OpenFrame/OSC Configuration
This chapter describes configuration items required for OpenFrame/OSC operation.
1. Overview
For operation of OpenFrame/OSC (hereafter OSC), set KEYs of each SECTION in the openframe_osc.conf file, and then save the system settings by using the ofconfig tool.
Certain KEYs have no default value (NONE). Refer to the Remark for their behaviors when they are not set. |
The following are descriptions of each subject’s sections. For further details about setting values of each section’s keys, refer to the corresponding section.
Configures settings for the cobnet server that is used by .NET applications to call a COBOL application.
Section Description Information about the cobnet server startup and operation.
Configures common information for the OSC system.
Section Description Information about OSC Region startup and operation and resources.
Information about OSCSCSVR, which is a server that schedules transactions with time condition setting.
Information about OSCMCSVR, which is a server that monitors OSC application servers.
Information about OSCOSSVR, which is a server that provides various services to OpenFrame Manager.
Configures settings for the OSC application server named servername.
Section Description Information about the OSC application server startup and operation.
Information about OSC security.
Information about system definitions used in OSC application servers.
Information about Transient Data Queue (TDQ) used in OSC.
Information about Temporary Storage Queue (TSQ) used in OSC.
Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) used in OSC application servers and TN3270 clients.
CPM flag options used for BCDIC and ASCII conversion.
Information about a region’s Tranclass.
Shortcut keys for displaying a logical message of OSC.
Information about DB2 sessions.
Information about AutoInstall to use resources that are not defined in SD within a region.
Configures settings for the TDQ log server named osctlsvrname that is an auxiliary server for OSC applications.
Section Description Information about TDQ log server startup and operation.
Configures settings for the oscmqsvr server named oscmqsvrname that is used for Queue Trigger Monitor of IBM WebSphere MQ product.
Section Description Information about Queue Trigger Monitor.
2. cobnet
Configures settings for the cobnet server that is used by .NET applications to call a COBOL application.
3. osc
Configures common information for the OSC system.
Sets information about OSC Region startup and operation and resources.
Log level of the OSC system.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
I |
Range |
D, E, I, T |
Remark |
3.1.2. NCS_FILE
Temporary file that has information used for Named Counter Service (NCS).
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
/tmp/OSCNCS |
Range |
Remark |
Unix file path. |
Storage that manages information used for Named Counter Service (NCS). All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
It is valid only when NCS_STORAGE=AUX. When oscncsvr is restarted, the count value recorded in NCS_FILE is increased by the specified value. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Number |
Default Value |
1 |
Range |
1 to 2147438640 |
Remark |
1 or a multiple of 10. Valid only when NCS_STORAGE is set to AUX. |
3.1.5. XA_TSAM_DB
OPENINFO in the [DB] section of Tmax configuration to support TSAM-XA. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
(NONE) |
Range |
Remark |
3.1.6. ASMTBL
Option to load ASM tables to shared memory. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Y_N |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
Remark |
Option to wait in the case that a lock is set for data sets by another task when opening FILE or EXTRA TDQ(DATASET). All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Y_N |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
Remark |
Option to use the TX_TIME function that sets the system time as user-desired time when executing the CICS ASKTIME command. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Y_N |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
Remark |
3.1.9. MQ_LIB_PATH
MQ library path to use MQ Interface (MQI) of IBM MQ in OSC.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
(NONE) |
Range |
Remark |
Unix directory path. |
Size of additional buffer to allocate in memory for GETMAIN. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Number |
Default Value |
0 |
Range |
0 to (2^31 - 1) |
Remark |
Option to record GETMAIN SHARED information that can be monitored with OpenFrame Manager. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Y_N |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
Sets information about OSCSCSVR, which is a server that schedules transactions with time condition setting.
3.2.1. BACKUP
Whether to back up unexpired schedules and their storage. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
Data set to back up unexpired schedules to. Valid only when BACKUP is set to TSAM. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
(NONE) |
Range |
Remark |
TSAM KSDS data sets. A data set must have a fixed size of 20 bytes. A record must have a variable size from 20 bytes and to 32700 bytes. |
Sets information about OSCMCSVR, which is a server that monitors OSC application servers.
3.3.1. REGION_{regionname}
Region for which log is recorded among Data Section fields of Performance records. regionname is a name of the OSC region. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
0-10, 100-30 |
Range |
Remark |
String in the format of "offset-length." Strings can be delimited by a comma (,). Regions must be set in the offset order. (Examples: 1-10, 20-10) |
The following is a sample OSCMCSVR section. For OSC00001, 2 regions are set among Data Section fields of Performance records; a region is 10 bytes, starting from offset 0, and the other region is 30 bytes, starting from offset 100. OSCMCSV records log for the regions.
$ ofconfig list -s osc -sec OSCMCSVR =================================================================================== SUBJECT | SECTION | KEY | VALUE =================================================================================== osc | OSCMCSVR | REGION_OSC00001 | 0-10,100-30 | | REGION_OSC00002 | 100-50,200-10,300-65 ===================================================================================
For more information, refer to CICS monitoring related information in IBM’s CICS Customization Guide. |
4. osc.{servername}
Configures settings for the OSC application server named servername. For example, if the server name is OSC00001, the subject name is osc.OSC00001.
Sections and keys that are set in the osc.servername subject can be duplicated with those set in the osc subject. Settings in the osc.servername subject have priority.
Sets information about the OSC application server startup and operation.
4.1.1. SYSID
SYSID to allocate to the OSC region. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
String up to 4 bytes. |
4.1.2. JOBID
JOBID to allocate to the OSC region. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
STC00001 |
Range |
Remark |
8-byte string that consists of "JOB", 3 characters, and 5 digits. The value must be unique in all OSC regions. The specified JOBID is used to allocate and deallocate directory names and data sets that are created under the OpenFrame’s spool directory when writing data through a spool in OSC. When executing the SPOOL WRITE command, spool data is saved in a directory with the name of the specified JOBID. When executing the WRITEQ TD command, data is created in a directory with the name of the 5 digits of JOBID followed by the SPR ID of a server process that processes the command. |
4.1.3. JOBNAME
JOB name to allocate to the OSC region. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
Shared memory key used in the OSC region.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
16001 |
Range |
Remark |
Size of a shared memory key used in the OSC region.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Number |
Default Value |
67108864 |
Range |
Remark |
4.1.6. CWA_SIZE
Size of shared memory where Common Work Area (CWA) information is stored.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Number |
Default Value |
512 |
Range |
512 to (2^31 - 1) |
Remark |
Number of attempts to restart a region if shm attach for GETMAIN fails when restarting the region. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Number |
Default Value |
10 |
Range |
10 to (2^31 - 1) |
Remark |
The -n option must be set for CLOPT of the OSC region server in Tmax configuration. |
Shared memory key used to allocate a user region in the OSC region.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
16002 |
Range |
Remark |
Size of a shared memory key used to allocate a user region in the OSC region.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Number |
Default Value |
67108864 |
Range |
Remark |
Location of tasks used in OSC. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
4.1.11. TASKNO_MIN
Minimum number of a task used in OSC. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Number |
Default Value |
0 |
Range |
0 to 9999999 |
Remark |
4.1.12. TASKNO_MAX
Maximum number of a task used in OSC. If the number of the task reaches the maximum number, a task number restarts from the minimum number. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Number |
Default Value |
9999999 |
Range |
1 to 9999999 |
Remark |
4.1.13. TC_PATH
Directory path where a temporary file used for task control is saved.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
4.1.14. IMSID
Name of an OSI control region that manages database information when using DL/I in OSC. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
4.1.15. USERID
OSC region user. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
4.1.16. AREA
OSC system’s shared memory area to protect from user applications. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
(NONE) |
Range |
Remark |
Multiple options can be specified as follows. SYS,USR,TSQ |
4.1.17. PROTECT
OSC system’s shared memory area accesses to protect from user applications. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
4.1.18. OLOG_DB
Option to record transaction log in a database. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Y_N |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
Remark |
4.1.19. MC
Option to use OSC’s Transaction Monitoring function. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Y_N |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
Remark |
Option to use the PUSH/POP function for handler information when a COBOL program calls another program by using the CALL command. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Y_N |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
Remark |
ABCODE used when Tmax server times out. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
(NONE) |
Range |
Remark |
ABCODE is a 4-byte string. |
Option to end the application server process when Tmax server times out. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Y_N |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
Remark |
4.1.23. GMTEXT
Message used for GMTRAN. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
'OpenFrame OSC System' |
Range |
Remark |
Up to 246 characters except for single quotation marks. |
4.1.24. GMTRAN
Transaction ID to automatically execute when a terminal is first connected. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
4.1.25. MAPDIR
Directory path where OSC maps are deployed.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
${OPENFRAME_HOME}/osc/region/{regionname}/map |
Range |
Remark |
4.1.26. TBLDIR
Directory path where OSC resource control tables are deployed.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
${OPENFRAME_HOME}/osc/region/{regionname}/tbl |
Range |
Remark |
4.1.27. TDLDIR
Directory path where OSC applications are deployed.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
${OPENFRAME_HOME}/osc/region/{regionname}/tdl |
Range |
Remark |
4.1.28. LIBDIR
Directory path to libraries used in OSC.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
${OPENFRAME_HOME}/osc/region/{regionname}/tdl/asmo |
Range |
Remark |
4.1.29. PLTPI
Program List Table (PLT) to execute when starting an OSC region. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
YES, NO, suffix |
Remark |
4.1.30. PLTSD
Program List Table (PLT) to execute when ending an OSC region. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
YES, NO, suffix |
Remark |
4.1.31. XLT
Transaction List Table (XLT) to execute when ending an OSC region. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
YES, NO, suffix |
Remark |
4.1.32. NOUSE
Modules not to use in an OSC region. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
(NONE) |
Range |
DL, DS, FC, MS, SA, SP, TD, TS, AS, MQ |
Remark |
Multiple options can be specified as follows. AS,MQ,SA |
4.1.33. PRINT
Option to process TN3270 screen display requests. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
YES, NO, PA1, PA2, PA3 |
Remark |
4.1.34. FREEKB
Option to release the keyboard lock when ending a transaction. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Y_N |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
Remark |
4.1.35. MSGCLASS
Default value of SYSOUTCLASS of TYPEFILE(OUTPUT) among EXTRA TDQ. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
A |
Range |
Remark |
Set to one of alphabets A-Z and digits 0-9. |
TLSVR startup timeout. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Number |
Default Value |
0 |
Range |
0 to (2^31 - 1) |
Remark |
0 means unlimited. |
Option to open a FILE when starting an OSC system or when first accessing the FILE. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Y_N |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
4.1.38. QMGR_NAME
Queue Manager name to access MQ when starting an OSC system. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
(NONE) |
Range |
Remark |
Option to use the TDL_RTLD_GLOBAL flag, when dynamically calling a shared object type program by using tdlcall in the OSC region. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Y_N |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
Remark |
4.2. SAF
Sets information about OSC security.
4.2.1. SEC
Option to check the privileges of resources accessed by an OSC application server. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Y_N |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
Remark |
4.2.2. SNSCOPE
Range to apply the security rule to. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
If set to CICS, the user name must be unique in the region. It is treated as an error if trying SIGNON from another terminal with a user name that has already been signed on. |
4.2.3. XDCT
Option to check the privileges for TDQ to access, or a TACF resource class name used when checking the privileges. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
YES, NO, name |
Remark |
4.2.4. XFCT
Option to check the privileges for FILE to access, or a TACF resource class name used when checking the privileges. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
YES, NO, name |
Remark |
4.2.5. XPCT
Option to check the privilege to perform START on a transaction, or a TACF resource class name used when checking the privilege. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
YES, NO, name |
Remark |
4.2.6. XPPT
Option to check the privilege to access a program, or a TACF resource class name used when checking the privilege. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
YES, NO, name |
Remark |
4.2.7. XTRAN
Option to check the privilege to execute a transaction, or a TACF resource class name used when checking the privilege. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
YES, NO, name |
Remark |
4.2.8. XTST
Option to check the privilege to access TSQ, or a TACF resource class name used when checking the privilege. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
NO |
Range |
YES, NO, name |
Remark |
User name to assign to a terminal if an OSC user does not log in to the terminal. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
String with the length of up to 8 bytes. USERID registered in TACF. |
4.2.10. USERAUTH
Whether to treat as already authenticated if there is a nopassword or password user request in OpenFrame CTG, etc. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
If set to IDENTIFY, a DPL request such as CTG is treated as already authenticated. |
4.3. SD
Sets information about system definitions used in OSC application servers.
4.3.1. GRPLIST
Name of a default resource definition group used when starting a system. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
String with the length of up to 8 bytes. Multiple options can be specified by using a comma (,) as a delimiter as follows. DFHLIST,OIVPLIST |
4.4. TDQ
Sets information about Transient Data Queue (TDQ) used in OSC.
4.5. TSQ
Sets information about Temporary Storage Queue (TSQ) used in OSC.
Whether to manage TSQ without TSMODEL setting in a disk or memory. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
Location where TSQ is stored if DFLTDEST is set to MAIN. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
Name of a data set that stores TSQ data managed in a disk. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
Name of a data set that manages TSQ data managed in a disk. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
4.6. CPM
Sets Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) used in OSC application servers and TN3270 clients.
Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) is a code page number used by IBM. Character data used in OSC application servers is encoded with a typical ASCII-based code set. However, data used in TN3270 emulators is encoded based on EBCDIC. Therefore, OSC application servers need to appropriately convert data that is sent from or to a TN3270 emulator. For the conversion, 3270_CCSID and REGION_CCSID settings are used. |
4.6.1. 3270_CCSID
CCSID number to use in TN3270 emulators. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
37 |
Range |
Remark |
Up to 2 numbers can be specified by using a comma (,) as a delimiter. When both 1-byte and 2-byte code pages are used together, specify 2 CCSID numbers. The following are commonly used CCSID numbers.
The following sets CCSID for Japanese. 290,300 |
CCSID number to use in OSC application servers. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
437 |
Range |
Remark |
Up to 1 number can be specified. The following are commonly used CCSID numbers.
Sets CPM flag options used for EBCDIC and ASCII conversion.
Flag used when converting EBCDIC to ASCII. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
Flag used when converting ASCII to EBCDIC. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
4.9. CSPG
Sets shortcut keys for displaying a logical message of OSC.
4.9.1. SKRPF{nn}
Shortcut keys used to execute CSPG commands. Up to 24 keys can be specified from SKRPF01 to SKRPF24. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
CSPG getpage N |
Range |
CSPG getpage F, CSPG getpage P, CSPG getpage N, CSPG getpage L |
Remark |
5. osc.{osctlsvrname}
Configures settings for the TDQ log server named osctlsvrname that is an auxiliary server for OSC applications. For example, if the server name is OSC00001TL, the subject name is osc.OSC00001TL and the setting values are applied only to the OSC TDQ log server named OSC00001TL.
Sets information about TDQ log server startup and operation.
5.1.1. PORT
Port number of the TDQ log server specified in an application server.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Number |
Default Value |
14000 |
Range |
1024 to 49151 |
Remark |
Size of an internal buffer. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Number |
Default Value |
524288 |
Range |
524288 to (2^31 - 1) |
Remark |
It is recommended to set the value in multiplies of 4 KB. |
Size of an internal buffer where the flush occurs. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Number |
Default Value |
4096 |
Range |
4096 to (2^31 - 1) |
Remark |
FLUSH_SIZE must not exceed BUFFER_SIZE. It is recommended to set the value in multiplies of 4 KB. |
Interval at which the flush occurs. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Number |
Default Value |
5 |
Range |
Remark |
5.1.5. MAX_FILE
Maximum number of files to process. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
Number |
Default Value |
20 |
Range |
Remark |
6. osc.{oscmqsvrname}
Configures settings for the oscmqsvr server named oscmqsvrname that is used for Queue Trigger Monitor of IBM WebSphere MQ product. For example, if the server name is OSCMQ001, the subject name is osc.OSCMQ001 and the setting values are applied only to the oscmqsvr server named OSCMQ001.
When setting MQ Process Object in IBM WebSphere MQ product to integrate, set APPLTYPE to CICS and set APPLICID to an OSC transaction name to trigger. oscmqsvrname triggers the OSC transaction through the EXEC CICS START command. A started transaction’s application program can get MQTM data through the RETRIEVE command. |
6.1. MQ
Sets information about Queue Trigger Monitor.
6.1.1. QMGR
Name of an MQ manager that triggers monitoring. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
6.1.2. INITQ
Name of an MQ Initiation Queue that triggers monitoring. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |
6.1.3. REGION
Name of an OSC region that starts a trigger monitor transaction. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
OSC00001 |
Range |
Remark |
6.1.4. RTANSID
Name of a transaction that a trigger monitor transaction will get through the EXEC CICS RETRIEVE command with the RTRANSID option. All nodes in a multi-node environment must use the same configuration.
Item | Description |
Parameter Type |
String |
Default Value |
Range |
Remark |