Installation and Uninstallation on Unix

This chapter describes how to install and uninstall Tmax Server and Client on Unix and Linux systems.

Tmax provides two types of installers: Full and Patch installers. The Full installer installs Tmax core, configuration, and sample files for the first installation, and the Patch installer only replaces the Tmax core file for upgrade.

For actual Tmax operation, install both Tmax Server and Client.

1. Pre-installation Tasks

Perform the following before installing Tmax Server and Client.

  • Create a Tmax account.

    The root account can be used to install Tmax, but it is recommended to use a Tmax administrator account.

  • Check system requirements and mount the CD-ROM.

    For information about system requirements for each platform and how to mount a CD-ROM, refer to System Requirements for Each Platform.

  • Check the following information.

    Check whether the server OS and architecture are 32-bit or 64-bit, the absolute Tmax installation path, and the server IP address used for testing after the installation.

2. Installation

The following are the steps for installing Tmax by using the Full installer.

  1. Insert and mount the product CD-ROM.

  2. Go to the directory that contains the Tmax60_AIX_71_PowerPC_64.bin file.

  3. Grant the execution permission to the file to allow an installer located in another directory to execute the file.

    $ chmod u+x Tmax60_AIX_71_PowerPC_64.bin
  4. Execute the file in a console.

    $ ./ Tmax60_AIX_71_PowerPC_64.bin
    Preparing to install...
    Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
    Unpacking the JRE...
    Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
    Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
    Launching installer...
    Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation...
    Tmax60                  (created with InstallAnywhere by Macrovision)
    InstallAnywhere will guide you through the installation of Tmax60.
    It is strongly recommended that you quit all programs before continuing with
    this installation.
    Respond to each prompt to proceed to the next step in the installation.  If you
    want to change something on a previous step, type 'back'.
    You may cancel this installation at any time by typing 'quit'.
  5. The Tmax license agreement page appears.

    License Agreement
    Installation and use of Tmax60 requires acceptance of the following
    License Agreement:
    TP-Monitor Tmax Release
    TmaxSoft Co., Ltd. (hereafter, TmaxSoft) End-User License Agreement
    Product : Tmax
    This is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an company) and
    TmaxSoft, Incorporated.  By opening the sealed software package and/or by using
    the software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement.
    TmaxSoft License
    1.  Grant of License:  This TmaxSoft License Agreement ("License") permits you
    to use one copy of the TmaxSoft product Tmax, on any single computer, provided
    the software is in use on only one computer at any one time.  If this package
    is a license pack, you may make and use additional copies of the software up to
    the number of licensed copies authorized.  If you have multiple licenses for
    the software, then at any time you may have as many copies of the software in
    use as you have licenses.
      The software is "in use" on a computer when it is loaded into the temporary
    memory (i.e., RAM) or installed into the permanent memory (e.g., hard disk,
    CD-ROM, or other storage devices) of that computer, except that a copy
    installed on a network server for the sole purpose of distribution to other
    computers is not "in use".  If the anticipated number of users of the software
    will exceed the number of applicable licenses, then you must have a reasonable
  6. Press <Enter> to continue displaying the Tmax license agreement.

    mechanism or process in place to ensure that the number of persons using the
    software concurrently does not exceed the number of licenses.
    2.  Copyright:  The software (including any images, "applets," photographs,
    animations, video, audio, music and text incorporated into the software) is
    owned by TmaxSoft or its suppliers and international treaty provisions.
    Therefore, you must treat the software like any other copyrighted materials
    (e.g., a book or musical recording) except that you may either (a) make one
    copy of the software solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) transfer
    the software to a single hard disk provided you keep the original solely for
    backup or archival purposes.  You may not copy the printed materials
    accompanying the software, nor print copies of any user documentation provided
    in "online" or electronic form.
    3.  Other restrictions: This license is your proof of license to exercise the
    rights granted herein and must be retained by you. You may not rent, lease, or
    transfer your rights under this license on a permanent basis provided you
    transfer this license, the software, and all accompanying printed materials,
    retain no copies, and the recipient agrees to the terms of this license. You
    may not reverse engine, decompile, or disassemble the software, except to the
    extent that the foregoing restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable
  7. Enter 'y' and press <Enter> to accept the terms of the license agreement, or enter 'n' to stop the installation.

  8. Select the Tmax installation set.

    '->' indicates the default value. If you press <Enter> without choosing an installation set, the default value of '1' is chosen. Press <Enter> or '1' to install the entire engine. Press '2' to install the Client only.

    Choose Install Set
    Please choose the Install Set to be installed by this installer.
      ->1- Server + Client
        2- Client
  9. Select the Installation directory.

    Press <Enter> to use the default value, or enter a path that you want.

    Choose Install Folder
    Where would you like to install?
      Default Install Folder: /EMC01/QA/tmax
  10. Enter the IP address of a server in which the Tmax system will run. If an IP address is not entered, the IP address of a node in which Tmax is currently being installed is set by default.

    Set Environment Variable
    TMAX_HOST_ADDR  : IP Address of your Tmax Host.
  11. The pre-installation summary page appears. Press <Enter> to continue the installation.

    Pre-Installation Summary
    Please Review the Following Before Continuing:
    Product Name:
    Install Folder:
    Link Folder:
    Disk Space Information (for Installation Target):
        Required:  269,490,714 bytes
        Available: 431,792,128 bytes
  12. The following message indicates that the Tmax installation is ready to start. Press <Enter> to start the installation.

    Ready To Install
    InstallAnywhere is now ready to install Tmax60 onto your system
    at the following location:
  13. A progress bar shows the installation progress.

    Installation Complete
    Congratulations. Tmax60 has been successfully installed to:
  14. Press <Enter> to complete the installation.

  1. To install only Tmax Client, press '2' in the step 8.

  2. If Tmax Server was successfully installed and started with a developed application, verify that the service operates correctly on various platforms. Install Tmax Client and develop a client program to use the service. The Tmax Client module does not require a license and can be downloaded from the technical support site.

  3. For information about post-installation tasks, refer to Configuration. For information about how to test Tmax by using sample programs, refer to Testing the Tmax Installation.

3. Installation Verification

Installing Tmax creates the following directories.

$Tmax HOME
+---- appbin
+---- bin
+---- config
+---- lib (or lib64)
+---- license
|---- log
        +---- slog
        +---- tlog
        +---- ulog
+---- mod
+---- path
+---- run
|---- sample
        +---- client
        +---- tdl
        +---- fdl
        +---- sdl
        +---- server
+---- svct
+---- usrinc
+---- topinc
+---- cobinc
+---- tuxinc
+---- tcpgw
+---- tcpgwthr
+---- x25gw
+---- UninstallerData
+---- bk_appbin
$Tmax HOME

Tmax system home directory. (System variable: TMAXDIR, configuration file item: TMAXDIR)


Contains server applications developed by using Tmax. (Configuration file item: APPDIR)


Contains Tmax commands and utilities.


Contains the Tmax system configuration file.

lib (or lib64 for 64-bit)

Contains the Tmax library.


Contains the license file.


Contains log files.

Subdirectory Description


Contains system log files. (Configuration file item: SLOGDIR)


Contains transaction log files. (Configuration file item: TLOGDIR)


Contains user log files. (Configuration file item: ULOGDIR)


Contains the library to update when using TDL.


Used for inter-process communications. (Configuration file item: PATHDIR)


Contains libraries to which a version is assigned after tdlupdate when using TDL.

Directory Description


Contains a sample client program.


Contains a sample TDL program.


Contains a sample field key definition file (demo.f). (System variable: FDLFILE)


Contains a sample structure definition file (demo.s). (System variable: SDLFILE)


Contains a sample server program.


Contains a service table file used to compile server applications.


Contains Tmax header files.
demo.f defines Field Definition Language (FDL) fields. demo.s defines Structure Definition Language (SDL) fields. Users can create FDL and SDL fields.


Contains header files used to migrate AT&T’s Top End to Tmax.


Contains COBOL header files.


Contains header files used to migrate BEA’s Tuxedo to Tmax.


Contains TCPGW header files.


Contains TCPGW THR header files.


Contains x25gw header files.


Contains files used to uninstall Tmax.

bk_appbin (optional)

User-created directory. A new process is installed in this directory to replace a server process in use. (System variable: TMAX_BKAPPDIR)

For more information, refer to Tmax Application Development Guide and Tmax Reference Guide.

4. Configuration

4.1. License File Installation

Install the license file to activate Tmax or to use Tmax services via WebT. However, you do not need to install the license file to use only the Tmax Client because the Client does not require a license.

A license is also required to use the following functions.

Function Description

Domain Gateway

Used for communication between separate Tmax domains.

Reliable Queue

Used to use a reliable queue.


Used to integrate a Tmax Server with a mainframe.


Used to use Tmax services in web.

If Tmax is installed successfully, the ncpu file is located in the license directory. You can get information required to get a license by executing the ncpu utility as follows:


The result is as follows:

HOST NAME1: tmaxs1

HOST NAME2: tmaxs1

HOSTID: 80FD0534

HOSTID: 80FD0534

H/W SERIAL: 2164065588


UNAME: SunOS tmaxs1 5.7 Generic_106541-11 sun4u sparc


A demo license can be used without functional limitations for a limited period. For information about how to download a demo license, refer to Downloading Software.

4.2. Configuring Environment Variables

The C compiler (cc) and the make utility (make) are required to compile Tmax applications or to develop applications at the site where the Tmax Server is installed. Confirm that the PATH environment variable is set to the directory that includes the C compiler and the make utility.

The following shows Tmax system environment variables that are added to .profile after the Tmax installation from the Bourne or Korn shell. The variables may differ depending on the platform.

# New environment setting added by Tmax60 on Wed Jul 29 19:35:02 KST 2015 1.
# The unmodified version of this file is saved in /data/tmaxha/.profile330356837.
# Do NOT modify these lines; they are used to uninstall.
export TMAXDIR
# End comments by InstallAnywhere on Wed Jul 29 19:35:02 KST 2015 1.

# New environment setting added by Tmax60 on Wed Jul 29 19:35:02 KST 2015 2.
# The unmodified version of this file is saved in /data/tmaxha/.profile330356837.
# Do NOT modify these lines; they are used to uninstall.
export PATH
# End comments by InstallAnywhere on Wed Jul 29 19:35:02 KST 2015 2.

# New environment setting added by Tmax60 on Wed Jul 29 19:35:02 KST 2015 3.
# The unmodified version of this file is saved in /data/tmaxha/.profile330356837.
# Do NOT modify these lines; they are used to uninstall.
# End comments by InstallAnywhere on Wed Jul 29 19:35:02 KST 2015 3.

# New environment setting added by Tmax60 on Wed Jul 29 19:35:02 KST 2015 4.
# The unmodified version of this file is saved in /data/tmaxha/.profile330356837.
# Do NOT modify these lines; they are used to uninstall.
# End comments by InstallAnywhere on Wed Jul 29 19:35:02 KST 2015 4.

# New environment setting added by Tmax60 on Wed Jul 29 19:35:02 KST 2015 5.
# The unmodified version of this file is saved in /data/tmaxha/.profile330356837.
# Do NOT modify these lines; they are used to uninstall.
export SDLFILE
# End comments by InstallAnywhere on Wed Jul 29 19:35:02 KST 2015 5.

# New environment setting added by Tmax60 on Wed Jul 29 19:35:02 KST 2015 6.
# The unmodified version of this file is saved in /data/tmaxha/.profile330356837.
# Do NOT modify these lines; they are used to uninstall.
export FDLFILE
# End comments by InstallAnywhere on Wed Jul 29 19:35:02 KST 2015 6.

# New environment setting added by Tmax60 on Wed Jul 29 19:35:02 KST 2015 7.
# The unmodified version of this file is saved in /data/tmaxha/.profile330356837.
# Do NOT modify these lines; they are used to uninstall.
# End comments by InstallAnywhere on Wed Jul 29 19:35:02 KST 2015 7.

# New environment setting added by Tmax60 on Wed Jul 29 19:35:02 KST 2015 8.
# The unmodified version of this file is saved in /data/tmaxha/.profile330356837.
# Do NOT modify these lines; they are used to uninstall.
export LIBPATH
# End comments by InstallAnywhere on Wed Jul 29 19:35:02 KST 2015 8.

The following describes each environment variable.

Variable Description


Tmax installation directory.


IP address of the Tmax Server.


Port number of the Tmax Server. The port number must be identical to the value set in TPORTNO of the Tmax Server’s configuration file (sample.m).


Location of the SDL binary file (filename.sdl), which is required to use structure buffers. Set this variable only to use structure buffers.


The location of the FDL binary file (filename.fdl), which required to use field key buffers. Set this variable only to use field key buffers.


Tmax system connection timeout.


Shared library path. The environment variable is different depending on the OS as follows:

  • Solaris, Linux: LD_LIBRARY_PATH




IP address of the backup Tmax Server.


Port number of the backup Tmax Server. The port number must be identical to the value set in TPORTNO of the backup Tmax Server’s configuration file (filename.m).

Since Tmax provides shared libraries, you do not have to re-compile server applications whenever installing a patch or new version. Tmax provides both static and shared libraries. However, Tmax provides only some shared libraries for AIX.

To use shared libraries, include them in applications and set FLAGS in each OS compiler. The shared library directory is set automatically in the configuration file (LD_LIBRARY_PATH, SHLIB_PATH, or LIBPATH) when installing Tmax.

The following are compilation options for each platform.

  • Solaris 32-bit and Linux

  • Solaris 5.7-5.9 64-bit

    CFLAGS = -xarch=v9 -O –I$(TMAXDIR)
  • Solaris 5.10 64-bit

    CFLAGS = -m64 -O –I$(TMAXDIR)
  • HP PA-RISC 32-bit

    CFLAGS = -Ae -O –I$(TMAXDIR)
  • HP PA-RISC 64-bit

    CFLAGS = -Ae +DA2.0W +DD64 +DS2.0 -O -I$(TMAXDIR)
  • HP Itanium 32bit

    CFLAGS = -O -Ae -w +DSblended +DD32 -D_HP -I$(TMAXDIR)
  • HP Itanium 64-bit

    CFLAGS = -O -Ae -w +DSblended +DD64 -D_HP -I$(TMAXDIR)
  • IBM 32-bit

    CFLAGS = -q32 –brtl -O –I$(TMAXDIR)
  • IBM 64-bit

    CFLAGS = -q64 –brtl -O –I$(TMAXDIR)

Apply the Tmax environment variables from the home directory as follows:

  • Bourne or Korn shell

    . ./.profile
  • C shell

    source .cshrc

Check whether the environment variables are set properly by using the env or set command.

4.3. Configuring sample.m

sample.m is a Tmax system configuration file written in ASCII. Compile the file to create a binary file used to start and end Tmax by using the cfl utility.

The following is sample sample.m.

tmax1          SHMKEY = 79990, MINCLH = 1, MAXCLH = 3,
               TPORTNO = 8888, BLOCKTIME = 30

tmaxs2         TMAXDIR = "/user/mmidea/tmax",
               APPDIR  = "/user/mmidea/tmax/appbin",
               PATHDIR = "/user/mmidea/tmax/path",
               TLOGDIR = "/user/mmidea/tmax/log/tlog",
               ULOGDIR = "/user/mmidea/tmax/log/ulog",
               SLOGDIR = "/user/mmidea/tmax/log/slog"

svg1           NODENAME = tmaxs2

svr1           SVGNAME = svg1, MIN = 1


5. Testing the Tmax Installation

Test the Tmax installation as follows:

The following are an environment and files for the testing.

  • Environment

    Item Description

    Operating system

    Solaris 5.7 32-bit





  • Files

    Name Description


    Tmax configuration file ($TMAXDIR/config)


    Sample server program ($TMAXDIR/sample/server)


    Sample client program ($TMAXDIR/sample/client)


    Structure definition file ($TMAXDIR/sample/sdl)


    Field key definition file ($TMAXDIR/sample/fdl)


    Tmax environment variable definition file ($TMAXDIR/sample/client)

5.1. Basic Configuration

The following describes how to configure the basic environment.

  1. Compile the configuration file in the $TMAXDIR/config directory. sample.m is automatically created in TMAXDIR/config when Tmax is installed. TMAXDIR is the Tmax installation home directory.

    $>cfl –i sample.m

    If the configuration file is successfully compiled, the following message is displayed.

    CFL is done successfully for node(<nodename>)

    The host name set in sample.m may not be identical to the actual host name. For example, if executing the uname -n command displays as a host name, this means that compiling sample.m failed. In this case, check a host name by using the ncpu utility in TMAXDIR/license, set the host name in sample.m, and get a license appropriate for the host name. For more information about ncpu, refer to Configuration.

  2. Create a service table as follows. A service table has information about services handled by each process. It is used when a server process is created.


    If the service table is created successfully, the following message is displayed.

    SVC tables are successfully generated GST is successfully done
  3. Create a binary structure definition file in the TMAXDIR/sample/sdl directory by using the sdlc command. Since a server and a client use different files, use different options for the server and the client. Although sdlc is executed successfully, no message is displayed.

    • For a server

      $>sdlc –i demo.s

      Executing the previous command creates demo_sdl.h and demo_sdl.c. The files are used when compiling server programs that use structure buffer.

      The sample makefile has a routine to execute sdlc when compiling server programs that use structure buffers. However, it is recommended to execute sdlc before the compilation.

    • For a client

      $>sdlc –c –i demo.s –o tmax.sdl

      Executing the previous command created demo_sdl.h and tmax.sdl. If If the -o option is not used in the previous command, the result sdl file is named as <structure file name>.sdl by default. The created files are used when client programs that use structure buffers allocate memory to the buffers.

      The result sdl file is located and named by referring to SDLFILE set in a user configuration file. When Tmax is installed, the installer sets TMAXDIR/sample/sdl/ tmax.sdl to SDLFILE by default. To use the default value, specify the result file name as tmax.sdl by using the -o option.

  4. Create a binary field key file in the TMAXDIR/sample/fdl directory by using the fdlc command for both the server and the client.

    $>fdlc –c –i demo.f

    If the file is created successfully, the following message is displayed.

    FDLC is successfully done

5.2. Compiling a Server Program

Compile a server program that provides a service in the TMAXDIR/sample/server directory.

$>./compile sdl svr1

If the program is successfully compiled, the following message is displayed.

cc -O -I/user/tmax -c svr1.c

cc -O -I/user/tmax -L/user/tmax/lib -o svr1 svr1.o demo_sdl.o svr1_svctab.o

-lsvr -lnsl –lsocket -lnodb

mv svr1 /user/tmax/appbin

/user/tmax/appbin in the last line can be replaced with a directory that includes service programs. The directory can be set in Tmax configuration file by a user.

For more information, refer to Tmax Administrator’s Guide.

5.3. Starting Tmax

Start Tmax with the following command.


If Tmax starts successfully, the following message is displayed.

TMBOOT for node(qpsx2) is starting:
        TMBOOT: TMM is starting: Fri Jul 24 00:51:48 2015
(I) TMAX00127 General Infomation :event mechanism is epoll [EVT0003]
        TMBOOT: CLL is starting: Fri Jul 24 00:51:48 2015
        TMBOOT: CLH is starting: Fri Jul 24 00:51:48 2015
(I) TMAX00127 General Infomation :event mechanism is epoll [EVT0003]
(I) TMAX00593 Current Tmax Configuration: Number of client handler(MINCLH) = 1
                Supported maximum user per node = 65073
                Supported maximum user per handler = 65073 [CLH0141]
        TMBOOT: CAS(cas) is starting: Fri Jul 24 00:51:48 2015
(I) TMAX00127 General Infomation :event mechanism is epoll [EVT0003]
        TMBOOT: TLM(tlm) is starting: Fri Jul 24 00:51:49 2015
        TMBOOT: SVR(svr1) is starting: Fri Jul 24 00:51:49 2015

The <nodename>, Supported maximum user per node, and Supported maximum user per handler values differ depending on the system.

Tmax may not start successfully in the following cases. If Tmax starts abnormally or an error messages is displayed, check the following, take appropriate action, and then restart Tmax.

  • TPORTNO and TPORTNO+1 set in the Tmax configuration file are already used by the system.

  • The value set in SHMKEY is already used by the system.

  • The Tmax configuration file is not compiled successfully with cfl.

  • Service programs registered in the Tmax configuration file are not all compiled.

5.4. Compiling and Executing a Client Program

The following are the steps for compiling and executing a client program.

  1. Compile a client program in the TMAXDIR/sample/client directory.

    $>./compile c sdltoupper

    If the program is successfully compiled, the following message is displayed.

    cc -O -I/user/tmax -c sdltoupper.c
    cc -O -I/user/tmax -L/user/tmax/lib -o sdltoupper sdltoupper.o -lcli -lnsl –lsocket
  2. Check that tmax.env exists in the current directory (sample/client). tmax.env is a text file that defines environment variables used for a client to access the Tmax system.

    Execute the client program.

    $>./sdltoupper tmax

    If the service is executed successfully, the following message is displayed, which means that Tmax is installed successfully.

    send data: tmax
    recv data: TMAX

The following describes sample files provided by Tmax.

Client Server Compilation Remarks




compile sdl svr1

Structure buffer




compile c svr2

String buffer




compile c svr3

Field key buffer



compile psdl sdltest

Structure buffer, Oracle interface



compile pc fdltest

Field key buffer, Oracle interface



compile c svr_conv

Interactive service




compile c svr_rq

RQ service



compile ucs svr_ucs

UCS program

6. Uninstallation

To uninstall Tmax by using the Full installer, execute the following. Executing the following deletes Tmax engine, installation directory, and environment variables.


Manually delete files created after the Tmax installation because they are not deleted automatically.

The following are the steps for uninstalling Tmax.

  1. Execute Uninstall.exe. Check the uninstallation information.

    Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation...
    Tmax60                  (created with InstallAnywhere by Macrovision)
    Uninstall Tmax60
    About to uninstall...
    This will remove features installed by InstallAnywhere.  It will not remove
    files and folders created after the installation.
  2. Press <Enter> to begin the uninstallation.

    Uninstall Complete
    Some items could not be removed.
  3. Verify that the uninstallation is successful.

6.1. Checking Uninstallation

Verify the uninstallation by checking the following.

  • Files and directories

    Confirm that all files and directories under the $TMAXDIR (default value: $HOME/tmax) directory have been deleted. Manually delete files created after the Tmax installation because they are not deleted automatically.

  • Environment variables

    Confirm that Tmax-related environment variables have been deleted.

  • PATH

    Confirm that Tmax paths such as $HOME/tmax/bin have been deleted.