Resource Definition Management
The OSC system provides methods to register, modify, delete and backup the resource definitions. The administrator can efficiently manage the resources used by the application servers through these methods.
This chapter describes how to register, edit, delete, and backup resource definitions.
1. Registration
The resource definition registration process consists of the following two steps:
Writing a resource definition macro
Registering resource definitions in the OSC SD table
Use the oscsdgen tool to define a resource and to register a Group and List. Defining a resource and registering a Group can also be done through the [OSC] > [Regions] > [System Definitions] in OpenFrame Manager.
1.1. Registering Resource Definition
To register a resource definition, write the resource definition macro first and then register it by using the oscsdgen tool.
Writing Macro
To write the resource definition macro, set the elements of each resource by using the DEFINE key word. For example, CONNECTION resource definition has five elements such as CONNECTION, GROUP, NETNAME, PROTOCOL, and INSERVICE. The user selects the needed elements and sets values for the elements. GROUP is a required element.
The following is an example of the CONNECTION resource definition macro. In one macro file, several resource definitions can be described and different types of resource definitions can be described.
When using the oscsdgen tool, a resource definition macro filename and an application server name used in OSC must be specified to register the resource definition.
The following example uses the oscsdgen tool to register a resource definition macro file to a table defined in the OSC00001 region.
oscsdgen -c -r OSC00001 connection.dat
1.2. Registering Group and List
The procedure for registering a Group and a List is the same as that of registering a resource definition.
Writing Macro
To write a Group and a List definition macro, use the ADD key word. If the ADD key word is used to register a List that does not exist, the List will be generated and a Group will be added to the List. If the List already exists, a Group will be added at the end of the existing List. If a Group needs to be added before or after a specific Group, specify the BEFORE or AFTER option.
The following example adds the OIVP Group to the INITLIST List. Here, the Group and the List cannot use the same name.
The following example adds the OIVPFILE Group before the OIVP Group. Therefore the INITLIST List contains OIVPFILE first and then OIVP.
Register the Group and List definition macro file in the SD table by using the oscsdgen tool in the same way as registering a resource definition macro file, described in the previous section.
2. Modification/Deletion
Resource definitions can be modified and deleted and Groups and Lists can be deleted by using the [OSC] menu in OpenFrame Manager and the oscsdgen tool.
2.1. Modifying/Deleting Resource Definitions
Modify and delete each resource by using the oscsdgen tool or selecting [OSC] > [Regions] > [System Definitions] in OpenFrame Manager. To modify a resource, specify the same resource definition name and the GROUP option, modify other options, and then register the definition again.
3. Backup
The resource definitions registered in the OSC SD table can be backed up through the oscsddump tool. The oscsddump tool can back up both specific resource definitions and all the resource definitions registered in the OSC SD table.
The administrator can back up the resource definitions registered in the OSC SD table on a regular basis. Additionally, administrators can modify the previously registered resource definitions by first backing up the existing resource definitions, then modifying the macro file and registering it in the OSC SD table.
The following example backs up the FILE and TDQ resource definitions to the backup.dat file using the oscsddump tool. Here, the back up of the Group and List is automatically performed.
oscsddump -r OSC00001 backup.dat –t file tdq
The following example backs up all the resource definitions registered in the OSD SD table used by the OSC00001 region.
oscsddump -r OSC00001 backup.dat
For more information about how to use the oscsddump tool, refer to OpenFrame Tool Reference Guide. |