Local Commands
The following is a list of common commands used in jeusadmin.
Command | Description |
Tries to access JEUS Master Server or Managed Server. |
Disconnects and returns to an offline state. |
Displays command help information. |
Displays the history of entered commands. |
Executes a previously entered command. If no option is specified, the previous command is executed. |
Removes specified user login information from the cache file stored via the cachelogin function. |
Specifies the default value for the server option. |
Specifies the default value for the servers option. |
Starts the recording function that stores entered commands in script format. |
Stops the recording function. |
Deletes the default values specified by set-server-option. |
Deletes the default values specified by set-servers-option. |
Displays details when executing a command. |
1. connect
Connects to a server. The user name and password must be specified.
connect -u,--username <user-name> -p, --password <password> [-f <file-name>] [-cachelogin] [-h, --host <server-address>] [-port <server-port>] [-d, --domain <domain-name>]
Parameter Description -u, --username <user-name>
User name.
-p, --password <password>
[-f <file-name>]
Name of the password file that contains the user name and password.
Records the user name and password in a file.
[-h, --host <server-address>]
Server address to connect to. If not specified, jeusadmin tries to connect to the localhost.
[-port <server-port>]
Server port to connect to. If not specified, the default value is used. (Default: 9736)
[-d,--domain <domain-name>]
Domain name, which is used to search for the security.key file.
The following connects to a host specified with [-h] by using the user name and password specified with -u and -p.
offline>connect -u administrator -p jeus -h Attempting to connect to The connection has been established to JEUS Master Server [adminServer] in the domain [domain1]. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>
The following connects to the localhost because [-h] is not used.
offline>connect -u administrator -p jeus Attempting to connect to The connection has been established to JEUS Master Server [adminServer] in the domain [domain1]. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
2. disconnect
Closes the connection and returns to an offline state.
offline>connect Enter the server address: User name: administrator Password: Attempting to connect to The connection has been established to JEUS Master Server [adminServer] in the domain [domain1]. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>disconnect The connection has been closed. offline>
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
3. help
Displays command help information. If the command is executed without any other options, a list of commands and an explanation of the basic syntax of the commands are displayed.
help [-g,--group <group-name> | <command-name> | -l,--list]
Parameter Description [-g,--group <group-name>]
Displays a list of commands and simple descriptions that belong to the given group name.
Displays help information of the specified command (command name).
Displays information about the command such as command name, alias, usage, and options.
Options can be omitted.
Displays a simple description of all commands.
When only the help command is used
offline>help LIST OF AVAILABLE COMMANDS [Local]____________________________________________________________________ connect disconnect exit help history p remove-login-cache set-server-option set-servers-option start-record stop-record unset-server-option unset-servers-option verbose [Server Management]________________________________________________________ local-shutdown [Domain Configuration]_____________________________________________________ apply-configuration-plan create-domain delete-domain list-domains pack-domain unpack-domain [Application]______________________________________________________________ install-application install-deployment-plan redeploy-application [Library]__________________________________________________________________ install-library [Web]______________________________________________________________________ precompile-jsp COMMAND GRAMMAR Command Usage COMMAND [COMMAND_OPTIONS] [GLOBAL_OPTIONS] [(>|>>) FILENAME] Details COMMAND: target command to execute. [COMMAND_OPTIONS]: Options for target command. [GLOBAL_OPTIONS]: Common options for all commands. -verbose Prints the stack trace for errors. -repeat <count> Repeats the target command X times. -interval <seconds> Specifies the interval at which to repeat execution, in seconds. [(>|>>) FILENAME] Prints the result of the target command to the specified file. Examples help -l -repeat 3 -interval 10 > result.txt To show detailed information for a command, use 'help [COMMAND_NAME]'. ex) help connect offline>
When the help command is used with the [-l] option
offline>help -l [Local]____________________________________________________________________ connect Attempting to authenticate with the target server. disconnect Disconnects from the currently connected server. ...... [Server Management]________________________________________________________ local-shutdown Shuts down the currently connected server. ...... To show detailed information for a command, use 'help [COMMAND_NAME]'. ex) help connect offline>
When the help command is used with the [-g] option
The following is an example of displaying a list of the 'Server Management' group commands.
offline>help -g "Server Management" [Server Management]________________________________________________________ local-shutdown Shuts down the currently connected server. To show detailed information for a command, use 'help [COMMAND_NAME]'. ex) help connect offline>
When the help command is used with the [<command name>] option, help information for the specified command is displayed.
The following is an example of displaying the help information of the add-server command.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>help add-server NAMES add-server Adds a new server to the domain configuration. If a server name is not provided, the current server list in this domain will be shown. ALIAS addserver USAGE add-server [-node,--nodeName <node-name>] [<server-name>] [-jvm,--jvmOptions <jvm-options>] [-logdir,--logHomeDirectory <server-log-home-directory>] [-a,--actionOnResourceLeak <action-on-resource-leak>] [-l,--logStdoutToRawFormat <print-stdout-to-raw-format>] [-m,--mejb <enable-MEJB>] [-c,--classFtp <enable-class-ftp-service>] [-target,--duptargetserver <target-server>] [-port,--baseport <base-port>] [-addr,--baseaddr <base-addr>] [-http,--httpport <http-port>] [-rg,--replicate-group <name>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail] OPTIONS [-node,--nodeName <node-name>] name of the node this server is located [<server-name>] name of the server you want to add [-jvm,--jvmOptions <jvm-options>] jvm configurations applied to this server jvm [-logdir,--logHomeDirectory <server-log-home-directory>] the log directory which has all the log files created by this server [-a,--actionOnResourceLeak <action-on-resource-leak>] strategy when resource leak is detected. it must be one of NoAction, Warning, AutoClose [-l,--logStdoutToRawFormat <print-stdout-to-raw-format>] [Dynamic] whether stdout is printed in row format or in JEUS Logger format. [-m,--mejb <enable-MEJB>] [Dynamic] whether using MEJB or not .true, false [-c,--classFtp <enable-class-ftp-service>] [Dynamic] whether using class ftp service or not .true, false [-target,--duptargetserver <target-server>] duplicate the configuration of the target server [-port,--baseport <base-port>] base service listen port of the server [-addr,--baseaddr <base-addr>] base service listen address of the server [-http,--httpport <http-port>] http listen port of the server [-rg,--replicate-group <name>] Replicate Group Name [-f,--forceLock] Acquires the configuration lock forcibly. [-detail] Show detail results
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
4. history
Displays a list of previously executed commands.
The list of commands is stored in ${user.home}/.jeusadmin/commandHistory. Use the p command to re-execute a command. The maximum number of commands in the list is 100.
history [-clear | <size>]
Parameter Description [-clear]
Resets the list of commands.
Number of commands to display. Displays as many commands as size, in chronological order.
offline>history 1 : help history 2 : connect -u administrator -p jeus 3 : disconnect To execute a command in the history, please use '!' command (e.g. ! 7) offline>history 3 3 : disconnect To execute a command in the history, please use '!' command (e.g. ! 7) offline>history -clear The command history has been cleared. offline>
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
5. p
Re-executes a previous command. Use the history command to view the list of previously executed commands.
p [<history-number>]
Parameter Description [<history-number>]
History number of the command to be re-executed.
offline>history 1 : connect -u jeus -p jeus 2 : disconnect To execute a command in the history, please use '!' command (e.g. ! 7) offline>p 1 connect -u jeus -p jeus Attempting to connect to The connection has been established to JEUS Master Server [adminServer] in the domain [domain1]. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>! 2 disconnect The connection has been closed. offline>
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
6. remove-login-cache
Deletes the specified user login information from the cache file stored by the cachelogin function.
The information stored by cachelogin is distinguished by <domain-name> and <user-name>.
remove-login-cache -domain <domain-name> -u <user-name> [-f <file-name>]
Parameter Description -domain <domain-name>
Domain name used to store the login information.
-u <user-name>
User name used to store the login information.
[-f <file-name>]
Name of the password file that contains the user name and password.
offline>remove-login-cache -domain domain1 -u user1 The cached login information [domain1:user1] has been successfully removed from /home/OSUser/.jeusadmin/.jeuspasswd.
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
7. set-server-option
Sets the default value for the -server option. If no option is specified, the current default value is displayed.
set-server-option <server-name>
Parameter Description <server-name>
Sets the server name as the default server option value.
Set "adminServer" as the default value and execute the jndi-info command. Before a value is set, an error occurs when executing the jndi-info command because the server option is missing. After the value is set, the jndi-info command executes on adminServer without the server option.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>jndi-info The following options are missing: server [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-server-option The default server name is not set. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-server-option adminServer The default server name has been set: adminServer. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-server-option The current default server name: adminServer. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>jndi-info The JNDI list on the adminServer List of the context / ================================================================================ +---------------------+----------------------------------------+---------------+ | Name | Value | Local Binding | +---------------------+----------------------------------------+---------------+ | ConnectionFactory | jeus.jms.client.facility.factory.JeusC | false | | |onnectionFactory | | ...... [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
8. set-servers-option
Sets the default value for the -servers option. If no option is specified, the current default value is displayed.
set-servers-option [<server-list>]
Parameter Description [<server-list>]
Specifies the server names to be used as default values for the servers option. Each server name is separated by a comma.
The following is an example of using the set-servers-option command to specify the deploy targets (servers), and then using the deploy command to deploy applications to the specified targets (servers).
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-servers-option The default server list is not set. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-servers-option adminServer,server1 The default server list has been set: adminServer,server1. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-servers-option The current default server list: adminServer,server1. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>deploy sample deploy the application for the application [sample] succeeded. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>appinfo Application information for the domain [domain1]. ================================================================================ +----------+-----------+---------+-------------+----------+--------------------+ | Applicati|Application| State | Target | Target | Application Path | | on ID | Type | | Servers | Clusters | | +----------+-----------+---------+-------------+----------+--------------------+ | sample | WAR | RUNNING | server1,admi| | ${INSTALL_HOME}/sam| | | | |nServer | |ple/sample.war | +----------+-----------+---------+-------------+----------+--------------------+ ================================================================================
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
9. start-record
Starts the recording function that stores entered commands in script format.
Commands are stored according to the extensions of the specified recording files by using the following script. Once recording starts, "-Rec*" is added to the prompt.
start-record [<recfile>]
Parameter Description [<recfile>]
Specifies the file that will record commands. This is stored as a script file, so only the currently supported script’s extensions, ".py" and ".rb" can be used.
Store commands in record_script_[timestamp].py when executing without specifying an option.
offline>start-record Starting recording to file : record_script_20150101123456.py offline-Rec*>
Store commands in the applicable file when [<recfile>] is specified.
offline>start-record record.py Starting recording to file : record.py offline-Rec*>
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
10. stop-record
Stops the recording function.
offline-Rec*>stop-record Stopping recording to file : recrod.py offline>
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
11. unset-server-option
Deletes the default value set by the set-server-option command.
Reset the default value set by the set-server-option command. If the jndi-info command is executed after resetting the default value, an error occurs that states the server option is missing.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-server-option The current default server name: adminServer. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>unset-server-option The default server name has been unset. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-server-option The default server name is not set. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>jndi-info The following options are missing: server
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
12. unset-servers-option
Deletes the default value set by the set-servers-option command.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-servers-option The current default server list: adminServer,server1. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>unset-servers-option The default server list has been unset. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-servers-option The default server list is not set. [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
13. verbose
Displays the details of the command process. If no option is specified, the system displays the current setting for this property. If this setting is activated and an error occurs while processing the command, a stack trace is displayed.
verbose [-off | -on]
Parameter Description [-on]
Activates the command.
Deactivates the command.
To check if the command was activated
offline>verbose Verbose output disabled. offline>
Execution example
offline>verbose Verbose output disabled. offline>help notexistcommand Command notexistcommand not found offline>verbose -on Verbose output is enabled. offline>help notexistcommand Command notexistcommand not found jeus.tool.console.executor.CommandException: Command notexistcommand not found ...... offline>verbose -off Verbose output disabled. offline>help notexistcommand Command notexistcommand not found offline>
This command can be used without being connected to the server.