Session Commands
The following are two types of session commands.
Monitoring and control commands
These commands are used for checking or controlling the states of sessions.
Command Description Displays the information of sessions sorted by idle time.
Removes sessions that have been idle during a specified period of time regardless of a session timeout.
Displays the current backup table information of a session server.
Configuration change commands
These commands add, delete, or change the configuration of the session. Any modified configurations apply to the domain.xml file but not to the currently running service (memory area). Only the domain.xml file is changed. In order to apply the changes to the actual service, the server must be restarted.
Command Description Displays session information.
Changes the session configurations.
Session server commands
These commands are used for session storage configuration. To apply the configuration, server must restart.
Command Description Displays the existing session storage list.
Adds a session storage to a session server. For multiple session storages to be added, each name of the session storage must be unique.
Deletes a session storage from a session server.
Changes the name of session storage.
Adds or changes a session storage property.
Deletes a session storage property.
Adds a scope to a session storage. For multiple scopes to be added, each scope must be unique. If a scope is set to DOMAIN_WIDE, it can be used in the DOMAIN_WIDE cluster mode.
Changes an application or cluster that will be included in a scope.
Deletes a scope from a session storage.
Sets session configuration to be used in the context within a scope.
Displays a list of session server properties.
Adds or changes a session server property.
Deletes a session server property.
Sets up JEUS’s internal central session server.
1. Shared Options
The following options are shared by monitoring and control commands. Only one of the following options can be set.
[-server <server-name> ] option
This option is used to specify the server to which each command is applied. If this option is not set, the command is applied to the web engine of the currently connected server.
The description of this option is omitted from each command option description.
2. list-session
Displays the information of sessions sorted in idle time.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
lisession, lss
list-session -server <server-name> [-s,--simple ] [-count <count>] [-target <manager-name>] [-id <target-id>]
Parameter Description -server
Specifies the target servers. This option is required.
[-s,--simple ]
Results are displayed in a simple format.
[-count <count>]
Number of sessions to be monitored. (Default value: 100)
[-target <manager-name>]
Target session manager whose session information will be displayed. If not set, information about all managers within a server will be displayed.
[-id <target-id>]
Session ID used to search for a session.
No option is used.
list-session -server server1
The [-s,--simple ] option is used.
list-session -server server1 --simple
3. remove-session
Removes the sessions that have been idle during a specified period of time regardless of session timeout.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
rmsession, rms
remove-session -server <server-name> -time,--timeout <timeout(min)>
Parameter Description -server
Specifies the target servers. This option is required.
-time,--timeout <timeout(min)>
Sets the timeout for removing a session. This option is required.
The [-time,--timeout <timeout(min)>] option is used.
remove-session -server server1 --timeout 3
4. show-session-server-backup-table
Displays the current backup table information of a session server.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
sssbt, sbt
show-session-server-backup-table -server <server-name>
Parameter Description -server
Specifies the target servers. This option is required.
show-session-server-backup-table -server server1
5. show-session-configuration
Displays session information.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
getsc, ssc
show-session-configuration -server <server-name> [-h, --help]
Parameter Description [-server <server-name>]
Displays the configurations about the sessions set in a web engine.
[-h, --help]
Displays usage and describes each parameter. Using this command without an option will have the same result.
The [-server <server-name>] option is used.
show-session-configuration -server server1
6. modify-session-configuration
Changes the session configurations.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
setsc, msc
modify-session-configuration -server <server-name> [-f,--forceLock] [-to,--timeout <int timeout>] [-mc,--max-session-count <int limit count>] [-rp,--reload-persistent <boolean reload-persistent>] [-tmc,--tracking-mode.cookie <boolean enable-cookie>] [-tmu,--tracking-mode.url <boolean enable-url>] [-tms,--tracking-mode.ssl <boolean enable-ssl>] [-scn,--session-cookie.cookie-name <string cookie-name>] [-sucn,--session-cookie.url-cookie-name <string url-cookie-name>] [-scv,--session-cookie.version <int version(1 or 0)>] [-scd,--session-cookie.domain <string domain-scope>] [-scp,--session-cookie.path <string path-scope>] [-scm,--session-cookie.max-age <int max-age(sec)>] [-scs, <boolean secure] [-sch,--session-cookie.http-only <boolean http-only>] [-sca,--session-cookie.same-site <string same-site>] [-scc,--session-cookie.comment <string comment>]
Parameter Description -server <server-name>
Changes the configurations for the sessions set in a web engine. This option is required.
[-f, --forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
[-to,--timeout <int timeout>]
Session timeout of session-config.
[-mc,--max-session-count <int maxCount>]
Maximum number of sessions to be stored.
[-rp,--reload-persistent <boolean reload-persistent>]
Reload persistent of session-config.
[-tmc,--tracking-mode.cookie <boolean enable-cookie>]
Cookie for the session-config tracking mode.
[-tmu,--tracking-mode.url <boolean enable-url>]
URL rewriting for the session-config tracking mode.
[-tms,--tracking-mode.ssl <boolean enable-ssl>]
SSL for the session-config tracking mode.
[-scn,--session-cookie.cookie-name <string cookie-name>]
Session cookie name.
[-sucn,--session-cookie.url-cookie-name <string url-cookie-name>]
Session cookie name used when sending a session by using url rewriting
[-scv,--session-cookie.version <int version(1 or 0)>]
Compilation version of session cookies.
[-scd,--session-cookie.domain <string domain-scope>]
Determines the domain scope of session cookies.
[-scp,--session-cookie.path <string path-scope>]
Determines the path scope of session cookies.
[-scm,--session-cookie.max-age <int max-age>]
Determines the length of time to keep session cookies on a browser.
[-scs, <boolean secure>]
Determines if a browser sends cookies only over SSL.
[-sch,--session-cookie.http-only <boolean http-only>]
Determines if a browser uses session cookies only for HTTP requests.
[-sca,--session-cookie.same-site <string same-site>]
Security to prevent session ID cookies from being used in an unintentional request (cross-site request forgery).
[-scc,--session-cookie.comment <string comment>]
Session cookie description when the cookie version is 1.
The [-server <server-name>] option is used.
modify-session-configuration -server server1 -to 40 -sh true -scs true
7. list-sessionstorages
Displays the existing session storage list.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
listsessionstorages, listss
8. add-sessionstorage
Adds a session storage to a session server. For multiple session storages to be added, each name of the session storage must be unique.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
addsessionstorage, addss, addsessionstor
add-sessionstorage <session-storage-name> [-provider <provider>] [-property <property>]
Parameter Description <session-storage-name>
Name of the session storage to add.
[-provider <provider>]
Provider of the session manager to use. Set a reserved word or the used package.
Use the entire package name except for the reserved words. (e.g. jeus.session.impl.distributed.JeusDistributedWebSessionManagerProvider)
Reserved words:
JEUS: Uses the default session manager provided by JEUS.
REDIS: Uses the Redis session manager provided by JEUS.
HAZELCAST: Uses the Hazelcast session manager provided by JEUS.
RUNTIME: If another provider exists, the provider is used. If not, the JEUS session manager is used.
[-property <property >]
Property of the session storage.
add-sessionstorage sessionStorage1 -provider JEUS -property connect-timeout=10000,full-search-timeout=20000
9. remove-sessionstorage
Deletes a session storage from a session server.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
removess, rmss, removesessionstor, rmsessionstor, rm,sessionstorage
remove-sessionstorage <session-storage-name>
Parameter Description <session-storage-name>
Name of the session storage to delete.
remove-sessionstorage sessionStorage1
10. rename-sessionstorage
Changes the name of session storage.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
renamesessionstor, renamesessionstor
rename-sessionstorage <session-storage-name> -name <new-session-storage-name>
Parameter Description <session-storage-name>
Name of the session storage to change.
-name <new-session-storage-name>
New session storage name. This option is required.
rename-sessionstorage sessionStorage1 -name new_sessionStorage
11. set-sessionstorage-property
Adds or changes a session storage property.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
setsessionstorageproperty, setsessionstorprop, setsstorprop
set-sessionstorage-property <session-storage-name> [-key <key-of-property> -value <value-of-property>] | [-property <property>]
Parameter Description <session-storage-name>
Name of the session storage to add property.
[-key <key-of-property>]
Key of a property to add or change. Change the property value of an existing key if it is already configured, or add a new key if none is configured.
This cannot be used with the [-property] option.
[-value <value-of-property>]
Value of the property to add or change.
Required if the [-key] option is used.
[-property <property >]
Property to add or change. Change the property value of an existing key if it is already configured, or add a new key if none is configured.
This cannot be used with the [-key] option.
[-key] or [-property] must be specified.
Example of using [-key <key-of-property> -value <value-of-property>] option
set-sessionstorage-property sessionStorage1 -key full-search-timeout -value 10000
Example of using the [-property <property>] option
set-sessionstorage-property sessionStorage1 -property full-search-timeout=10000,backup-queue-size=200
12. remove-sessionstorage-property
Deletes a session storage property.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
rmsessionstorageproperty, rmsessionstorprop, rmsstorprop
remove-sessionstorage-property <session-storage-name> -key <key-of-property>
Parameter Description <session-storage-name>
Name of the session storage from which to delete the property.
-key <key-of-property>
Key of the property to delete from the session storage. This option is required.
remove-sessionstorage-property sessionStorage1 -key full-search-timeout
13. add-sessionstorage-scope
Adds a scope to a session storage. For multiple scopes to be added, each scope must be unique.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
addsessionstoragescope, addssscope, addsessionstorscope, addsss
add-sessionstorage-scope <scope-name> -target <storage-name> [-clusters <target-cluster-list> | -applications <target-application-list>] [-sessionType <jeus-session-type>]
Parameter Description <scope-name>
Name of a session scope to add.
-target <storage-name>
Name of the session storage to add a scope. Required.
[-clusters <target-cluster-list>]
Cluster list to be included in the scope. It cannot be used with the [-applications] option.
[-applications <target-application-list>]
Application list to be included in the scope. It cannot be used with the [-clusters] option.
[-sessionType <jeus-session-type>]
Sets the type of the session server to use when the provider is JEUS. If the storage provider is not JEUS, this setting is ignored. (Default: DISTRIBUTED)
CENTRAL: Uses the JEUS internal central session server.
DISTRIBUTED: Uses the JEUS distributed session server.
Example of using the [-clusters <target-cluster-list> ] option
add-sessionstorage-scope scope1 -target sessionStorage -clusters cluster1,cluster2 -sessionType DISTRIBUTED
Example of using [-applications <target-application-list>] option
add-sessionstorage-scope scope1 -target sessionStorage -applications app1,app2 -sessionType CENTRAL
14. set-sessionstorage-scope
Changes an application or cluster that will be included in a scope. The existing target-application or targe-cluster is deleted and newly configured.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
setsessionstoragescope, setsessionstorscope, setsss, setssscope
set-sessionstorage-scope <scope-name> [-clusters <target-cluster-list> | -applications <target-application-list>] [-sessionType <jeus-session-type>]
Parameter Description <scope-name>
Name of a session scope to add.
[-clusters <target-cluster-list>]
Cluster list to be included in the scope. It cannot be used with the [-applications] option.
[-applications <target-application-list>]
Application list to be included in the scope. It cannot be used with the [-clusters] option.
[-sessionType <jeus-session-type>]
Sets the type of the session server to use when the provider is JEUS. If the storage provider is not JEUS, this setting is ignored. (Default: DISTRIBUTED)
CENTRAL: Uses the JEUS internal central session server.
DISTRIBUTED: Uses the JEUS distributed session server.
Example of using the [-clusters <target-cluster-list> ] option
set-sessionstorage-scope scope1 -clusters cluster1,cluster2 -sessionType DISTRIBUTED
Example of using [-applications <target-application-list>] option
set-sessionstorage-scope scope1 -applications app1,app2 -sessionType CENTRAL
15. remove-sessionstorage-scope
Deletes a scope from a session storage.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
removessscope, rmssscope, rmsessionstorscope, removesessionstoragescope
remove-sessionstorage-scope <scope-name>
Parameter Description <scope-name>
Name of the session scope to delete.
remove-sessionstorage-scope scope1
16. set-sessionstorage-scope-session-config
Sets the session configuration to be used in the context within a scope.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
setsessionstoragescopesessionconfig, setssssc, setsessionstorscopesc
set-sessionstorage-scope-session-config <scope-name> [-timeout <timeout>] [-msc, --max-session-count <limit-count>] [-rp, --reload-persistent <reload-persistent>] [-tm, --tracking-mode <tracking-mode>] [-sc, --session-cookie <session-cookie>]
Parameter Description <scope-name>
Name of the scope to set session configuration.
[-timeout <timeout>]
Session timeout of session-config. (Default value: 30)
[-msc, --max-session-count <limit-count>]
Maximum number of sessions to be stored. (Default value: -1 (Unlimited))
[-rp, --reload-persistent <reload-persistent>]
Reload persistent of session-config. (Default value: false)
[-tm, --tracking-mode <tracking-mode>]
Property to add or change. Change the property value of an existing key if it is already configured, or add a new key if none is configured.
Key of the property:
cookie: Sets cookie for the session-config tracking mode. The value type is Boolean. (Default value: true)
url: Sets URL rewriting for the session-config tracking mode. The value type is Boolean. (Default value: false)
ssl: Sets SSL for the session-config tracking mode. The value type is Boolean. (Default value: false)
[-sc, --session-cookie <session-cookie>]
Property to add or change. Change the property value of an existing key if it is already configured, or add a new key if none is configured.
Key of the property:
cookie-name: Sets a session cookie name when the cookie is used to send the session. The value type is string. (Default value: JSESSIONID)
url-cookie-name: Sets a session cookie name when url rewriting is used to send the session. The value type is string. (Default value: jsessionid)
version: Sets cookie ID version. The value type is integer. (Default value: 0)
domain: Sets a domain name to apply the session cookie. The value type is string that contains at least one character.
path: Sets a path to apply the session cookie. The value type is string that contains at least one character.
max-age: Sets the length of time to keep the session cookie on browser. The value type is integer. (Default value: -1)
secure: Sets secure property of the session ID cookie. If set to true, the session ID cookie is only sent to the secure HTTP connection. The value type is Boolean. (Default value: false)
http-only: Determines if a browser uses the session cookie only for HTTP reqeusts. The value type is Boolean. (Default value: true)
same-site: Sets the security option to prevent attacks (Cross-Site Request Forgery) wherein the session cookie ID is used for unintended requests. The value type is one of the following: None, Strict, Lax or Disable.
comment: Records purposes or description of the cookie. The value type is string that contains at least one character.
set-sessionstorage-scope-session-config scope1 -timeout 20 -shared true -session-cookie secure=true,http-only=true,path=/ -tracking-mode cookie=true
17. list-sessionserver-property
Displays a list of session server properties.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
listsessionserverproperty, listssp, listsessionservprop
18. set-sessionserver-property
Adds or changes a session server property.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
setsessionserverproperty, setsessionservprop, setsservprop
set-sessionserver-property [-key <key-of-property> -value <value-of-property>] | [-property <property>]
Parameter Description [-key <key-of-property>]
Key of a property to add or change. Change the property value of an existing key if it is already configured, or add a new key if none is configured.
This cannot be used with the [-property] option.
[-value <value-of-property>]
Value of the property to add or change.
Required if the [-key] option is used.
[-property <property>]
Property to add or change. Change the property value of an existing key if it is already configured, or add a new key if none is configured.
This cannot be used with the [-key] option.
[-key] or [-property] must be specified.
Example of using [-key <key-of-property> -value <value-of-property>] option
set-sessionserver-property -key encoding-rule -value base64
Example of using the [-property <property>] option
set-sessionserver-property -property encoding-rule=raw
19. remove-sessionserver-property
Deletes a session server property.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
removesessionserverproperty, rmsessionservprop, rmsservprop
remove-sessionserver-property -key <key-of-property>
Parameter Description -key <key-of-property>
Key of the property to delete from a session server.
remove-sessionserver-property -key excluded-servers
20. set-jeus-central-session-server
Sets up JEUS’s internal central session server.
Related schema
jeus-session-server.xsd, jeus-session-domain.xsd
setjcss, setcentralss
set-jeus-central-session-server -primary <primary central session server> -seconday <secondary central session server>
Parameter Description -primary <primary central session server>
Name of the server to use as the primary session server.
-seconday <secondary central session server>
Name of the server to use as the secondary session server.
set-jeus-central-session-server -primary server1 -secondary server2