
Resource Definition

Definitions that describe which resource will be used, what the characteristics of the resources are, and how to use the resources in the OSC system.

OSC SD (OSC System Definition) table

The table which stores the resource definitions used by the OSC system.

RTSD (Runtime System Definition) memory

Contains the loading information of resource definitions, when the OSC system starts, registered in the OSC SD table.

Group and List

The units that an application server uses to manage resource definitions.


The set of resources provided to manage the related resources conveniently.


Contains the names of Groups to load to the RTSD memory when starting the OSC system.

PROGRAM resource definition

Defines the elements related to program control information to execute a transaction or part of a transaction.

JOURNALMODEL resource definition

Defines the connection information between OSC journal name and the physical dataset in which actual journal record will be written.

FILE resource definition

Defines the settings related to the physical dataset configuration of file and the file operation.

CONNECTION resource definition

Defines the information to connect OSC application server to other OSC application server.

TDQUEUE resource definition

Defines the properties of Transient Data Queue (TDQ).

Extra-partition TDQ resource definition

Defines the elements when the TDQ type is EXTRA.

Indirect TDQ resource definition

Defines the elements when the TDQ type is INDIRECT.

Log TDQ resource definition

Defines the elements when the TDQ type is LOG.

Remote TDQ resource definition

Defines elements when the TDQ type is REMOTE.

Intra-partition TDQ resource definition

Defines elements when the TDQ type is INTRA.

TERMINAL resource definition

Defines the characteristics and current status of terminal, which communicates with OSC.

TRANSACTION resource definition

Defines elements related to the functions provided by OSC.

TSMODEL resource definition

Supports the function to specify TSQ properties according to the prefix of the TSQ (Temporary Storage Queue) name.

TYPETERM resource definition

Defines common characteristics of the terminal group.

DCT (Destination Control Table)

Control table which describes the TDQ information for TDQ management.

JCT (Journal Control Table)

Control table which describes the information about the system log and user journal for journal management.

PLT (Program List Table)

A table which describes the list of programs that will be executed in the booting up and shutting down process of the OSC region.

XLT (Transaction List Table)

A table which describes the list of logically related transactions.