Viewing Asset Analysis Information

You can check the analysis results and detailed information of the uploaded assets.

  1. Select the [Analysis] menu from the top navigation bar.

  2. Select a specific view icon from the left panel.

  3. Select a specific item (folder, type, tag, or asset) from the list.

    figure view search list click
  4. The detailed information of the selected item is displayed on the screen.

    figure asset detail info main

    When you click on a specific asset in the list in the asset information area, the detailed information section will open displayed below the list.

    figure asset info list click

When you select a specific asset with no sub-assets in the Assets view, its detailed information displayed directly in the asset information area.

Basic Information

You can view the basic information of an asset by selecting the [Basic Info] tab in the asset details area.

figure asset detail basic info
Item Description


The path where the asset is stored.

File Size (MB)

The file size of the asset. (Unit: MB)

Total Lines

The total number of lines of the source code.

Lines of Code

The number of executable lines in the source code.

Blank Lines

The number of blank lines in the source code.

Comment Lines

The number of comment lines in the source code.

Cyclomatic Complexity

A metric that represents the complexity of the source code.

Updated Date

The date and time when the asset was last modified.

Updated By

The name of the user who last modified the asset.

Additional Information

Based on the currently displayed asset information and various conditions, you can view the top 5 asset list and the unreferenced asset list.

  1. Click the image icon in the upper right corner of the asset information area.

    figure additional information icon click
  2. Additional information about the asset appears on the right side of the screen.

    figure additional information main

    The following information will be provided:

    Item Description

    Priority Assets to be Addressed

    A list of the top 5 assets whose issues need to be resolved first.

    Assets with the Most Issues

    A list of the top 5 assets with the highest number of issues.

    Assets with the Most Calls

    A list of the top 5 assets that received the most calls.

    Unreferenced Assets

    A list of assets without any connection.

    Clicking on an asset in each list will display detailed information in a new window.

Call Relationships

You can view the function call relationships of analyzed COBOL assets. However, only COBOL assets without issues can be viewed.

  1. In the asset details area, click the [Diagram & Source Code] tab and select [Call Tree] from the drop-down list.

    figure asset detail list call tree
  2. You can check the asset’s call relationship information and source code.

    figure asset detail list call tree after
    • ① Call structure tree

      Displays the call relationship of each program and variable in a tree structure. When you click on a program or variable in the tree structure, related call information is displayed in the call program list at the bottom.

    • ② List of calling/called programs

      A list of programs that are called and expected to be called, based on the selected programs and variables in the call structure tree.

      When you click on a specific line, the corresponding call line will be highlighted in the source code.

      Item Description

      Call Line

      The line number in the source code where the call occurred.

      Call Method

      The method used to invoke a program.

      Called Program

      The name of the called program and variable.

      Called File

      The name of the called file.

    • ③ Source code

      The original source code of the asset.

      You can expand or collapse the source code area by clicking the image icon.

Issue List

You can view the list of issues in assets that have completed analysis.

  1. In the asset details area, select [Issue List] from the drop-down list on the [Diagram & Source Code] tab.

    figure asset detail list issue lists
  2. You can check the list of issues that occurred in the asset and the source code.

    figure asset detail list issue lists after
    • ① Issue list

      The list of issues that occurred in the asset. Clicking on a specific line will highlight the corresponding part in the source code. However, this feature does not work for issues with the 'Failed' level.

      Item Description


      The type of issue.

      Level & Type

      The level of the issue.


      A brief description of the issue.


      The line number in the source code where the issue occurred.


      The column number of the source code where the issue occurred.

    • ② Source code

      The original source code of the asset.

      You can expand or collapse the source code area by clicking the image icon.

Source Code

You can view the source code of the uploaded assets.

  1. In the asset details area, select [Source Code] from the drop-down list on the [Diagram & Source Code] tab.

    figure asset detail list source code
  2. The source code of the asset is displayed.

    figure asset detail list source code after