
This chapter describes the basic concept of the system definition.

1. Overview

IMS/DC provides a collection of system definition macro statements.

OpenFrame/OSI (hereafter OSI) supports the following macros that correspond with IMS/DC macros.

Macro Description


Defines the resource definition for an application program.


Defines the database to be used by OSI.


Defines the name of the logical terminal connected to the physical terminal.


Specifies the properties of a physical terminal.


Defines the transaction to use the application program of the APPLCTN macro.


Specifies the properties of the collection of terminals.

Note the following when defining macro resources.

  • Spaces, commas (,), periods (.), hyphens (-), and equal marks (=) are not allowed.

  • PSB names must start with an alphabetical character.

  • Logical terminal and transaction names must be 1-8 alphabetical characters in length.

2. Macro Structure

The following figure shows the structure of the OSI system definition macro. A macro is included within the macro that contains the sub-system. The sequence of a macro is not important but its hierarchical relationship must be considered.

figure system definition struct
OSI System Definition Macro Structure