OpenFrame PL/I Verification
This chapter describes how to compile the sample PL/I file after installing OpenFrame PL/I.
1. Compilation
The following describes how to use the ofpli command to compile the sample PLI file after installing OpenFrame PL/I.
Find the sample file in the following location.
Execute the ofpli command and compile sample.pli file. For information about the command, refer to Compilation Command.
ofpli -o sample.pli
If the following .so file is created after the compilation, then OpenFrame PL/I has been installed successfully. If a compilation error occurs, check the error. For error descriptions, refer to Compilation Error Messages.
2. Compilation Command
The following describes how to use the ofpli compilation command.
ofpli source files ... [command options...]
Source files
Files to compile.
Basic compile command options
Option Description -o file name
Sets an output file.
-I <dir>
Sets an INCLUDE directory.
-MI <dir>
Sets an INCLUDE directory to be used by the %INCLUDE statement.
-SI <dir>
Sets an INCLUDE directory to be used by the EXEC SQL INCLUDE.
-l <library>
Connects to a shared library.
-L <dir>
Sets a library path.
-O0, -O1, -O2, -O3
Sets an optimization level. The lower the number, the faster the compilation but the compiled file may run slowly because it will be less optimized.
Enables the dynamic load function.
Adds the DLITPLI interface. (IMS exclusive)
-change old:new
Changes an external entry name from "old" to "new".
Specifies that compilation results contains debug information to use for source-level debugging.
Sets the maximum precision for FIXED DECIMAL to 31.
Displays trace information about the start and end, parameters, and return values of a procedure.
Displays trace information at the beginning and end of a procedure.
Displays trace information about parameters.
Displays trace information about return values.
Displays an error message when a non-blank character is detected that is not part of the source code.
Displays an error message when a non-blank character is detected that is not part of the source code.
-system mvs, cics, ims
Sets a runtime environment to run a PL/I program. (Default: mvs)
Displays help.
Displays help for ESQL preprocessor.
Displays the current version information of OpenFrame PL/I.
Displays license information for OpenFrame PL/I.
Enables ESQL preprocessor.
Executes ESQL preprocessor on Tibero. Must be used in conjunction with the -enable-esql option.
Executes ESQL preprocessor on Oracle. Must be used in conjunction with the -enable-esql option.
Enables CICS preprocessor.
Enables ASM calls via OpenFrame ASM.
Enables Shift-JIS recognition. Cannot be used in conjunction with the -enable-scan-extascii option.
Enables Extended-ASCII recognition. Cannot be used in conjunction with the -enable-scan-sjis option.
Disables file length limit in an %INCLUDE statement.
Saves the temporary files created during compilation.
The following are the temporary files created by using the command option:
.mp: macro preprocessing result file created when SQL or CICS preprocessor is enabled
.pp: preprocessing result file
.bc: compilation result file
.o: assembly result file
ESQL preprocessing command options
Option Description -close-on-commit
Automatically closes the cursor after a commit.
-end-of-fetch (1403 | 100)
Sets a SQLCODE to return to the user at an END-OF-FETCH state after executing a SQL statement. (Default value: 1403)
"no data found" error occurs for INSERT and SELECT statements.
-prefetch N
Prefetches N number of rows when a cursor is opened.
An error occurs when the actual query returns more rows than given by the preprocessor due to causes like host variable.
Allows a NULL value when indicator variable is missing.
3. Compilation Error Messages
OpenFrame PL/I outputs error messages when an error occurs during compilation.
The following is a sample error format:
SAMPLE.pli 6:11: OFPLI1009 [S] Syntax error. [File name]: SAMPLE.pli [Position of code]: 6:11 [Error number]: OFPLI1009 [Error type]: [S] [Error message]: Syntax error.
Item | Description |
File name |
Name of the file where the error occurred. |
Position of code |
Line and column numbers where the error originated from. |
Error number |
Error number. |
Error type |
Error message |
Error description. |