
Configuring Migration

Converts EBCDIC into ASCII format for the created datasets. These migrated assets can be stored either in a database or as files.

Before initiating migration, redefine conditions for specific fields if necessary. For more information about field condition redefinition, see Condition Redefinition.

Clicking on the [Migration] button of [Migration] tab in the Dataset Details page opens an input window as follows:

figure dataset details 05

The following describes each input field.

Item Description

Source File Path

Specify the directory where the datasets to migrate are located.
The default directory is the location of the file specified during the initial setup, and it can be modified. For more information about modifying setting values, see Settings.


Specify a delimiter character for source files. The default value is 'null', and you can enter a new character by selecting the [Write] checkbox on the right.
Use this option when the asset files to migrate contain a record delimiter.

Storage Type

Specify the location to store the migrated datasets.

  • DB: Store migrated assets in the database.

  • File: Store migrated assets as files.

  • DB + File: Store migrated assets in both the database and files.

Skip Error

Select the option for skipping errors during migration.

  • Skip Record: Migration continues despite an error.

  • Stop Migration: Migration stops upon encountering an error.

After specifying all those items, click [RUN] to proceed with migration.

You can find migration status details in Dataset Details page. For more information about migration status details, see 'Migration Info' in Dataset Details.