WebtoB Administration
WebtoB provides management functions such as status monitoring and system control. For example, system environment configuration can be accessed and modified dynamically without restarting the system. It also provides service-specific statistical data such as the total number of processed requests, average processing time, number of requests in the queue, etc.
WebtoB provides the aforementioned functions through the console management program wsadmin and the web program WebAdmin. This chapter describes the programs and commands provided for WebtoB administration.
1. wsadmin Console Management Program
wsadmin provides a text-based management environment. wsadmin waits in the command prompt and executes a command that has been entered.
wsadmin is executed as follows:
$ wsadmin
After wsadmin has been executed, the following message is displayed at the prompt to show that wsadmin is running.
--- Welcome to WebtoB Admin (Type "quit" to leave) --- $$1 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:07:52]:
To display help for wsadmin, use the 'help<command>' command.
$$2 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:08:07]: help st Summary: stat, st: thread(process) and service state statistics Usage: stat (st) -v [servername] | -j [jsvservername] | -p [sprname] | -s [servicename] | -rpg [rpgname] | -rp [rproxyname] | -h [hthno] | -t | - T -v [servername1,servername2,..] : status for each Server -j [jsvservername1, jsvservername2,..] : status for each JSV Server(Jengine) -p [sprname1,sprname2,..] : status for each Server Process -s [servicename1,servicename2,..] : status for each Service -rpg [rpgname1,rpgname2,..] : status for each ReverseProxyGroup -rp [rproxyname1,rproxyname2,..] : status for each ReverseProxy -h [hthno] : statistics of each HTH -t : statistics of each HTH threads -T : statistics of HTH threads group
To terminate wsadmin, use the quit
(q) command.
$$3 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:10:16]: quit
The following are commands provided by wsadmin.
Command | Abbreviation | Description |
(cr) |
Deletes responses stored in the HTTP response cache. |
Outputs the response information stored in the HTTP response cache. |
(ci) |
Checks the connected web browser. |
(cl) |
Controls the Listen Port of the WebtoB client. |
(cfg) |
Displays the environment configuration. |
(ds) |
Forcibly disconnects active clients. |
(hist) |
Displays the last 50 commands issued. |
help |
(h) |
Displays help information. |
hthmem |
Records memory usage in a file. |
Changes the log level dynamically. |
(loge) |
Stops logging. |
(logs) |
Starts logging. |
Scans the content of the log file. |
Displays post-release patch information. |
(qp) |
Deletes queued requests. |
quit |
(q) |
Terminates wsadmin. |
(rbs) |
Reboots the server program. |
(r) |
Repeats a command. |
Initializes the statistics of server processes. |
(rs) |
Resumes a suspended server process. |
Modifies the current environment value dynamically. |
(st) |
Displays statistical data of processes, threads, and services. |
(sp) |
Suspends running server processes. |
(si) |
Displays server information. |
(wi) |
Displays WebtoB system information. |
wsboot |
(boot) |
Starts WebtoB. Same as wsboot. |
wsdown |
(down) |
Terminates WebtoB. Same as wsdown. |
Repeats the previous command. |
1.1. Environment Configuration
1.1.1. webtobinfo (wi)
Displays WebtoB system environment settings including the system version, expiration date, and allowed maximum number of users.
> wi
$$1 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:12:27]: wi License: CLOUD Enterprise edition Version=WebtoB 5.0 SP 0 Fix #0 Linux-K2.6_x86 FD16384 B41 epoll 2016/02/03 maxuser = UNLIMITED, node_count = 1, svgrpcount = 0, svr_count = 0, svc_alloc_count = 512 WebtoB All Node Info: node_count = 1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- no name nodeport racport shmkey shmsize0 shmsize1 shmsize2 hth -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 webtob 7777 3333 196608 200360 1978068 1748 1
1.1.2. config (cfg)
Displays the currently running WebtoB’s environment settings including the Domain, Node, Server Group, Server, and Service sections with their default values.
> config [-d][-n][-vh VHOST name][-g SVRGROUP name][-v SERVER name] [-s SERVICE name][-dir DIRECTORY name][-u URI name][-a ALIAS name] [-l LOGGING name][-e EXT name][-ssl SSL name][-pssl PROXY_SSL name] [-tcpgw TCPGW name][-rproxy REVERSE_PROXY name] [-rpg REVERSE_PROXY_GROUP name][-ll LOGLEVEL name][-headers HEADERS name] [-access ACCESS name][-pc PRECEDING_COMMAND name] [-t HTH_THREAD name]
Option Description [-d]
DOMAIN section.
NODE section.
[-vh VHOST name]
VHOST section or the settings of the specified VHOST.
[-g SVRGROUP name]
SVRGROUP section or the settings of the specified SVRGROUP.
[-v SERVER name]
SERVER section or the settings of the specified SERVER.
[-s SERVICE name]
SERVICE section or the settings of the specified SERVICE.
[-dir DIRECTORY name]
DIRECTORY section or the settings of the specified DIRECTORY.
[-u URI name]
URI section or the settings of the specified URI.
[-a ALIAS name]
ALIAS section or the settings of the specified ALIAS.
[-l LOGGING name]
LOGGING section or the settings of the specified LOGGING.
[-e EXT name]
EXT section or the settings of the specified EXT.
[-ssl SSL name]
SSL section or the settings of the specified SSL.
[-pssl PROXY_SSL name]
PROXY_SSL section or the settings of the specified PROXY_SSL.
[-tcpgw TCPGW name]
TCPGW section or the settings of the specified TCPGW.
[-rproxy REVERSE_PROXY name]
REVERSE_PROXY section or the settings of the specified REVERSE_PROXY.
REVERSE_PROXY_GROUP section or the settings of the specified REVERSE_PROXY_GROUP.
[-ll LOGLEVEL name]
LOGLEVEL section or the settings of the specified LOGLEVEL.
[-headers HEADERS name]
HEADERS section or the settings of the specified HEADERS.
[-access ACCESS name]
ACCESS section or the settings of the specified ACCESS.
PRECEDING_COMMAND section or the settings of the specified PRECEDING_COMMAND.
[-t HTH_THREAD name]
HTH_THREAD section or the settings of the specified HTH_THREAD.
The following is an example of using the -n option to display the NODE section settings. For more information on the NODE configuration items, refer to Configuration Items.
$$9 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:14:46]: cfg -n NODE(0): Name = webtob, HostName = "webtob", DocRoot = "/root/webtob_docroot/", SvrRoot = "/root/wb-5000-clean/", Method = "GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS", ShmKey = 54000, Hth = 1, HthQTimeout(hqt) = 0, NodePort = 7777, Port = "8080", JsvPort = 9999, ... Logging = "log1", ErrorLog = "log2", SysLog = "syslog", ... CheckURL = Y, CheckURLTo = "euc-kr", CheckURLFrom = "utf-8", SSIMaxDepth = 16
1.1.3. history (hist)
Displays the command history.
> history
$$5 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:14:47]: history 5: history 4: ci -s 3: ci 2: ci -s 1: ci
1.1.4. !
Re-executes the last executed command. Use the '!n' option to repeat a specific executed command where 'n' specifies the nth last executed command.
> !
$$6 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:14:49]: !4 ci -s Clients Unique IPs Dropped ------- ---------- ------- HTH 0 0 0 0 All 0 0 0
1.2. Active State Information
1.2.1. cliinfo (ci)
Displays the environment settings, such as the current status, IP address, number of processed requests, of the currently connected client (usually a web browser).
> ci [-s][-S][-vh Virtual Host name][-h HTH number]
Option Description [-s]
Displays basic statistics of all connected clients.
Displays information about each connected client.
[-vh Virtual Host name]
Displays information about the clients connected to a specified Virtual Host.
[-h HTH number]
Displays information about the clients connected to a specified HTH.
When used without options
The following is an example of using the ci command without any options. Each row represents a client.
$$1 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:14:56]: ci HTH 0: RDY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ no status count idle local_ipaddr:port remote_ipaddr:port spri user ssl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 RDY 0 2 -1 N 0 RUN 4 0 24 N 1 QED 1 0 -1 N 2 RUN 4 0 26 N 3 RUN 0 0 28 N 4 RUN 4 0 22 N 5 RUN 0 0 23 N 6 QED 1 0 -1 N 7 RUN 0 0 25 N 8 QED 1 0 -1 N 9 QED 2 0 -1 N 10 RUN 4 0 21 N 11 QED 2 0 -1 N 12 RUN 3 0 29 N 13 RUN 4 0 30 N 14 QED 1 0 -1 N 15 RUN 1 0 27 N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTH RDY QED RUN ETC total 0 0 6 10 0 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTH RDY QED RUN ETC total ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 6 10 0 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 0 6 10 0 16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The following describes each output item.
Item Description status
Client state within the server.
RDY: Receiving a request from the client.
RUN: A client request is being processed on the server.
QED: Received a client request and identified the server to forward the request to. However, the request is waiting in the server queue because the server is busy processing other requests.
Number of requests sent by the client.
Client idle time with no data exchanges.
Server and client IP:PORT info.
Sever and client IP address.
Client type when the client is not an HTTP client.
tcpgw-c: TCP gateway client.
tpcgw-s: TCP gateway server.
conn-c: Client that is processing requests via CONNECT method.
conn-s: Server that is processing requests via CONNECT method.
rproxy-s: Server connected to Reverse Proxy.
rproxy-ws-c: Client that is using WebSocket on the Reverse Proxy server.
rproxy-ws-s: Server that is using WebSocket on the Reverse Proxy server.
internal-c: Client that is using internal redirect, etc.
Specifies whether the client is using an SSL connection.
Using the -s option
The -s option displays the total number of clients, unique IP addresses, the number of clients that have been disconnected without being registered in HTH.
$$1 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:15:23]: ci -s Clients Unique IPs Dropped ------- ---------- ------- HTH 0 16 0 0 All 16 0 0
1.2.2. svrinfo (si)
Displays active servers information.
> si [server name, server name,..]
Option Description [server name, server name,..]
Displays information of all servers or the specified servers.
The following is the command output.
$$1 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:17:20]: si ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hth svrname (svri) status reqs count cqcnt aqcnt qpcnt emcnt rscnt rbcnt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 MyGroup ( 1) RDY 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cgi ( 2) RDY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 php ( 3) RDY 352 352 0 0 0 0 0 0
The following describes each output item.
Item Description svrname
Server name specified in the SERVER section.
Internal server index.
Client state within the server.
RDY: Request can be processed. There are server processes connected to WebtoB.
NRDY: Request cannot be processed. There are no Server processes connected to WebtoB.
BLK: Server is suspended by administrator command. Request cannot be processed.
Number of requests sent to the server.
Number of processed requests.
Number of requests in the queue.
Cumulative number of queued requests. (Cumulative cqcnt value)
Number of queued requests that have been removed from the queue due to request timeout, qp command, etc.
Number of times the cqcnt has exceeded the MaxQCount.
Number of server restarts due to abnormal termination.
Number of reboots due to the server execution of the rbs command.
1.2.3. stat (st)
Displays statistics on the running processes and services of the currently running server.
Dynamic information including the current server process state, names of running services, number of processed services, service states, number of queued requests, etc. are displayed.
> st [-v server name,server name,..][-j JSV server name,JSV server name,..] [-p server process name,server process name,..] [-rpg Reverse Proxy Group name,Reverse Proxy Group name,..] [-rproxy Reverse Proxy name,Reverse Proxy name,..] [-tcpgw TCPGW name,TCPGW name,..] [-s service name,service name,..][-h HTH number] [-T][-t]
Option Description [-v server name, server name,..]
Displays states of servers. Same as svrinfo.
[-j JSV server name, JSV server name,..]
Displays statistical information of JSV servers.
[-p server process name, server process name,..]
Displays states of individual server processes.
[-rpg Reverse Proxy Group name, Reverse Proxy Group name,..]
Displays Reverse Proxy Group stats.
[-rproxy Reverse Proxy name, Reverse Proxy name,..]
Displays states of each Reverse Proxy connections.
[-tcpgw TCPGW name, TCPGW name,..]
Displays states of each TCPGW connections.
[-s service name, service name,..]
Displays service states.
[-h HTH number]
Displays internal stats of HTH processes.
Displays internal stats on each thread type within HTH processes.
Displays internal stats on each thread within HTH processes.
Using the -p option
The following is an example of using the -p option to display server process information.
$$1 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:43:22]: st -p HTH 0(23786): RDY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- svr_name svgname spr_no(pid) status reqs count avg(rt) clid svc v contime --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- php phpg 220( 23789) RDY 0 0 0.0000( 0) -1 - 0 14187 ... MyGroup1 jsvg 120( 0) RDY 0 0 0.0000( 0) -1 - 1 14160 0 jengineid(ZG9tYWluMS9hZG1pblNlcnZlcg==)(domain1/adminServer) MyGroup1 jsvg 121( 1) RDY 0 0 0.0000( 0) -1 - 1 14153 0 jengineid(ZG9tYWluMS9hZG1pblNlcnZlcg==)(domain1/adminServer) ...
The following describes each output item.
Item Description svr_name
Server name specified in the SERVER section.
Server group name specified in the SVRGROUP section.
Internally assigned number by WebtoB.
Process ID. (For JSV server, this refers to the ID received from the worker thread of each connection)
Current status.
RDY: Requests can be processed. There are server processes connected to WebtoB.
NRDY: Requests cannot be processed. There are no server processes connected to WebtoB.
RUN: The process is currently processing a request.
BRUN: The process, while in the process of sending a response, is temporarily awaiting for the flow control.
Number of requests sent to the server.
Number of processed requests.
Average processing time (sec).
Time elapsed while processing the current request.
Client ID of the current request.
Service name of the EXT or URI section of the request.
WJP (WebtoB-JEUS Protocol) version information if connected to JEUS. For internal server process, set it to 0.
Time elapsed since connecting to HTH.
Printing stats at regular intervals
A command can be executed at regular intervals for monitoring and debugging purposes.
The following is an example of executing ‘st –s’ 30 times in a 5-second interval.
$$10 webtob (wsadm(wsmon)) [2009/10/22:12:37:56]: r -i 5 -k 30 st -s
The following is an example of executing ‘st –p’ for 30 sec in a 5-second interval.
$$10 webtob (wsadm(wsmon)) [2009/10/22:12:37:56]: r -i 5 -f 30 st -p
Using the -tcpgw option
The following is an example of using the -tcpgw option to output TCPGW information.
$$4 webtob (wsadm) [2018-07-19T12:08:08]: st -tcpgw --------------------------------------------------------------------- hth (tcpgwi)tcpgwname count avg cons remote_ipaddr:port --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ( 0/ 0)tcpgw1 2 15.7293 0 0 ( 1/ 0)tcpgw2 0 0.0000 0 0 ( 1/ 1)tcpgw2 0 0.0000 0 0 ( 1/ 2)tcpgw2 0 0.0000 0 0 ( 1/ 3)tcpgw2 0 0.0000 0 0 ( 1/ 4)tcpgw2 0 0.0000 0 ...
The following describes each output item.
Item Description hth
hth number.
TCPGW name.
Number of processed TCP connections.
Average TCP connection duration.
Number of active connections.
Server IP address and port number.
Using the -T option
The following is an example of using the -T option to display the thread stats.
$$1 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:45:17]: st -T HTH 0: RDY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ no thread_type status threads atasks ptasks qtasks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 ACCESSLOG RDY 1 18 18 0 1 WORKER RDY 12 401 401 0 2 SENDFILE RDY 4 6 6 0 ...
The following describes each output item.
Item Description thread_type
Thread type.
Current status.
RDY: Waits for a new task to process.
NRDY: Cannot process any tasks.
Thread count for the thread_type.
Total number of tasks.
Total number of processed tasks.
Number of currently queued tasks.
Using the -t option
The following is an example of using the -t option to display the thread stats.
$$1 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:44:57]: st -t HTH 0: RDY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no thread_id status elapsed atasks ptasks qtasks task_type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ACCESSLOG RDY 4 18 18 0 NONE 1 WORKER001 RUN 0 34 33 1 SSLWRITE 2 WORKER002 RDY 31 34 34 0 NONE 3 WORKER003 RDY 31 34 34 0 NONE 4 WORKER004 RDY 31 34 34 0 NONE 5 WORKER005 RDY 31 34 34 0 NONE 6 WORKER006 RDY 31 33 33 0 NONE 7 WORKER007 RDY 31 33 33 0 NONE 8 WORKER008 RDY 31 33 33 0 NONE 9 WORKER009 RDY 31 33 33 0 NONE 10 WORKER010 RDY 31 33 33 0 NONE 11 WORKER011 RDY 31 33 33 0 NONE 12 WORKER012 RDY 31 33 33 0 NONE 13 SENDFILE001 RDY 4 2 2 0 NONE 14 SENDFILE002 RDY 4 1 1 0 NONE 15 SENDFILE003 RDY 4 1 1 0 NONE 16 SENDFILE004 RDY 4 2 2 0 NONE ...
The following describes each output item.
Item Description thread_id
Thread ID.
Current status.
RDY: Waits for a new task to process.
NRDY: Cannot process any tasks.
RUN: Currently processing a task.
Time elapsed since the start or end of processing a task.
Total number of tasks.
Total number of processed tasks.
Number of currently queued tasks.
Task currently being processed.
When no tasks are being processed, 'NONE' is printed. If no task has been started while the thread was woken up, the status is 'RUN', and the task type is 'NONE'.
1.3. Suspend and Resume Server Processes
1.3.1. suspend (sp)
Suspends currently running server process’s activities. When a server process is suspended, it finishes its current task and then enters an idle state. Services in queue are left untouched and new service requests are pooled into the queue.
If service is interrupted due to a server application error, the server process must be suspended. Suspending a server process is useful when it is impossible to process a request due to an unknown error and additional work is required.
> suspend [-v server name]
Option Description [-v server name]
Suspends the specified server.
The following is an example of suspending a PHP server. Check the server status with
to check that the status has been changed to BLK.$$1 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:56:57]: suspend -v php Server(php) is supended $$2 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:57:07]: st -v ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hth svrname (svri) status reqs count cqcnt aqcnt qpcnt emcnt rscnt rbcnt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... 0 php ( 3) BLK 539 539 0 403 0 0 0 0 ...
1.3.2. resume (rs)
Resumes a server process suspended by suspend. A resumed server process starts processing services in the queue and goes into the RDY state.
> resume [-v server name]
Option Description [-v server name]
Resumes the specified server ready to processing requests.
The following is an example of resuming a suspended PHP server. Use the command
to check that the status has been changed to RDY.$$3 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:57:27]: st -v resume -v php Server(php) is resumed $$4 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:57:37]: st -v ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hth svrname (svri) status reqs count cqcnt aqcnt qpcnt emcnt rscnt rbcnt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... 0 php ( 3) RDY 539 539 0 403 0 0 0 0 ...
1.4. Queue Purge
1.4.1. qpurge (qp)
A large number of requests can fill server queues, cause delays, and create difficulties with servicing queued requests. The queue purge command can clear these queues to keep the system robust. This feature is useful for banks or public offices where hundreds of thousands of requests are processed each day. Deleted applications can be processed again at the client’s request. WebtoB manages separate queues for each server process. The administrator tool can clear queues individually to remove bottlenecks in the system. Per-application processing is possible, helping other applications to process effectively.
A service that is deleted by qpurge sends an error as follows:
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable.
> qpurge [-v server name]
Option Description [-v server name]
Deletes the requests in the specified server queue.
The following is an example of deleting requests in a PHP server queue. Purged_count displays number of requests deleted.
$$11 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T15:58:52]: qpurge -v php q for svr php is purged: purged_count = 6
1.5. Dynamic Configuration Change
1.5.1. set
This command can dynamically modify values in the configuration file. Not every variable can be modified dynamically so check the list of available variables using the cfg
command in wsadmin.
> set [-n NODE name][-vh VHOST name][-g SVRGROUP name][-v SERVER name][-s SERVICE name]
Option Description [-n NODE name]
Configures the NODE section.
[-vh VHOST name]
Configures the specified VHOST section.
[-g SVRGROUP name]
Configures the specified server group.
[-v SERVER name]
Configures the specified server.
[-s SERVICE name]
Configures the specified service.
The following is an example of checking the MaxQCount value by using
cfg -v php
and changing its value by using theset
command. After executing theset
command, the MaxQCount value is changed to 100.$$10 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T16:01:32]: cfg -v php SERVER(3): Name = php, SvgName = phpg, MinProc = 10, MaxProc = 10, MaxQCount(mq) = 0, ... $$11 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T16:01:42]: set -v php mq 100 new value (100) is set for section = SERVER, name = php, fld = mq $$12 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T16:01:52]: cfg -v php SERVER(3): Name = php, SvgName = phpg, MinProc = 10, MaxProc = 10, MaxQCount(mq) = 100, ...
1.6. Client Disconnection
1.6.1. discon (ds)
A client connection that is currently connected or idle can be forcibly disconnected. First use the ci
command to obtain client information and then use the discon
> discon [-h HTH number] -a | -i idle time | -c Client ID [-f]
Option Description [-h HTH number]
Disconnects clients that are connected to a specified HTH.
Disconnects all clients that are connected to HTHs.
-i idle time
Disconnects clients that exceed the specified amount of time (unit: second).
-c Client ID
Disconnects specified clients (client ID displayed by ci).
Disconnects a connection immediately.
The following is an example of checking a client ID by using the
command and then disconnecting the client 15 forcibly by usingdiscon
command.$$16 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T16:02:42]: ci HTH 0: RDY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no status count idle local_ipaddr:port remote_ipaddr:port spri user -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 RDY 0 2 -1 ... $$17 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T16:02:55]: discon -c 15 client (hth0: 15) is disconnected
1.7. Others
1.7.1. cachelist
Displays the response data stored in the current WebtoB HTTP response cache. Due to the large data, the results are stored in a separate file.
> cachelist
The following is an example of the response to the request "/index.html" stored in cache. The rest of the request path is used only for internal server debugging.
$$1 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T16:02:15]: cachelist Cache contents files are created in /root/wb-5000-clean/log/cachelist/. Please check the directory. Sample output file: 0 webtob:8080/index.html 5 0 2016/02/03:14:59:45 10 0 327043 5 2016/02/03:15:48:56 (1253083736) Total cached response=1 Total content length=5
1.7.2. cacherefresh (cr)
Deletes the response data from the WebtoB HTTP response cache.
> cacherefresh {-a | -h | -i | -j | -r | -u URL}
Option Description [-a]
Deletes all cached responses.
Only deletes cached HTML and similar texts when the SVRTYPE is HTML.
Only deletes cached images when the SVRTYPE is HTML.
Only deletes cached responses when the SVRTYPE is JSV.
Only deletes cached responses when the SVRTYPE is Reverse Proxy.
[-u URL]
Only deletes responses that match the specified URL using the fnmatch method.
The following is an example of deleting all responses from the cache.
$$1 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T16:04:57]: cacherefresh -a
The following is an example of only deleting responses of "test.domain.com/test.html".
$$2 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T16:05:07]: cacherefresh -u test.domain.com/test.html
1.7.3. clilisten (cl)
Removes or creates the listen ports that are used by WebtoB to receive client connections.
> clilisten {on | off}
Option Description on
Creates listen ports.
Removes listen ports. Once removed, a new client cannot access WebtoB. Clients that are already connected to HTH will be disconnected after processing current requests.
The following is an example of removing listen ports.
$$18 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T16:05:17]: clilisten off client listen blocked
The following is the result of checking listen ports from a Linux console. It is assumed the listen port is 8080.
[root@webtob ~]# netstat -ant Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN ...
The following is the result after executing clilisten off. It shows that listen port 8080 has been removed.
[root@webtob ~]# netstat -ant Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN ...
1.7.4. logstart (logs), logend (loge)
Records executed commands and outputs to log files. A log file is created in the current directory.
From the log data, peak service time, unnecessary server process, and queueing status can be checked to analyze the overall system. The logstart
command starts logging and the logend
command stops logging.
> logstart (logs)
> logend (loge)
The result of the
st -p
command is saved in the following log.txt file.$$1 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T16:05:55]: logstart log.txt logging start ok $$2 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T16:05:59]: st -p ... $$3 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T16:06:05]: logend logging end ok $$4 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T16:06:25]:
1.7.5. logsearch
Scans the content of a specified log file.
> logsearch [keyword] [logfile]
Option Description [keyword]
String to look for in a log file. Case-insenstive.
Log file in which the string is looked for. Both absolute and relative paths are supported.
When using a relative path, the directory containing syslog is the reference location.
When using an absolute path, caution is needed because it grants access to all files with relevant permissions.
The following example searches the content of syslog.
$$1 webtob (wsadm) [2020-08-05T14:58:35]: logsearch successfully system.log_08052020 [2020-08-05T10:44:16] [HTH(22378)] [I] [HTH-00074] Successfully connected and registered to HTL. HTH is ready to receive client connections. [2020-08-05T10:44:16] [HTL(22377)] [I] [HTL-00021] Successfully registered HTH. Start listening for this HTH. index=0, fd=6 [2020-08-05T14:57:29] [HTH(4901)] [I] [HTH-00074] Successfully connected and registered to HTL. HTH is ready to receive client connections. [2020-08-05T14:57:29] [HTL(4900)] [I] [HTL-00021] Successfully registered HTH. Start listening for this HTH. index=0, fd=6
1.7.6. ll
The LOGLEVEL configuration can be changed dynamically. Refer to Configuration Items for more information on logger names, levels, and options.
> ll [Logger name][-l level | -o option | -rs seconds | -rf fileSize]
Option Description [Logger name]
Configures the logger supported by WebtoB.
[-l level]
Changes the log level to the specified level.
[-o option]
Changes the logger option to the specified option.
[-rs seconds]
Changes the logger’s rotateBySeconds setting to seconds.
[-rf fileSize]
Changes the logger’s rotateByFileSize setting to fileSize.
The following command changes logger ".hth" level to DEBUG. The changed value can be checked by using cfg -ll.
$$6 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T16:06:35]: ll .hth -l DEBUG Log level is successfully updated. logger=.hth, level=DEBUG, options=
1.7.7. patchinfo
Displays post release patch information.
> patchinfo
The following is an example of executing patchinfo from a released WebtoB version.
$$1 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T16:07:35]: patchinfo ---------- Released (2015/01/29) : ----------
1.7.8. rebootsvr (rbs)
Replaces an active server process with a new process.
Set WEBTOB_BKAPPDIR to the environment variable, copy new program files to a temporary directory, and then replace the server process using the following command.
> rebootsvr new_file old_file
Option Description new_file
New file (object file).
Current file (object file).
1.7.9. repeat (r)
Monitors the current information at a specified interval.
> repeat [-i second] [-k count| -f second] command
Option Description [-i second]
Interval (unit: second) to repeat the command.
[-k count]
Repeats a command the specified number of times.
[-f second]
Repeats for the specified time (unit: second).
Command to repeat.
The following is an example of repeating the command
'st –s'
30 times every 5 seconds.$$9 webtob (wsadm) [2016-02-03T16:08:02]: r -i 5 -k 30 st -p
1.7.10. restat
Initializes statistics of server processes. Use this command to reset a specific service or server process statistical information.
> restat [-a | -v server name]
Option Description [-a]
Initializes statistics of all servers processes.
[-v server name]
Initializes statistics of a specified server’s processes.
The following is an example of initializing statistics of processes on a server named "MyGroup".
$$1 webtob (wsadm) [2020-08-11T17:25:07]: restat -v MyGroup
2. wsmon Console Monitoring Program
wsmon provides a text-based monitoring environment where it executes commands entered at the prompt.
Start the wsmon program as follows:
$ wsmon
The following prompt displays when wsmon starts.
--- Welcome to WebtoB Mon (Type "quit" to leave) --- $$1 webtob (wsmon) [2016-02-03T16:08:22]:
Use the 'help <command name>' to display help information about a specific command.
$$5 webtob (wsmon) [2016-02-03T16:08:29]: help ci Summary: cliinfo, ci: show client properties Usage: cliinfo (ci) [-s | -S] [-vh vhostname] [-h hthno] -s : summury of the client info -S : detail summury of the client info -vh vhostname : specify VHOST -h hthno : specify a HTH number to view
Use the quit (q) command to terminate wsmon.
$$1 webtob (wsmon) [2016-02-03T16:08:42]: quit
The following are the wsmon commands. Refer to each command section for details.
Command | Abbreviation | Description |
Prints the responses in HTTP response cache. |
(ci) |
Prints the web browser information. |
(cfg) |
Prints environment configuration settings. |
(hist) |
Prints the last 50 commands that have been executed. |
help |
(h) |
Prints help information. |
(loge) |
Stops logging. |
(logs) |
Starts logging. |
(r) |
Repeats a command. |
(st) |
Prints stats on process and service states. |
(si) |
Prints server information. |
(wi) |
Prints WebtoB system information. |
patchinfo |
Prints post release patch information. |
quit |
(q) |
Terminates wsmon. |
Repeats the previous command. |
Since wsmon commands are similar to those of wsadmin console management program except in the output results, refer to wsadmin Console Management Program for descriptions of each command. |
3. Commands
The following are commands provided by WebtoB.
Option | Description |
Compiles the text WebtoB environment file and creates wsconfig (binary WebtoB environment file). |
Inversely converts the compiled wsconfig (binary WebtoB environment file) to a text environment file. |
Refers to the binary WebtoB environment file and creates a service table. |
Supports WebAdmin. |
Executes all or part of the WebtoB system. |
Terminates all or part of the WebtoB system. |
3.1. wscfl
wscfl compiles the text type WebtoB environment file and creates wsconfig (binary WebtoB environment file). wscfl can be used on an operating system that WebtoB system is installed on.
If an error occurs while compiling the input file, the binary WebtoB environment file is not created and compilation stops. The WebtoB environment file made by this command is used in wsboot, and wsdown.
wscfl -i text WebtoB environment file name [-o binary WebtoB environment file name][-b][-v]
Option Description -i text WebtoB environment file name
Compiles the target environment file. Used to specify a text based WebtoB environment file name. It is a required option.
A path can be specified. If the specified environment file is not found, an error message is displayed.
[-o binary WebtoB environment file name]
Used to specify the binary WebtoB environment file name.
Specifying a path is optional. If a path is not specified, the file is created in the current wscfl working directory.
If omitted, the file name is set to "wsconfig" by default.
Backs up the WebtoB environment file.
Checks the WebtoB version.
Using [-i] option
The following is an example of creating the binary environment file, wsconfig, in the current directory by compiling http.m, a text type WebtoB environment file.
$ wscfl -i http.m
The following is an example of creating the binary environment file, wsconfig2, in the current directory by compiling http.m.
$wscfl -i http.m -o wsconfig2
Using [-v] option
The following is an example of checking the WebtoB version.
$wscfl -v
3.2. wsuncfl
wsuncfl inversely converts the compiled wsconfig (binary WebtoB environment file) into a readable text, environment file. wsuncfl can be used on the operating system where WebtoB is installed.
When the original environment file is missing and only the binary file exists, the original environment file can be restored using wsuncfl.
$ wsuncfl [-i binary WebtoB environment file name] [-o text WebtoB environment file name] [-v]
Option Description [-i binary WebtoB environment file name]
Binary environment input file to decompile. Specifying a path is optional. If the specified file is not found, an error message is displayed.
If omitted, the file name is set to "wsconfig".
[-o text WebtoB environment file name]
Decompiled Text WebtoB environment file name.
Required. Specifying a path is optional. If a path is not specified, the file is created in the current wscfl working directory.
Checks the WebtoB version.
The following is an example of decompiling a binary environment file (wsconfig) into a text environment file (sample_r.m) in the current directory.
$ wsuncfl –o sample_r.m
3.3. wsgst
wsgst refers to the binary WebtoB environment file and creates a service table. wsgst can be used on the operating system where WebtoB is installed.
wsgst refers to the SERVER and SERVICE sections in the binary WebtoB environment file made by the wscfl command. wsgst also creates a service table for each server. The table is a list of services provided by the server process. The table is compiled when the server program is being compiled. The table is used to find service locations while the server process computes.
"<server name>_svctab.c", the output of the wsgst
command, is created in the directory 'svct' under the directory specified by WEBTOBDIR. The server name is specified in the SERVER section. The contents of each file is the service name provided by the server specified in the SERVICE section.
The services specified in the WebtoB environment file must also be specified in the service table of the server. I.e., if the server name, the service name, or the service’s SVRNAME is changed in the SERVER or SERVICE section of the WebtoB environment file, the server program must be recompiled with the service table.
$ wsgst [-f binary WebtoB environment file name]
Option Description [-f binary WebtoB environment file name]
Used to specify the binary WebtoB environment file that is referred to.
The result of the
command is referred to by wsboot and wsdown.Specifying a path is optional. If the option is omitted, the output file is named "wsconfig" by default.
The following is an example of creating a service table by referring to wsconfig that is located in the config directory under the directory specified by WEBTOBDIR.
$ wsgst
The following is an example of creating service tables by servers by referring to the wsconfig2 environment file in the /user1/park/WebtoB/bin directory.
$ wsgst -f /user1/park/webtob/config/wsconfig2
For example, if an environment file is registered (shown in the following), a service table named webaps_svctab.c is created in the /user1/park/webtob/svct directory.
... *SERVER webaps SVGNAME=webapsg *SERVICE svc1 SVRNAME=webaps svc2 SVRNAME=webaps ...
3.4. wsracd
wsracd must be started before starting WebAdmin or SysMaster. wsracd can be used on an OS with WebtoB system installed (WebAdmin support is planned for future releases).
$ wsracd [-k] [-f binary WebtoB environment file name] [-a] [-d]
Option Description [-k]
Option to not use the binary WebtoB environment file. If set, the default port is used instead.
If the WEBTOB_RAC_PORT is set, its value is used as the port (wsracd usually uses this option).
[-f binary WebtoB environment file name]
Executes with the port set in the user specified binary WebtoB environment file.
Executes in the anonymous (no authentication) mode.
If omitted, authentication is required to connect to wsracd using an OS account. To use the OS account, ${WEBTOBDIR}/bin/wsracd must be changed to the root account and the sticky bit must be set.
Execute in the debug mode.
The following is an example of executing wsracd with the binary WebtoB environment file. If no option is specified, ${WEBTOBDIR}/config/wsconfig is used by default. If wsconfig file does not exist, an error message is displayed.
$ wsracd -a
The following is an example of using the options specified with wsboot to execute wsracd.
$ wsracd –k
The following is an example of using the specified binary file '/user1/park/webtob/config/wsconfig2’to execute wsracd.
$ wsracd –f /user1/park/webtob/config/wsconfig2
3.5. wsmkppd
wsmkppd is used to set the PassPhraseDialog item of the SSL(PROXY_SSL) section.
WebtoB prompts for the password at startup if an encrypted private key is set in the SSL(PROXY_SSL) section. To avoid having to enter the password at startup, set the PassPhraseDialog item. wsmkppd creates a passphrase file that stores the passphrase to apply to the PassPhraseDialog. For information about using the PassPhraseDialog, refer to SSL Section and PROXY_SSL Section.
$ wsmkppd [-p passwd] ppd_filename sslname
Option Description [-p passwd]
Password for the encrypted private key.
Name of the file that stores the wsmkppd execution results, which will be applied to the PassPhraseDialog item.
Name set in SSL(PROXY_SSL).
wsmkppd prompts for the password if it is not supplied using the -p option.
The following is an example of calling wsmkppd without any options.
$ wsmkppd Usage: wsmkppd [-p passwd] ppd_filename sslname -p passwd: password of private key. ppd_filename: output file for PassPhraseDialog. sslname: name of SSL(PROXY_SSL) section.
The following is an example of executing wsmkppd with the ppd_filename and sslname options.
$ wsmkppd ssl.ppd ssl1 New password: (Enter password) Confirm: (Re-enter password) Adding Password for ssl1 $ls -al ssl.ppd -rw------- 1 webtob webtob 19 Feb 19 10:33 ssl.ppd
The following is an example of executing wsmkppd with the -p option and 'mypasswd'. If ppd_filename already exists, the specified password is added to the existing file.
$ wsmkppd -p mypasswd ssl.ppd ssl2 Adding Password for ssl2 $ls -al ssl.ppd -rw------- 1 webtob webtob 42 Feb 19 10:42 ssl.ppd
The following is an example of the result file created by executing wsmkppd.
$ cat ssl.ppd ssl1:gJDP+OmN+wI=: ssl2:8eG+iZjNiu5k:
The following is an example of an SSL section settings.
*SSL ssl1 CertificateFile = "/webtob/ssl/newcert.pem", CertificateKeyFile = "/webtob/ssl/newcert.pem", PassPhraseDialog = "file:/webtob/ssl/ssl.ppd"