
This section describes how to execute CICS and ESQL preprocessors.

1. CICS Preprocessor Execution

CICS preprocessor is used when processing EXEC CICS statements in PL/I source code. To enable CICS preprocessor, specify the -enable-cics option and the library link when compiling in OpenFrame PL/I.

Enable CICS preprocessor as follows:

ofpli -enable-cics -L$OPENFRAME_HOME/lib -lcicsecpi ...

2. ESQL Preprocessor Execution

ESQL preprocessor is used when processing EXEC SQL statements in PL/I source code. OpenFrame PL/I currently supports preprocessing for Tibero and Oracle databases.

To enable ESQL preprocessor, specify the -enable-esql option and the library link when compiling in OpenFrame PL/I.

Enable ESQL preprocessor as follows:

  • When using Tibero

    ofpli -enable-esql -tibero -L$TB_HOME/client/lib -ltbertl ...
  • When using Oracle

    ofpli -enable-esql -oracle -L$ORACLE_HOME/lib -lclntsh ...