Console Tools
1. Overview
The following describe the console tools used in JEUS.
Admin tool
Tool Description JEUS management tool.
Other tools
Tool Description Compiles EJB interface impl, skeleton, stub classes, and JSP of an application to create servlet classes and web service endpoint classes.
Creates JEUS EJB DD files from EJB module DD files (jeus-ejb-dd.xml) by using the information in ejb-jar.xml and previously created property files.
Encrypts or decrypts strings.
Creates WSDL and JAX-RPC mapping files from Java classes.
Upgrades JEUS DD fils (jeus-ejb-dd.xml, jeus-web-dd.xml, and jeus-application-dd.xml) within the application from the previous version to the current version.
Creates a schema file for each namespace in the Java classes.
Checks for transmitted TCP packets. This can also check for SOAP messages over HTTP.
Creates or updates the WEB module DD file (jeus-web-dd.xml).
Tool for JAX-WS web services that creates WSDL and JAX-RPC mapping files from Java classes. This tool also creates the web service policy configuration file.
Creates Java source code stubs for clients, Java web service interface source codes for servers from the WSDL file, and the web service policy configuration file.
Creates Java source code stubs for clients and Java web service interface source codes for servers from the WSDL file.
Publishes web services exposed by WSDL to a UDDI registry.
Converts XML schema files to JAXB Content classes in the Java programming language.