OpenFrame/OSC System Tools
This chapter describes tools used in the OpenFrame/OSC (hereafter OSC) system.
1. Overview
The following are tools for convenient management of the OSC system.
Tool Name | Description |
Executes preprocessing to support the external CICS Interface (EXCI). |
Fixes errors that occur while converting two-byte characters during a map migration. |
Preprocesses assembler macros in a map file that used in a dump process. |
Generates a symbolic map file and a physical map file by compiling the source map. |
Enables real time updating of mapset information used by OSC regions. |
Manages OSC region configuration. |
Creates an OSC application. |
Starts the entire OSC system or a particular region. |
Creates an OSC application server. |
Preprocesses the EXEC CICS commands in the COBOL source code used by OSC. |
Checks configuration values, shared memory status, and more to identify errors. |
Preprocesses COBOL statements to be used by OSC. |
Preprocesses EXEC CICS commands and C programs to be used by OSC. |
Converts the CICS destination control table (DCT) to the TDQUEUE resource definition in the format used by OSC. |
Shuts down the entire OSC system or a particular region. |
Deletes/removes system tables when installing and uninstalling OSC. |
Converts the CICS Journal Control Table (JCT) to the JOURNALMODEL resource definition in the format used by OSC. |
Displays transaction statistics. |
Preprocesses EXEC CICS commands in the OSC PLI application program source and prints the output. |
Compiles the DFHPLT macro. |
Displays information about RESP and RESP2 values, which indicate specific errors in OSC regions. |
Exports Runtime System Definition (RTSD) information as a macro file. |
Extracts information from macro files that contain RTSD and updates the RTSD of an active OSC region with the information. |
Executes a specified transaction. |
Displays items schedueled by the START command, the DELAY command, or the TDQ ATI function. |
Exports OSC resource definitions from OSC system definition (SD) data set as a macro file. |
Extracts the resource definition from a macro-type text file and saves it in a specified OSC SD data set or the OSC SD data set in a specified region. |
Initializes the Tmax Dynamic Library (TDL) shared memory and dynamic modules of an OSC region. |
Removes the TDL shared memory of an OSC region. |
Updates the specified dynamic modules of an OSC region. |
Monitors locks used in the TSQ memory area and removes abnormal locks. |
Displays the status of the transactions running in the current OSC region. |
Compiles XLT macros. |
2. excicblpp
The excicblpp tool executes preprocessing to support EXCI (external CICS Interface). It allows specific region programs to be executed in DPL within COBOL programs, such as batch programs, externally from OSC.
The excicblpp tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: excicblpp [options] <file> ... [options] -o <output> Set <output> as output file name (stronger than -p) -p <prefix> Set <prefix> as output file prefix -V Preprocess in verbose mode -h Display this information -v Display version information
Option Description [-o output]
Specifies the output file name.
[-p prefix]
Specifies the prefix for the output file name.
Enables the verbose mode.
Displays help information for the tool usage.
Displays excicblpp version information.
Parameter Description file
Specifies the COBOL program source file to preprocess. Multiple modules can be specified at the same time.
The following example preprocesses the SAMPLE00.cob file in verbose mode and creates the excicblpp_SAMPLE00.cob file.
$ excicblpp -V SAMPLE00.cob
Executing the above command will display the following message and execute preprocessing.
EXCICBLPP : input file(SAMPLE00.cob) EXCICBLPP : output file(excicblpp_SAMPLE00.cob)
3. mscadjust
The mscadjust tool fixes some of the two-byte character conversion errors that can occur during the map migration process.
Problems usually occur if, in the EBCDIC host map file, different types of two-byte characters are used together. This can happen if Korean and Japanese characters are mixed together. Errors can also occur in the map field definition if programming-type elements are used, such as PS=X’F8'. In the latter example, the dsmigin tool cannot convert the field to two-byte characters properly because it does not recognize elements of BMS map macro syntax, such as PS.
In order to use mscadjust, two files are required as input - the EBCDIC source map file and the ASCII source code file that is used to recognize the syntax. After being converted to ASCII but before being passed to mscadjust, the map source codes should be preprocessed with mscasmc.
mscadjust uses these files to find any fields that might not be converted appropriately with dsmigin. It then displays the results of a one-byte conversion and a two-byte conversion to user. Users can then choose one of the conversion methods for that field.
The mscadjust tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: mscadjust [options] ebcdic_file ascii_file | mscadjust -o output_file ebcdic_file ascii_file | mscadjust [-h | -v]
Option Description [-s]
Indicates that syntax and characters should be converted automatically.
Shows the file to be adjusted.
Specifies the output filename.
Shows help information for mscadjust.
Displays version information for mscadjust.
Parameter Description ebcdic_file
Specifies the name of the EBCDIC code file.
Specifies the name of the ASCII code map file converted by dsmigin.
Specifies the output file to store the adjustment result.
In the following example, the map source code file SAMPLE00.adj is created by using the mscadjust tool to process the EBCDIC source file SAMPLE00 and the ASCII map source code file which has been preprocessed with mscasmc.
$ mscadjust -o SAMPLE00.adj SAMPLE00 [MSCADJUST] input ascii code map : [MSCADJUST] input ebcdic code map : SAMPLE00 * before: [.*.* ...|D.. ....X .(...7.....) *.* ] * after: [** 外注訂正 店指定 (入力画面) ** ] * do you want to change? (Yes:(Enter/Y/y), No:(N/n))Y --------------------------------------------------- * before: [....] * after: [法人] * do you want to change? (Yes:(Enter/Y/y), No:(N/n)) --------------------------------------------------- * before: [...>] * after: [店№] * do you want to change? (Yes:(Enter/Y/y), No:(N/n)) --------------------------------------------------- * before: [ . ..... .R(..> ] * after: [ 区 発注日 伝票№ ] * do you want to change? (Yes:(Enter/Y/y), No:(N/n)) --------------------------------------------------- * before: [ ..... ......3 ] * after: [ 取引先 取引先名 ] * do you want to change? (Yes:(Enter/Y/y), No:(N/n)) $
4. mscasmc
The mscasmc tool preprocesses assembler macro commands for use in a map file. Certain macros used such as 'PRINT ON', 'NOGEN', and 'TITLE' don’t affect output but are still used in the dump process. These types of macros must be preprocessed by mscasmc.
The mscasmc tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: mscasmc [options] file | mscasmc -o output_file file
Option Description [-d]
Displays real-time preprocessing output. This option allows the user to observe the process and find the location of an error that might occur during preprocessing.
Shows mscasmc help options.
Displays mscasmc version information.
Input parameters
Parameter Description file
Specifies the map file to be preprocessed.
-o output_file
Specifies the file where mscasmc results will be saved.
The following example shows how mscasmc is used to preprocess the assembler macro commands for the dump in
$ mscasmc
After preprocessing, the following messages will be displayed.
MSCASMC : input map : MSCASMC : file[] create ok.
5. mscmapc
The mscmapc tool generates two files – a symbolic map file and a physical map file – by compiling map source codes.
The symbolic map file is a COBOL copybook file that defines the data structures used in applications. The physical map file is a binary file which describes the properties of each field in the map and the information required for data conversion.
The mscmapc tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: mscmapc [options1] file | mscmapc [options2] dir file
Option | Description |
[-d] |
Displays real-time preprocessing output. This option allows the user to observe the process and find the location of an error that might occur during preprocessing. |
[-o dir] |
Specifies a directory where the symbolic map and the physical map are created. |
[-p 1|2] |
Offers a preview emulator display screen.
[-r region] |
Specifies the name of the region that will generate the symbolic map and the physical map. The physical and symbolic directories should be created first, under a directory specified in MAPDIR key of the GENERAL section in osc.{servername} of the specified region. |
[-s file] |
Creates a file with the file name specified when creating a Symbolic Map file. |
[-h] |
Displays help information for mscmapc. |
[-v] |
Displays version information for mscmapc. |
The following example demonstrates the generation of the symbolic map file and the physical map file in the current directory after the file is compiled.
$ mscmapc >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * input map : * Copybook : [./CESN.cpy] create. * binary image : [./CESN.phm] create. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The messages at the bottom of the example indicate successful execution.
In the following example, a copybook file and a binary are created in the ~/OPENFRAME_HOME/osc/map directory by setting the –o option.
$ mscmapc -o $OPENFRAME_HOME/osc/map >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * input map : * Copybook : [/home/oframe/OpenFrame/osc/map/CESN.cpy] create. * binary image : [/home/oframe/OpenFrame/osc/map/CESN.phm] create. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
In the next example, the files are generated in the OSC00001 region after compiling the file with the -r option.
$ mscmapc -r OSC00001 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * input map : * Copybook : [/home/oframe/OpenFrame/osc/region/OSC00001/map/symbolic/CESN.cpy] create. * binary image [/home/oframe/OpenFrame/osc/region/OSC00001/map/physical/CESN.phm] create. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
6. mscmapupdate
The mscmapupdate tool dynamically manages mapset information used by OSC regions. While tasks are in progress, the user can change map information and promptly apply the changes, or load additional information. The mscmapupdate tool supports functions to search and delete mapset information stored in the current memory.
The mscmapupdate tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: mscmapupdate [options] | mscmapupdate region | mscmapupdate region -f filename | mscmapupdate region -l mapset [-n] | mscmapupdate region -r mapset [-n]
Option Description [-h]
Displays help information for mscmapupdate.
Displays version information for mscmapupdate.
Applies mapset update to all nodes of the specified region.
Input parameters
Parameter Description region
Displays mapset information registered in the given OSC region.
-f filename
Specifies a name of a physical mapset file to load into memory. If the same mapset already exists, it is updated.
-l mapset
Specifies a mapset and mapset names to update and load into the OSC region memory. If the same mapset has already been loaded, it is updated.
-r mapset
Releases the mapset in the OSC region.
The following example displays mapset information registered in the OSC00001 region.
$ mscmapupdate OSC00001 * loaded mapset list 0001 : mapset[CESN] 0002 : mapset[OIVPMS1]
In the following example, the OIVPMS1 mapset is updated in the OSC00001 region. Use the -r option to delete a mapset from a region.
$ mscmapupdate OSC00001 -l OIVPMS1
In the following example, the OIVPMS1 mapset is updated in all nodes of the OSC00001 region. Use the -r option to delete a mapset from a region.
$ mscmapupdate OSC00001 -l OIVPMS1 -n
7. oscadmin
The oscadmin tool manages OSC regions.
The oscadmin tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: oscadmin [options] Options: -l <region> Display current log level <region> OSC region name -l <region>:{E|I|D|T} Set log level E: Error log level I: Information log level D: Debug log level -c <region>[:<svgname>] Create Tmax Config file about Region & TRANCLASS <svgname>: specify SVGNAME of SERVER config -d <region>:{TSQ|TDQ} Display TSQ or TDQ list -d <region>:{TSQ|TDQ}:QNAME Remove QUEUE Item TSQ QNAME: must be specified with Hex value -h Display this information -v Display version information
Option Description [-l region]
Searches for the log level of the OSC region.
[-l region:{E|I|D|T}]
Sets the log level of the OSC region to one of the following:
E (Error Level): Writes to the log only when errors occur.
I (Information Level): Writes to the log when there are warnings or notices, in addition to errors.
D (Debug Level): Writes detailed information to the log in order to trace bugs and errors.
T (Test Level): Writes detailed information about sent and received data.
[-c region:<svgname>]
Displays Tmax configuration information by using the TRANCLASS option defined in the OSC region.
-d <region>:{TSQ|TDQ}
Displays a list of TSQs or TDQs used in the OSC region.
TSQ: TSQ list.
TDQ: TDQ list.
-d <region>:{TSQ|TDQ}:QNAME
Deletes a specified TSQ or TDQ from the OSC region.
TSQ:QNAME: TSQ name. Use the HEX value of the TSQ NAME shown in the TSQ list.
Displays help information for oscadmin.
Displays oscadmin version information.
The following example sets the log level of OSC00001 region to I.
$ oscadmin -l OSC00001:I
8. oscappbuild
The oscappbuild tool automatically creates OSC applications. It currently supports PL/I language only.
The oscappbuild tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage : oscappbuild -x bit -l lang [-m] [-V] [-p program] [-r region] file | oscappbuild [-h | -v]
Option | Description |
-x bit |
Specifies a bit value of a program binary to create. Currently, only 32 bit is supported. |
-l lang |
Specifies a programming language for the program source. Currently, only PL/I is supported. |
[-m] |
Specifies running the program by connecting to MF-Cobol. |
[-V] |
Runs in verbose mode. |
[-p program] |
Specifies the name of a program binary to create. |
[-r region] |
Specifies the name of a region to create and distribute. |
file |
Specifies a name of PL/I source file with the extension '.pli'. |
[-h] |
Displays help information for oscappbuild. |
[-v] |
Displays oscappbuild version information. |
The following example creates a program source written in PL/I, pg00.pli. As a result, a program binary,, will be created.
$ oscappbuild -x 32 -l PLI pg00.pli
9. oscboot
The oscboot tool starts the entire OSC system or specific regions. oscboot provides script files such as oscboot.pre and to perform necessary tasks before and after the system boot.
oscboot.pre and scripts operate only for options that boot Tmax and OpenFrame system servers ( -N, -T, -b, -C, -B). They do not operate for options such as the -r option that boots a specific region.
For more information about OpenFrame/OSC startup, refer to "Chapter 1.1. Startup and Shutdown of the OSC System" in OpenFrame OSC Administrator’s Guide. |
The oscboot tool can be invoked as follows. If no options are specified, the OSC system servers and OSC regions will be booted according to the general steps described above.
Usage: oscboot [-N node] [-T | -B | -b | - C | -c | [-r region [-s | -m | -a] [-l:[E|I|D]]] [[-d | -D] microseconds]| oscboot [-h | -v]
Option | Description |
[-N node] |
Specifies the node in which to execute the command. This option is used to execute the command for each node in a multi-node environment. |
[-T] |
Runs only Tmax system processes (not the OpenFrame system servers). |
[-B] |
Boots only the OSC system server of the node. This option is provided to boot a backup node and does not boot other OSC services including oscdfsvr, oscncsvr, oscolsvr, oscscsvr. |
[-b] |
Boots Tmax and the OpenFrame system servers specified in ofsys.seq. |
[-C] |
Boots the OpenFrame system servers, the OSC system server, and the OSC user server (not regions). |
[-c] |
Boots the OpenFrame system servers and the OSC user server (not regions). |
[-r region] |
Boots a specific OSC region. |
[-s] |
Does not create region resources when starting an OSC region (no memory allocated for sys/user/tsq). |
[-m] |
Removes existing region resources and creates new resources when an abnormally terminated region boots. |
[-a] |
Does not create region DB tables (related to resources and systems) when starting an OSC region. |
[-l:{E|I|D|T}] |
Boots the OSC system server and OSC regions by specifying an initial log level of the OSC system. Changes the OSC system log level to one of the following.
[-d microseconds] |
Prevents booting errors resulting from resource problems by starting server processes one by one at intervals of a wait factor. |
[-D microseconds] |
Similar to the -d option, but ignores a received signal and waits. |
[-h] |
Displays oscboot help information. |
[-v] |
Displays version information for oscboot. |
The following example boots Tmax system processes without OpenFrame system servers or OSC system servers.
$ oscboot -T
The following example boots Tmax and the OpenFrame system servers specified in ofsys.seq.
$ oscboot -b
The following example boots the OSC system servers and OSC user servers specified in ofosc.seq, and then boots the OSC00001 region.
$ oscboot -c $ oscboot -r OSC00001
10. oscbuild
The oscbuild tool automatically creates an OSC application server. The build of an application server is dependent on the operating system and database type.
The oscbuild tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage : oscbuild -o OS [-d DB] [-s server] [-f source_file] [-i] [-p] [-g] [-c '<option_string>'] [-l '<option_string>'] [-b <cobol-compiler>] | oscbuild [-h | -v]
Parameter | Description |
-o OS |
Specifies the operating system on which the server will run. The following operating systems are currently supported.
[-d DB] |
Specifies the database type.
[-s server] |
Specifies the OSC application server binary file name to be generated. If this option is not specified, OSC00001 will be used as the default. |
[-f source_file] |
Supports customization of the boot-up and shut-down processes by allowing application server files to be generated with a user-written file rather than the internal source file. Must be used with DB2 database architecture. |
[-i] |
Indicates that the application program source includes the EXEC DLI command interface. IMS products must be installed to successfully create the server. |
[-p] |
Specifies when AIX tries to run a PL/I program without MF-Cobol. |
[-g] |
Compiles the server with debugging options. The Tmax server library for debugging will be linked. |
[-c '<option_string>'] |
Specifies an additional option of the compiler when compiling server sources. |
[-l '<option_string>'] |
Specifies an additional option of the linker when linking server objects. |
[-b <cobol-compiler>] |
Specifies the COBOL compiler.
[-h] |
Displays help information. |
[-v] |
Displays oscbuild version information. |
Since DB2 databases cannot work with the internal source file that oscbuild uses, the user must preprocess the source code (which must be written specifically for the OS) with the DB2 preprocessor before using oscbuild. Refer to OSC00001.c in the $OPENFRAME_HOME/osc/build directory. |
The following example creates an OSC application server OSC00001, which is for Linux 64Bit and does not use a database. (Describe the following command in a single line.)
$oscbuild -o LINUX64 rm -f OSC00001.o OSC00001 cc -c -o OSC00001.o OSC00001.c cc -L/home/oframe4/OpenFrame/lib -lcicsappc -lcicsbms -lcicsbts -lcicscon -lcicsch -lcicsdlic -lcicsds -lcicsecpi -lcicsedf -lcicsenv -lcicsfc -lcicsjc -lcicsmc -lcicsncs -lcicsracf -lcicsremote -lcicsres -lcicsrtsd -lcicssc -lcicssp -lcicstc -lcicstdq -lcicsterm -lcicstsq -lcicseza -lcicscpt -lcicscemt -lcics -lmemm -lspinlock -L/home/oframe4/tibero5/client/lib -L/home/oframe4/OpenFrame/core/lib64 -lsvr -lnodb -L/opt/microfocus/cobol/lib -lcobrts64 -lcobmisc64 -lcobcrtn64 OSC00001.o /home/oframe4/OpenFrame/core/lib64/sdl.o -o OSC00001 OSCBUILD : osc server [OSC00001] created $
11. osccblpp
The osccblpp tool preprocesses the EXEC CICS command within the COBOL source code used by OSC. If no option is specified, a file is created with a name containing a prefix "osccblpp_".
The osccblpp tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: osccblpp [-c] [-nl] [-ne] [-n] [-V] [-p <prefix>] <file> ... | osccblpp [-c] [-nl] [-ne] [-n] [-V] [-p <prefix>] [-o <output>] <file> | osccblpp [-h | -v]
Option Description [-c]
Does not add DFHCOMMAREA.
Does not pre-process the EXEC CICS command.
[-o output]
Specifies output file name.
[-p prefix]
Specifies output file name prefix.
Runs in verbose mode.
Displays help information for osccblpp.
Displays version information for osccblpp.
Input parameter
Parameter Description file
Specifies the COBOL files to be preprocessed. Multiple files can be specified.
The following example creates the file osccblpp_SAMPLE00.cob by preprocessing SAMPLE00.cob.
$ osccblpp SAMPLE00.cob
12. osccheck
The osccheck tool checks for errors in the configuration file or shared memory of OSC regions. osccheck provides a binary image dump function for shared memory so that it can check if the shared memory is damaged.
With the osccheck tool, problems such as omission of required elements, incorrect configuration values, and range errors can be checked. The configuration values to be used by the servers, can also be checked.
osccheck has the following four verification levels:
Configuration level detects errors that prevent the server from booting.
Warning level points out issues that do not cause errors but could cause a problem.
Information level shows configuration values that can lead to errors only in specific systems.
Message level that displays all information about environment variables.
An option is provided to set which level of messages will be displayed.
The osccheck tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: osccheck [-l<n>] -f [region] | osccheck [-l<n>] -s <region> | osccheck -d <region> [dump_file] | osccheck [-h | -v]
Option | Description |
[-l<n>] |
Adjusts the message level displayed by osccheck. The variable 'n' is a number between 1 and 4, corresponding to the message levels as follows:
-f [region] |
Checks the configuration information used by the OSC system. If the region name is not specified, only the shared configuration file is checked. Otherwise, the configuration file used by that particular region is also checked. |
-s <region> |
Checks the configuration information stored in shared memory that is used by a specific region of OSC system. |
-d <region> [dump_file] |
Exports a binary image of the shared memory used by a specific region of the OSC system. If the filename (dump_file) is not specified, <region>.dat will be created. |
[-h] |
Displays help information for osccheck. |
[-v] |
Displays version information for osccheck. |
The following example checks the OSC00001 server configuration and displays a warning message.
$ osccheck –f OSC00001 checking file configuration : region(OSC00001) WARNING : file(osc.conf) section(OSC) key(JOBID) - setting this field in osc.conf is not recommanded checking process done $
13. osccobprep
Some statements in COBOL programs are not processed by the Unix compiler because of the differences between mainframe and Unix environment characteristics. The osccobprep tool preprocesses these statements so that COBOL programs can be used in OSC, and can also be used to add commands for the OSC system or to enable debugging. Currently, this tool preprocesses BLL (Base Locator for Linkage), BMSMAPBR, and EDF.
Unless an output filename is given or the prefix option is set, the output filename has the "osccobprep_" prefix attached to it.
BLL is a unique grammar structure which is supported by OS/VS COBOL or older versions of IBM mainframe COBOL compilers. For more information, refer to IBM CICS Application Programming Guide. |
The osccobprep tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: osccobprep [options] file
Option Description [-V]
Runs in verbose mode.
Preprocesses BMSMAPBR.
Preprocesses BLL.
Specify this when using the dynamic CALL function or CBLPSHPOP function. This is a fundamental function of the OSC system, and therefore it is recommended that it is used by default.
Specify this when using the EDF function.
[-f postfix]
Specifies the extension of the copybook file (If a period (.) is used, it must be included here).
[-p dir]
Specifies the directory path to the copybook file.
[-o1 prefix]
Specifies the prefix of the result file.
[-o2 file]
Specifies the name of the result file. If the [-o1] and [-o2] options are used together, the [-o2] option has a higher priority.
Displays help information for osccobprep.
Displays version information for osccobprep.
Input parameter
Parameter Description file
Specifies the file to be preprocessed.
The following example preprocesses TESTCOB.cob with osccobprep to create the osccobprep_TESTCOB.cob file. The copybook extension used in the program is .cob and the copybook directory path is set to $OPENFRAME_HOME/osc/Copybook.
$ osccobprep -b -f .cob -p $OPENFRAME_HOME/osc/Copybook TESTCOB.cob
14. osccprep
Some statements in C programs are not processed by the Unix compiler because of the differences between mainframe and Unix environment characteristics. The osccprep tool preprocesses these statements so that C programs can be used in OSC, and can also be used to add commands for the OSC system.
Unless an output filename is given or the prefix option is set, the output filename will have the "osccprep_" prefix attached to it. If the -o option is not specified, the resulting file extension will be ".c".
The osccprep tool adds the dfheiptr.h header file provided by OSC and converts commands that start with EXEC CICS into functions provided by OSC during preprocessing.
Since the resulting file extension is ".c" unless the -o option is used, the input file extension cannot be ".c". |
The osccprep tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: osccprep [-p <prefix>] [-o <output>] [-V] <file> ... | osccprep [-h | -v]
Option Description [-p <prefix>]
Specifies the prefix of the result file.
[-o <output>]
Specifies the name of the result file. If [-p] and [-o] options are used together, the [-o] option has a higher priority.
Runs in verbose mode.
Displays help information for osccobprep.
Displays version information for osccprep.
Input parameters
Parameter Description file
Specifies a file to be preprocessed. The extension cannot be ".c".
The following example preprocesses TEST.ccs with osccprep to create the osccprep_TEST.c file.
$ osccobprep TEST.ccs
The following example preprocesses TEST.ccs with osccprep to create the TEST.c file.
$ osccobprep -V -o TEST.c TEST.ccs
15. oscdct2rd
The oscdct2rd tool converts the DCT macro used in IBM CICS Transaction Server (CICS) to the TDQUEUE macro used by the OSC system.
The oscdct2rd tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: oscdct2rd [-g group] source target | oscdct2rd [-h | -v]
Option | Description |
[-g group] |
Specifies the group name to be used for all TDQUEUE macros defined in the DCT file that do not have a GROUP macro. The group name must be eight characters or less. |
source |
Specifies the target DCT macro file to be converted to the ASCII code. |
target |
Specifies the name of the RDO definition file to be created. |
[-h] |
Displays help information for oscdct2rd. |
[-v] |
Displays version information for oscdct2rd. |
In the TDQUEUE macro, GROUP information must be included. However, in the DCT file, the GROUP information is not included. In order to properly convert DCT to TDQUEUE, then, the group information must be added. For migration of DCT as used in older versions of CICS, a macro that supports GROUP is currently provided, but to use it, the original file has to be modified. |
The following example converts the TDQUEUE defined in DCT.dat to TDQUEUE.dat, a TDQUEUE definition file, by configuring TDQUEUE to use the group name OSCGROUP:
$ oscdct2rd –g OSCGROUP DCT.dat TDQUEUE.dat
16. oscdown
The oscdown tool shuts down the entire OSC system or specified regions. oscdown provides script files such as oscdown.pre and that allow the user to perform necessary tasks before and after the system shutdown.
oscdown.pre and scripts operate only for options that shut down Tmax and OpenFrame system servers. They do not operate for options such as -r that shuts down a specific region.
For more information about OSC shutdown, refer to "Chapter 1. Overview" in OpenFrame OSC Administrator’s Guide. |
The oscdown tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: oscdown [-N node] [-c | -r region [-s | -a | -m] [-f:XX]] [-i] [-C] | oscdown [-h | -v ]
Option | Description |
[-N node] |
Specifies the node in which to execute the command. This option is used to execute the command for each node in a multi-node environment. |
[-c] |
Terminates the OSC region, OSC user servers, and OSC system servers. |
[-r region] |
Shuts down a specific region. |
[-s] |
Does not delete region resources (such as RTSD, system-related resources, locks, and shared memory) when closing the OSC region. |
[-a] |
Does not delete region database tables (related to RTSD and systems) and deletes other resources (such as locks and shared memory) when closing an OSC region. |
[-m] |
Delete OSC resource. This option must be used with the -r option. |
[-f:XX] |
Specifies the SUFFIX for PLTSD. This option must be used with the –r option. |
[-i] |
Terminates the OSC system immediately. |
[-C] |
Terminates the OpenFrame system server, OSC system server, and OSC user server, but not the region. |
[-h] |
Displays help information for oscdown. |
[-v] |
Displays version information for oscdown. |
The following example specifies S1 as SUFFIX for PLTSD and shuts down the OSC00001 region.
$ oscdown -f:S1 -r OSC00001
The following example forcibly shuts down all OSC systems:
$ oscdown -i
17. oscinit
The oscinit tool creates or removes system tables and log tables needed when you first install OpenFrame OSC.
The oscinit tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: oscinit create [options] | remove Options: -st <tablespace> Specify system tablespace name -lt <tablespace> Specify log tablespace name
Parameter | Description |
create |
Creates system tables and log tables for OSC in the specified table area.
remove |
Removes system tables and log tables for OSC. |
Before creating a table with oscinit, check whether the DATABASE, USERNAME and ENPASSWD keys have been correctly specified in the [SYS1_ODBC] section of the $OPENFRAME_HOME/config/dbconn.conf file. For more information about dbconn.conf, refer to OpenFrame Base Guide. |
The following example creates and removes a system table in the OFM_REPOSITORY tablespace, and a log table in the OFM_LOG tablespace.
$ oscinit create -st OFM_REPOSITORY -lt OFM_LOG $ oscinit remove
18. oscjct2rd
The oscjct2rd tool converts the JCT (Journal Control Table) used in CICS to the JOURNALMODEL resource definition used by OSC. The [–g] option must be specified when using oscjct2rd, as JCT does not have an element corresponding to the GROUP element in the JOURNALMODEL resource definition.
The oscjct2rd tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: oscjct2rd [–g <group>] <source> <target> | oscjct2rd [-h | -v]
Option | Description |
[-g <group>] |
Specifies a value for the GROUP element in the JOURNALMODEL resource definition. |
<source> |
Specifies the name of the JCT file to be converted. |
<target> |
Specifies the name of the RDO definition file to be created. |
[-h] |
Displays help information for oscjct2rd. |
[-v] |
Displays version information for oscjct2rd. |
The following example creates JOURNALMODEL.dat by converting JCT.dat.
$ oscjct2rd –g OSCGROUP JCT.dat JOURNALMODEL.dat
19. osclogrpt
The osclogrpt tool retrieves statistics on transaction logs specified as RDB in OSC. It displays the number of transactions, the average execution time, and the average CPU execution time by hour.
The osclogrpt tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: oslogrpt -r <region> [options]
Parameter Description <region>
Specifies the region name.
Option Description -d
Specifies the date. (Default: current date)
Specifies the transaction name. (Default: all transactions)
Specifies the node name (Default: all nodes)
Retrieves statistics by date, not by hour.
Displays all log details, not statistics.
The following example displays hourly statistics on transaction executions on all nodes in the OSC00001 region on 2019/05/27.
$ osclogrpt -r OSC00001 -d 20190527 > DATE : [20190527] REGION_NAME : [OSC00001] NODE_NAME : [ALL] TRANS_ID HOUR COUNT AVG_SVC_TIME AVG_CPU_TIME ----------------------------------------------------------- CEMT 10 1 0.650000 0.004000 CEMT 11 2 0.560000 0.003500 CPLT 09 1 0.247000 0.027000 CPLT 11 3 0.111333 0.033667 OIVP 09 1 10.284000 0.043000 OIVP 11 3 9.991000 0.038000
The following describes each item.
Item | Description |
Transaction date. |
Region name. |
Node name. ALL means all nodes. |
Transaction name. |
Reference hour. 10 means that transactions occurred between 10:00:00 and 10:59:59. |
Number of transaction occurrences. |
Average transaction execution time. |
Average CPU execution time. |
The following example displays statistics on transactions executions in the OSC00001 region on 2019/05/27.
$ osclogrpt -r OSC00001 -d 20190527 > DATE : [20190527] REGION_NAME : [OSC00001] NODE_NAME : [ALL] TRANS_ID COUNT AVG_SVC_TIME AVG_CPU_TIME ------------------------------------------------------- CEMT 3 0.590000 0.003667 CPLT 4 0.145250 0.032000 OIVP 4 10.064250 0.039250
The following describes each item.
Item | Description |
Transaction date. |
Region name. |
Node name. ALL means all nodes. |
Transaction name. |
Number of transaction occurrences. |
Average transaction execution time. |
Average CPU execution time. |
The following example displays total statistics on transaction executions in the OSC00001 region on 2019/05/27.
$ osclogrpt -r OSC00001 -d 20190527 -l > DATE : [20190527] REGION_NAME : [OSC00001] NODE_NAME : [ALL] TIME NODE SYSID TCL SPRI PID TRANS_ID SVC_TIME CPU_TIME USER_ID IP_ADDR NET_NAME SYS_ERR USR_RET -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11:10:56.427 NODE1 OSCA TCL1 68 7793 OIVP 9.658000 0.034000 OIVP0336 0 0 12:33:59.964 NODE1 OSCA TCL1 68 7793 OIVP 10.104000 0.015000 OIVP0337 0 0 12:34:57.808 NODE1 OSCA TCL1 68 7793 OIVP 10.100000 0.008000 OIVP0337 0 0
The following describes each item.
Item | Description |
Transaction date. |
Region name. |
Node name. ALL means all nodes. |
Time when the transaction was executed. |
Node name. |
Region SYSID. |
Tranclass. |
Tmax Server ID. |
Server PID. |
Transaction name. |
Transaction execution time. |
CPU execution time. |
User ID. |
Terminal IP address. |
Terminal NETNAME. |
System error code, if any. |
User error code, if any. |
20. oscplipp
The oscplipp tool preprocesses EXEC CICS commands within OpenFrame/OSC PLI application program source. The results of preprocessing are saved as a file with the prefix 'oscplipp_' added to the input filename.
The oscplipp tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: oscplipp [options] file ...
Option Description [-d]
Displays debug messages related to preprocessing.
Adds a FETCH sentence for an external procedure call.
Displays debug messages generated by the scanner.
Specifies that the program is run by connecting to MF-COBOL.
[-o file]
Specifies the name of the file where preprocessing results will be saved.
Displays debug messages generated by the parser.
[-I dir]
Specifies the name of a directory in which to search for an include file.
Runs in verbose mode.
Displays help information for oscplipp.
Displays version information for oscplipp.
Parameter Description file
Specifies the PL/I program source file to pre-process. It is possible to specify multiple modules of the PL/I program source file.
The following example preprocesses the sample00.pli fileto create a file named oscplipp_sample00.pli.
$ oscplipp sample00.pli
21. oscpltc
The oscpltc tool compiles the DFHPLT macro.
The oscpltc tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: oscpltc [-r <region>] <source> | oscpltc [-h | -v]
Parameter | Description |
[-r <region>] |
Specifies the name of the region where the file will be deployed, after it is processed. The output file will be stored in the default table directory of the region, $OPENFRAME_HOME/osc/region/<region name>/tbl. If the TBLDIR environment variable is specified in the configuration file, the output file will be stored in that directory. If the –r option is not set, the output file will be stored in the current directory as DFHPLT.SUFFIX. |
<source> |
Specifies the name of the file to be processed. |
[-h] |
Displays help information for oscpltc. |
[-v] |
Displays version information for oscpltc. |
The following example compiles the PLT macro definitions from PLT.dat and deploys to the OSC00001 region.
$ oscpltc -r OSC00001 PLT.dat
22. oscresp
The oscresp tool displays information about errors on the OSC application server. If the RESP and RESP2 variables are set as a result of an EXEC CICS statement used by an application, the oscresp tool can be used to view the corresponding values.
The oscresp tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: oscresp [options] | oscresp EIBFN [RESP [RESP2]]
Option Description [?]
Displays all EIBFN lists.
Displays help information for oscresp.
Displays version information for oscresp.
Parameter Description EIBFN
Enter the EIBFN value of EXEC CICS command where the error occurred. If RESP and RESP2 values are not entered, it displays what the EIBFN command means.
Enter the RESP value specified in EIBLK. If RESP2 value is not entered, a list of all available RESP2 values will be displayed.
Enter the RESP2 value specified in EIBLK.
The following example displays information about the error where RESP=10 and RESP2=00 are specified in EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP (EIBFN=1802).
$ oscresp 1802 10 00 EIBFN 1802 RECEIVE MAP INVREQ occurs if a RECEIVE MAP command is issued in a nonterminal task; these tasks do not have a TIOA or a TCTTE. $
23. oscrtsddump
The oscrtsddump tool exports RTSD resource definition information to a macro file. This tool extracts resource definition information of a specified OSC region, and the macro file it generates can be used as the input file for the oscrtsdupdate tool.
The oscrtsddump tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: oscrtsddump -r <region> <file> | oscrtsddump [options]
Parameter Description -r <region>
Specifies an OSC region name.
Specifies the name of the macro file. If an existing file is selected, any existing text in the file is deleted and overwritten with new text.
Option Description [-h]
Displays help information for oscrtsddump.
Displays help information for oscrtsddump.
The following example reads RTSD resource definitions from the OSC00001 region, and exports them to the resource.dat file.
$ oscrtsddump resource.dat OSC00001
24. oscrtsdupdate
The oscrtsdupdate tool reads macro files that contain RTSD resource definitions and imports the information in them to the RTSD of an active OSC region. This tool updates only the resource definitions that exist in the RTSD of the specified region. To see details about which resource definitions and properties will be updated, run this tool in detail mode (-V).
The oscrtsdupdate tool can update only the following resources and options.
Resource | Option |
The oscrtsdupdate tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: oscrtsdupdate -r <region> <file> [options1] | oscrtsdupdate [options2]
Parameter Description -r <region>
Specifies an OSC region name.
Specifies the name of an RTSD resource definition macro file to be imported.
Option Description [-V]
Runs oscrtsdupdate in detail mode. When operated in detail mode, this tool displays information about which resource definitions and properties will be updated.
Option Description [-h]
Displays help information for oscrtsdupdate.
Displays version information for oscrtsdupdate.
The following example reads RTSD resource definitions stored in the resource.dat file and imports them to the RTSD of the OSC00001 region.
$ oscrtsdupdate -r OSC00001 resource.dat
The following example runs oscrtsdupdate in detail mode.
$ oscrtsdupdate -r OSC00001 resource.dat -V
25. oscruntran
The oscruntran tool executes a specified transaction of a region.
The oscruntran tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: oscruntran -r <region> -t <tran> [-n <nodename>] | oscruntran [-h | -v]
Parameter | Description |
-r <region> |
Specifies the region of the transaction. |
-t <tran> |
Specifies the transaction name. |
[ -n <nodename> ] |
Specifies the node in a multi-node environment. |
[-h] |
Displays help information for oscruntran. |
[-v] |
Displays version information for oscruntran. |
The following example uses oscruntran to execute the OIVP transaction in the OSC00001 region.
$ oscruntran -r OSC00001 -t OIVP
26. oscscview
The oscscview tool displays items that have been scheduled with either the START and DELAY commands or the TDQ ATI function. The following items can be checked with this tool.
Transaction requests that have been configured with a START command option like INTERVAL, TIME, AFTER, and AT
DELAY requests that use the DELAY command’s REQID
All TDQ ATI requests
The oscscview tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: oscscview [-i <ip>] [-p <port>] [-V] [-d] | oscscview [-h | -v]
Option | Description |
[-i <ip>] |
Specifies a Tmax IP address to connect to. |
[-p <port>] |
Specifies a Tmax port to connect to. |
[-V] |
Displays additional information about the execution. |
[-d] |
Displays additional information about the items shown on the screen. |
[-h] |
Displays help information for oscscview. |
[-v] |
Displays version information for oscscview. |
The following example shows that the transaction OIBR, which was executed in the OSC00001 region, is now waiting for scheduling.
$ oscscview Local time : 2009.09.30 09:54:49 Scheduling items -------------------------------------------------- No. SERVER REQID DATE TIME TRNID TRMID USERID 1 OSC00001 DF000001 2009/09/30 09:55:02 OIBR TTRM -------------------------------------------------------------------
27. oscsddump
The oscsddump tool exports OSC resource definitions from OSC SD tables to a macro file. Specific definitions or all of the definitions from one or all OSC SD tables used within an OSC region can be exported. The resulting macro file can be used again as an input file with the oscsdgen tool.
The oscsddump tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: oscsddump -r <region> <file> [-t type+] | oscsddump [options]
Parameter Description -r <region>
Specifies the OSC region name from where data sets will be exported.
Specifies the name of the macro file to be created. If a file with this name already exists, it will be overwritten.
[-t type+]
Specifies the resource definition types to export. If not specified, all the resource types specified by the selected OSC SD data set will be exported. Otherwise, one or more of the following resource types may be specified for export.
Option Description [-h]
Displays help information for oscsddump.
Displays version information for oscsddump.
The following example reads resource definitions from the SD table used in the OSC00001 region, and then exports them as macros into the resource.dat file.
$ oscsddump -r OSC00001 resource.dat
28. oscsdgen
The oscsdgen tool imports the resource definition from a macro-type text file into a database table used in a specified OSC region.
If duplicate definitions exist within a resource definition macro file or SD table, the older definitions will be overwritten with the newer definitions. The oscsdgen tool can also remove a specified resource. When executing this tool, TACF authentication is performed but TACF users' permission to access SD is not checked.
OSC saves Change User ID, Change Time, and Define Time when adding or modifying a transaction resource. The information can be checked with ofmanager, not oscsddump.
The oscsdgen tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: oscsdgen -c -r <region> <file> | oscsdgen -f -r <region>] <group_name>:<resource_name>:<resource_type> | oscsdgen [options]
Common parameters
Parameter Description -r <region>
Specifies an OSC region name.
Parameters used to import a resource
Parameter Description -c
Creates a resource definition.
Specifies the name of the resource definition macro file to be imported in an OSC SD table.
Parameters used to remove a resource
Parameter Description -f
Removes a specific resource definition.
Specifies the name of a group that contains a resource to remove.
Specifies the name of a resource to remove.
Specifies the type of a resource to remove. One or more of the following can be specified.
Option Description [-h]
Displays help information for oscsdgen.
Displays version information for oscsdgen.
The following example reads resource definition macros from the resource.dat file, and imports them into an SD table with a region name 'OSC00001'.
$ oscsdgen -c -r OSC00001 resource.dat
The following example deletes an already registered resource from a database table used in the OSC00001 region.
The following example executes TACF user login if the TACF user has not logged in.
$ oscsdgen -c -r OSC00001 resource.dat Input USERNAME : USERID Input PASSWORD :
29. osctdlinit
The osctdlinit tool initializes the Tmax Dynamic Library (TDL) shared memory and dynamic modules within OSC regions. osctdlinit must be executed before the OSC system is booted. Multiple regions can be initialized at once.
The osctdlinit tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: osctdlinit [-f] <region> | osctdlinit [-h | -v]
Option Description [-h]
Displays help information for osctdlinit.
Displays version information for osctdlinit.
Forcibly initializes when shared memory already exists.
When TMAX’s tdl.cfg is set to MODE=SHARED, it must be executed with the -f option to initialize the run directory. For more details, refer to Tmax Programming Guide (Dynamic Library).
Parameter Description <region>
Specifies the region where the TDL shared memory and dynamic modules will be initialized. Multiple region names can be specified together.
The following example initializes the TDL shared memory and dynamic modules in the OSC00001 and OSC00002 regions.
$ osctdlinit OSC0001 OSC0002
30. osctdlrm
The osctdlrm tool completely erases the contents of a region’s TDL shared memory. Note that after osctdlrm is executed, osctdlinit has to be re-executed. Otherwise, the registered modules cannot be used. osctdlrm can be used on multiple regions at once.
The osctdlrm tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: osctdlrm [options] <region> ...
Option Description [-h]
Displays help information for osctdlrm.
Displays version information for osctdlrm.
Parameter Description <region>
Specifies the OSC region names from which TDL shared memories will be deleted. Multiple region names can be specified together.
The following example erases TDL shared memories in the OSC00001 and OSC00002 regions.
$ osctdlrm OSC00001 OSC00002
31. osctdlupdate
The osctdlupdate tool registers and updates dynamic modules within OSC regions. If the specified module is already registered, it will be updated. If it is not already registered, it will be registered. osctdlupdate can update multiple modules at once.
The osctdlupdate tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: osctdlupdate [options] <region> <module> ...
Option Description [-h]
Displays help information for osctdlupdate.
Displays version information for osctdlupdate.
Synchronizes module versions between different nodes for one region in a multi-node environment.
Parameter Description <region>
Specifies the OSC region where modules will be added or updated.
Specifies the modules to add or to update. Multiple modules can be specified. You must specify the extension for asmo modules.
The following example updates the OIVPMAIN and OIVPINFO modules in the OSC00001 region.
$ osctdlupdate OSC00001 OIVPMAIN OIVPINFO
32. osctsqcheck
The osctsqcheck tool monitors information about locks used in the TSQ memory area and removes abnormally-used locks. It also displays the size of TSQ memory area and data length.
Two kinds of locks are used in the TSQ: INDEX locks and ITEM locks. An INDEX lock locks the index of the hash structure, or table, that stores TSQ key information, while an ITEM lock locks an individual TSQ area.
This tool monitors lock information at user-defined intervals, and reports information about active locks until the monitoring period ends. If no locks were detected during the initial monitoring, or if all locks were released or removed during the monitoring process, osctsqcheck stops monitoring and reports that no locks were found.
The osctsqcheck tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: osctsqcheck -r <region> -c <count> -i <interval> | osctsqcheck -r <region> -n <index> | osctsqcheck -r <region> -q <name> | osctsqcheck -r <region> -a | osctsqcheck -r <region> -s | osctsqcheck -r <region> -d <name> | osctsqcheck [-h | -v]
Parameter | Description |
-r <region> |
Specifies an OSC region name. If other options are not used together, the TTREE lock that manages information about the specified region is released. |
-c <count> |
Specifies the number of times that osctsqcheck will check for RTSD locks. This option must be used with the -i option. |
-i <interval> |
Specifies the time interval in between checks for RTSD locks (in seconds). This option must be used with the -c option. osctsqcheck checks for INDEX or ITEM, where as many locks are enabled as are specified in <count>, at every specified time <interval>. |
-n <index> |
Specifies an index to be unlocked that belongs to the hash table that stores the TSQ. |
-q <name> |
Specifies the name of the TSQ to be unlocked. |
-a |
Displays information about all TSQ memory areas being used. Individual TSQ name and data length, and entire memory size and data length are displayed. |
-s |
Displays the entire TSQ memory size and data length. |
-d <name> |
Displays the name and data length of the specified TSQ, and the entire memory size and data length. |
[-h] |
Displays help information for osctsqcheck. |
[-v] |
Displays version information for osctsqcheck. |
The following example checks locks 10 times, at one-second intervals, in the TSQ used by the OSC00001 region.
$ osctsqcheck -r OSC00001 -c 10 -i 1
The following example unlocks the 3852th index lock in the OSC00001 region.
$ osctsqcheck -r OSC00001 –n 3852
The following example unlocks TSQ00001, a TSQ used in the OSC00001 region.
$ osctsqcheck -r OSC00001 –q TSQ00001
The following example displays information about all TSQ memories used in the OSC00001 region.
$ osctsqcheck -r OSC00001 –a
33. osctxadm
The osctxadm tool displays the status of the transactions running in the current region.
The osctxadm tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: osctxadm -r <region name> | osctxadm [-h | -v]
Option | Description |
-r <region name> |
Specifies an OSC region name. |
[-h] |
Displays help information for osctxadm. |
[-v] |
Displays version information for osctxadm. |
The following example displays information about transactions running in the OSC00001 region.
$ osctxadm -r OSC00001
34. oscxltc
The oscxltc tool compiles DFHXLT macros.
The oscxltc tool can be invoked as follows:
Usage: oscxltc [-r <region>] <source> | oscxltc [-h | -v]
Parameter | Description |
[-r <region>] |
Specifies the OSC region name to which the compiled XLT macro will be deployed. The output file is stored in the directory specified in the TBLDIR environment variable of the region configuration file. If not specified, it is stored in the default table directory of the region as follows: ${OPENFRAME_HOME}/osc/region/region_name/tbl If the –r option is not set, the output file will be stored in the current directory with the filename DFHXLT.SUFFIX. |
<source> |
Specifies the name of the XLT macro source file. |
[-h] |
Displays help information for oscxltc. |
[-v] |
Displays version information for oscxltc. |
The following example reads the WLT macro definitions from the XLT.dat file, and then deploys them to the OSC00001 region.
$ oscxltc -r OSC00001 XLT.dat