Creating Generation Data Groups

In the Generation Data Group screen, click [CREATE] to go to the Create Generation Data Group page, where you can create generation data groups.

This page is divided into two sections: Create GDG for specifying details of a new GDG, and Candidate List of GDGs, which shows candidate GDGs yet to be created. You can adjust the screen ratio by dragging the bar between the two sections.

figure gdg create 01
  • ① Create GDG

    Specify details for a new generation data group to create.

  • ② Candidate List of GDGs

    View candidate generation data groups in a table.

Currently, the screen shows a list of candidate datasets, not generation data group, which will be supported later. For more information about candidate datasets, see Creating Datasets.


The Create GDG section comprises four elements: Input Fields for specifying details of a new GDG, the [COLUMNS] tab displaying layout fields arranged in columns, the [LAYOUT] tab for viewing all layout fields, and function buttons located at the top right on the screen.

figure gdg create 02

The following describes each of the four elements.

  • ① Input Fields

    Specify details for a generation data group to create.

    The following describes each input field.

    Field Description

    Group Name

    Specify the name of a generation data group by entering it manually or selecting one from the list of candidate GDGs.


    Specify the volume for the new generation data group by selecting it from the dropdown menu or the list of candidate GDGs.

    Storage Type

    Specify the storage type for the new generation data group. When selecting the File type, you need to additionally specify the path of the file dataset.

    • Table: Stores data in tables.

    • File: Stores data in files.

    Record Type

    Specify the dataset record type.

    • Fixed Block: Fixed-length records. All records have the same length.

    • Variable Block: Variable-length records. Records vary in size.

    Max Generations

    Specify the maximum number of datasets to be managed by the generation data group, ranging from 0 to 999. The default value is 255.

    Scratch on Disconnect

    Specify whether to delete generation datasets when unregistering them.

    • Y: Deletes generation datasets that have been unregistered.

    • N: Does not delete generation datasets that have been unregistered.

    Empty when Full

    Specify whether to unregister existing generation datasets when the maximum number of datasets is exceeded.

    • Y: Unregisters all existing generation datasets when the maximum number is exceeded by a newly added dataset.

    • N: Unregisters only the oldest generation dataset when the maximum number is exceeded by a newly added dataset.


    Select the layout for the new generation data group.

    You can view the list of candidate layouts that match the specified generation data group and volume. The layout name is shown in the form of PROGRAM_NAME(FD). The layout list will not be shown if there is no matching layout for the generation data group and volume.

    Click the [COMPARE LAYOUTS] button to compare all loaded layouts. For more information about the feature, see Compare Layouts

  • ② [COLUMNS] Tab

    View the selected layout’s fields that will be arranged in individual columns.

  • ③ [LAYOUT] Tab

    View all the fields of the selected layout. The fields are listed in a tree table sorted by level.

  • ④ Function Buttons

    Button Description

    [Preview SQL]

    Shows a preview of the SQL CREATE statement for the generation data group to be created, when you hover the mouse over the button.


    Creates a generation data group. This button remains inactive in the following cases.

    • The generation data group name is not specified.

    • No volume is selected.

    • No layout is selected.