Security Commands

The following is a list of security commands for user, group, and policy.

Due to the sensitive nature of the information processed by these commands, the user must have proper permissions.

1. Shared Options

The following options are shared by all security commands.

  • [-domain <domain-name>] option

    • Specifies the security domain, which is the scope where JEUS applies security (default: SYSTEM_DOMAIN). For more information about the domain, refer to JEUS Security Guide.

    • The description of this option is omitted from each command option description.

2. add-custom-password-validator

Adds a new class to the custom password validator. For information about password validation, refer to Configuring Password Security in JEUS Security Guide.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    add-custom-password-validator [-class <class-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Name of the class that is placed under DOMAIN_HOME/lib/application as a JAR file to be added to the custom password validator. The class must implement the jeus.util.PasswordValidator interface.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> add-custom-password-validator -class MyValidator
    Custom password validator [MyValidator] is added successfully.
    Check the results using show-custom-password-validator.

3. add-group

Dynamically adds a new group to the security system. The group name must be unique within the current domain. Domain names can be checked using the list-group-names command. The group name is used to refer to a specific group during the calling process, it corresponds to the ID of the group.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    add-group <group-name>
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Group name.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> add-group group1
    The group [group1] has been successfully added.

4. add-resource

Dynamically adds a new resource to the security system. The resource name and actions must be unique whithin the current domain and context. Resource names can be checked with the show-policy command.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    add-resource <resource-name>
              [-contextid <context-id>]
              [-classname <class-name>]
              [-role <role-name>]
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Name of a resource to add.


    Actions that will be assigned to the resource.

    A list of actions for a resource. Each action is separated by a blank space. For example, the jeus.server resource has "boot" and "down" as its actions.

    If -actions is set, actions are the second parameter of the constructor of the class configured with -classname. The default class name is, and its constructor parameters are "resource" and "actions".

    [-contextid <context-id>]

    Context name that distinguishes policies. The contextid is used to specify a context other than the default context.

    [-classname <class-name>]

    Permission class name.

    A class configured with -classname must be a Java class that extends the class abstract. The class must have at least one constructor that receives a string type "resource" as an argument.

    For more information about resource permissions, refer to the class. For more information about which resource permissions are checked in JEUS, refer to JEUS Server Permissions in JEUS Security Guide.

    [-role <role-name>]

    A list of roles to assign the resource.


    Prevents anyone from getting the permission.


    Allows anyone to get the permission.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> add-resource resource1 jeus.*
    The resource [name=resource1, actions=jeus.*] has been successfully added.

5. add-role

Dynamically adds a new role to the security system. The role name must be unique within the current domain. Role names can be checked with the show-policy command.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    add-role <role-name>
              [-principal <principal>]
              [-classname <classname>]
              [-actions <actions>]
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Name of a role to add.

    [-principal <principal>]

    Principal to which the role is assigned.

    [-classname <classname>]

    Permission class name.

    A class configured with -classname must be a Java class that extends the class abstract. The class must have at least one constructor that receives a string type "role" as an argument.

    For more information about role permissions, refer to the class. For more information about which role permissions are checked in JEUS, refer to JEUS Server Permissions in JEUS Security Guide.


    Prevents anyone from getting the permission.


    Allows anyone to get the permission.

    [-actions <actions>]

    A list of actions for the role.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> add-role role1
    The role [role1] has been successfully added.

6. add-user

Dynamically adds a new user to the security system. The user name must be unique within the current domain. User names can be checked with the list-user-names command. The user name is used to refer to a user during the calling process, it corresponds to the ID of the user.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    add-user <user-name>
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    User name.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.



  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> add-user user1
    The user [user1] has been successfully added.

7. add-user-to-group

Dynamically adds a new member to a group registered with the security system.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    add-user-to-group <group-name>
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Group name.


    User name.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> add-user-to-group group1 user1
    The user [user1] has been successfully added to the group [group1].

8. assign-resource-to-role

Dynamically assigns a resource and action to a role.

  • Alias

    assignresource, assignres

  • Usage

    assign-resource-to-role <resource-name>
              [-contextid <context-id>]
              [-classname <classname>]
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    [Dynamic] Resource name. Resource names are Java class names that represent the resource. E.g., jeus.server.


    [Dynamic] Actions assigned to the role.

    A list of actions for a resource. Each action is separated by a blank space. For example, the jeus.server resource has "boot" and "down" as its actions.

    If -actions is set, actions are the second parameter of the constructor of the class configured with -classname. The default class name is, and its constructor parameters are "resource" and "actions".


    Role name.

    [-contextid <context-id>]

    Context name that distinguishes policies. The contextid is used to specify a context other than the default context.

    [-classname <classname>]

    [Dynamic] Permission class name.

    A class configured with -classname must be a Java class that extends the class abstract. The class must have at least one constructor that receives a string type "role" as an argument.

    For more information about resource permissions, refer to the class. For more information about which resource permissions are checked in JEUS, refer to JEUS Server Permissions in JEUS Security Guide.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> assign-resource-to-role jeus.* deploy-applications deployRole
    The resource [name=jeus.*, actions=deploy-applications] is assigned to the role [deployRole].

9. assign-role-to-principal

Dynamically assigns a role to a principal. A class configured with -classname must be a Java class that extends the class abstract. The class must have at least one constructor that receives a string type "role" as an argument. The default class is However, for an anonymous, a role can be allocated only when it has an unchecked permission.

  • Alias

    assignrole, assign-role

  • Usage

    assign-role-to-principal <role-name>
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    [Dynamic] Role name.


    Principal name.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> assign-role-to-principal AdministratorsRole user1
    The role [AdministratorsRole] is assigned to the principal [user1].

10. check-group-member

Checks if the user is registered with a group.

  • Alias

    checkgroupmember, ismember

  • Usage

    check-group-member <group-name>
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Group name.


    User name.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> check-group-member group1 user1
    The user [user1] is a member of the group [group1].

11. expire-user

Sets an expiration time on a specific user. If SubjectExpirationtValidationService is set properly, the user is valid before the expiration time. The user’s login fails before calling unexpire-user. For information about subject validation, refer to SubjectValidationService SPI.

  • Alias

    expireuser, exuser

  • Usage

    expire-user <user-name>
              [-domain <domain-name>]
              [-year <year>]
              [-month <month>]
              [-day <day>]
              [-hour <hour>]
              [-minute <minute>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    User name.

    [-year <year>]

    Year of the expiration time in the format of yyyy. (Default value: current year)

    [-month <month>]

    Month of the expiration time in the format of MM. (Default value: current month)

    [-day <day>]

    Date of the expiration time in the format of dd. (Default value: current date)

    [-hour <hour>]

    Hour of the expiration time in the format of hh. (Default value: current hour)

    [-minute <minute>]

    Minute of the expiration time in the format of mm. (Default value: current minute)

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> expire-user user1 -year 2020 -month 12 -day 31 -hour 12 -minute 30
    The user [user1] is valid only until [2020-12-31 12:30].

12. list-group-names

Displays the list of all groups in the current domain.

  • Alias

    listgroupnames, getgroupnames

  • Usage

    list-group-names  [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> list-group-names
    |                                  Group Name                                  |
    | Administrators                                                               |
    | group1                                                                       |

13. list-user-names

Displays a list of all users (user names) that logged onto the current domain and the lock and expiration states of each user.

  • Alias

    listusernames, getusernames

  • Usage

    list-user-names [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> list-user-names
    | User Name | Lock State |         ExpiryTime State        |
    | jeus      | unlocked   | Unexpired                       |
    | admin     | locked     | 2020-01-01 12:00                |

14. lock-user

Dynamically sets a lock on a user. If "SubjectLockoutValidationService" is properly configured on the server, all login attempts by the user fail until the unlock-user command is called.

For information about subject validation, see SubjectValidationService SPI in JEUS Security Guide.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    lock-user <user-name>
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    User name.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> lock-user user2
    The user [user2] has been locked out.

15. modify-default-password-validator

Dynamically adds, changes, or deletes the configurations for the default password validator. For information about password validation, refer to Configuring Password Security in JEUS Security Guide.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    modify-default-password-validator [-disable]
              [-min <min-length>]
              [-max <max-length>]
              [-special <true | false>]
              [-digit <true | false>]
              [-capital <true | false>]
              [-small <true | false>]
              [-excludeID <true | false>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    [Dynamic] Disables the default password validator and discards the existing settings.

    [-min <min-length>]

    [Dynamic] Minimum number of digits for the password.

    (Range: 1 - 255, default value: 1)

    [-max <max-length>]

    [Dynamic] Maximum number of digits for the password.

    (Range: 1 - 255, default value: 1)

    [-special <true | false>]

    [Dynamic] Indicates whether a special character must be included in a password. (Default value: false)

    [-digit <true | false>]

    [Dynamic] Indicates whether a number must be included in a password.

    (Default value: false)

    [-capital <true | false>]

    [Dynamic] Indicates whether an uppercase letter must be included in a password.

    (Default value: false)

    [-small <true | false>]

    [Dynamic] Indicates whether a lowercase letter must be included in a password.

    (Default value: false)

    [-excludeID <true | false>]

    [Dynamic] Indicates whether the user ID is prevented from being part of a password. (Default value: false)

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> modify-default-password-validator -min 4 -special true
    Default password validator is updated successfully.
    Check the results using "show-default-password-validator or modify-default-password-validator".

16. modify-resource

Dynamically changes the configuration of a resource. If you need to modify the configuration of a resource assigned to a role, use assign-resource-to-role or unassign-resource-from-role command.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    modify-resource <resource-name>
              [-contextid <context-id>]
              [-classname <classname>]
              [-excluded <true | false>]
              [-unchecked <true | false>]
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Name of the resource to change the configuration.


    Action list of the resource to change the configuration.

    [-contextid <context-id>]

    Context name that distinguishes policies. The contextid is used to specify a context other than the default context.

    [-classname <classname>]

    Permission class name.

    A class configured with -classname must be a Java class that extends the class abstract. The class must have at least one constructor that receives a string type "resource" as an argument.

    For more information about resource permissions, refer to the class. For more information about which resource permissions are checked in JEUS, refer to JEUS Server Permissions in JEUS Security Guide.

    [-excluded <true | false>]

    Prevents anyone from getting the permission. (true|false)

    [-unchecked <true | false>]

    Allows anyone to get the permission. (true|false)


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> modify-resource resource1 jeus.* -excluded true -unchecked false
    The resource [name=resource1, actions=jeus.*] has been successfully modified.

17. modify-role

Dynamically changes the configuration of a role. To change a role assigned to the user, use assign-role-to-principal or unassign-role-from-principal command.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    modify-role <role-name>
              [-classname <classname>]
              [-excluded <true | false>]
              [-unchecked <true | false>]
              [-actions <actions>]
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Name of the role to change the configuration.

    [-classname <classname>]

    Permission class name.

    A class configured with -classname must be a Java class that extends the class abstract. The class must have at least one constructor that receives a string type "role" as an argument.

    For more information about role permissions, refer to the class. For more information about which role permissions are checked in JEUS, refer to JEUS Server Permissions in JEUS Security Guide.

    [-excluded <true | false>]

    Prevents anyone from getting the permission. (true|false)

    [-unchecked <true | false>]

    Allows anyone to get the permission. (true|false)

    [-actions <actions>]

    A list of actions for the role.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> modify-role role1 -excluded true -unchecked false
    The role [role1] has been successfully modified.

18. remove-custom-password-validator

Deletes the class registered in Custom Password Validator. For more information about password validation, refer to Configuring Password Security in JEUS Security Guide.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    remove-custom-password-validator -class <class-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -class <class-name>

    Name of the class that has been placed under DOMAIN_HOME/lib/application as a JAR file and added to the custom password validator using the add-custom-password-validator command.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> remove-custom-password-validator -class MyValidator
    Custom password validator [MyValidator] is removed successfully.
    Check the results using show-custom-password-validator.

19. remove-group

Dynamically deletes a group from the current domain. Only groups with no users can be deleted.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    remove-group <group-name>
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Group name.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> remove-group group1
    The group [group1] has been successfully removed.

20. remove-resource

Dynamically deletes a resource from the current domain.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    remove-resource <resource-name>
              [-contextid <context-id>]
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Name of the resource to delete.


    Action list of the resource to delete.

    [-contextid <context-id>]

    Context name that distinguishes policies. The contextid is used to specify a context other than the default context.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> remove-resource resource1 jeus.*
    The resource [name=resource1, actions=jeus.*] has been successfully removed.

21. remove-role

Dynamically deletes a role from the current domain.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    remove-role <role-name>
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Name of the role to delete.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> remove-role role1
    The role [role1] has been successfully removed.

22. remove-user

Dynamically deletes a user from the current domain.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    remove-user <user-name>
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    User name.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> remove-user user1
    The user [user1] has been successfully removed.

23. remove-user-from-group

Dynamically deletes a user member from a group in the current domain.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    remove-user-from-group <group-name>
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Group name.


    User name.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> remove-user-from-group group1 user1
    The user [user1] has been successfully removed from the group [group1].

24. set-password

Dynamically sets the user password. The password must be created using plain characters without any encryption or encoding. The password can be encrypted using the -algorithm option. The user must login again with a new password.

This command deletes all previous passwords set for the user.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    set-password <user-name>
              [-algorithm <algorithm>]
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    User name.


    [Dynamic] User password.

    [-algorithm < algorithm>]

    [Dynamic] Password encryption algorithms.

    Input options:

    • AES

    • base64

    • DES

    • DESede

    • Blowfish

    • SEED

    • SHA

    • SSHA


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> set-password user1 pass1 -algorithm AES
    The password is set for [user1].

25. show-custom-password-validator

Displays the current default password validator settings. For more information about password validation, refer to Configuring Password Security in JEUS Security Guide.

  • Alias


  • Usage

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> show-custom-password-validator
    |                     custom password validator class names                    |
    | MyValidator                                                                  |

26. show-default-password-validator

Displays the current default password validator settings. For more information about password validation, refer to Configuring Password Security in JEUS Security Guide.

  • Alias


  • Usage

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> show-default-password-validator
    |                               property                               | value |
    | min length                                                           |     4 |
    | max length                                                           |   255 |
    | include special characters                                           | true  |
    | include digit characters                                             | false |
    | include capital characters                                           | false |
    | include small characters                                             | false |
    | exclude user id                                                      | false |

27. show-subject-validation

Displays the current subject validation service settings. For more information about subject validation, refer to [Subject Validation] menu in JEUS Security Guide.

  • Alias


  • Usage

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> show-subject-validation
    |           Type           |                     Class name                    |
    | DefaultSubjectValidation | |
    |                          |lidationService                                    |
    | DefaultSubjectValidation | |
    |                          |onService                                          |

28. show-group

Displays detailed group information.

  • Alias

    showgroup, getgroup

  • Usage

    show-group <group-name>
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Group name.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> show-group Administrators
    Administrators(members:Principal admin,Principal user1)

29. show-policy

Displays policies that include a context ID. If a context-id is not specified, it is set to "default".

  • Alias

    showpolicy, getpolicy

  • Usage

    show-policy [-contextid <context-id>]
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    [-contextid <context-id>]

    Context name that distinguishes policies.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> show-policy
    Excluded permissions:
    Unchecked permissions:
    ( jndiUser)
    Checked permissions:
    Permission owner:
    Principal user1
    Permissions of owner:
    ( AdministratorsRole)
    Permission owner:
    Principal anonymous
    Permissions of owner:
    ( jndiUser)
    Unassigned permissions:
    Context id: default
    Excluded permissions:
    Unchecked permissions:
    Checked permissions:
    Permission owner:
    Role jndiUser
    Permissions of owner:
    ( jeus.jndi.* lookup)
    Permission owner:
    Role AdministratorsRole
    Permissions of owner:
    ( jeus.* *)
    Unassigned permissions:

30. show-user

Displays detailed user information.

  • Alias

    showuser, getuser

  • Usage

    show-user [<user-name>]
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    User name.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> show-user user1
    Description: No description
    Main principal: Principal user1
    Principals: [Principal user1,Administrators(members:Principal admin,Principal user1)]
    Public credentials: []

31. unassign-role-from-principal

Dynamically deletes a role from a principal.

  • Alias

    unassignrole, unassign-role

  • Usage

    unassign-role-from-principal <principal>
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    Principal name.


    [Dynamic] Role name.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> unassign-role-from-principal jeus jndiuser
    The role [jndiuser] has been successfully unassigned from the principal [jeus].

32. unassign-resource-from-role

Dynamically deletes a resource from a role. The role cannot access the resource.

  • Alias

    unassignresource, usassignres

  • Usage

    unassign-resource-from-role <resource-name>
              [-contextid <context-id>]
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    [Dynamic] Resource name.


    [Dynamic] List of actions for the resource.


    Role name.

    [-contextid <context-id>]

    [Dynamic] Context name that distinguishes policies.


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> unassign-resource-from-role jeus.* -actions deploy-applications deployRole
    The resource [name=jeus.*, actions=deploy-applications] has been successfully unassigned from the role [deployRole].

33. unexpire-user

Removes the expiration time that has been set using expire-user.

  • Alias

    unexpireuser, unexuser

  • Usage

    unexpire-user <user-name>
                [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    User name.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> unexpire-user user2
    The expiry time for user [user2] is canceled.

34. unlock-user

Releases a lock that has been set using lock-user.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    unlock-user  <user-name>
              [-domain <domain-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description


    User name.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer> unlock-user user2
    The user [user2] has been successfully unlocked.