Configuration Editing Commands

This section describes the commands that edit JEUS configurations. JEUS’s dynamic configuration modification tool can be used through the console by using these commands.

For detailed explanations on the dynamic configuration change feature, refer to Changing Domain Settings in JEUS Domain Guide

The following needs to be pointed out before describing the commands.

  • JEUS configurations edited by using the configuration editing commands

    The configuration editing commands are used to edit Java objects which are used by the JEUS server to save configurations. These objects used JAXB to change the XML schema defined in domain.xml (which expresses JEUS configuration) to Java objects. As a result, the object structure and the names of each item are similar to those in domain.xml, but some parts may be expressed differently.

  • Simple Type

    Does not contain child items.

  • Complex Type

    Contains child items. A child can have simple types, or lists that contain complex types and simple types, or lists that contain complex types.

  • List

    Also contains configuration items in the list format containing simple types or complex types as elements.

  • Path

    Configuration editing commands indicate the location of each item as a path in JEUS configurations. A path consists of the name of a configuration item, the identifier of a complex type, or an index. Each item is separated by a slash (/).

    1. A root is expressed as a single slash.

    2. The current location is expressed as a single dot.

    3. The parent item of the current location is expressed as two dots. For example, the path name for the parent of the '/servers' item is expressed as '/servers/..'.

    4. The name of a configuration item is usually the path name of the configuration item. For example, the path of the servers item under 'root' are expressed as '/servers'. The servers item has child items, and if one of the item’s name is called 'server', then the path of the server item is '/servers/server'.

    5. A list that contains a complex type as an element uses the value of the identifier of the complex type as the path name. An identifier is a child item with a unique value that identifies a specific complex type when multiple complex types in the same format exist. For example, '/servers/server' is a list that consists of multiple complex types that contains the configurations of each server in the domain configuration. An identifer is specified to use the server name in a complex type, which contains the server configuration. As a result, the path name of the configuration item for server1 can be expressed as '/servers/server/server1'.

    6. A list that has a simple type (instead of a complex type) as an element cannot contain an identifier. As a result, an index, which identifies the element number in the list, is used as the path name. An index number with an integer greater than 0 is specified inside brackets. For example, if there is a list with a path named '/a/b' and 'b' as the simple type, then the first element of the list is expressed as '/a/b/[0]'.

      The first element when expressing the path for a simple type list is expressed as [0], not [1].

    7. Each configuration editing command may specify or modify the current path. The current path is stored in a server. As a result, if multiple jeusadmin are executed, and configuration changes are applied in multiple places, then the current path may be changed inadvertently. This may result in abnormal execution of the command. Therefore, when modifying a configuration, it is recommended that only one jeusadmin is executed.

The following table describes the list of commands used for editing configurations. All these commands can only be used when connected to a server.

Command Description


Applies modified configurations to a server and displays the results.


Disables the lock for dynamic configuration changes, and deletes the modified history stored in a server. This command can be used even when there is no lock.


Checks or changes the current path.


Creates an empty complex type in a specified item, or creates a new item in a list that has complex type as an element.


Deletes an item located in a specified path.


Changes the value of a specified simple type, or adds a new item to a list that has simple type as an element.


Sends a request to a server to request a lock for dynamic configuration changes.


Displays the information about an item that exists in a specified path.

1. activate-configuration

Applies modified configurations to a server and displays the results.

  • Alias


  • Usage

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>cd /
    description                         Not specified (string      )
    productionMode                      true
    id                                  982883233
    securityManager                     complex type
    passwordValidator                   Not specified (complex type)
    adminServerName                     adminServer
    domainLogHome                       Not specified (string      )
    systemClusteringFramework           complex type
    domainBackup                        complex type
    enableWebadmin                      true
    enableJsonCommand                   false
    enableToResynchronizeApplications   false
    servers                             complex type
    sessionCluster                      complex type
    clusters                            Not specified (complex type)
    serverTemplates                     Not specified (complex type)
    lifecycleInvocation                 list of [lifecycleInvocation]
    applicationRepositories             Not specified (complex type)
    deployedApplications                Not specified (complex type)
    deployedLibraries                   Not specified (complex type)
    resources                           Not specified (complex type)
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set description "Hello, world"
    The value Hello, world is set at the specified location /description.
    description                         Hello, world
    productionMode                      true
    id                                  982883233
    securityManager                     complex type
    passwordValidator                   Not specified (complex type)
    adminServerName                     adminServer
    domainLogHome                       Not specified (string      )
    systemClusteringFramework           complex type
    domainBackup                        complex type
    enableWebadmin                      true
    enableJsonCommand                   false
    enableToResynchronizeApplications   false
    servers                             complex type
    sessionCluster                      complex type
    clusters                            Not specified (complex type)
    serverTemplates                     Not specified (complex type)
    lifecycleInvocation                 list of [lifecycleInvocation]
    applicationRepositories             Not specified (complex type)
    deployedApplications                Not specified (complex type)
    deployedLibraries                   Not specified (complex type)
    resources                           Not specified (complex type)
    The activation completed successfully.
    domain.xml : ACTIVATED
    domain : ACTIVATED
    domain.description : ACTIVATED

2. cancel

Deletes changes, and releases the lock for dynamic configuration changes. This can be used even when a user that executes commands does not acquire a lock. This is a command that can forcibly release the lock intended for dynamic configuration changes.

  • Usage

  • Example

    Successfully acquired a configuration lock from Domain Administration Server.
    description                         Hello, world
    productionMode                      true
    id                                  982883233
    securityManager                     complex type
    passwordValidator                   Not specified (complex type)
    adminServerName                     adminServer
    domainLogHome                       Not specified (string      )
    systemClusteringFramework           complex type
    domainBackup                        complex type
    enableWebadmin                      true
    enableJsonCommand                   false
    enableToResynchronizeApplications   false
    servers                             complex type
    sessionCluster                      complex type
    clusters                            Not specified (complex type)
    serverTemplates                     Not specified (complex type)
    lifecycleInvocation                 list of [lifecycleInvocation]
    applicationRepositories             Not specified (complex type)
    deployedApplications                Not specified (complex type)
    deployedLibraries                   Not specified (complex type)
    resources                           Not specified (complex type)
    Current configuration editing status is cleared, and the configuration lock is released.
    Current user does not have the configuration lock.

3. change-current-path

Changes a specified path to the current path. If a path is not specified, then the current path will be displayed.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    change-current-path [<path>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Either an absolute path or a relative path to change.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>change-current-path servers/server/adminServer
    Current path is changed to /servers/server/adminServer
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>change-current-path ..
    Current path is changed to /servers/server
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>change-current-path .
    Current path is changed to /servers/server
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>change-current-path /
    Current path is changed to /
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>change-current-path servers/server/server1/../.././server/adminServer
    Current path is changed to /servers/server/adminServer
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>cd /servers/server/adminServer

4. create-empty-element

Creates a new complex type in a specified location. The complex type will be empty, and it must be filled manually. If an element with a complex type uses an identifier value as an item name, it creates a type in which a specified value becomes an identifier value, and adds the type to the list.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    create-empty-element <name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Name of the item to be created. When adding a new complex type in a list that has a complex type as an element, then this parameter creates a complex type which uses the value specified by using the item name as the identifier value.


    Type of the item to be created. Typically they do not need to be specified. However, for a list with multiple types as the element, then the type to be created needs to be specified.

  • Example

    • The following is an example of creating an empty complex type.

      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>cd /
      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>create-empty-element passwordValidator
      Created an empty complex type of passwordValidator at path /
    • The following is an example of adding a new complex type to a list that has a complex type as an element. A new server item that uses 'server2' as the server name (which is an identifier) is created and added to the list.

      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>cd /servers/server
      Current path is changed to /servers/server
      Current list can contain the following type of elements:
      The name of the identifier element of [server] element is [name].
      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>create-empty-element server2
      Added a new element of type server with id [name == server2] to the list at path /servers/server
      Current list can contain the following type of elements:
      The name of the identifier element of [server] element is [name].
    • The following is an example of specifying the complex type to be created by using the type option. The results of the show-element command shows multiple types of elements. If a type is not specified, then a help message will be displayed.

      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>cd /servers/server/adminServer/systemLogging/jeus/handler/ fileHandlerOrSmtpHandlerOrSocketHandler
      Current list can contain the following type of elements:
          [fileHandler, userHandler, smtpHandler, socketHandler]
      The name of the identifier element of [fileHandler, userHandler,
      smtpHandler, socketHandler] element is [name].
      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>create-empty-element handler1
      Must specify an element type to create a new element. Available types are fileHandler, userHandler, smtpHandler, socketHandler.
      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>create-empty-element handler1 userHandler
      Added a new element of type userHandler with id [name == handler1] to the list at path
      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>ls fileHandler handler1
      Current list can contain the following type of elements:
          [fileHandler, userHandler, smtpHandler, socketHandler]
      The name of the identifier element of [fileHandler, userHandler,
      smtpHandler, socketHandler] element is [name].

5. delete-element

Deletes an item located in a specified path.

  • Alias

    delete, rm

  • Usage

    delete-element <path>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Path of the item whose value will be deleted.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>cd /
    Current path is changed to /
    description                         Hello,world
    productionMode                      true
    id                                  982883233
    securityManager                     complex type
    passwordValidator                   Not specified (complex type)
    adminServerName                     adminServer
    domainLogHome                       Not specified (string      )
    systemClusteringFramework           complex type
    domainBackup                        complex type
    enableWebadmin                      true
    enableJsonCommand                   false
    enableToResynchronizeApplications   false
    servers                             complex type
    sessionCluster                      complex type
    clusters                            Not specified (complex type)
    serverTemplates                     Not specified (complex type)
    lifecycleInvocation                 list of [lifecycleInvocation]
    applicationRepositories             Not specified (complex type)
    deployedApplications                Not specified (complex type)
    deployedLibraries                   Not specified (complex type)
    resources                           Not specified (complex type)
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>delete-element description
    Successfully delete the target element at /description.
    description                         Not specified (string      )
    productionMode                      true
    id                                  982883233
    securityManager                     complex type
    passwordValidator                   Not specified (complex type)
    adminServerName                     adminServer
    domainLogHome                       Not specified (string      )
    systemClusteringFramework           complex type
    domainBackup                        complex type
    enableWebadmin                      true
    enableJsonCommand                   false
    enableToResynchronizeApplications   false
    servers                             complex type
    sessionCluster                      complex type
    clusters                            Not specified (complex type)
    serverTemplates                     Not specified (complex type)
    lifecycleInvocation                 list of [lifecycleInvocation]
    applicationRepositories             Not specified (complex type)
    deployedApplications                Not specified (complex type)
    deployedLibraries                   Not specified (complex type)
    resources                           Not specified (complex type)

6. start-configuration-editing

Acquires a lock for dynamic configuration changes by sending a request to a server. If a lock is acquired, then the server’s current path is initialized. When a lock is not acquired, commands (excluding the cancel command) are not executed. As a result, a lock must be acquired by first executing this command.

  • Alias

    lock-and-edit, edit

  • Usage

    start-configuration-editing [-f]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    When another user has a lock for dynamic configuration changes, this parameter ignores this and attempts to forcibly acquire the lock.

  • Example

    Successfully acquired a configuration lock from Domain Administration Server.

7. set-element-value

This is used for modifying the value of a simple type item, or adding a value to a list that has simple type as an element.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    set-element-value <path><value>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Specifies the path of the item to modify.


    Specifies the value to modify.

  • Example

    • This is an example of setting a value called "Hello,world!" in the description item by using the set-element-value command.

      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>cd /
      Current path is changed to /
      description                         Not specified (string      )
      productionMode                      true
      id                                  982883233
      securityManager                     complex type
      passwordValidator                   Not specified (complex type)
      adminServerName                     adminServer
      domainLogHome                       Not specified (string      )
      systemClusteringFramework           complex type
      domainBackup                        complex type
      enableWebadmin                      true
      enableJsonCommand                   false
      enableToResynchronizeApplications   false
      servers                             complex type
      sessionCluster                      complex type
      clusters                            Not specified (complex type)
      serverTemplates                     Not specified (complex type)
      lifecycleInvocation                 list of [lifecycleInvocation]
      applicationRepositories             Not specified (complex type)
      deployedApplications                Not specified (complex type)
      deployedLibraries                   Not specified (complex type)
      resources                           Not specified (complex type)
      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-element-value description "Hello,world"
      The value Hello,world is set at the specified location /description.
      description                         Hello,world
      productionMode                      true
      id                                  982883233
      securityManager                     complex type
      passwordValidator                   Not specified (complex type)
      adminServerName                     adminServer
      domainLogHome                       Not specified (string      )
      systemClusteringFramework           complex type
      domainBackup                        complex type
      enableWebadmin                      true
      enableJsonCommand                   false
      enableToResynchronizeApplications   false
      servers                             complex type
      sessionCluster                      complex type
      clusters                            Not specified (complex type)
      serverTemplates                     Not specified (complex type)
      lifecycleInvocation                 list of [lifecycleInvocation]
      applicationRepositories             Not specified (complex type)
      deployedApplications                Not specified (complex type)
      deployedLibraries                   Not specified (complex type)
      resources                           Not specified (complex type)
    • This is an example of adding a value to a list that has simple type as an element. The path of the list in which a value will be added is used as an item name.

      Successfully acquired a configuration lock from Domain Administration Server.
      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>cd lifecycleInvocation
      Current path is changed to /lifecycleInvocation
      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>create-empty-element com.tmax.sample
      Added a new element of type lifecycleInvocation with id [className == com.tmax.sample] to the list at path /lifecycleInvocation
      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>cd com.tmax.sample
      Current path is changed to /lifecycleInvocation/com.tmax.sample
      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>cd invocation
      Current path is changed to /lifecycleInvocation/com.tmax.sample/invocation
      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>create-empty-element invocation
      Added a new element of type invocation to the list at path /lifecycleInvocation/com.tmax.sample/invocation
      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>cd [0]
      Current path is changed to /lifecycleInvocation/com.tmax.sample/invocation/[0]
          invocationMethod                    Not specified (complex type)
          invocationArgument                  list of [string]
          invocationType                      Not specified (enum[BOOT,
                                              BEFORE_DEPLOY, AFTER_DEPLOY, READY,
                                              BEFORE_UNDEPLOY, AFTER_UNDEPLOY])
      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-element-value invocationArgument arg0
      The value arg0 added to the list in the specified location: /lifecycleInvocation/com.tmax.sample/invocation/[0]/invocationArgument.
      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>cd invocationArgument
      Current path is changed to /lifecycleInvocation/com.tmax.sample/invocation/[0]/invocationArgument
          [0]                                 arg0
      Current list can contain the following type of elements:
      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-element-value . arg1
      The value arg1 added to the list in the specified location: /lifecycleInvocation/com.tmax.sample/invocation/[0]/invocationArgument.
          [0]                                 arg0
          [1]                                 arg1
      Current list can contain the following type of elements:

8. show-element

Displays the information about the items located in a specified path. The information displayed includes name, value, and type. When a path is not specified, the path for the current location is displayed.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    show-element [<path>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Specifies the path of the item to be retrieved.

  • Example

    • This is an example of displaying the information about a complex type. The item name, value (if there is one), and the type of the value are displayed.

      name                                adminServer
      nodeName                            node1
      listeners                           complex type
      logHome                             Not specified (string      )
      group                               Not specified (string      )
      jvmConfig                           complex type
      userInterceptor                     Not specified (complex type)
      userLogging                         Not specified (complex type)
      systemLogging                       list of [systemLogging]
      logStdoutToRawFormat                true
      actionOnResourceLeak                WARNING (enum[NO_ACTION, WARNING, AUTO_CLOSE])
      tmConfig                            complex type
      externalResource                    list of [externalResource]
      managedExecutorService              list of [string]
      managedScheduledExecutorService     list of [string]
      contextService                      list of [string]
      managedThreadFactory                list of [string]
      scheduler                           Not specified (complex type)
      namingServer                        complex type
      jmxManager                          Not specified (complex type)
      systemThreadPool                    complex type
      dataSourceRemoteLookup              false
      engineInitOnStartup                 true
      useWebEngine                        true
      useEjbEngine                        true
      useJmsEngine                        true
      webEngine                           complex type
      ejbEngine                           complex type
      jmsEngine                           complex type
      useMEJB                             false
      classFtp                            true
      enableInterop                       Not specified (complex type)
      lifecycleInvocation                 list of [lifecycleInvocation]
      resRef                              complex type
      jmsResource                         complex type
      dataSources                         Not specified (complex type)
      customResourceRefs                  Not specified (complex type)
      externalResourceRefs                Not specified (complex type)
      autoGenerated                       Not specified (boolean     )
    • This is an example of displaying the information about the list of the items that have complex type as an element. The name of each item is displayed as the value of the identifier. The identifer and the type of the value in the list are displayed.

      [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>show-element /servers/server
      Current list can contain the following type of elements:
      The name of the identifier element of [server] element is [name].