Creating Reports

You can generate customized reports for the assets.

  1. Select the [Reports] menu from the top navigation bar.

  2. Click the image icon at the top of the report list.

    figure report create click

    If there are no currently generated reports, you can generate a new one by clicking the [Create Report] button in the middle of the report list area.

  3. When the Create Report screen opens, set the report information and click the [Create] button. (*: Required settings)

    figure create report set main
    Item Description

    Report type

    The type of report.

    • Analysis results report: Provides analysis result information for the analyzed assets.

    • Unanalyzed asset report: Provides information about unanalyzed assets.

    • Analysis statistical report: Provides asset rankings based on issue occurrence and call counts, along with a list of assets to be addressed.

    Report Content

    Key information provided in the report. It is automatically displayed based on the selected report type.

    Report Name *

    The name of the report.

    When you select a report type, the name is automatically set in this field in the following format, but it can be edited.

    [Report type] [yyyy-mm-dd]

    Report Target

    The asset for which you want to create a report.

    When you select the type you want to view from the drop-down list, the corresponding asset list will be displayed in a tree structure. Then, select the checkbox of the asset for which you want to generate a report.