Statistics Information
Provides integrated statistics details for operating the Dataset Manager.

① Layout
The Layout view displays the metadata of layouts imported from Analyzer.
Item Description Loaded
Number of layouts imported from Analyzer. This number includes layouts that failed to be loaded to the Dataset Manager database, as well as successfully loaded ones.
Clickingbutton next to the 'Loaded' number moves to the [LOADED] tab in the [Layout] menu.
Number of layouts imported from Analyzer but failed to be loaded to the Dataset Manager database.
Clickingbutton next to the 'Failed' number moves to the [FAILED] tab in the [Layout] menu.
Last Sync Time
Most recent time when layout metadata was imported from Analyzer by using the [BRING LAYOUTS] button.
② Migration Progress
Provides the migration results for the created datasets.
Item Description Progress Rate
Displays a circle chart showing the number of migration attempts out of the total created datasets, along with progress rate.
Migration Result
Displays a bar chart showing the proportion of successfully migrated datasets, along with the numbers of migrated and failed datasets.
③ Candidate Dataset
The Candidate Dataset view displays a list of candidate datasets that can potentially be created. This list is inferred based on the COBOL layout metadata imported from Analyzer. Clicking on a dataset on the list moves to the Create Dataset page for creating a dataset.
④ Migration Statistics
The Migration Statistics view presents statistics information on dataset migration by period, allowing you to select 7 days or 12 months. When hovering over a bar chart, you can view the numbers of successfully migrated and failed datasets, along with the last synchronization time.