec
Informix source of a service program.
Tmax makefile that must be modified.
Program Feature
Client program
Feature Description Tmax connection
Basic connection.
Buffer type
Communication type
Synchronous communication using tpcall().
Transaction handling
Transaction scope is specified by a client.
Server program
Feature Description Service
Database connection
Informix database.
Buffer usage
A buffer can be resized if necessary.
Struct Buffer
The following is an example.
struct stru_acct { int ACCOUNT_ID; char PHONE[20]; char ADDRESS[80]; };
Tmax Configuration File
The following is an example.
*DOMAIN resrc SHMKEY = 77990, MAXUSER = 256 *NODE tmax TMAXDIR ="/home/tmax", APPDIR ="/home/tmax/appbin", PATHDIR ="/home/tmax/path" *SVRGROUP svg1 NODENAME = tmax, DBNAME = INFORMIX, OPENINFO = "stores7", CLOSEINFO = "", TMSNAME = info_tms *SERVER SEL_ACCT SVGNAME = svg1, MIN = 1, MAX = 5 *SERVICE SEL_ACCT SVRNAME = sel_acct
The following items are added.
Item | Description |
Database name. |
Informix database connection and disconnection information. tpsvrinfo() and tpsvrdone() use the information. |
Name of the process that handles transactions. Automatic transactions appointed by OPENINFO are handled. The corresponding service included in svg1 is handled in automatic transaction status. |
Database Script
The following creates an Informix table.
dbaccess << EOF create database stores7 with buffered log; grant connect to public; database stores7; drop table ACCOUNT; create table ACCOUNT ( account_id INTEGER, phone VARCHAR(20), address VARCHAR(80) ) lock mode row; create unique index idx_tdb1 on ACCOUNT(account_id); EOF
The following outputs the Informix table and data.
dbaccess << EOF database stores7; select * from ACCOUNT; EOF
Client Program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include <usrinc/tx.h> #include "acct.s" #define NOTFOUND 1403 void htime(char *, int *); main(int argc, char *argv[ ]) { struct stru_acct *transf; float tps; int i, j, loop, cnt_data = 0, sec1, sec2; long urcode, nrecv, narray; char ts[30], te[30], phone[20], address[80]; int account_id, key; if(argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage:$%sLOOP (NARRAY = 30) !\n", argv[0]); exit(0) ; } /* repeats the loop as many as times a user wants */ loop = atoi(argv[1]); /* connects to Tmax */ if (tpstart((TPSTART_T *)NULL) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "tpstart(tpinfo) failed ->%s!\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); exit(1) ; } /* sec1 = start time */ htime(ts,&sec1); key=0; /* allocates a message buffer */ for( i = 0; i < loop; i++) { if ((transf=(struct stru_acct *)tpalloc("STRUCT","stru_acct",0)) ==(struct stru_acct *)NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Tpalloc(STRUCT.. )failed->%s!\n" , tpstrerror(tperrno)) ; tpend(); exit(1); } transf -> ACCOUNT_ID = key; /* time-out value= 30 */ tx_set_transaction_timeout(30) ; if (tx_begin() < 0) { /* starts transactions */ fprintf(stderr, "tx_begin() failed ->%s!\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)) ; tpfree((char*)transf); tpend(); exit(0); } /* calls a select service */ if (tpcall("SEL_ACCT", (char *)transf, 0, (char **)&transf, &nrecv, TPNOFLAGS)== -1) { /* service error: the message buffer is freed, the transaction is cancelled, and the connection is terminated */ fprintf(stderr,"Tpcall(SELECT...)error->%s! " , tpstrerror(tperrno)) ; tpfree ((char *)transf); tx_rollback ( ) ; tpend( ) ; exit ( 1 ) ; } urcode = tpurcode; /* The service is successfully completed. The actual resource is changed as a result of the transaction */ if (tx_commit() < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "tx_commit() failed ->%s!\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)) ; tpfree((char *)transf); tpend(); exit(0); } /* if data is selected */ if ( urcode != NOTFOUND) { narray =urcode; /* the last record of selected data */ key=transf[narray-1].ACCOUNT_ID; /* outputs results to a user as many as the number of selected data */ for ( j = 0 ; j < narray ; j++ ) { if ( j == 0) printf("%-10s%-14s%s\n", "ACCOUNT_ID", "PHONE","ADDRESS") ; account_id = transf[j].ACCOUNT_ID; strcpy(phone, transf[j].PHONE); strcpy(address, transf[j].ADDRESS); printf("%-10d %-14s %s\n", account_id, phone, address); }/* for2 end */ /* increases the number of results */ cnt_data += j; /* message buffer free */ tpfree ((char *)transf); if(urcode == NOTFOUND) { printf("No records selected!\n"); break ; } }/* for1 end */ /* message buffer free */ tpfree ((char *)transf); /* disconnects from Tmax */ tpend (); /* sec2 = end time */ htime(te,&sec2); /* calculates processing time for each data */ printf("TOT.COUNT = %d\n", cnt_data); printf("Start time = %s\n", ts); printf("End time = %s\n", te); if ((sec2-sec1) ! = 0) tps = (float) cnt_data / (sec2 - sec1); else tps = cnt_data; printf("Interval = %d secs ==> %10.2f T/S\n", sec2-sec1,tps); } htime(char *cdate, int *sec) { long time(), timef, pt; char ct[20], *ap; struct tm *localtime(), *tmp; pt = time(&timef); *sec = pt; tmp = localtime(&timef); ap = asctime(tmp); sscanf(ap, "%*s%*s%*s%s",ct); sprintf( cdate, "%02d. %02d. %02d %s", tmp->tm_year, ++tmp->tm_mon, tmp->tm_mday,ct); }
Server program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include <usrinc/tx.h> #include "acct.s" #define NFETCH 5 #define NOTFOUND 100 EXEC SQL include sqlca.h; EXEC SQL begin declare section; long account_id, key; varchar phone[20], address[80]; EXEC SQL end declare section; SEL_ACCT(TPSVCINFO *msg) { int i , j , nfetch; int return_code; struct stru_acct *ACCT_V; /* receives client data */ ACCT_V = (struct stru_acct *) msg->data; /* moves an accound ID value to be selected to the key */ key = ACCT_V->ACCOUNT_ID; /* reallocates the size of the client buffer */ if ((ACCT_V = (struct stru_acct *)tprealloc((char *)ACCT_V, sizeof(struct stru_acct)*NFETCH )) == (struct stru_acct *)NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "tprealloc error =%s\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); tpreturn (TPFAIL, tperrno, NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } /* initializes a buffer */ ACCT_V->ACCOUNT_ID = 0; strcpy(ACCT_V->PHONE," " ) ; strcpy(ACCT_V->ADDRESS," " ) ; /* extracts phone and address fields from the ACCOUNT table */ EXEC SQL declare CUR_1 cursor for select account_id,phone,address into :account_id, :pfone, :address from ACCOUNT where account_id > :key;/* if an account ID is larger than a field key */ /* cursor open */ EXEC SQL open CUR_1; /* cursor open error */ if (sqlca.sqlcode ! = 0) { printf("open cursor error !\n"); tpreturn(TPFAIL, sqlca.sqlcode, NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } nfetch=0 ; return_code = NOTFOUND; /* cursor open success */ while (sqlca.sqlcode == 0) { /* fetches data from the location a cursor points one at a time */ EXEC SQL fetch CUR_1; /* fetch error */ if (sqlca.sqlcode ! = 0) { if (sqlca.sqlcode == NOTFOUND) break ; break ; } ACCT_V[nfetch].ACCOUNT_ID = account_id; strcpy(ACCT_V[nfetch].PHONE, phone ); strcpy(ACCT_V[nfetch].ADDRESS, address ); /* increases the number of selected data */ nfetch++; return_code = nfetch /* exits from "while" if data is selected as many as the number of NFETCH */ if (nfetch > NFETCH) { nfetch = NFETCH; return_code = nfetch; break ; } } /* cursor close */ EXEC SQL close CUR_1; /* returns the result and its data to a client */ tpreturn ( TPSUCCESS, return_code, (char *)ACCT_V, sizeof(struct stru_acct)*nfetch, TPNOFLAGS); }
3.5. DB2 Program
A client receives user input, saves EMPNO to a STRING buffer, and calls a service. A server receives all the data and adds it to the table. If an error occurs, a client can roll back the database by specifying the process as a single transaction.
Program Files
Common program
File Description sample.m
Tmax configuration file.
SQL script for creating a database table.
Client program
File Description clidb2tx.c
Client program.
Server program
File Description svr_db2.sqc
DB2 source of a service program.
Makefile for compiling TMS and the server program.
Program Feature
Client program
Feature Description Tmax connection
Basic connection.
Buffer type
Communication type
Synchronous communication using tpcall().
Transaction handling
Transaction scope is specified by a client.
Server program
Feature Description Service
Database connection
DB2 database.
Considerations before the DB2 integration test
Check the following when integrating to DB2.
DB2 client engine (32-bit or 64-bit).
DB2 client version.
Set the XAOPTION item in the SVRGROUP section of the Tmax configuration file.
When the DB2 client version is 8.0 or previous
When the DB2 client engine is 32-bit
When the DB2 client engine is 64-bit and OS is Unix or Linux
When the DB2 client engine is 64-bit and OS is Windows
When the DB2 client version is 9.0 or later (regardless of the DB2 client engine and OS)
Do not set XAOPTION.
Link appropriate libraries when compiling TMS and the server program.
When the DB2 client version is 8.0 or previous
When the DB2 client engine is 32-bit
-ldb2s or $(TMAXDIR)/lib/libdb2s.a
When the DB2 client engine is 64-bit and OS is Unix or Linux
-ldb2_64s or $(TMAXDIR)/lib64/libdb2_64s.a
When the DB2 client engine is 64-bit and OS is Windows
-ldb2s or $(TMAXDIR)/lib/libdb2s.a
When the DB2 client version is 9.0 or later (regardless of the DB2 client engine and OS)
-ldb2s_static or $(TMAXDIR)/lib/libdb2s_static.a
When the DB2 client version is 9.0 or later, you can link the library used for 8.0 or previous versions for dynamic registration. However, it is not recommended. |
Tmax Configuration File
The following is an example.
*DOMAIN tmax1 SHMKEY = 71990, MINCLH = 1, MAXCLH = 3, TPORTNO = 7789, BLOCKTIME = 30, MAXCPC = 150 *NODE phk TMAXDIR = "/home/tmaxha/tmax", APPDIR = "/home/tmaxha/tmax/appbin", PATHDIR = "/home/tmaxha/tmax/path", TLOGDIR = "/home/tmaxha/tmax/log/tlog", ULOGDIR = "/home/tmaxha/tmax/log/ulog", SLOGDIR = "/home/tmaxha/tmax/log/slog" *SVRGROUP xa_svg_db2 NODENAME = "phk", DBNAME = IBMDB2, # XAOPTION = "DYNAMIC XASWITCH32", XAOPTION = "DYNAMIC", OPENINFO = "db=test,uid=tmaxha,pwd=ha0115", TMSNAME = tms_db2, RESTART=N *SERVER svr_db2 SVGNAME = xa_svg_db2 *SERVICE XASERVICE2 SVRNAME = svr_db2
The following items are added.
Item | Description |
Database name. |
DB2 database connection information. |
Name of the process that handles transactions that meet OPENINFO. |
Database Script
The following creates a DB2 table.
#'db2start' execution $ db2start # Creating a database named TPTEST $ db2 "CREATE DATABASE TPTEST" # Connecting to the TPTEST databse $ db2 "CONNECT TO TPTEST" # Creating a table named EMP $ db2 -vf create.ers -t <create.ers> CREATE TABLE EMP ( EMPNO DECIMAL(8) NOT NULL, ENAME VARCHAR(16), JOB VARCHAR(16), SAL DECIMAL(8), HIREDATE DECIMAL(8), XID CHAR(32) ); # Checking the table creation $ db2 "LIST TABLES"
The following shows the DB2 table and sample data.
$ db2 "DESCRIBE TABLE EMP" Column Type Type name schema name Length Scale Nulls ------------------------------ --------- ------------------ -------- ----- ------ EMPNO SYSIBM DECIMAL 8 0 No ENAME SYSIBM VARCHAR 16 0 Yes JOB SYSIBM VARCHAR 16 0 Yes SAL SYSIBM DECIMAL 8 0 Yes HIREDATE SYSIBM DECIMAL 8 0 Yes XID SYSIBM CHARACTER 32 0 Yes 6 record(s) selected.
Client Program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *sndbuf, *rcvbuf; long rcvlen; int ret; if ( (ret = tmaxreadenv( "tmax.env","TMAX" )) == -1 ){ printf( "tmax read env failed.[%s]\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); exit(1); } if (tpstart((TPSTART_T *)NULL) == -1){ printf("tpstart failed.[%s]\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); exit(1); } if ((sndbuf = (char *)tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 0)) == NULL) { printf("sendbuf alloc failed! [%s]\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); tpend(); exit(1); } if ((rcvbuf = (char *)tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 0)) == NULL) { printf("recvbuf alloc failed! [%s]\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); tpfree(sndbuf); tpend(); exit(1); } strcpy(sndbuf, argv[1]); ret = tx_begin(); if (ret < 0) { printf("tx_begin is failed.[%s]\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); resource_free(sndbuf, rcvbuf); exit(1); } else printf("tx_begin success.\n"); if (tpcall("XASERVICE2", sndbuf, strlen(sndbuf), &rcvbuf, &rcvlen, 0) == -1){ printf("Can't send request to service XASERVICE2.[%s]\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); ret = tx_rollback(); if (ret < 0) printf("tx_rollback is failed. [%s]\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); resource_free(&sndbuf, &rcvbuf); exit(1); } else printf("XASERVCE2 success.\n"); ret = tx_commit(); if (ret < 0) { printf("tx_commit is failed. [%s]\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); ret = tx_rollback(); if (ret < 0) printf("tx_rollback is failed. [%s]\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); } else printf("tx_commit success.\n"); resource_free(sndbuf, rcvbuf); return 0; } resource_free(char* sndbuf, char *rcvbuf) { if (rcvbuf != NULL) tpfree((char*)rcvbuf); if (sndbuf != NULL) tpfree((char*)sndbuf); tpend(); }
Server program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA; EXEC SQL begin declare section; sqlint32 h_empno; sqlint32 h_count; EXEC SQL end declare section; XASERVICE2(TPSVCINFO *msg) { char *res_msg; int h_count=0; h_empno = atoi(msg->data); printf("h_empno = %d \n", h_empno); EXEC SQL INSERT into EMP (EMPNO) VALUES (:h_empno); if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0) { printf("insertion is failed : sqlcode[%d]%d\n", sqlca.sqlcode, sqlca.sqlstate); tpreturn(TPFAIL, -1, 0, 0, 0); } else EXEC SQL SELECT COUNT(*) INTO :h_count FROM emp WHERE empno = :h_empno; if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0) { printf("insertion is failed : sqlcode[%d]%d\n", sqlca.sqlcode, sqlca.sqlstate); tpreturn(TPFAIL, -1, 0, 0, 0); } else printf("insertion is success. selcnt(%d) \n", h_count); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS, 0, 0, 0, 0); }
Server Makefile
The following is an example.
# Server makefile for DB2 # Linux 64bit DB2LIBDIR = $(DB2_HOME)/lib DB2LIBS = -ldb2 DB = TEST DB2USER = tmaxha DB2PASS = ha0115 TARGET = $(COMP_TARGET) APOBJS = $(TARGET).o APOBJS2 = utilemb.o NSDLOBJ = $(TMAXDIR)/lib64/sdl.o #OBJS = $(APOBJS) $(APOBJS2) $(SVCTOBJ) OBJS = $(APOBJS) $(SVCTOBJ) SVCTOBJ = $(TARGET)_svctab.o #CFLAGS = -m64 -O -I$(TMAXDIR) -I$(DB2_HOME)/include CFLAGS = -O -I$(TMAXDIR) -I$(DB2_HOME)/include LDFLAGS = TMAXAPPDIR = $(TMAXDIR)/appbin TMAXSVCTDIR = $(TMAXDIR)/svct TMAXLIBDIR = $(TMAXDIR)/lib64 TMAXLIBS = -lsvr -ldb2s # dynmic XAOPTION=DYNAMIC (DB2 Client v8.0(below) 32bit or DB2 Client 64bit & Windows) #TMAXLIBS = -lsvr -ldb2_64s # dynmic XAOPTION=DYNAMIC (DB2 Client v8.0(below) 64bit & Linux/Unix) #TMAXLIBS = -lsvr -ldb2s_static #static XAOPTION=none (DB2 Client v9.0(above)) # .SUFFIXES : .c .c.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -c $< # # server compile # all: $(TARGET) $(TARGET): $(OBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(TMAXLIBDIR) -o $(TARGET) -L$(DB2LIBDIR) $(DB2LIBS) $(OBJS) $(TMAXLIBS) $(NSDLOBJ) mv $(TARGET) $(TMAXAPPDIR) rm -f $(OBJS) $(APOBJS): $(TARGET).sqc db2 connect to $(DB) user $(DB2USER) using $(DB2PASS) db2 prep $(TARGET).sqc bindfile db2 bind $(TARGET).bnd db2 connect reset db2 terminate $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -c $(TARGET).c $(SVCTOBJ): cp -f $(TMAXSVCTDIR)/$(TARGET)_svctab.c . touch ./$(TARGET)_svctab.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c ./$(TARGET)_svctab.c # clean: :-rm -f *.o core $(TMAXAPPDIR)/$(TARGET) $(TARGET).bnd
TMS Makefile
The following is an example.
# TMS Makefile for DB2 # Linux 64bit TARGET = tms_db2 APOBJ = dumy.o APPDIR = $(TMAXDIR)/appbin TMAXLIBD= $(TMAXDIR)/lib64 TMAXLIBS = -lsvr -ldb2s # dynmic XAOPTION=DYNAMIC (DB2 Client v8.0(below) 32bit or DB2 Client 64bit & Windows) #TMAXLIBS = -lsvr -ldb2_64s # dynmic XAOPTION=DYNAMIC (DB2 Client v8.0(below) 64bit & Linux/Unix) #TMAXLIBS = -lsvr -ldb2s_static #static XAOPTION=none (DB2 Client v9.0(above)) DB2PATH = $(DB2_HOME) DB2LIBDIR= $(DB2PATH)/lib DB2LIB = -ldb2 CFLAGS = LDFLAGS = SYSLIBS = all: $(TARGET) $(TARGET): $(APOBJ) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(TARGET) -L$(TMAXLIBD) $(TMAXLIBS) $(APOBJ) -L$(DB2LIBDIR) $(DB2LIB) $(SYSLIBS) mv $(TARGET) $(APPDIR)/. $(APOBJ): $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c dumy.c # clean: -rm -f *.o core $(APPDIR)/$(TARGET)
4. Database Integration Programs
This section describes actual programming that you can use when developing applications. A database can be integrated with homogeneous or heterogeneous databases.
4.1. Synchronous Mode (Homogeneous Database)
The following shows a program flow when accessing a homogeneous database in synchronous mode.

Program Files
Common program
File Description demo.s
Tmax configuration file.
Configuration file.
SQL script for creating a database table.
Client program
File Description client.c
Client program.
Server program
File Description update.pc, insert.pc
Server program.
Tmax makefile that must be modified.
Program Feature
Client program
Feature Description Tmax connection
Connection with the NULL parameter.
Buffer type
SDL file must be created by using sdlc to compile an input structure file.
Transaction is specified by a client.
Server program
Feature Description The number of services
INSERT service is requested from the UPDATE service.
Database connection
Oracle database is used. Database information is specified in the SVRGROUP section of the Tmax configuration file.
Program Environment
Classification | Description |
System |
SunOS 5.7 32-bit |
Database |
Oracle 8.0.5 |
Struct Buffer
The following is an example.
struct input { int account_id; int branch_id; char phone[15]; char address[61]; };
Tmax Configuration File
The following is an example.
*DOMAIN res SHMKEY=88000, MINCLH=1, MAXCLH=5, TPORTNO=8880, BLOCKTIME=60 *NODE tmax TMAXDIR = "/user/ tmax ", APPDIR = "/user/ tmax /appbin", PATHDIR = "/user/ tmax /path", TLOGDIR = "/user/ tmax /log/tlog", ULOGDIR="/user/ tmax /log/ulog", SLOGDIR="/user/ tmax /log/slog" *SVRGROUP svg1 NODENAME = tmax, DBNAME = ORACLE, OPENINFO = "ORACLE_XA+Acc=P/bmt/bmt+SesTm=60", TMSNAME = svg1_tms *SERVER update SVGNAME=svg1 insert SVGNAME=svg1 *SERVICE UPDATE SVRNAME=update INSERT SVRNAME=insert
Configuration File
The following is an example.
[tmax] TMAX_HOST_ADDR= TMAX_HOST_PORT=8880 SDLFILE=/user/tmax/sample/sdl/tmax.sdl TMAX_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=5
Database Script
The following creates a database table.
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus bmt/bmt <<! drop table ACCOUNT; create table ACCOUNT ( ACCOUNT_ID integer, BRANCH_ID integer not null, SSN char(13) not null, BALANCE number, ACCT_TYPE char(1), LAST_NAME char(21), FIRST_NAME char(21), MID_INIT char(1), PHONE char(15), ADDRESS char(61), CONSTRAINT ACCOUNT_PK PRIMARY KEY(ACCOUNT_ID) ); quit !
Client Program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" #define TEMP_PHONE "6283-2114" #define TEMP_ADDRESS "Korea" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct input *sndbuf; char *rcvbuf; int acnt_id, n, timeout; long len; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage:%s account_id \n", argv[0]); exit(1); } acnt_id = atoi(argv[1]); timeout = 5; n = tmaxreadenv("tmax.env", "tmax"); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tmaxreadenv fail! tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); exit(1); } n = tpstart((TPSTART_T *)NULL); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tpstart fail! tperrno = %s\n", tperrno); exit(1); } sndbuf = (struct input *)tpalloc("STRUCT", "input", ` sizeof(struct input)); if (sndbuf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "tpalloc fail: sndbuf tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } rcvbuf = (char *)tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 0); if (rcvbuf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "tpalloc fail: rcvbuf tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } sndbuf->account_id = acnt_id; sndbuf->branch_id = acnt_id; strcpy(sndbuf ->phone, TEMP_PHONE); strcpy(sndbuf ->address, TEMP_ADDRESS); tx_set_transaction_timeout(timeout); n = tx_begin(); if (n < 0) fprintf(stderr, "tx begin fail! tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); n = tpcall("UPDATE", (char *)sndbuf, sizeof(struct input), (char **)&rcvbuf, (long *)&len, TPNOFLAGS); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tpcall fail! tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } n = tx_commit(); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tx commit fail! tx error = %d \n", n); tx_rollback(); tpend(); exit(1); } printf("rtn msg = %s\n", rcvbuf); tpfree((char *)sndbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); }
Server program
The following example is a server program that performs UPDATE in a database.
#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include <usrinc/sdl.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" #define OKMSG "YOU COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION" EXEC SQL include sqlca.h; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int account_id; int branch_id; char ssn[15]; char phone[15]; char address[61]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; UPDATE(TPSVCINFO *msg) { struct input *rcvbuf; int ret; long acnt_id, rcvlen; char *send; rcvbuf = (struct input *)(msg->data); send = (char *)tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 0); if (send == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "tpalloc fail errno = %s\n", strerror(tperrno)); tpreturn(TPFAIL, 0, (char *)NULL, 0, 0); } account_id = rcvbuf->account_id; branch_id = rcvbuf->branch_id; }
The following example is a server program that performs INSERT in a database.
< insert.pc>
#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include <usrinc/sdl.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" #define OKMSG "YOU COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION" EXEC SQL include sqlca.h; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int account_id; int branch_id; char ssn[15]; char phone[15]; char address[61]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; INSERT(msg) TPSVCINFO *msg; { struct input *rcvbuf; int ret; long acnt_id; char *send; rcvbuf = (struct input *)(msg->data); send = (char *)tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 0); if (send == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "tpalloc fail errno = %s\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); tpreturn(TPFAIL, 0, (char *)NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } account_id = rcvbuf->account_id; branch_id = rcvbuf->branch_id; strcpy(phone, rcvbuf->phone); strcpy(address, rcvbuf->address); strcpy(ssn, "1234567"); /* Declare && Open Cursor for Fetch */ EXEC SQL INSERT INTO ACCOUNT ( ACCOUNT_ID, BRANCH_ID, SSN, PHONE, ADDRESS ) VALUES (:account_id, :branch_id, :ssn, :phone, :address); if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0 && sqlca.sqlcode != 1403 ) { printf("insert failed sqlcode = %d\n", sqlca.sqlcode); tpreturn(TPFAIL, -1, (char *)NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } strcpy(send, OKMSG); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS, 1, (char *)send, strlen(send), TPNOFLAGS); }
4.2. Synchronous Mode (Heterogeneous Database)
The following shows a program flow when accessing a heterogeneous database in synchronous mode.

Program Files
Common program
File Description demo.s
Tmax configuration file.
Configuration file.
SQL script for creating a database table.
Client program
File Description client.c
Client program.
Server program
File Description update.pc, insert.pc
Server program.
Tmax makefile that must be modified.
The client and server programs are the same as in Synchronous Mode (Homogeneous Database). For more information about environment settings for multiple nodes, refer to Tmax Administration Guide. |
Program Feature
Client program
Feature Description Tmax connection
Connection with the NULL parameter.
Buffer type
SDL file must be created by using sdlc to compile an input structure file.
Transaction is explicitly specified by a client.
Server program
Feature Description The number of services
INSERT service is requested from the UPDATE service.
Database connection
Oracle database is used. Database information is specified in the SVRGROUP section of the Tmax configuration file.
Program Environment
Classification | Description |
System |
SunOS 5.7 32-bit, SunOS 5.8 32-bit |
Database |
Oracle 8.0.5 |
Tmax Configuration File
The following is an example.
*DOMAIN res SHMKEY=88000, MINCLH=1, MAXCLH=5, TPORTNO=8880, BLOCKTIME=60 *NODE tmax1 TMAXDIR="/user/ tmax ", APPDIR="/user/ tmax /appbin", PATHDIR = "/user/ tmax /path", TLOGDIR = "/user/ tmax /log/tlog", ULOGDIR="/user/ tmax /log/ulog", SLOGDIR="/user/ tmax /log/slog" tmax2 TMAXDIR="/user/ tmax ", APPDIR="/user/ tmax /appbin", PATHDIR = "/user/ tmax /path", TLOGDIR = "/user/ tmax /log/tlog", ULOGDIR="/user/ tmax /log/ulog", SLOGDIR="/user/ tmax /log/slog" *SVRGROUP svg1 NODENAME = tmax1, DBNAME = ORACLE, OPENINFO = "ORACLE_XA+Acc=P/bmt/bmt+SesTm=60", TMSNAME = svg1_tms svg2 NODENAME = tmax2, DBNAME = ORACLE, OPENINFO = "ORACLE_XA+Acc=P/bmt/bmt+SesTm=60", TMSNAME = svg2_tms *SERVER update SVGNAME=svg1 insert SVGNAME=svg2 *SERVICE UPDATE SVRNAME=update INSERT SVRNAME=insert
Configuration File
The following is an example.
[tmax1] TMAX_HOST_ADDR= TMAX_HOST_PORT=8880 SDLFILE=/user/tmax/sample/sdl/tmax.sdl TMAX_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=5
4.3. Asynchronous Mode (Homogeneous Database)
The following shows a program flow when accessing a homogeneous database in asynchronous mode.

Program Files
Common program
File Description demo.s
Tmax configuration file.
Configuration file.
SQL script for creating a database table.
Client program
File Description client.c
Client program.
Server program
File Description update.pc
Server program.
Tmax makefile that must be modified.
Program Feature
Client program
Feature Description Tmax connection
Connection with the NULL parameter.
Buffer type
SDL file must be created by using sdlc to compile an input structure file.
Transaction is specified by a client.
Server program
Feature Description The number of services
INSERT service is requested.
Database connection
Oracle database is used. Database information is specified in the SVRGROUP section of the system configuration file.
Program Environment
Classification | Description |
System |
SunOS 5.7 32-bit |
Database |
Oracle 8.0.5 |
Struct Buffer
The following is an example.
struct input { int account_id; int branch_id; char phone[15]; char address[61]; };
Tmax Configuration File
The following is an example.
*DOMAIN res SHMKEY=88000, MINCLH=1, MAXCLH=5, TPORTNO=8880, BLOCKTIME=60 *NODE tmax TMAXDIR="/user/ tmax ", APPDIR="/user/ tmax /appbin", PATHDIR = "/user/ tmax /path", TLOGDIR = "/user/ tmax /log/tlog", ULOGDIR="/user/ tmax /log/ulog", SLOGDIR="/user/ tmax /log/slog" *SVRGROUP svg1 NODENAME = tmax, DBNAME = ORACLE, OPENINFO = "ORACLE_XA+Acc=P/bmt/bmt+SesTm=60", TMSNAME = svg1_tms *SERVER update SVGNAME=svg1 *SERVICE UPDATE SVRNAME=update
Configuration File
The following is an example.
[tmax] TMAX_HOST_ADDR= TMAX_HOST_PORT=8880 SDLFILE=/user/tmax/sample/sdl/tmax.sdl TMAX_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=5
Database Script
The following creates a database table.
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus bmt/bmt <<! drop table ACCOUNT; create table ACCOUNT ( ACCOUNT_ID integer, BRANCH_ID integer not null, SSN char(13) not null, BALANCE number, ACCT_TYPE char(1), LAST_NAME char(21), FIRST_NAME char(21), MID_INIT char(1), PHONE char(15), ADDRESS char(61), CONSTRAINT ACCOUNT_PK PRIMARY KEY(ACCOUNT_ID) ); quit !
Client Program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" #define TEMP_PHONE "6283-2114" #define TEMP_ADDRESS "Korea" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct input *sndbuf; char *rcvbuf; int acnt_id, n, cd, timeout; long len; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage:%s account_id \n", argv[0]); exit(1); } acnt_id = atoi(argv[1]); timeout = 5; n = tmaxreadenv("tmax.env", "tmax"); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tmaxreadenv fail! tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); exit(1); } n = tpstart((TPSTART_T *)NULL); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tpstart fail! tperrno = %s\n", tperrno); exit(1); } sndbuf = (struct input *)tpalloc("STRUCT", "input", sizeof(struct input)); if (sndbuf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "tpalloc fail: sndbuf tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } rcvbuf = (char *)tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 0); if (rcvbuf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "tpalloc fail: rcvbuf tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } sndbuf->account_id = acnt_id; sndbuf->branch_id = acnt_id; strcpy(sndbuf->phone, TEMP_PHONE); strcpy(sndbuf->address, TEMP_ADDRESS); tx_set_transaction_timeout(timeout); n = tx_begin(); if (n < 0) fprintf(stderr, "tx begin fail! tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); cd = tpacall("UPDATE", (char *)sndbuf, sizeof(struct input), TPNOFLAGS); if (cd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tpacall fail! tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } n = tpgetrply(&cd, (char **)&rcvbuf, (long *)&len, TPNOFLAGS); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tpgetrply fail! tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } n = tx_commit(); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tx commit fail! tx error = %d \n", n); tx_rollback(); tpend(); exit(1); } printf("rtn msg = %s\n", rcvbuf); tpfree((char *)sndbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); }
Server program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" #define OKMSG "YOU COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION" EXEC SQL include sqlca.h; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int account_id; int branch_id; char ssn[15]; char phone[15]; char address[61]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; UPDATE(TPSVCINFO *msg) { struct input *rcvbuf; int ret, cd; long acnt_id, rcvlen; char *send; rcvbuf = (struct input *)(msg->data); send = (char *)tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 0); if (send == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "tpalloc fail errno = %s\n", strerror(tperrno)); tpreturn(TPFAIL, 0, (char *)NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } account_id = rcvbuf->account_id; branch_id = rcvbuf->branch_id; strcpy(phone, rcvbuf->phone); strcpy(address, rcvbuf->address); strcpy(ssn, "1234567"); EXEC SQL UPDATE ACCOUNT SET BRANCH_ID = :branch_id, PHONE = :phone, ADDRESS = :address, SSN = :ssn WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = :account_id; if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0 && sqlca.sqlcode != 1403 ) { fprintf(stderr, "update failed sqlcode = %d\n", sqlca.sqlcode); tpreturn(TPFAIL, -1, (char *)NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } strcpy(send, OKMSG); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS, 1, (char *)send, strlen(send), TPNOFLAGS); }
4.4. Interactive Mode (Homogeneous Database)
The following shows a program flow when accessing a homogeneous database in interactive mode.

Program Files
Common program
File Description demo.s
Tmax configuration file.
Configuration file.
SQL script for creating a database table.
Client program
File Description client.c
Client program.
Server program
File Description update.pc
Server program.
Tmax makefile that must be modified.
Program Feature
Client program
Feature Description Tmax connection
Connection with the NULL parameter.
Buffer type
SDL file must be created by using sdlc to compile an input structure file. (necessary to run an application)
Transaction is specified by a client.
Server program
Feature Description The number of services
UPDATE service is requested.
Database connection
Oracle database is specified. Database information is specified in the SVRGROUP section of the Tmax configuration file.
Program Environment
Classification | Description |
System |
SunOS 5.7 32-bit |
Database |
Oracle 8.0.5 |
Struct Buffer
The following is an example.
struct input { int account_id; int branch_id; char phone[15]; char address[61]; };
Tmax Configuration File
The following is an example.
*DOMAIN res SHMKEY=88000, MINCLH=1, MAXCLH=5, TPORTNO=8880, BLOCKTIME=60 *NODE tmax TMAXDIR="/user/ tmax ", APPDIR="/user/ tmax /appbin", PATHDIR = "/user/ tmax /path", TLOGDIR = "/user/ tmax /log/tlog", ULOGDIR="/user/ tmax /log/ulog", SLOGDIR="/user/ tmax /log/slog" *SVRGROUP svg1 NODENAME = tmax, DBNAME = ORACLE, OPENINFO = "ORACLE_XA+Acc=P/bmt/bmt+SesTm=60", TMSNAME = svg1_tms *SERVER update SVGNAME=svg1, CONV=YES *SERVICE UPDATE SVRNAME= update
Configuration File
The following is an example.
[tmax] TMAX_HOST_ADDR= TMAX_HOST_PORT=8880 SDLFILE=/user/tmax/sample/sdl/tmax.sdl TMAX_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=5
Database Script
The following creates a database table.
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus bmt/bmt <<! drop table ACCOUNT; create table ACCOUNT ( ACCOUNT_ID integer, BRANCH_ID integer not null, SSN char(13) not null, BALANCE number, ACCT_TYPE char(1), LAST_NAME char(21), FIRST_NAME char(21), MID_INIT char(1), PHONE char(15), ADDRESS char(61), CONSTRAINT ACCOUNT_PK PRIMARY KEY(ACCOUNT_ID) ); quit !
Client Program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" #define TEMP_PHONE "6283-2115" #define TEMP_ADDRESS "Korea" void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct input *sndbuf; char *rcvbuf; int acntid, timeout; long revent, rcvlen; int cd, n; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage:%s acntid\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } acntid = atoi(argv[1]); timeout = 5; n = tmaxreadenv("tmax.env", "tmax"); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tmaxreadenv fail tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); exit(1); } n = tpstart((TPSTART_T *)NULL); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tpstart fail tperrno = %s\n", tperrno); exit(1); } printf("tpstart ok!\n"); sndbuf = (struct input *)tpalloc("STRUCT", "input", sizeof(struct input)); if (sndbuf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "tpalloc fail: sndbuf tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } rcvbuf = (char *)tpalloc("CARRAY", NULL, 0); if (rcvbuf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "tpalloc fail: rcvbuf tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } sndbuf->account_id = acntid; sndbuf->branch_id = acntid; strcpy(sndbuf->phone, TEMP_PHONE); strcpy(sndbuf->address, TEMP_ADDRESS); tx_set_transaction_timeout(timeout); n = tx_begin(); if (n < 0) fprintf(stderr, "tx begin fail tx error = %d\n", n); printf("tx begin ok!\n"); cd = tpconnect("UPDATE", (char *)sndbuf, 0, TPSENDONLY); if (cd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tpconnect fail tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } while (1) { n = tpsend(cd, (char *)sndbuf, sizeof(struct input), TPRECVONLY, &revent); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tpsend fail revent = 0x%08x\n", revent); tx_rollback(); tpend(); exit(1); } printf("tpsend ok\n"); n = tprecv(cd, (char **)&rcvbuf, (long *)&rcvlen, TPNOTIME, &revent); if (n < 0 && revent != TPEV_SENDONLY) { fprintf(stderr, "tprecv fail revent = 0x%08x\n", revent); tx_rollback(); tpend(); exit(1); } printf("tprecv ok\n"); sndbuf->account_id++; if (revent != TPEV_SENDONLY) break; } n = tprecv(cd, (char **)&rcvbuf, (long *)&rcvlen, TPNOTIME, &revent); if (n < 0 && revent != TPEV_SVCSUCC) { fprintf(stderr, "tprecv fail revent = 0x%08x\n", revent); tx_rollback(); tpend(); exit(1); } printf("rcvbuf = [%s]\n", rcvbuf); n = tx_commit(); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tx commit fail tx error = %d\n", n); tx_rollback(); tpend(); exit(1); } printf("tx commit ok!\n"); printf("rtn msg = %s\n", rcvbuf); tpfree((char *)sndbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); }
Server program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include "../sdl/demo.s" void _db_work(); #define OKMSG "YOU COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION" EXEC SQL include sqlca.h; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int account_id; int branch_id; char ssn[15]; char phone[15]; char address[61]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; struct input *rcvbuf; UPDATE(TPSVCINFO *msg) { int ret, count; long acnt_id; long revent, rcvlen, flag; char *send; rcvbuf = (struct input *)tpalloc("STRUCT", "input", 0); send = (char *)tpalloc("CARRAY", NULL, 0); count = 1; flag = 0; while (1) { ret = tprecv(msg->cd, (char **)&rcvbuf, &rcvlen, TPNOTIME, &revent); if (ret < 0 && revent != TPEV_SENDONLY) { fprintf(stderr, "tprecv fail revent = 0x%08x\n", revent); tpreturn(TPFAIL, -1, (char *)rcvbuf, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } printf("tprecv ok!\n"); if (count == 10) { flag &= ~TPRECVONLY; flag |= TPNOTIME; } else flag |= TPRECVONLY; ret = tpsend(msg->cd, (char *)send, strlen(send), flag, &revent); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tpsend fail revent = 0x%08x\n", revent); tpreturn(TPFAIL, -1, (char *)NULL, 0, TPNOFLAGS); } printf("tpsend ok!\n"); _db_work(); /* break after 10 iterations */ if (count == 10) break; count++; } strcpy(send, OKMSG); printf("tpreturn ok!\n"); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS, 1, (char *)send, strlen(send), TPNOFLAGS); } void _db_work() { account_id = rcvbuf->account_id; branch_id = rcvbuf->branch_id; strcpy(phone, rcvbuf->phone); strcpy(address, rcvbuf->address); strcpy(ssn, "1234567"); EXEC SQL UPDATE ACCOUNT SET BRANCH_ID = :branch_id, PHONE = :phone, ADDRESS = :address, SSN = :ssn WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = :account_id; if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0 && sqlca.sqlcode != 1403 ) { fprintf(stderr, "update failed sqlcode = %d\n", sqlca.sqlcode); tpreturn(TPFAIL, -1, (char *)NULL, 0, 0); } }
5. Programs Using TIP
Tmax Information Provider (TIP) is a function process that handles TIPSVC. The following features can be performed using TIP.
System environment information check: static environment information of a system can be checked.
System statistical information check: status of each process can be checked while a system is operating.
System operation management: processes are started or terminated.
5.1. TIP Structure
The TIP server has the SYS_SVR server type and is included in the TIP server group. The TIP server receives a request from a client or server, transfers the request to CLH/TMM, and then returns the result to the requester. The TIP server uses field keys to handle the service. The client or server saves data to be requested to a field buffer, sends a request, and then receives the result with the field buffer.
CHLOG section (log level change)
CHLOG is the section in which the log levels of TMM, CLH, TMS, and SVR are changed. CHLOG performs the same action as chlog in tmadmin.
When the TIP service is called, TIPSVC is called after the following are set in the field buffer.
Item Description TIP_OPERATION (string)
TIP_SEGMENT (string)
TIP_SECTION (string)
Module to dynamically change log. Options are:
Flags. Options are:
TIP_SVRNAME (string)
Server name. Set only when TIP_FLAGS is TIP_VFLAG.
TIP_SVGNAME (string)
Server group name. Set only when TIP_FLAGS is TIP_GFLAG.
Node name. Set only when TIP_FLAGS is TIP_NFLAG.
TIP_LOGLVL (string)
Log level. Value must be in lowercase letters. The result value is set in TIP_ERROR. Options are:
Error value. Options are:
TIPESVCFAIL: corresponding service was not handled successfully
TIPEOS: memory allocation failed
TIPEBADFLD: value of TIP_MODULE is not set
CHTRC section
TMAX_TRACE of TMS and SPR are specified to modify the trace log options in the CHTRC section. CHTRC performs the same action as chtrc in tmadmin.
When the TIP service is called, TIPSVC is called after setting the following in a field buffer.
Item Description TIP_OPERATION (string)
TIP_SEGMENT (string)
TIP_SECTION (string)
Flags. Options are:
TIP_SPRI (int)
Sets spri. Set only when TIP_FLAGS is TIP_PFLAG.
TIP_SVGNAME (string)
Server group name. Set only when TIP_FLAGS is TIP_GFLAG.
Node name. Set only when TIP_FLAGS is TIP_NFLAG.
TIP_SPEC (string)
Filter spec, receiver spec, and trigger spec. The result value is set in TIP_ERROR.
Error value. Options are:
TIPESVCFAIL: corresponding service was not successfully handled
TIPEOS: memory allocation is failed
TIPEBADFLD: value of TIP_MODULE is not set
The following must be included in requests to TIPSVC.
Set Value Description GET
To check statistical information and static environment information of a system or to operate and manage a system (BOOT/DOWN).
To change system settings. Currently, only GET is supported.
Used to determine which function to execute. The following can be set in the TIP_SEGMENT field.
Set Value Description CONFIGURATION
Checks static configuration information of a system.
Checks statistical information while a system is operating.
Checks system operation and management (BOOT/DOWN).
When TIP_SECTION is set, the following values can be set.
Set Value Description CONFIGURATION
Command (TIP_CMD)
Set Value Description TIP_BOOT
Starts the Tmax system.
Terminates the Tmax system.
5.2. TIP Usage
The following describes how to use TIP and check an error.
TIP Usage
Environment setting
A user does not need to write a service because the TIP server is a function process provided by Tmax. However, a user must register the TIP server in a configuration file. The following example is setting an environment.
TIPSVC is registered in the DOMAIN section. If unregistered, TIPSVC is registered by default.
A TIP server group (SVGTYPE=TIP) is registered in the SVRGROUP section.
A TIP server (SVRTYPE=SYS_SVR) is registered in the SERVER section.
System access
A user must set .tpadmin in the usrname property of the TPSTART_T structure when accessing the Tmax system. usrname is set only when TIP_SEGMENT is ADMINISTRATION. If usrname is set incorrectly, the TIPEAUTH error is set in the TIP_ERROR field.
strcpy(tpinfo->usrname, ".tpadmin");
Buffer allocation
A client or a server program must allocate a field key buffer for a request because the TIP server uses field keys to handle a service.
TIP request items
Item Description TIP_OPERATION
Changes and checks system environment information.
Checks information for system operation and management.
Detailed property settings in SEGMENT.
Set only for multiple nodes. If only a single node exists, TIP_NODENAME is set to a local node by default. If it is incorrectly set, the TPEINVAL error occurs.
TIPSVC request
After the required properties for TIP are set, set the configured field buffer to sndbuf and use tpcall or tpacall to send the TIPSVC request. Both client and server can request a service, and transactions are not supported.
Result reception
The service result is saved in a reception field key buffer.
Error Check
If successfully handled
The TIP_ERROR property of a reception field key buffer is set to 0.
If an error occurs
Error Description TIP_STATUS
Detailed error information set in TIP_ERROR can be checked.
Field that caused the error can be checked.
Value greater than 0 is set in TIP_ERROR of a reception field key buffer. It can be checked in /usrinc/tip.h.
The following are the error values that can be set in TIP_ERROR.
Set Value Description TIPNOERROR
Error did not occur.
Invalid field key issued. In general, TIPEBADFLD is set when a field key not compiled by the fdlc utility.
Unavailable feature is requested.
Service not allowed under current privileges.
OS or system error caused by a memory allocation failure, connection to Tmax system failed, or unstable network status.
Accessed nonexistent property.
tpreturn() is called to TPFAIL due to a TIP service routine error.
5.3. TIP Usage Example
The following examples use TIP.
Configuration File
The following example uses a single node.
*DOMAIN res SHMKEY=78850, MAXUSER=200, MINCLH=1, MAXCLH=5, TPORTNO=8850, BLOCKTIME=60, TXTIME=50, RACPORT=3355 *NODE tmaxh4 TMAXDIR="/data1/starbj81/tmax", APPDIR="/data1/starbj81/tmax/appbin", PATHDIR ="/data1/starbj81/tmax/path", TLOGDIR ="/data1/starbj81/tmax/log/tlog", ULOGDIR="/data1/starbj81/tmax/log/ulog", SLOGDIR="/data1/starbj81/tmax/log/slog" *SVRGROUP tsvg NODENAME = "tmaxh4", SVGTYPE=TIP svg1 NODENAME = "tmaxh4" *SERVER TIP SVGNAME=tsvg, SVRTYPE=SYS_SVR, MIN=1, MAX=1 svr SVGNAME=svg1, MIN=1 *SERVICE TOUPPER SVRNAME=svr
The following example uses multiple nodes.
*DOMAIN tmax SHMKEY=98850, TPORTNO=8850, BLOCKTIME=60, RACPORT=3355, MAXUSER=10 *NODE Tmaxh4 TMAXDIR="/data1/starbj81/tmax", APPDIR="/data1/starbj81/tmax/appbin", PATHDIR = "/data1/starbj81/tmax/path", TLOGDIR = "/data1/starbj81/tmax/log/tlog", ULOGDIR="/data1/starbj81/tmax/log/ulog", SLOGDIR="/data1/starbj81/tmax/log/slog" tmaxh2 TMAXDIR="/data1/starbj81/tmax", APPDIR="/data1/starbj81/tmax/appbin", PATHDIR = "/data1/starbj81/tmax/path", TLOGDIR = "/data1/starbj81/tmax/log/tlog", ULOGDIR="/data1/starbj81/tmax/log/ulog", SLOGDIR="/data1/starbj81/tmax/log/slog" *SVRGROUP tsvg NODENAME = "tmaxh4", SVGTYPE=TIP svg1 NODENAME = "tmaxh4", COUSIN = "svg2" svg2 NODENAME = "tmaxh2" *SERVER TIP SVGNAME=tsvg, SVRTYPE=SYS_SVR, MIN=1, MAX=1 svr SVGNAME=svg1, MIN=1, MAX=5 *SERVICE TOUPPER SVRNAME=svr, ROUTING = "rout1" *ROUTING rout1 FIELD="STRING", RANGES = "'bbbbbbb'-'ccccccc' : svg1, * : svg2
Field Key Table
The following is an example.
< tip.f >
# # common field # # name number type flags comments *base 16000001 TIP_OPERATION 0 string TIP_SEGMENT 1 string TIP_SECTION 2 string TIP_NODE 3 string TIP_OCCURS 4 int TIP_FLAGS 5 int TIP_CURSOR 6 string TIP_SESTM 7 int TIP_ERROR 8 int TIP_STATE 9 int TIP_MORE 10 int TIP_BADFIELD 11 string TIP_CMD 12 string TIP_CLID 13 int TIP_MSG 14 string # # DOMAIN section fields # # name number type flags comments *base 16000100 TIP_NAME 0 string TIP_SHMKEY 1 int TIP_MINCLH 2 int TIP_MAXCLH 3 int TIP_MAXUSER 4 int TIP_TPORTNO 5 int TIP_RACPORT 6 int TIP_MAXSACALL 7 int TIP_MAXCACALL 8 int TIP_MAXCONV_NODE 9 int TIP_MAXCONV_SERVER 10 int TIP_CMTRET 11 int TIP_BLOCKTIME 12 int TIP_TXTIME 13 int TIP_IDLETIME 14 int TIP_CLICHKINT 15 int TIP_NLIVEINQ 16 int TIP_SECURITY 17 string TIP_OWNER 18 string TIP_CPC 19 int #TIP_LOGINSVC 20 string #TIP_LOGOUTSVC 21 string TIP_NCLHCHKTIME 22 int TIP_DOMAINID 23 int TIP_IPCPERM 24 int TIP_MAXNODE 25 int TIP_MAXSVG 26 int TIP_MAXSVR 27 int TIP_MAXSVC 28 int TIP_MAXSPR 29 int TIP_MAXTMS 30 int TIP_MAXCPC 31 int TIP_MAXROUT 32 int TIP_MAXROUTSVG 33 int TIP_MAXRQ 34 int TIP_MAXGW 35 int TIP_MAXCOUSIN 36 int TIP_MAXCOUSINSVG 37 int TIP_MAXBACKUP 38 int TIP_MAXBACKUPSVG 39 int TIP_MAXTOTALSVG 40 int TIP_MAXPROD 41 int TIP_MAXFUNC 42 int TIP_TXPENDINGTIME 43 int TIP_NO 44 int TIP_TIPSVC 45 string TIP_NODECOUNT 46 int TIP_SVGCOUNT 47 int TIP_SVRCOUNT 48 int TIP_SVCCOUNT 49 int TIP_COUSIN_COUNT 50 int TIP_BACKUP_COUNT 51 int TIP_ROUT_COUNT 52 int TIP_STYPE 53 string TIP_VERSION 54 string TIP_EXPDATE 55 string TIP_DOMAINCOUNT 56 int TIP_RSVG_GCOUNT 57 int TIP_RSVG_COUNT 58 int TIP_CSVG_GCOUNT 59 int TIP_CSVG_COUNT 60 int TIP_BSVG_GCOUNT 61 int TIP_BSVG_COUNT 62 int TIP_PROD_COUNT 63 int TIP_FUNC_COUNT 64 int TIP_SHMSIZE 65 int TIP_CRYPT 66 string TIP_DOMAIN_TMMLOGLVL 67 string TIP_DOMAIN_CLHLOGLVL 68 string TIP_DOMAIN_TMSLOGLVL 69 string TIP_DOMAIN_LOGLVL 70 string TIP_DOMAIN_MAXTHREAD 71 int # # NODE section fields # # name number type flags comments *base 16000200 #TIP_NAME 0 string TIP_DOMAINNAME 1 string #TIP_SHMKEY 2 int #TIP_MINCLH 3 int #TIP_MAXCLH 4 int TIP_CLHQTIMEOUT 5 int #TIP_IDLETIME 6 int #TIP_CLICHKINT 7 int #TIP_TPORTNO 8 int #TIP_TPORTNO2 9 int #TIP_TPORTNO3 10 int #TIP_TPORTNO4 11 int #TIP_TPORTNO5 12 int #TIP_RACPORT 13 int #TIP_TMAXPORT 14 string TIP_CMPRPORT 15 string TIP_CMPRSIZE 16 int #TIP_MAXUSER 17 int TIP_TMAXDIR 18 string TIP_TMAXHOME 19 string TIP_APPDIR 20 string TIP_PATHDIR 21 string TIP_TLOGDIR 22 string TIP_SLOGDIR 23 string TIP_ULOGDIR 24 string TIP_ENVFILE 25 string #TIP_LOGINSVC 26 string #TIP_LOGOUTSVC 27 string TIP_IP 28 string #TIP_PEER 29 string TIP_TMMOPT 30 string TIP_CLHOPT 31 string #TIP_IPCPERM 32 int #TIP_MAXSVG 33 int #TIP_MAXSVR 34 int #TIP_MAXSPR 35 int #TIP_MAXTMS 36 int #TIP_MAXCPC 37 int TIP_MAXGWSVR 38 int TIP_MAXRQSVR 39 int TIP_MAXGWCPC 40 int TIP_MAXRQCPC 41 int TIP_CPORTNO 42 int TIP_REALSVR 43 string TIP_RSCPC 44 int TIP_AUTOBACKUP 45 int TIP_HOSTNAME 46 string TIP_NODETYPE 47 int TIP_CPU 48 int #TIP_MAXRSTART 49 int #TIP_GPERIOD 50 int #TIP_RESTART 51 int TIP_CURCLH 49 int TIP_LIVECTIME 50 string TIP_NODE_TMMLOGLVL 51 string TIP_NODE_CLHLOGLVL 52 string TIP_NODE_TMSLOGLVL 53 string TIP_NODE_LOGLVL 54 string TIP_NODE_MAXTHREAD 55 int TIP_EXTPORT 56 int TIP_EXTCLHPORT 57 int TIP_MSGSIZEWARN 58 int TIP_MSGSIZEMAX 59 int # # SVRGROUP section fields # # name number type flags comments *base 16000300 #TIP_NAME 0 string #TIP_NODENAME 1 string TIP_SVGTYPE 2 string #TIP_PRODNAME 3 string TIP_COUSIN 4 string TIP_BACKUP 5 string TIP_LOAD 6 int #TIP_APPDIR 7 string #TIP_ULOGDIR 8 string TIP_DBNAME 9 string TIP_OPENINFO 10 string TIP_CLOSEINFO 11 string TIP_MINTMS 12 int #TIP_MAXTMS 13 int TIP_TMSNAME 14 string #TIP_SECURITY 15 string #TIP_OWNER 16 string #TIP_ENVFILE 17 string #TIP_CPC 18 int TIP_XAOPTION 19 string TIP_SVG_TMSTYPE 20 string TIP_SVG_TMSOPT 21 string TIP_SVG_TMSTHREADS 22 int TIP_SVG_TMSLOGLVL 23 string TIP_SVG_LOGLVL 24 string TIP_NODENAME 25 string # # SERVER section fields # # name number type flags comments *base 16000350 #TIP_NAME 0 string TIP_SVGNAME 1 string #TIP_NODENAME 2 string TIP_CLOPT 3 string TIP_SEQ 4 int TIP_MIN 5 int TIP_MAX 6 int #TIP_ULOGDIR 7 string TIP_CONV 8 int TIP_MAXQCOUNT 9 int TIP_ASQCOUNT 10 int TIP_MAXRSTART 11 int TIP_GPERIOD 12 int TIP_RESTART 13 int TIP_SVRTYPE 14 string #TIP_CPC 15 int TIP_SCHEDULE 16 int #TIP_MINTHR 17 int #TIP_MAXTHR 18 int TIP_TARGET 19 string TIP_DEPEND 20 string TIP_CASCADE 21 int TIP_PROCNAME 22 string TIP_LIFESPAN 23 string TIP_DDRI 24 string TIP_CURSVR 25 int TIP_SVGNO 26 int TIP_SVR_LOGLVL 27 string # # SERVICE section fields # # name number type flags comments *base 16000400 #TIP_NAME 0 string TIP_SVRNAME 1 string TIP_PRI 2 int TIP_SVCTIME 3 int TIP_ROUTING 4 string TIP_EXPORT 5 int TIP_AUTOTRAN 6 int # # ROUTING section fields # # name number type flags comments *base 16000425 #TIP_NAME 0 string TIP_FLDTYPE 1 string TIP_RANGES 2 string TIP_SUBTYPE 3 string TIP_ELEMENT 4 string TIP_BUFTYPE 5 string TIP_OFFSET 6 int TIP_FLDLEN 7 int #TIP_FLDOFFSET 8 int # # RQ section fields # # name number type flags comments *base 16000450 #TIP_NAME 0 string #TIP_SVGNAME 1 string TIP_PRESVC 2 string TIP_QSIZE 3 int TIP_FILEPATH 4 string TIP_BOOT 5 string TIP_FSYNC 6 int TIP_BUFFERING 7 int #TIP_ENQSVC 8 int #TIP_FAILINTERVAL 9 int #TIP_FAILRETRY 10 int #TIP_FAILSVC 11 string #TIP_AFTERSVC 12 string # # GATEWAY section fields # # name number type flags comments *base 16000500 #TIP_NAME 0 string TIP_GWTYPE 1 string TIP_PORTNO 2 int #TIP_CPC 3 int TIP_RGWADDR 4 string TIP_RGWPORTNO 5 int #TIP_BACKUP 6 string #TIP_NODENAME 7 string TIP_KEY 8 string TIP_BACKUP_RGWADDR 9 string TIP_BACKUP_RGWPORTNO 10 int TIP_TIMEOUT 11 int TIP_DIRECTION 12 string TIP_MAXINRGW 13 int TIP_GWOWNER 15 string TIP_RGWOWNER 16 string TIP_RGWPASSWD 17 string TIP_PTIMEOUT 18 int TIP_PTIMEINT 19 int # # FUNCTION section fields # # name number type flags comments *base 16000550 #TIP_NAME 0 string #TIP_SVRNAME 1 string TIP_FQSTART 2 int TIP_FQEND 3 int TIP_ENTRY 4 string # # STATISTICS segment fields # # name number type flags comments *base 16000600 #TIP_NAME 0 string TIP_STATUS 1 string TIP_STIME 2 string TIP_TTIME 3 int TIP_SVC_STIME 4 int TIP_COUNT 5 int #TIP_NO 6 int TIP_NUM_FREE 7 int TIP_NUM_REPLY 8 int TIP_NUM_FAIL 9 int TIP_NUM_REQ 10 int TIP_ENQ_REQS 11 int TIP_DEQ_REQS 12 int TIP_ENQ_REPLYS 13 int TIP_DEQ_REPLYS 14 int TIP_CLHNO 15 int TIP_SVR_NAME 16 string TIP_SVC_NAME 17 string TIP_AVERAGE 18 float TIP_QCOUNT 19 int TIP_CQCOUNT 20 int TIP_QAVERAGE 21 float TIP_MINTIME 22 float TIP_MAXTIME 23 float TIP_FAIL_COUNT 24 int TIP_ERROR_COUNT 25 int TIP_PID 26 int TIP_TOTAL_COUNT 27 int TIP_TOTAL_SVCFAIL_COUNT 28 int TIP_TOTAL_ERROR_COUNT 29 int TIP_TOTAL_AVG 30 float TIP_TOTAL_RUNNING_COUNT 31 int TIP_TMS_NAME 32 string TIP_SVG_NAME 33 string TIP_SPRI 34 int TIP_TI_THRI 35 int TIP_TI_AVG 36 float TIP_TI_XID 37 string TIP_TI_XA_STATUS 38 string TIP_GW_NAME 39 string TIP_GW_NO 40 int TIP_GW_HOSTN 41 string TIP_GW_CTYPE 42 string TIP_GW_CTYPE2 43 string TIP_GW_IPADDR 44 string TIP_GW_PORT 45 int TIP_GW_STATUS 46 string # # ADMIN segment fields # # name number type flags comments *base 16000650 TIP_IPADDR 0 string TIP_USRNAME 1 string TIP_MODULE 2 int TIP_LOGLVL 3 string TIP_SPEC 4 string # # boot time # # name number type flags comments TIP_BOOTTIME_SEC 5 int TIP_BOOTTIME_MSEC 6 int # # EXTRA flag fields # # name number type flags comments *base 16000700 TIP_EXTRA_OPTION 0 int TIP_SVRI 1 int TIP_QPCOUNT 2 int TIP_EMCOUNT 3 int TIP_SVR_STATUS 4 string
5.4. Program for Checking System Environment Information
The following example is a client program that checks system environment information.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include <usrinc/fbuf.h> #include <usrinc/tip.h> #define SEC_DOMAIN 1 #define SEC_NODE 2 #define SEC_SVGROUP 3 #define SEC_SERVER 4 #define SEC_SERVICE 5 #define SEC_ROUTING 6 #define SEC_RQ 7 #define SEC_GATEWAY 8 main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FBUF *sndbuf, *rcvbuf; TPSTART_T *tpinfo; int i, n, sect; long rcvlen; char nodename[NAMELEN]; int pid, count = 0; if (argc != 3) { printf("Usage: %s section nodename\n", argv[0]); printf("section:\n"); printf("\t1: domain\n"); printf("\t2: node\n"); printf("\t3: svrgroup\n"); printf("\t4: server\n"); printf("\t5: service\n"); printf("\t6: routing\n"); printf("\t7: rq\n"); printf("\t8: gateway\n"); exit(1); } if (!isdigit(argv[3][0])) { printf("fork count must be a digit\n"); exit(1); } count = atoi(argv[3]); sect = atoi(argv[1]); if (sect < SEC_DOMAIN || sect > SEC_GATEWAY) { printf("out of section [%d - %d]\n", SEC_DOMAIN, SEC_GATEWAY); exit(1); } strncpy(nodename, argv[2], sizeof(nodename) - 1); n = tmaxreadenv("tmax.env", "TMAX"); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't read env\n"); exit(1); } tpinfo = (TPSTART_T *)tpalloc("TPSTART", NULL, 0); if (tpinfo == NULL) { printf("tpalloc fail tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); exit(1); } strcpy(tpinfo->usrname, ".tpadmin"); if (tpstart((TPSTART_T *)tpinfo) == -1){ printf("tpstart fail [%s]\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); exit(1); } if ((sndbuf = (FBUF *)tpalloc("FIELD", NULL, 0)) == NULL) { printf("tpalloc failed! errno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } if ((rcvbuf = (FBUF *)tpalloc("FIELD", NULL, 0)) == NULL) { printf("tpalloc failed! errno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_OPERATION, "GET", 0); n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SEGMENT, "CONFIGURATION", 0); switch (sect) { case SEC_DOMAIN: n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "DOMAIN", 0); break; case SEC_NODE: n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "NODE", 0); break; case SEC_SVGROUP: n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "SVGROUP", 0); break; case SEC_SERVER: n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "SERVER", 0); break; case SEC_SERVICE: n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "SERVICE", 0); break; case SEC_ROUTING: n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "ROUTING", 0); break; case SEC_RQ: n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "RQ", 0); break; case SEC_GATEWAY: n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "GATEWAY", 0); break; } n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_NODENAME, nodename, 0); n = tpcall("TIPSVC", (char *)sndbuf, 0, (char **)&rcvbuf, &rcvlen, TPNOFLAGS); if (n < 0) { printf("tpcall fail [%s]\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); fbprint(rcvbuf); tpfree((char *)sndbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); exit(1); } #if 1 fbprint(rcvbuf); #endif tpfree((char *)sndbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); }
The following is the result (Domain Conf) of the previous program.
$ client 1 tmaxh4 fkey = 217326601, fname = TIP_ERROR, type = int, value = 0 ... fkey = 485762214, fname = TIP_CRYPT, type = string, value = NO fkey = 485762215, fname = TIP_DOMAIN_TMMLOGLVL, type = string, value = DEBUG1 fkey = 485762216, fname = TIP_DOMAIN_CLHLOGLVL, type = string, value = DEBUG2 fkey = 485762217, fname = TIP_DOMAIN_TMSLOGLVL, type = string, value = DEBUG3 fkey = 485762218, fname = TIP_DOMAIN_LOGLVL, type = string, value = DEBUG4 fkey = 217326763, fname = TIP_DOMAIN_MAXTHREAD, type = int, value = 128
5.5. Program for Checking System Statistical Information
The following example is a program that checks system statistics.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include <usrinc/fbuf.h> #include <usrinc/tip.h> #define SEC_NODE 1 #define SEC_TPROC 2 #define SEC_SPR 3 #define SEC_SERVICE 4 #define SEC_RQ 5 #define SEC_TMS 6 #define SEC_TMMS 7 #define SEC_CLHS 8 #define SEC_SERVER 9 #define NODE_NAME_SIZE 32 main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FBUF *sndbuf, *rcvbuf; TPSTART_T *tpinfo; int i, n, sect; long rcvlen; char nodename[NODE_NAME_SIZE]; int stat; if (argc != 3) { printf("Usage: %s section node\n", argv[0]); printf("section:\n"); printf("\t1: node\n"); printf("\t2: tproc\n"); printf("\t3: spr\n"); printf("\t4: service\n"); printf("\t5: rq\n"); printf("\t6: tms\n"); printf("\t7: tmms\n"); printf("\t8: clhs\n"); printf("\t9: server\n"); exit(1); } sect = atoi(argv[1]); if (sect < SEC_NODE || sect > SEC_SERVER) { printf("out of section [%d - %d]\n",SEC_NODE, SEC_SERVER); exit(1); } memset(nodename, 0x00, NODE_NAME_SIZE); strncpy(nodename, argv[2], NODE_NAME_SIZE - 1); n = tmaxreadenv("tmax.env", "TMAX"); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't read env\n"); exit(1); } tpinfo = (TPSTART_T *)tpalloc("TPSTART", NULL, 0); if (tpinfo == NULL) { printf("tpalloc fail tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); exit(1); } strcpy(tpinfo->dompwd, "xamt123"); if (tpstart((TPSTART_T *)tpinfo) == -1){ printf("tpstart fail tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); exit(1); } if ((sndbuf = (FBUF *)tpalloc("FIELD", NULL, 0)) == NULL) { printf("tpalloc failed! errno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } if ((rcvbuf = (FBUF *)tpalloc("FIELD", NULL, 0)) == NULL) { printf("tpalloc failed! errno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_OPERATION, "GET", 0); n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SEGMENT, "STATISTICS", 0); switch (sect) { case SEC_NODE: n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "NODE", 0); break; case SEC_TPROC: n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "TPROC", 0); break; case SEC_SPR: n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "SPR", 0); break; case SEC_SERVICE: n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "SERVICE", 0); break; case SEC_RQ: n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "RQ", 0); break; case SEC_TMS: stat = 1; n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "TMS", 0); n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_EXTRA_OPTION, (char *)&stat, 0); break; case SEC_TMMS: n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "TMMS", 0); break; case SEC_CLHS: n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "CLHS", 0); break; case SEC_SERVER: n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SECTION, "SERVER", 0); break; } n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_NODENAME, nodename, 0); n = tpcall("TIPSVC", (char *)sndbuf, 0, (char **)&rcvbuf, &rcvlen, TPNOFLAGS); if (n < 0) { printf("tpcall fail [%s]\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); fbprint(rcvbuf); tpfree((char *)sndbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); exit(1); } fbprint(rcvbuf); tpfree((char *)sndbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); }
The following is the result (TMS STATISTICS) of the previous program.
$ client 3000 1 2 fkey = 217326601, fname = TIP_ERROR, type = int, value = 0 fkey = 485762680, fname = TIP_TMS_NAME, type = string, value = tms_ora2 fkey = 485762681, fname = TIP_SVG_NAME, type = string, value = xa1 fkey = 217327226, fname = TIP_SPRI, type = int, value = 0 fkey = 485762649, fname = TIP_STATUS, type = string, value = RUN fkey = 217327197, fname = TIP_COUNT, type = int, value = 0 fkey = 351544938, fname = TIP_AVERAGE, type = float, value = 0.000000 fkey = 217327212, fname = TIP_CQCOUNT, type = int, value = 0 fkey = 217327227, fname = TIP_TI_THRI, type = int, value = 1 fkey = 351544956, fname = TIP_TI_AVG, type = float, value = 0.000000 fkey = 485762685, fname = TIP_TI_XID, type = string, value = 00000013664 fkey = 485762686, fname = TIP_TI_XA_STATUS, type = string, value = COMMIT
5.6. Program for Starting and Terminating a Server Process
Example 1
The following program starts and terminates a server process.
< cli.c >
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include <usrinc/fbuf.h> #include <usrinc/tmaxapi.h> #include <usrinc/tip.h> #define NODE_NAME_SIZE 32 main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FBUF *sndbuf, *rcvbuf; TPSTART_T *tpinfo; int i, n, type, clid, count, flags; long rcvlen; char svrname[TMAX_NAME_SIZE]; char svgname[TMAX_NAME_SIZE]; char nodename[NODE_NAME_SIZE]; int pid, forkcnt; if (argc != 6) { printf("Usage: %s type svrname count nodename forkcnt\n", argv[0]); printf("type 1: BOOT, 2: DOWN, 3: DISCON\n"); exit(1); } type = atoi(argv[1]); if ((type != 1) && (type != 2) && (type != 3)) { printf("couldn't support such a type %d\n", type); exit(1); } if (strlen(argv[2]) >= TMAX_NAME_SIZE) { printf("too large name [%s]\n", argv[1]); exit(1); } strcpy(svrname, argv[2]); count = atoi(argv[3]); flags = 0; strncpy(nodename, argv[4], NODE_NAME_SIZE - 1); forkcnt = atoi(argv[5]); n = tmaxreadenv("tmax.env", "TMAX"); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't read env\n"); exit(1); } tpinfo = (TPSTART_T *)tpalloc("TPSTART", NULL, 0); if (tpinfo == NULL) { printf("tpalloc fail tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); exit(1); } strcpy(tpinfo->usrname, ".tpadmin"); for (i = 1; i < forkcnt; i++) { if ((pid = fork()) < 0) exit(1); else if (pid == 0) break; } if (tpstart((TPSTART_T *)tpinfo) == -1){ printf("tpstart fail tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); exit(1); } if ((sndbuf = (FBUF *)tpalloc("FIELD", NULL, 0)) == NULL) { printf("tpalloc failed! errno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } if ((rcvbuf = (FBUF *)tpalloc("FIELD", NULL, 0)) == NULL) { printf("tpalloc failed! errno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_OPERATION, "GET", 0); n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SEGMENT, "ADMINISTRATION", 0); if (type == 1) n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_CMD, "BOOT", 0); else if (type == 2) n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_CMD, "DOWN", 0); else n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_CMD, "DISCON", 0); if (type == 3) { clid = count; /* at type 3 */ flags |= TIP_SFLAG; n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_CLID, (char *)&clid, 0); n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_FLAGS, (char *)&flags, 0); } else { flags |= TIP_SFLAG; n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SVRNAME, svrname, 0); n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_COUNT, (char *)&count, 0); n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_FLAGS, (char *)&flags, 0); } n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_NODENAME, nodename, 0); n = tpcall("TIPSVC", (char *)sndbuf, 0, (char **)&rcvbuf, &rcvlen, TPNOFLAGS); if (n < 0) { printf("tpcall failed! errno = %d[%s]\n", tperrno, tpstrerror(tperrno)); fbprint(rcvbuf); tpfree((char *)sndbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); exit(1); } fbprint(rcvbuf); tpfree((char *)sndbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpend();
Example 2
The following program changes the log level of a server named 'vr23_stat_ins' to debug4.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> #include <usrinc/fbuf.h> #include <usrinc/tmaxapi.h> #include <usrinc/tip.h> #include "../fdl/tip_fdl.h" #define NFLAG 32 #define GFLAG 8 #define VFLAG 1024 int case_chlog(int, char *[], FBUF *); #define NODE_NAME_SIZE 32 main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FBUF *sndbuf, *rcvbuf; TPSTART_T *tpinfo; int i, ret, n, type, clid, count, flags = 0; long rcvlen; char svrname[TMAX_NAME_SIZE]; char svgname[TMAX_NAME_SIZE]; char nodename[NODE_NAME_SIZE]; int pid, forkcnt; if (argc < 6) { printf("Usage: %s svgname svrname nodename [chlogmodule] [flags] [loglvl]\n", argv[0]); printf("chlogmodule 1: TIP_TMM, 2: TIP_CLH, 4: TIP_TMS, 8: TIP_SVR\n"); printf("flags 1: NFLAGS, 2: GFLAGS, 3: VFLAGS\n"); printf("loglvl : 1: compact, 2: basic, 3: detail, 4: debug1, 5: debug2, 6: debug3, 7: debug4\n"); exit(1); } n = tmaxreadenv("tmax.env", "TMAX"); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't read env\n"); exit(1); } tpinfo = (TPSTART_T *)tpalloc("TPSTART", NULL, 0); if (tpinfo == NULL) { printf("tpalloc fail tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); exit(1); } strcpy(tpinfo->usrname, ".tpadmin"); strcpy(svgname, argv[1]); strcpy(svrname, argv[2]); strncpy(nodename, argv[3], NODE_NAME_SIZE - 1); if (tpstart((TPSTART_T *)tpinfo) == -1){ printf("tpstart fail tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); exit(1); } if ((sndbuf = (FBUF *)tpalloc("FIELD", NULL, 0)) == NULL) { printf("tpalloc failed! errno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } if ((rcvbuf = (FBUF *)tpalloc("FIELD", NULL, 0)) == NULL) { printf("tpalloc failed! errno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } ret = case_chlog(argc, argv, sndbuf); n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_OPERATION, "GET", 0); n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SEGMENT, "ADMINISTRATION", 0); n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_CMD, "CHLOG", 0); n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_NODENAME, nodename, 0); n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SVGNAME, svgname , 0); n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_SVRNAME, svrname, 0); n=tpcall("TIPSVC", (char *)sndbuf, 0, (char **)&rcvbuf, &rcvlen, TPNOFLAGS); if (n < 0) { printf("tpcall failed! errno = %d[%s]\n", tperrno, tpstrerror(tperrno)); fbprint(rcvbuf); tpfree((char *)sndbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); exit(1); } fbprint(rcvbuf); tpfree((char *)sndbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpend(); } int case_chlog(int argc2, char *argv2[], FBUF *sndbuf) { int chlogmdl, loglvl, flags, n=0; char cloglvl[TMAX_NAME_SIZE]; const int true = 1, false = 0; chlogmdl = atoi(argv2[4]); if( (chlogmdl != 1) && (chlogmdl != 2) && (chlogmdl != 4) && (chlogmdl != 8) { printf("couldn't support such a chlogmdl\n"); exit(1); } flags = atoi(argv2[5]); if( (flags != NFLAG) && (flags != GFLAG) && (flags != VFLAG) ) { printf("couldn't support such a flags\n"); exit(1); } loglvl = atoi(argv2[6]); if( (loglvl < 1) || (loglvl > 7) ) { printf("couldn't support such a loglvl\n"); exit(1); } switch (loglvl) { case 1 : strcpy(cloglvl, "compact"); break; case 2 : strcpy(cloglvl, "basic"); break; case 3 : strcpy(cloglvl, "detail"); break; case 4 : strcpy(cloglvl, "debug1"); break; case 5 : strcpy(cloglvl, "debug2"); break; case 6 : strcpy(cloglvl, "debug3"); break; case 7 : strcpy(cloglvl, "debug4"); break; } n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_MODULE, (char *)&chlogmdl, 0); n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_FLAGS, (char *)&flags , 0); n = fbput(sndbuf, TIP_LOGLVL, cloglvl , 0); return 1; }
[Result] (TIP_SVR, => DEBUG4)
$ client xa1 svr23_stat_ins $HOSTNAME 8 1024 7 fkey = 217326601, fname = TIP_ERROR, type = int, value = 0 >>> tmadmin (cfg -v) loglvl = DEBUG4
6. Local Recursive Calls
When tpcall() is executed in a server, the recursive service call feature is added. Only tpcall() can make recursive calls through the multicontexting technique in a server. The recursion depth is limited to 8 to prevent an infinite loop.
To use a local recursive call, –D_MCONTEXT must be added to CFLAGS when a server program is compiled and the libsvrmc.so server library must be used instead of libsvr.so. |
Server program
The following is an example.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <usrinc/atmi.h> SVC15004_1(TPSVCINFO *msg) { int i; char *rcvbuf; long rcvlen; if ((rcvbuf = (char *)tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 0)) == NULL) printf("rcvbuf tpalloc fail[%s]\n",tpstrerror(tperrno)); if (tpcall("SVC15004_2", msg->data, 0, &rcvbuf, &rcvlen, 0) == -1) { printf("tpcall fail [%s]\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpreturn(TPFAIL, 0, 0, 0, 0); } strcat(rcvbuf, "_Success"); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0,(char *)rcvbuf, 0,0); } SVC15004_2(TPSVCINFO *msg) { int i; char *rcvbuf; long rcvlen; if ((rcvbuf = (char *)tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 0)) == NULL) printf("rcvbuf tpalloc fail \n"); } if (tpcall("SVC15004_3", msg->data, 0, &rcvbuf, &rcvlen, 0) == -1) { printf("tpcall fail [%s]\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpreturn(TPFAIL, 0, 0, 0, 0); } strcat(rcvbuf, "_Success"); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0,(char *)rcvbuf, 0,0); } SVC15004_3(TPSVCINFO *msg) { int i; char *rcvbuf; long rcvlen; if ((rcvbuf = (char *)tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 0)) == NULL) printf("rcvbuf tpalloc fail \n"); if (tpcall("SVC15004_4", msg->data, 0, &rcvbuf, &rcvlen, 0) == -1) { printf("tpcall fail [%s]\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpreturn(TPFAIL, 0, 0, 0, 0); } strcat(rcvbuf, "_Success"); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0,(char *)rcvbuf, 0,0); }
The following is an example.
# Server makefile TARGET = $(COMP_TARGET) APOBJS = $(TARGET).o NSDLOBJ = $(TMAXDIR)/lib64/sdl.o LIBS = -lsvrmc -lnodb OBJS = $(APOBJS) $(SVCTOBJ) SVCTOBJ = $(TARGET)_svctab.o CFLAGS = -O -Ae -w +DSblended +DD64 -D_HP -I$(TMAXDIR) -D_MCONTEXT APPDIR = $(TMAXDIR)/appbin SVCTDIR = $(TMAXDIR)/svct LIBDIR = $(TMAXDIR)/lib64 # .SUFFIXES : .c .c.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< # # server compile # $(TARGET): $(OBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIR) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) $(NSDLOBJ) mv $(TARGET) $(APPDIR)/. rm -f $(OBJS) $(APOBJS): $(TARGET).c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(TARGET).c $(SVCTOBJ): cp -f $(SVCTDIR)/$(TARGET)_svctab.c . touch ./$(TARGET)_svctab.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c ./$(TARGET)_svctab.c # clean: -rm -f *.o core $(APPDIR)/$(TARGET)