
This chapter describes how to troubleshoot some of the problems that might occur due to an incorrect installation properties file.

1. Overview

There are three ways to determine what (if any) errors occurred during installation.

  • Open $OPENFRAME_HOME/UninstallerData/log/install_OSI.log with a text editor and check for errors.

  • Check the errors recorded when you manually execute the script after OpenFrame is installed.

  • Verify the server status log information displayed while starting OpenFrame.

2. Error Types and Solutions

This section introduces some of the problems that might occur while installing OpenFrame/OSI, and their solutions.

2.1. License File

The following describes the case that the OpenFrame/OSI license file does not exist or is expired.

  • Type

    If the OpenFrame/OSI license file does not exist or is expired, the following message will be recorded in the MPP server log with the region startup.

    [2021-04-08T18:36:08.996310] [IMSAMPP_TCL2(12094)     ] [U] [CHK0001] /home/oframe6/OpenFrame/license/licosi.dat file open fail: 2
    [2021-04-08T18:36:08.996327] [IMSAMPP_TCL2(12094)     ] [E] [OSI2051E] server initialization failed - tlic_check_license error(-28010)
    [2021-04-08T18:36:08.996334] [IMSAMPP_TCL2(12094)     ] [E] [OSI0161E] osi_res_ds_svrinit: osi_res_svrinit error(-28010)
    [2021-04-08T18:36:08.996340] [IMSAMPP_TCL2(12094)     ] [E] [OSI0161E] osi_res_mpp_svrinit: osi_res_ds_svrinit error(-28010)
    12094.183608:(I) SVR3016 SVR IMSAMPP_TCL2 (41/140) tpsvrinit fail. [SVR0031]
  • Solution

    Contact the technical support team.

2.2. Startup Server Status

The following describes the case that fails to start the user region server when osiomsvr is not in proper startup status.

  • Type

    If osiomsvr is in NRDY status, the following messages are displayed in the spool log when the control region starts.

    [2021-04-08T18:56:18.129700] [DFSMVRC0(14672)         ] [U] [MVRC0901M] DFSMVRC0 PROGRAM START
    [2021-04-08T18:56:18.129726] [DFSMVRC0(14672)         ] [U] [MVRC0903M] INITIALIZE CTL REGION
    [2021-04-08T18:56:18.130087] [DFSMVRC0(14672)         ] [U] [MVRC0402E] The tpcall(OSIOMSVRBOOT) TMAX call failed - error=no service or server ready(TPENOREADY)
    [2021-04-08T18:56:18.130100] [DFSMVRC0(14672)         ] [U] [MVRC0301E] execute_ctlmain() failed - IMSID=IMSA,RC=-1
  • Solution

    Check the osiomsvr startup status using tmadmin. If the status is not RDY, start the server by using one of the following commands.

    > tmboot -s osiomsvr
    > osiboot -o

2.3. Security Module

The following describes the case that the security module denies access to a library.

  • Type

    SELinux, a security module of the Linux system, denies access to the library by security policy, the following error will occur.

    “cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied”
  • Solution

    There are two ways to resolve the problem.

    • Run chcon on the library, where permission denied occurred. For certain libraries, users may need to use a superuser permission to run the command.

    chcon -t texrel_shlib_t [Desired so library]
    • Modify the /etc/sysconfig/selinux file as shown below with a superuser permission and then disable SELinux. However, this way may decrease the security level and is not recommended.
