Quick Start
This chapter briefly describes how to use WebtoB.
Assume that the host name where WebtoB is installed is "mynode". If WebtoB is installed with Installer, verify that the environment variables, such as WEBTOBDIR and PATH, are in the WebtoB environment file.
Refer to WebtoB Installation Guide for more information on installing WebtoB. |
Compile the http.m file by using the WebtoB environment file compilation tool wscfl. Refer to Configuration for more information.
$ wscfl –i http.m
*DOMAIN webtob *NODE mynode WebtoBDir = "$WEBTOBDIR", SHMKEY = 54000, Docroot="docs/", Port = "8080", HTH = 1, Logging = "access_log", ErrorLog = "error_log", SysLog = "system_log" *HTH_THREAD hworker WorkerThreads = 8 *SVRGROUP cgig SvrType = CGI ssig SvrType = SSI *SERVER cgis SvgName = cgig, MinProc = 2, MaxProc = 10, ASQCount = 100 ssis SvgName = ssig, MinProc = 2, MaxProc = 10, ASQCount = 100 *URI cgi-bin URI = "/cgi-bin/", SvrType = CGI *ALIAS cgi-bin URI = "/cgi-bin/", Realpath = "cgi-bin/" *LOGGING access_log Format = "default", Filename = "log/access.log", ArchiveFilename = "log/access_%Y%%M%%D%.log", Option = "sync" error_log Format = "", Filename = "log/error.log", ArchiveFilename = "log/error_%Y%%M%%D%.log", Option = "sync" system_log Format = "", Filename = "log/webtob.log", ArchiveFilename = "log/webtob_%Y%%M%%D%.log", Option = "sync"
Verify that wsconfig, a binary configuration file, is created under "${WEBTOBDIR}\config\".
To start WebtoB, enter wsboot in the command prompt.
Open the following URL in a web browser.
http://[IP Address]:[8080 or a user-specified port number]/
If WebtoB starts without any error, the following WebtoB Test Page appears.
WebtoB Test Page -
To launch the WebtoB management tool, enter wsadmin.
In wsadmin, 'help' or 'h' shows a list of commands that monitors and controls WebtoB. Enter 'quit' to quit the WebtoB management tool.
Refer to wsadmin Console Management Program for more information on how to use wsadmin.
Shut down WebtoB with the wsdown command.