Sample TCache Configuration File

The following is an example of the TCache configuration file.

# the configuration file of TCACHE
SHMKEY=0x70005      # the key of shared memory
SHMKEY=0x70005      # the key of shared memory
IPCPERM=0600        # permission of the shared memory
SIZE_LOCAL=65535    # L1 cache size in kilo-bytes   # the pthread library file name
INVALIDATE_TYPE=0   # multi-node invalidate type.
AGENT_SVC=SPFMAGENT # multi-node sync. svc

#base configurations
CACHE_NAME=ofconfig # subject
SIZE_MEM=65535      # total table size in KB: about 2KB for each entries, and there are about 400 entries in OpenFrame
SIZE_HASH=32        # the number of hash key (MAX=65536)
SIZE_KEY=324        # subject(64) + section(128) + key(128): subject>>section>>key (324)
SIZE_REC=2372       # key(324) + value(2048)

#cache for OSC00001
CACHE_NAME=OSC00001 # the name of cache
SIZE_MEM=32767      # the total cache memory size in kilo-bytes
SIZE_HASH=32        # the number of hash key (MAX=65536)
SIZE_KEY=30         # the number of digits of the index column
SIZE_REC=2078       # the size of a single record in bytes
INV_TIMEOUT=1       # invalidation timeout in sec

# cache for REGION MASTER
SIZE_MEM=32         # the total cache memory size in kilo-bytes
SIZE_HASH=32        # the number of hash key (MAX=65536)
SIZE_KEY=8          # the number of digits of the index column
SIZE_REC=40         # the size of a single record in bytes
INV_TIMEOUT=1       # invalidation timeout in sec

#cache for OFM_OSC_TX_TIME
CACHE_NAME=OFM_OSC_TX_TIME        # the name of cache
SIZE_MEM=32         # the total cache memory size in kilo-bytes
SIZE_HASH=32        # the number of hash key (MAX=65536)
SIZE_KEY=14         # the number of digits of the index column
SIZE_REC=38         # the size of a single record in bytes
INV_TIMEOUT=1       # invalidation timeout in sec