System Server Configuration

This chapter describes how to configure the OSI system server (control region).

1. Overview

All OSI servers are managed by Tmax, which is a TP monitor.

The following describes system servers that must be configured to be operated in OSI. Other servers can be used without separate configurations.

Server Description

Start/Stop Server (osiomsvr)

Starts and stops the OSI system server and MPP user server.

Schedule Server (osisschd)

Schedules all messages requested by one IMSID to be sent to MPP servers.

Command Server (osicmdsv)

Processes OSI commands with a single IMSID.

Managing the OSI system server requires registering the system server information in Tmax. To register the system server in Tmax, a Tmax environment configuration file needs to be written. Detailed information about the environment configuration is described in each section.

2. Start/Stop Server (osiomsvr)

Starts and stops the OSI system server and MPP user server. Commonly applied to all IMS systems, without the need of individual registration for each IMS system.

2.1. Tmax Environment Configuration

The following example configures common servers and services in the Tmax configuration file, to use the osiomsvr server in OSI.

  • Common Configuration

    Configure the [SERVER] and [SERVICE] sections in the Tmax configuration file as follows:

    osiomsvr        SVGNAME = svg_domain, MIN = 1, MAX = 1, SVRTYPE = UCS
    OSIOMSVRBOOT        SVRNAME = osiomsvr
    OSIOMSVRDOWN        SVRNAME = osiomsvr
    OSIOMSVRREL         SVRNAME = osiomsvr

3. Schedule Server (osisschd)

Schedules OSI messages and provides different functions required for message scheduling. One schedule server is registered for one IMS system.

3.1. Tmax Environment Configuration

The following example configures common servers and services as well as individual servers required for each IMS system, in the Tmax configuration file, to use the schedule server in OSI.

  • Common Configuration

    Configure the [SERVER] and [SERVICE] sections in the Tmax configuration file, as follows. For the service section, you just need to configure all at once, without the need of individual registration for each IMS system.

    osisschd        SVGNAME = svg_domain, MIN = 0, MAX = 10, SVRTYPE = UCS
    OSISSCHDCTL         SVRNAME = osisschd
    OSISSCHDSVC         SVRNAME = osisschd
    OSISSCHDREG         SVRNAME = osisschd
  • Individual Configuration for Each IMS System

    If the IMSID is IMSA, a server named IMSASCHD must be registered. The bold part in the following example must be modified if the IMSID is different. Specify osisschd, which is the actual binary name of the IMSASCHD server, by setting the TARGET option.

    IMSASCHD        SVGNAME = svg_domain, MIN = 1, MAX = 1, SVRTYPE = UCS,
                    TARGET = osisschd

4. Command Server (osicmdsv)

Processes different functions required for operating the OSI system with different commands. Must be individually registered for each IMS system.

4.1. Tmax Environment Configuration

The following example registers the command server in the Tmax configuration file, to use it in OSI.

In the same way as the schedule server, there are common servers and services as well as individual servers required for each IMS system.

  • Common Configuration

    Configure the [SERVER] and [SERVICE] sections in the Tmax configuration file as follows. For the service section, you just need to configure all at once, without the need of individual registration for each IMS system.

    osicmdsv        SVGNAME = svg_domain, MIN = 0, MAX = 10, SVRTYPE = UCS
    OSICMDSVSVC         SVRNAME = osicmdsv
  • Individual Configuration for Each IMS System

    If the IMSID is IMSA, a server named IMSACMMD must be registered. The bold part in the following example must be modified if the IMSID is different. Specify osicmdsv, which is the actual binary name of the IMSACMMD server, by setting the TARGET option.

    IMSACMMD        SVGNAME = svg_domain, MIN = 1, MAX = 1, SVRTYPE = UCS,
                    TARGET = osicmdsv