JEUS Environment

This chapter describes JEUS management tools, directory structure, environment variables, and XML configuration files.

1. Management Tools

The following tools are used to access JEUS.

Tool Description


Basic tool for starting JEUS Master Server. For more information, refer to JEUS Reference Guide.


Basic tool for starting JEUS Managed Server. For more information, refer to JEUS Reference Guide.


Used to control JEUS from a command prompt. For more information, refer to jeusadmin in JEUS Reference Guide.

Other than those previously mentioned tools, you can use additional commands to shut down the Master Server and Managed Server. For more information, see JEUS Reference Guide.

2. Directory Structure

The following is the directory structre of the installed JEUS.

    |-- bin
    |    |--[01]startMasterServer
    |    |--[01]startManagedServer
    |    |--[01]stopServer
    |    |--[01]jeusadmin
    |   |--shared
    |        |--[X]libraries.xml
                  |   |--application
                             |     |--deployed
                             |     |--tmp
                             |     |--web-nio
                             |     |--tmlog
                             |   |--application

* Legend
- [01]: binary or executable file
- [X] : XML document
- [J] : JAR file
- [T] : Text file
- [C] : Class file
- [V] : java source file
- [DD] : deployment descriptor

The following describes each directory and file.


The root directory of JEUS. The actual directory name and location are selected during installation.


Contains the scripts to start and stop servers. The scripts are startMasterServer, startManagedServer, and stopServer. This directory also contains the executable files including the JEUS console tool 'jeusadmin'.


Contains Apache Derby, which helps users build sample applications or perform tests.


Contains Javadoc documentations for the APIs provided by JEUS.


Contains the libraries used to start JEUS. Users only need to access the shared directory.

Directory Description


Contains the libraries used by applications.

Library information must be added to libraries.xml in order to use the libraries in the shared directory. Reference information about the library must also be specified in the JEUS deployment descriptor of the application that will use the library. For more information about shared libraries, see Shared Libraries in JEUS Applications & Deployment Guide.


Contains JEUS license files that are needed to execute JEUS.


Contains the files needed to set up the environment to use JEUS after JEUS has been installed.


Contains configuration file templates.


Contains example files for JEUS.


Directory where the JEUS Web server is installed during the JEUS installation. For details, refer to JEUS Web Engine Guide.


Each domain contains a file named nodes.xml that contains the information about the nodes used from DOMAIN_HOME and JEUS_HOME.

DOMAIN_HOME contains the following files and directories:

  • .applications

    Contains application files managed by the domain.

    These can only be added or deleted by using the install-application and uninstall-application commands. This is a JEUS system directory with restricted user access. For detailed information about each command, refer to install-application and uninstall-application in JEUS Reference Guide.

  • .deploymentplans

    Contains deployment plan files managed by the domain.

    These can only be added or deleted by using the install-deployment-plan and uninstall-deployment-plan commands. This is a JEUS system directory with restricted user access. For detailed information about each command, refer to install-deployment-plan and uninstall-deployment-plan in JEUS Reference Guide.

  • .libraries

    Contains library files managed by the domain.

    These can only be added or deleted by using the install-library and uninstall-library commands. This is a JEUS system directory with restricted user access. For detailed information about each command, refer to install-library and uninstall-library in JEUS Reference Guide.

  • bin

    Contains the scripts to start or stop the Master Server and Managed Server of the domain. The functions of the scripts are the same as startMasterServer, startManagedServer, and stopServer scripts in the 'JEUS_HOME/bin' directory, except that the users don’t need to specify the file names.

  • config

    Contains backup files that store changes to domain.xml, a domain configuration file. For detailed information about domain configurations, refer to Changing Domain Settings in JEUS Domain Guide.

    Directory Description


    • SYSTEM_DOMAIN: Contains security domain files, including accounts.xml and policies.xml. Each XML file can be dynamically modified by using jeusadmin. For detailed information about security domain configurations, refer to Configuring the Security System Domain in JEUS Security Guide.

    • security-domains.xml: Contains security domain configuration for JEUS.

    • security.key: Contains the keys for symmetric key encryption. They are created when 'JEUS_HOME/bin/encryption' is executed. For detailed information about the security.key file, refer to Configuring Password Security in JEUS Security Guide.

    • policy: Contains the Java permissions configuration file. This is used by Java SE Security Manager, separate from the JEUS security system.


    • web.xml: This file is used when a web module does not have a separate web.xml file. By default, the file is empty.

    • webcommon.xml: Settings that apply to all Web modules of the Web engines in the domain. For detailed information about the file, refer to Directory Structure in JEUS Web Engine Guide.

  • lib/application

    Contains the shared application libraries for the domain.

    If a library conflicts with an application library in the SERVER_HOME directory, it is overridden by 'SERVER_HOME/lib/application' and a warning message appears. For detailed information about the 'lib/application' directory, refer to lib/application Directory in JEUS Applications & Deployment Guide.

  • servers

    Create the SERVER_HOME directory by using the server name in this directory. For detailed information about the directory structure, refer to Server Directory Structure in JEUS Server Guide.

    Directory Description


    Contains workspaces used by each JEUS server. Cannot be modified by the user.


    Contains scripts for starting and stopping the server. The scripts execute the same functions as those in 'JEUS_HOME/bin', but they do not require the domain and server names.

    • Master Server: uses startMasterServer and stopServer.

    • Managed Server: uses startManagedServer and stopserver.


    Contains application libraries for the server. This directory takes precedence over the domain-level library directory (DOMAIN_HOME/lib/application). If a library conflicts with an application library in the DOMAIN_HOME/lib/application, the file in this directory overrides that in DOMAIN_HOME and a warning message appears. For detailed information about lib/application, refer to lib/application Directory in JEUS Applications & Deployment Guide.


    Includes launcher logs, server logs, and access log files. For detailed information, refer to Logging in JEUS Server Guide.

3. Environment Variables

All JEUS environment variables are configured in 'JEUS_HOM/bin/' and are used by the scripts in 'JEUS_HOME/bin'.

The following table shows the environment variables used in JEUS.

Environment Variables Description


Directory where JEUS is installed. This variable is required.

Example: JEUS_HOME=/home/jeus/jeus9


Directory where JDK is installed.

Example: JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk1.8

The variables can be changed when necessary, but they cannot be used in an XML configuration file. All environment variables are set to default values during installation. In most cases, the default values can be used without any changes.

Changing the environment variables varies according to the OS. Refer to each OS manual for more information.

4. Environment Configuration Files

JEUS environment is configured by using XML. The configurations can be changed manually or with tools.

The following tables describe the XML configuration files and their locations.

  • domain.xml (jeus-domain.xsd, ejb-engine.xsd, web-engine.xsd, jms-engine.xsd)




    Basic configuration file that manages JEUS Manager and nodes.

    Reference Manual

    JEUS Domain Guide and JEUS Server Guide

  • jeus-web-dd.xml (jeus-web-dd.xsd)


    WEB-INF directory in the web application archive.


    JEUS Web application (servlet app) deployment descriptor file.

    Reference Manual

    JEUS Web Engine Guide

  • jeus-ejb-dd.xml (jeus-ejb-dd.xsd)


    META-INF directory in the EJB application archive.


    JEUS EJB module deployment descriptor file.

    Reference Manual

    JEUS EJB Guide

  • jeus-client-dd.xml (jeus-client-dd.xsd)


    WEB-INF directory in the client application archive.


    Application client DD (Deployment Descriptors) file.

    Reference Manual

    JEUS Application Client Guide

  • jeus-connector-dd.xml (jeus-connector-dd.xsd)


    META-INF directory in the resource adapter archive.


    Application client DD (Deployment Descriptors) file.

    Reference Manual

    JEUS JCA Guide

  • policies.xml (policies.xsd)




    JEUS security policies.

    Reference Manual

    JEUS Security Guide

  • accounts.xml (accounts.xsd)




    JEUS security accounts.

    Reference Manual

    JEUS Security Guide

  • jeus-web-dd.xml (jeus-web-dd.xsd), jeus-ejb-dd.xml (jeus-ejb-dd.xsd), jeus-client-dd.xml (jeus-client-dd.xsd)


    META-INF directory in the Web service client archive


    Web service client information.

    Reference Manual

    JEUS Web Service Guide

  • jeus-webservices-config.xml (jeus-webservices-config.xsd)


    META-INF directory in the Web service client archive


    Ant tasks for Web services

    Reference Manual

    JEUS Web Service Guide

  1. The Jakarta EE standard descriptor files, web.xml and ejb-jar.xml, are also used. For information about each file, refer to the Jakarta EE specification.

  2. All XML schema files are located in the 'JEUS_HOME/lib/schemas/jeus/supportLocale/ko' directory.