User Server Configuration

This chapter describes how to configure the OSI user server (dependent region).

1. Overview

In order to run user generated application programs, in the OSI system, a server which corresponds to the user server (dependent region) in IBM Mainframe IMS/DC must be prepared.

The following describes user servers that are used for OSI operation.

User Server Description

MPP user server

As a part corresponding to the MPP region in IMS/DC, OSI operates the MPP server in units of message class. It is a server corresponding to a maximum of 1:4 per MPP Region operated in the existing IMS/DC.

BMP user server

Server which allows operation of user programs that are run in the BMP region of IMS/DC.

OSI user servers are managed by a TP-monitor (Tmax) and in order to operate them information about user servers must be registered in Tmax. The environment configuration files of Tmax must be created in order to register servers in Tmax.

When preparing user servers, the process of preparing MPP user servers and BMP user servers is different. The BMP region which runs batch jobs uses server modules which are provided in the system and therefore does not separately create servers. It needs to be configured while taking into account the maximum number of BMP jobs that will be performed simultaneously. Detailed explanation of the environment configuration will be provided in each section.

2. MPP User Server

As a part of the MPP Region in IMS/DC, it operates with up to 4 MPP user servers per MPP Region in the existing IMS/DC. On the prepared MPP user server, the MPP application written by the user is scheduled and operated in the same way as it did in IMS/DC.

Just like system servers, MPP user servers are also managed by Tmax, a TP-monitor. To be managed by Tmax, Tmax environment configuraton files must be created.

The following is an example of registering the server and service that must be commonly registered in the Tmax configuration file in order to use the MPP user server in OSI and configuring the server that can process transaction classes 1,2,3,4 in the IMS system called IMSA.

  • Common configuration

    Set the [SERVER] and [SERVICE] clauses in the Tmax configuration file as follows:

    (The service does not need to be registered for each IMS system and needs to be set only once.)

    OSIMPPSVR       SVGNAME = svg_node1, MIN = 0, MAX = 10
  • Configuration by IMS system

    It is divided into IMSID and message class, and registered by adding prefix and suffix to the server name, respectively. The part marked in bold in the example is the part that needs to be changed if the IMSID and class are different. OSIMPPSVR, which is the actual binary name of the IMSAMPP_TCL server, must be specified using the TARGET option.

    IMSAMPP_TCL1    SVGNAME = svg_node1, MIN = 1, MAX = 10,
                    TARGET = OSIMPPSVR
    IMSAMPP_TCL2    SVGNAME = svg_node1, MIN = 1, MAX = 10,
                    TARGET = OSIMPPSVR
    IMSAMPP_TCL3    SVGNAME = svg_node1, MIN = 1, MAX = 10,
                    TARGET = OSIMPPSVR
    IMSAMPP_TCL4    SVGNAME = svg_node1, MIN = 1, MAX = 10,
                    TARGET = OSIMPPSVR

    When registering an MPP user server in the Tmax environment configuration file, care should be taken when configuring the MAX value. MAX value refers to the number of transactions which can be simultaneously processed in the MPP user server. When the maximum number of MPP to be executed is set, the MPP user server operates in the same way as the MPP Region of IMS/DC. This MAX value is the same as the maximum job’s count that can be started using JCL.

3. BMP User Server

BMP user server is a server which allows the operation of a user program that is run in the MBP Region of IMS/DC. The MPP user server has separate server modules for each user server (dependent region), but the BMP user server uses the BMP user server module for all user servers (dependent region).

The BMP user server uses the OSI server module . Therefore, unlike MPP user server configuration, once the process for registering the entire OSI system has been completed, a separate creation process is not required.

Just like system servers, BMP user servers are managed by a TP-monitor, Tmax. To be managed by Tmax, Tmax environment configuraton files must be created.

The following is an example of registering a BMP user server in the Tmax environment configuration file.

  • Common configuration

    Set the [SERVER] and [SERVICE] clauses in the Tmax configuration file as follows:

    osibmpsv        SVGNAME = svg_domain, MIN = 0, MAX = 10, SVRTYPE = UCS,
                    RESTART = NO
    OSIBMPSVSVC         SVRNAME = osibmpsv
  1. When registering a BMP user server in the Tmax environment configuration file, care should be taken when configuring the MAX value. The MAX value refers to the BMP JOB count which can be simultaneously enabled in OSI.

  2. If XA configuration for HiDB is required to use BMP, the relevant configuration must be added to the Tmax configuration file. In OpenFrame configuration, the value of the VALUE item of the DLI_CONN_ID key in the ssm.{IMSID}{SSM} subject and GENERAL section and the conn_id described in oframe.m must be the same. For details, refer to OpenFrame Configuration Guide.