The java2wsdl tool is for the JAX-RPC web service. It creates WSDL files and JAX-RPC mapping files from Java classes. java2wsdl creates resources, such as web service WSDL files and JAX-RPC mappings files, from the service endpoint interface Java classes or implementation classes.
The following describes how to use the tool and parameters.
Usage: java2wsdl <options> <input file> where <input file> include: configuration file service configuration xml file (by default) where <options> include: -classpath <path> specify where to find input class files -cp <path> same as -classpath <path> -d <directory> specify where to place generated output files -level <log-level> specify a log level -verbose [optional] turn verbose mode on
Parameter Description -classpath <path>
Path to Java class files.
-cp <path>
Alias for -classpath <path>.
-d <directory>
Result files directory.
Log level.
Displays verbose messages.
java2wsdl is a general script file located in JEUS_HOME/bin/.
The following is an example of executing java2wsdl.
$ java2wsdl -classpath build/classes -d build/web/WEB-INF service-config.xml
The previous command created WSDL files and JAX-RPC mapping files in the "build/web/WEB-INF" directory using the service-config.xml configuration file and classes in the "build/classes" directory.