Configuring IPv6
This appendix describes how to configure IPv6.
Use the following steps to configure JEUS in IPv6 environment.
Modify the, jeusadmin, startMasterServer, startManagedServer, stopServer, startderby, stopderby, mcastReceiver, and mcastSender scripts.
Modify domain.xml.
Verify operation.
The loopback address must be set to "::1" in the 'hosts' file of the server. |
The 'hosts' file is located in the following paths, depending on the OS.
The following is a sample 'hosts' file.
[jeusqa@ipv6linux /home/jeusqa]$ cat /etc/hosts # Do not remove the following line, or various programs # that require network functionality will fail. # localhost #::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 ::1 localhost
Configuring IPv6 Environment
This section describes the environment configurations for IPv6. IPv6 environment configurations are different for each file.
Changing a File in JEUS_HOME/bin
File name: startMasterServer, startManagedServer
Add and where -classpath is written.
-classpath ......... \ \ \
File name: mcastReceiver, mcastSender
Existing environment variable \
Updated environment variables \ \
File name: jeusadmin, stopServer
Existing environment variable
"${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" -classpath "${BOOTSTRAP_CLASSPATH}" ${TOOL_OPTION} \
Updated environment variables
"${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" -classpath "${BOOTSTRAP_CLASSPATH}" ${TOOL_OPTION} \ \ \
File name:
Existing environment variable
Updated environment variables
File name: startderby, stopderby
Existing environment variable
-Dderby.system.home="${JEUS_HOME}/derby/databases" \
Updated environment variables
-Dderby.system.home="${JEUS_HOME}/derby/databases" \ \ \
Changing domain.xml
Modify and add JEUS_HOME/domains/DOMAIN_NAME/config/domain.xml file as shown in the following example.
If the address of listen-address is set to IPv4, then change it to IPv6.
<listeners> <base>BASE</base> <listener> <name>BASE</name> <listen-address>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</listen-address> <listen-port>9736</listen-port> <selectors>1</selectors> <use-dual-selector>false</use-dual-selector> <backlog>128</backlog> <select-timeout>120000</select-timeout> <read-timeout>30000</read-timeout> <reserved-thread-num>0</reserved-thread-num> </listener>
If the address of heartbeat-address is set to IPv4, then change it to IPv6 as shown in the following example. If no configuration has been set, then add the following information.
<group-communication-info> <heartbeat-address>FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</heartbeat-address> <heartbeat-port>3030</heartbeat-port> <use-virtual-multicast>false</use-virtual-multicast> </group-communication-info>
Add and to the vm-option for each server.
<jvm-config> <jvm-option>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</jvm-option> <jvm-option></jvm-option> <jvm-option></jvm-option> </jvm-config>