Installation and Uninstallation in UNIX
The installation process of WebtoB and its Servlet Engine is identical on all Solaris, HP, AIX, and Linux platforms.
1. WebtoB Installation
This chapter describes how to install, uninstall, start, and terminate WebtoB in a UNIX/Linux system.
1.1. Console Mode
The following are WebtoB installation instructions. Although default settings are provided in the Installer, carefully enter each setting. To return to the previous step, enter 'back'.
The account used for installation must have read/write permissions to the '/tmp' directory while WebtoB is installed. |
Begin installation by executing the installation file (*.bin) for each platform. After preinstallation tasks are complete, a simple usage message appears.
Press the <ENTER> key to continue, or type 'quit' to cancel installation.
$ ./WEBTOB5_0_SP0_Fix4_LinuxK2_6_x64.bin Preparing to install... Extracting the JRE from the installer archive... Unpacking the JRE... Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive... Configuring the installer for this system's environment... Launching installer... Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation... =============================================================================== WEBTOB5_0_SP0_Fix#4 (created with InstallAnywhere by Macrovision) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Introduction ------------ InstallAnywhere will guide you through the installation of WEBTOB5_0_SP0_Fix#4. It is strongly recommended that you quit all programs before continuing with this installation. Respond to each prompt to proceed to the next step in the installation. If you want to change something on a previous step, type 'back'. You may cancel this installation at any time by typing 'quit'. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE:
The WebtoB license information and agreement message appears. Type 'Y' to accept the license agreement, or 'N' to cancel installation.
=============================================================================== License Agreement ----------------- Installation and use of WEBTOB5_0_SP0_Fix#4 requires acceptance of the following License Agreement: WebtoB Release Tmax Soft Co., Ltd. (hereafter, Tmax Soft) End-User License Agreement Product : WebtoB This is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an company) and Tmax Soft, Incorporated. By opening the sealed software package and/or by using the software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. Tmax Soft License 1. Grant of License: This Tmax Soft License Agreement ("License") permits you to use one copy of the Tmax Soft product Tmax, on any single computer, provided the software is in use on only one computer at any one time. If this package is a license pack, you may make and use additional copies of the software up to the number of licensed copies authorized. If you have multiple licenses for the software, then at any time you may have as many copies of the software in use as you have licenses. The software is "in use" on a computer when it is loaded into the temporary memory (i.e., RAM) or installed into the permanent memory (e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM, or other storage devices) of that computer, except that a copy installed on a network server for the sole purpose of distribution to other computers is not "in use". If the anticipated number of users of the software will exceed the number of applicable licenses, then you must have a reasonable PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE:
Press the <ENTER> key to go to the next license page or type 'quit' to cancel installation.
If the <ENTER> key is pressed, the remaining portion of the license information is displayed.
mechanism or process in place to ensure that the number of persons using the software concurrently does not exceed the number of licenses. 2. Copyright: The software (including any images, "applets," photographs, animations, video, audio, music and text incorporated into the software) is owned by Tmax Soft or its suppliers and international treaty provisions. Therefore, you must treat the software like any other copyrighted materials (e.g., a book or musical recording) except that you may either (a) make one copy of the software solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) transfer the software to a single hard disk provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. You may not copy the printed materials accompanying the software, nor print copies of any user documentation provided in "online" or electronic form. 3. Other restrictions: This license is your proof of license to exercise the rights granted herein and must be retained by you. You may not rent, lease, or transfer your rights under this license on a permanent basis provided you transfer this license, the software, and all accompanying printed materials, retain no copies, and the recipient agrees to the terms of this license. You may not reverse engine, decompile, or disassemble the software, except to the extent that the foregoing restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable law. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE: DO YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT? (Y/N):
Choose an Installation Set.
To install WebtoB only, select 1.
To install WebtoB with Servlet Engine provided by WebtoB Enterprise Edition, select 2. Servlet Engine features can be used with a demo license without limitations. However, the Enterprise license must be applied for a full purchase license.
This section describes how to install WebtoB only. To install both WebtoB and Servlet Engine together, refer to Servlet Engine Installation.
=============================================================================== Choose Install Set ------------------ Please choose the Install Set to be installed by this installer. ->1- WebtoB 2- Servlet + WebtoB ENTER THE NUMBER FOR THE INSTALL SET, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT :
Set the WebtoB installation directory. To use the default directory, $HOME/webtob, press the <ENTER> key. To change the directory, input the absolute path.
=============================================================================== Choose Install Folder --------------------- Where would you like to install? Default Install Folder: /home/webtob/webtob ENTER AN ABSOLUTE PATH, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT :
Before installing WebtoB files, check the installation information (product, installation path, Installation Set, and disk space). Press the <ENTER> key to continue, or type 'quit' to cancel the installation.
=============================================================================== Pre-Installation Summary ------------------------ Please Review the Following Before Continuing: Product Name: WEBTOB5_0_SP0_Fix#4 Install Folder: /home/webtob/webtob Install Set WebtoB Disk Space Information (for Installation Target): Required: 118,357,437 bytes Available: 3,114,831,872 bytes PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE:
Reconfirm the installation information is correct. Press the <ENTER> key to continue, or type 'quit' to cancel installation.
=============================================================================== Ready To Install ---------------- Ready to install WEBTOB5_0_SP0_Fix#4 onto your system at the following location: /home/webtob/webtob PRESS <ENTER> TO INSTALL:
If WebtoB files are installed and the required installation tasks are complete, information on how to check and permanently change the number of file descriptors appears. Press the <ENTER> key to continue.
============================================================================== Installing... ------------- [==================|==================|==================|==================] [------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------] =============================================================================== Information ----------- The administrator can set the maximum number of file descriptors as follows. The machine needs a reboot in order for the configuration change to take effect. Linux 2.4 and later ------------------- To check the current maximum number of file descriptors: - Run "ulimit -Hn" on the command line. This shows the hard liit. To permanently change the maximum number of file descriptors: - Open "/etc/security/limits.conf" with a text editor. - Add a new line "* hard nofile 65536". 65536 is the new maximum. Change it as necessary. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE:
Once installation is complete, a message appears indicating that WebtoB has been successfully installed. Press the <ENTER> key to complete the installation process.
=============================================================================== Installation Complete --------------------- Congratulations. WEBTOB5_0_SP0_Fix#4 has been successfully installed to: /home/webtob/webtob PRESS <ENTER> TO EXIT THE INSTALLER:
1.2. Silent Mode
To install WebtoB in silent mode, configure, a properties file for the installation, in advance. When installing WebtoB in silent mode, the installer reads and uses the file without receiving environment variables from a user.
The account used for installation must have read/write permissions to the '/tmp' directory while WebtoB is installed. |
Create as follows. For information about each item, refer to Silent Installation Properties File.
Execute the installer in silent mode from a console window.
$ ./WEBTOB5_0_SP0_Fix4_LinuxK2_6_x64.bin -f Preparing to install... Extracting the JRE from the installer archive... Unpacking the JRE... Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive... Configuring the installer for this system's environment... Launching installer... Preparing SILENT Mode Installation... =============================================================================== WEBTOB5.0_SP0_Fix#4 (created with InstallAnywhere by Macrovision) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Installing... ------------- [==================|==================|==================|==================] [------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------] Installation Complete.
1.3. Installation Verification
The following describes how to verify the WebtoB installation.
Ensure that the following directories are created in the specified path ($WEBTOBEDIR in UNIX or WebtoB 5.0 in Windows) and files are installed in the directories.
$WEBTOBEDIR |----ap |----bin |----cgi-bin |----config |----docs |----icons |----lib +----license |----log |----path |----ssl |----svct +----UninstallerData |----usrinc
The following list is a description for each directory.
- ap
Application files directory.
- bin
Executable files (wsm, wscfl, wsuncfl wsracd, wsgst, wsboot, wsdown, etc.) directory.
- cgi-bin
CGI files directory.
- config
WebtoB environment files directory.
- docs
Default HTML files directory.
- icons
Icons used in DIRINDEX directory.
- lib
Library files directory.
- license
License files directory.
- log
Log files directory.
- path
Named-pipe for internal communication among processes directory.
- ssl
SSL related files directory.
- svct
WBAPI service tables.
- UninstallerData
Uninstallation files directory.
- usrinc
API header files directory.
Environment Variables
Ensure that the environment variables are registered in '.profile' (ksh) or '.bash_profile' (bash shell).
# New environment setting added by WEBTOB5.0_SP0_Fix#4 on Tue Nov 03 17:31:21 KST 2020 1. # The unmodified version of this file is saved in /home/webtob/.bash_profile125137792. # Do NOT modify these lines; they are used to uninstall. WEBTOBDIR=/home/webtob/webtob export WEBTOBDIR # End comments by InstallAnywhere on Tue Nov 03 17:31:21 KST 2020 1. # New environment setting added by WEBTOB5.0_SP0_Fix#4 on Tue Nov 03 17:31:21 KST 2020 2. # The unmodified version of this file is saved in /home/webtob/.bash_profile125137792. # Do NOT modify these lines; they are used to uninstall. PATH="${WEBTOBDIR}/bin:${PATH}" export PATH # End comments by InstallAnywhere on Tue Nov 03 17:31:21 KST 2020 2. # New environment setting added by WEBTOB5.0_SP0_Fix#4 on Tue Nov 03 17:31:21 KST 2020 3. # The unmodified version of this file is saved in /home/webtob/.bash_profile125137792. # Do NOT modify these lines; they are used to uninstall. LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${WEBTOBDIR}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH # End comments by InstallAnywhere on Tue Nov 03 17:31:21 KST 2020 3.
2. Servlet Engine Installation
Servlet Engine is a feature provided by WebtoB Standard Edition. This section describes the processes for installing a servlet engine in two modes: Console Mode and Silent Mode
2.1. Console Mode
The following is the installation process for WebtoB and Servlet Engine.
To install WebtoB and Servlet Engine together, select 2 in the Installation Set.
To install only WebtoB, refer to WebtoB Installation.
=============================================================================== Choose Install Set ------------------ Please choose the Install Set to be installed by this installer. ->1- WebtoB 2- Servlet + WebtoB ENTER THE NUMBER FOR THE INSTALL SET, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT :
Set the WebtoB installation directory. To use the default directory, $HOME/webtob, press the <ENTER> key. To change the directory, input the absolute path.
=============================================================================== Choose Install Folder --------------------- Where would you like to install? Default Install Folder: /home/webtob/webtob ENTER AN ABSOLUTE PATH, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT :
Set the JDK path used in Servlet Engine. Press the <ENTER> key to use the default path.
=============================================================================== Choose JDK Folder ----------------- Please Choose a Folder: Input User JDK Folder (DEFAULT: /usr):
Set the Servlet Engine administrator account password. Enter the password and reenter it to confirm.
=============================================================================== Password Input -------------- Enter the Password for the administrator account. This password will be registered in JEUS as the first user. Input Password:: Corfirm Password::
Specify the JEUS domain name. To use the default name, press <ENTER>.
=============================================================================== User Domain name ---------------- Enter the Domain name Enter the Domain name (DEFAULT: jeus_domain):
Before installing WebtoB files, check the installation information (product, installation path, Installation Set, and disk space). Press the <ENTER> key to continue, or type 'quit' to cancel the installation.
=============================================================================== Pre-Installation Summary ------------------------ Please Review the Following Before Continuing: Product Name: WEBTOB5.0_SP0_Fix#4 Install Folder: /home/webtob/webtob Install Set Servlet + WebtoB Disk Space Information (for Installation Target): Required: 512,413,829 bytes Available: 1,149,385,347,072 bytes PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE:
Reconfirm the installation information is correct. Press the <ENTER> key to continue, or type 'quit' to cancel the installation.
=============================================================================== Ready To Install ---------------- Ready to install WEBTOB5.0_SP0_Fix#4 onto your system at the following location: /home/webtob/webtob PRESS <ENTER> TO INSTALL:
If WebtoB files are installed and the required installation tasks are complete, information on how to check and permanently change the number of file descriptors appears. Press the <ENTER> key to continue.
=============================================================================== Installing... ------------- [==================|==================|==================|==================] [------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------] =============================================================================== Information ----------- The administrator can set the maximum number of file descriptors as follows. The machine needs a reboot in order for the configuration change to take effect. Linux 2.4 and later ------------------- To check the current maximum number of file descriptors: - Run "ulimit -Hn" on the command line. This shows the hard liit. To permanently change the maximum number of file descriptors: - Open "/etc/security/limits.conf" with a text editor. - Add a new line "* hard nofile 65536". 65536 is the new maximum. Change it as necessary. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE:
Once installation is complete, a message appears indicating that WebtoB is successfully installed. Press the <ENTER> key to complete the installation process.
=============================================================================== Installation Complete --------------------- Congratulations. WEBTOB5_0_SP0_Fix#4 has been successfully installed to: /home/webtob/webtob PRESS <ENTER> TO EXIT THE INSTALLER:
2.2. Silent Mode
To install WebtoB and Servlet Engine in silent mode, configure, a properties file for the installation, in advance. When installing WebtoB in silent mode, the installer reads and uses the file without receiving environment variables from a user.
The account used for installation must have read/write permissions to the '/tmp' directory while WebtoB is installed. |
Create as follows. For information about each item, refer to Silent Installation Properties File.
$ vi INSTALLER_UI=Silent CHOSEN_INSTALL_SET=Servlet USER_INSTALL_DIR=/home/webtob/webtob JAVA_HOME_1=/home/webtob/java7u80 USER_INPUT_PASSWD=1111111 INPUT_DOMAIN_NAME_1=jeus_domain
Run the installer in silent mode from a console window.
$ ./WEBTOB5_0_SP0_Fix4_LinuxK2_6_x64.bin -f Preparing to install... Extracting the JRE from the installer archive... Unpacking the JRE... Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive... Configuring the installer for this system's environment... Launching installer... Preparing SILENT Mode Installation... =============================================================================== WEBTOB5.0_SP0_Fix#4 (created with InstallAnywhere by Macrovision) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Installing... ------------- [==================|==================|==================|==================] [------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------] Installation Complete.
2.3. Installation Verification
The following describes how to verify the WebtoB and Servlet Engine installation.
Ensure that the following directories are created in the specified path ($WEBTOBEDIR in UNIX or WebtoB 5.0 in Windows) and files are installed in the directories.
$WEBTOBDIR |----ap |----bin |----cgi-bin |----config |----docs +----jeus |----bin |----domains |----lib |----nodemanager |----setup +----license |----log |----path |----ssl |----svct +----UninstallerData |----usrinc
Descriptions for each are as follows:
- jeus
Created when both WebtoB and Servlet Engine are installed together. JEUS Servlet Engine directory.
For information on other directories, refer to Directory. |
Environment Variable
Ensure that the environment variables are registered in '.profile' (ksh) or '.bash_profile' (bash shell).
# New environment setting added by WEBTOB5.0_SP0_Fix#4 on Tue Nov 03 17:31:21 KST 2020 1. # The unmodified version of this file is saved in /home/webtob/.bash_profile55609546. # Do NOT modify these lines; they are used to uninstall. W2B_JEUSHOME=/home/webtob/webtob/jeus export W2B_JEUSHOME # End comments by InstallAnywhere on Tue Nov 03 17:31:21 KST 2020 1. # New environment setting added by WEBTOB5.0_SP0_Fix#4 on Tue Nov 03 17:31:21 KST 2020 2. # The unmodified version of this file is saved in /home/webtob/.bash_profile55609546. # Do NOT modify these lines; they are used to uninstall. PATH="${W2B_JEUSHOME}/bin:${PATH}" export PATH # End comments by InstallAnywhere on Tue Nov 03 17:31:21 KST 2020 2. # New environment setting added by WEBTOB5.0_SP0_Fix#4 on Tue Nov 03 17:31:21 KST 2020 3. # The unmodified version of this file is saved in /home/webtob/.bash_profile55609546. # Do NOT modify these lines; they are used to uninstall. WEBTOBDIR=/home/webtob/webtob export WEBTOBDIR # End comments by InstallAnywhere on Tue Nov 03 17:31:21 KST 2020 3. # New environment setting added by WEBTOB5.0_SP0_Fix#4 on Tue Nov 03 17:31:21 KST 2020 4. # The unmodified version of this file is saved in /home/webtob/.bash_profile55609546. # Do NOT modify these lines; they are used to uninstall. PATH="${WEBTOBDIR}/bin:${PATH}" export PATH # End comments by InstallAnywhere on Tue Nov 03 17:31:21 KST 2020 4. # New environment setting added by WEBTOB5.0_SP0_Fix#4 on Tue Nov 03 17:31:21 KST 2020 5. # The unmodified version of this file is saved in /home/webtob/.bash_profile55609546. # Do NOT modify these lines; they are used to uninstall. LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${WEBTOBDIR}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH # End comments by InstallAnywhere on Tue Nov 03 17:31:21 KST 2020 5.
3. Startup and Shutdown
This section briefly describes how to configure and compile the environment file and how to start and terminate WebtoB.
For more information on WebtoB start and termination, refer to WebtoB Administrator’s Guide. |
3.1. Environment File Configuration and Compilation
To start WebtoB, the environment file must be configured and compiled.
Environment File Configuration
The environment file is configured using the default http.m file in the ${WEBTOBDIR}/config directory.
*DOMAIN webtob1 *NODE qpsx1 WEBTOBDIR="/home/webtob/webtob", SHMKEY = 54000, DOCROOT="/home/webtob/webtob/docs", PORT = "8080", HTH = 1, #Group = "nobody", #User = "nobody", NODENAME = "$(NODENAME)", ERRORDOCUMENT = "503", #JSVPORT = 9900, LOGGING = "log1", ERRORLOG = "log2", SYSLOG = "log3" *HTH_THREAD hth_worker SendfileThreads = 4, AccessLogThread = Y, #ReadBufSize=1048576, #1M #HtmlsCompression="text/html", #SendfileThreshold=32768, WorkerThreads=8 *SVRGROUP htmlg NODENAME = "qpsx1", SVRTYPE = HTML cgig NODENAME = "qpsx1", SVRTYPE = CGI ssig NODENAME = "qpsx1", SVRTYPE = SSI *SERVER cgi SVGNAME = cgig, MinProc = 2, MaxProc = 10, ASQCount = 1 ssi SVGNAME = ssig, MinProc = 2, MaxProc = 10, ASQCount = 1 *URI uri1 Uri = "/cgi-bin/", Svrtype = CGI uri2 Uri = "/examples/", SvrType=JSV, SvrName=MyGroup *ALIAS alias1 URI = "/cgi-bin/", RealPath = "/home/webtob/webtob/cgi-bin/" *LOGGING log1 Format = "DEFAULT", FileName = "/home/webtob/webtob/log/access.log_%M%%D%%Y%", Option = "sync" log2 Format = "ERROR", FileName = "/home/webtob/webtob/log/error.log_%M%%D%%Y%", Option = "sync" log3 Format = "SYSLOG", FileName = "/home/webtob/webtob/log/system_%M%%D%%Y%.log", Option = "sync" *ERRORDOCUMENT 503 status = 503, url = "/503.html" *EXT
The following are the properties that must be modified and their descriptions.
Property | Description |
This property must be modified to avoid a possible conflict between WebtoB and other programs. If conflict occurs, an error message appears. |
The port number must be set to an unused value. If the PORT number is already in use by another program, WebtoB will not operate correctly. |
The port number must be set to an unused value. If the JSVPORT number is already in use by another program, Servlet Engine will not operate correctly. |
Compiling the Environment File
After checking the environment file, compile the file using the following example. If compilation is successful, the wsconfig file is created.
$ wscfl –i http.m Current configuration: Number of client handler(HTH) = 1 Supported maximum user per node = 16327 Supported maximum user per handler = 16327 Successfully created the configuration file (/home/webtob/webtob/config/wsconfig) for node qpsx1. The host name of the running machine is qpsx1.
3.2. Starting Up WebtoB
The following describes the process for starting WebtoB.
Run wsboot.
$ wsboot Booting WebtoB on node (qpsx1) Starting WSM at Tue Nov 03 20:03:47 2020 Starting HTL at Tue Nov 03 20:03:47 2020 Starting HTH at Tue Nov 03 20:03:47 2020 Current WebtoB Configuration: Number of client handlers (HTH) = 1 Supported maximum user per node = 16327 Supported maximum user per handler = 16327 Starting SVR(cgis) at Tue Nov 03 20:03:47 2020 Starting SVR(cgis) at Tue Nov 03 20:03:47 2020 Starting SVR(ssis) at Tue Nov 03 20:03:47 2020 Starting SVR(ssis) at Tue Nov 03 20:03:47 2020
After WebtoB starts, request services through a browser.
If WebtoB has successfully started, the following page appears.
WebtoB Start Screen
3.3. Shutting Down WebtoB
To shut down WebtoB, run the wsdown command.
The following example shows the process of shutting down WebtoB.
$ wsdown Do you really want to shut down WebtoB? (y : n): y WSDOWN for node(qpsx1) is starting: WSDOWN: SERVER(:10) downed: Tue Nov 03 20:03:50 2020 WSDOWN: SERVER(:0) downed: Tue Nov 03 20:03:50 2020 WSDOWN: SERVER(:1) downed: Tue Nov 03 20:03:50 2020 WSDOWN: SERVER(:11) downed: Tue Nov 03 20:03:50 2020 WSDOWN: HTL downed: Tue Nov 03 20:03:50 2020 WSDOWN: HTH downed: Tue Nov 03 20:03:50 2020 WSDOWN: WSM downed: Tue Nov 03 20:03:50 2020 WSDOWN: WebtoB is down
4. WebtoB Uninstallation
This section describes the process for uninstalling WebtoB and verifying the uninstallation.
4.1. Uninstalling WebtoB
The following describes the process for uninstalling WebtoB on UNIX systems.
Run the WebtoB Uninstaller located in the following directory.
If the Uninstaller is executed, the following message is displayed.
Directories and files created during installation are deleted during uninstallation. Files created after installation must be deleted manually. Press the <ENTER> key to continue.
$ ./Uninstall Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation... =============================================================================== WEBTOB5_0_SP0_Fix#4 (created with InstallAnywhere by Macrovision) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Uninstall WEBTOB5_0_SP0_Fix#4 ----------------------------- About to uninstall... WEBTOB5_0_SP0_Fix#4 This will remove features installed by InstallAnywhere. It will not remove files and folders created after the installation. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE:
The following screen is displayed while files and environment variables are deleted.
=============================================================================== Uninstalling... --------------- ...* * *************************
If uninstallation is successful, the following message appears, and the uninstaller is terminated.
=============================================================================== Uninstall Complete ------------------ All items were successfully uninstalled.
4.2. Uninstallation Verification
When WebtoB uninstallation is complete, check that the following has been deleted:
Verifying files deletion
Ensure that the installation files have been completely deleted. Files that were created after the installation must be manually deleted.
Verifying environment variables deletion
Ensure that the environment variables and paths added to the PATH variable have been completed deleted.