Domain Configuration Commands
The following is a list of domain configuration commands.
Command | Description |
Dynamically adds a cluster. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Dynamically adds a custom resource. |
Dynamically adds a custom resource to clusters. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Dynamically adds data sources to a cluster. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Dynamically adds an external resource. |
Dynamically adds an external resource to clusters. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Dynamically adds a server. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Dynamically adds a server to a cluster. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Adds a server template that can be dynamically applied to multiple servers. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Creates a cluster that consists of servers that are created automatically by using a template. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Offline command that creates a new domain.xml file, which is created by applying a configuration plan to the current domain.xml file. |
Creates a new domain. This is a offline command. For a user created by default, the password must be entered separately. |
Deletes a domain. This is an offline command. |
Disables JsonCommand. |
Disables the synchronization of applications when the Managed Server state changes from INDEPENDENT to DEPENDENT. |
Enables JsonCommand. |
Enables the synchronization of applications when the Managed Server state changes from INDEPENDENT to DEPENDENT. |
Displays information about clusters in the current domain. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Displays the custom resources defined in the current domain. |
Retrieves external resources defined in the current domain. |
Displays a list of domains. |
Displays the configuration information about servers in the current domain. |
Dynamically modifies a cluster. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Dynamically modifies a server. |
Modifies the configurations of a cluster created with dynamically configured servers. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Packs a domain directory for recovery by using domain backup. This is an offline command. |
Dynamically deletes a cluster. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Dynamically deletes a custom resource. |
Dynamically deletes a custom resource from clusters. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Dynamically deletes the data sources registered in a cluster. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Deletes the owner and permission setting of log files in the domain. |
Dynamically deletes an external resource. |
Dynamically deletes a registered external resource from clusters. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Dynamically deletes a server. |
Dynamically deletes servers from a cluster. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Sets a policy for domain backup. |
Sets the owner and permission of log files in the domain. This setting is applied if the log file owner and permission are not specified in the logger settings for servers in the domain. |
Displays the owner and permission setting of log files in the domain. |
Displays the configurations of a cluster created with dynamically configured servers. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Displays the configurations of a server template. Only available for the JEUS Master Server and Managed Server structure. |
Unpacks the files packed by the pack-domain command when a server has a failure |
1. add-cluster
Dynamically adds a cluster.
add-cluster [<cluster-name>] [-servers <server-list>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description [<cluster-name>]
Cluster name to be added.
[-servers <server-list>]
Name of the server to be added to the cluster.
To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
Checking the current clusters
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-clusters List of Clusters =================================================================== +----------+------------------------+-------+-----------+---------+ | Cluster | Server List | MEJB | Class FTP | Running | +----------+------------------------+-------+-----------+---------+ | cluster1 | server1, server2 | false | false | true | +----------+------------------------+-------+-----------+---------+ ===================================================================
Creating a new cluster that contains servers that do not belong to other clusters
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-cluster cluster2 -servers server3,server4 Successfully performed the ADD operation for cluster (cluster2). Check the results using "list-clusters or add-cluster"
2. add-custom-resource
Dynamically adds a custom resource.
addcustomresource, addcr
add-custom-resource [<export-name>] [-resource,--resourceClass <resource-class>] [-factory,--factoryClass <factory-class>] [-p,--properties <properties>] [-servers <server-list>] [-clusters <cluster-list>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description [<export-name>]
JNDI binding name of the custom resource to be added.
[-resource,--resourceClass <resource-class >]
Class name of the custom resource.
[-factory,--factoryClass <factory-class >]
Name of the factory class that creates the custom resource.
[-p,--properties <properties>]
Property of the custom resource.
[-servers <server-list>]
Adds a custom resource to the domain and concurrently registers the custom resource in the given server list.
[-clusters <cluster-list>]
Adds a custom resource to the domain and concurrently registers the custom resource in the given cluster list.
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-custom-resource custom/dog -resource dog.Dog -factory dog.DogFactory Successfully performed the ADD operation for A custom resource. Check the results using "list-custom-resources or add-custom-resource"
3. add-custom-resource-to-clusters
Dynamically adds a custom resource to clusters.
add-custom-resource-to-clusters <export-name> -clusters <cluster-list> [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description <export-name>
JNDI binding name of the custom resource to be added.
-clusters <cluster-list>
Cluster list in which the custom resource is registered.
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-custom-resource-to-clusters custom/dog -clusters cluster1 Successfully performed the ADD operation for A custom resource. Check the results using "list-custom-resources"
4. add-data-sources-to-cluster
Dynamically adds data sources to a cluster.
add-data-sources-to-cluster -cluster <cluster-name> [-ids <data-source-id-list> | -all] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description -cluster <cluster-name>
Cluster name in which data sources are registered.
[-ids <data-source-id-list>]
List of data source IDs to be registered in a cluster.
To specify multiple IDs, separate each ID with a comma (,).
Registers all data sources defined in the domain.
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-data-sources-to-cluster -cluster cluster1 -ids datasource1 Successfully performed the ADD operation for data sources to the cluster [cluster1]. Check the results using "add-data-sources-to-cluster -cluster cluster1"
5. add-external-resource
Dynamically adds an external resource.
addexternalresource, adder
add-external-resource [<export-name>] [-class,--resourceClass <resource-class>] [-p,--properties <properties>] [-servers <server-list>] [-clusters <cluster-list>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description [<export-name>]
External resource name to be added.
[-class,--resourceClass <resource-class >]
Class name of the external resource.
[-p,--properties <properties>]
Properties of the external resource.
[-servers <server-list>]
Adds an external resource to the domain and concurrently registers the custom resource in the given server list.
[-clusters <cluster-list>]
Adds an external resource to the domain and concurrently registers the custom resource in the given cluster list.
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-external-resource test/ext -resource test.ext.TestResourceBootstrapper Successfully performed the ADD operation for A external resource. Check the results using "list-external-resources or add-external-resource"
6. add-external-resource-to-clusters
Dynamically adds an external resource to clusters.
add-external-resource-to-clusters <export-name> -clusters <cluster-list> [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description <export-name>
External resource name to be added to clusters.
-clusters <cluster-list>
Registers the external resource in the given cluster list.
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-external-resource-to-cluster test/ext -clusters cluster1 Successfully performed the ADD operation for A external resource. Check the results using "list-external-resources"
7. add-server
Dynamically adds a server.
add-server [<server-name>] [-target,--duptargetserver <target-server>] [-port,--baseport <base-port>] [-addr,--baseaddr <base-addr>] [-http,--httpport <http-port>] [-rg,--replicate-group <name>] [-node,--nodeName <node-name>] [-jvm,--jvmOptions <jvm-options>] [-logdir,--logHomeDirectory <server-log-home-directory>] [-a,--actionOnResourceLeak <action-on-resource-leak>] [-l,--logStdoutToRawFormat <true | false>] [-m,--mejb <true | false>] [-c,--classFtp <true | false>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description [<server-name>]
Server name.
[-target,--duptargetserver <target-server>]
Target server name to which the server configurations are copied.
[-port,--baseport <base-port>]
Base port of the server.
9736 is the default value. If multiple servers run on the same machine, each port must be unique to avoid conflicts.
[-addr,--baseaddr <base-addr>]
Address of the server.
[-http,--httpport <http-port>]
HTTP listener port number of the server.
8088 is the default value. If multiple servers run on the same machine, each port must be unique to avoid conflicts.
[-rg,--replicate-group <name>]
JNDI naming server replicate group of the server.
Independent of the cluster, it is a JNDI naming server group whose servers with the same values operate in the same way as the cluster for binding object replication, group management, and other functions within the JNDI. Even if server clustering is not performed, it is possible to achieve clustering effects only for JNDI and EJB.
[-node,--nodeName <node-name>]
Node name of the machine on which the server is running.
[-jvm,--jvmOptions <jvm-options>]
JVM options that apply to the server.
If the option contains whitespace, wrap the option with double quotes (" ").
[-logdir,--logHomeDirectory <server-log-home-directory>]
Log directory in which logs created by the server are located.
[-a,--actionOnResourceLeak <action-on-resource-leak>]
Action to take when a resource leak occurs.
Input options:
[-l,--logStdoutToRawFormat <true | false>]
[Dynamic] Option to print stdout as is or in JEUS logger format. (true | false)
[-m,--mejb <true |false>]
[Dynamic] Option to use MEJB. (true | false)
[-c,--classFtp <true | false>]
[Dynamic] Option to use the FTP service class. (true | false)
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
Checking the list of servers
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-servers List of Editable Servers ================================================================================ +------+--------+-----+--------+---------+---------+-----+-----+---------+-----+ | Serv | Base | Node| JVM | Action | Stdout | MEJB| Cla | Server | Type| | er | Listen | |Configs | On | to Raw | | ss |Log Home | | | |Address | | |Resource | Format | | FTP | Directo | | | | /Port | | | Leak | | | | ry | | +------+--------+-----+--------+---------+---------+-----+-----+---------+-----+ | admi | | nod | -Xmx10 | Warning | true | fal | true| none | ser | |nServ |/ 9736 |e1 |24m | | |se | | |ver | |er | | |-XX:Max | | | | | | | | | | |Metaspa | | | | | | | | | | |ceSize= | | | | | | | | | | |512m | | | | | | | +------+--------+-----+--------+---------+---------+-----+-----+---------+-----+ | serve| | nod | -Xmx10 | Warning | true | fal | fal | none | ser | |r1 |/ 19736 |e1 |24m | | |se |se | |ver | | | | |-XX:Max | | | | | | | | | | |Metaspa | | | | | | | | | | |ceSize= | | | | | | | | | | |512m | | | | | | | +------+--------+-----+--------+---------+---------+-----+-----+---------+-----+ ================================================================================
Adding a server with a new name
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-server server2 -port 10000 -node node1 -m false Successfully performed the ADD operation for server (server2). NOTICE : base-addr [] base-port [10000] http-port [8088] Check the results using "list-servers or add-server" [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-server server3 -port 11000 -http 18088 -node node1 Successfully performed the ADD operation for server (server3). NOTICE : base-addr [] base-port [11000] http-port [18088] Check the results using "list-servers or add-server"
8. add-servers-to-cluster
Dynamically adds a server to a cluster.
add-servers-to-cluster <cluster-name> [-servers <server-list>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description [<cluster-name>]
Cluster name.
[-servers <server-list>]
Name of the server to be added to the cluster.
To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-servers-to-cluster cluster1 -servers server1 Successfully performed the ADD operation for The server list for cluster(cluster1).. Check the results using "list-clusters cluster1 or add-servers-to-cluster cluster1"
9. add-server-template
Adds a server template that can be dynamically applied to multiple servers.
add-server-template [<server-template-name>] [-port,--baseport <base-port>] [-addr,--baseaddr <base-addr>] [-http,--httpport <http-port>] [-node,--nodeName <node-name>] [-rg,--replicate-group <name>] [-jvm,--jvmOptions <jvm-options>] [-logdir,--logHomeDirectory <server-log-home-directory>] [-a,--actionOnResourceLeak <action-on-resource-leak>] [-l,--logStdoutToRawFormat <true | false>] [-m,--mejb <true | false>] [-c,--classFtp <true | false>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description <server-template-name>
Server template name to be added.
[-port,--baseport <base-port>]
Base port of the server.
9736 is the default value.
[-addr,--baseaddr <base-addr>]
Address of the server.
[-http,--httpport <http-port>]
HTTP listener port number of the server.
8088 is the default value.
[-node,--nodeName <node-name>]
Node name of the machine on which the server is running.
[-rg,--replicate-group <name>]
JNDI naming server replicate group of the server template.
Independent of the cluster, it is a JNDI naming server group whose servers with the same values operate in the same way as the cluster for binding object replication, group management, and other functions within the JNDI. Even if server clustering is not performed, it is possible to achieve clustering effects only for JNDI and EJB.
[-jvm,--jvmOptions <jvm-options>]
JVM options to be added to the template.
If the option contains whitespace, wrap the option with double quotes (" ").
[-logdir,--logHomeDirectory <server-log-home-directory>]
Log directory that contains logs created by the server set by the template.
[-a,--actionOnResourceLeak <action-on-resource-leak>]
Action to take when a resource leak occurs.
Input options:
[-l,--logStdoutToRawFormat <true | false>]
[Dynamic] Option to print stdout as is or in JEUS logger format. (true | false)
[-m,--mejb <true |false>]
[Dynamic] Option to use MEJB. (true | false)
[-c,--classFtp <true | false>]
[Dynamic] Option to use the FTP service class. (true | false)
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-server-template temp1 Successfully performed the ADD operation for server template (temp1), but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting. NOTICE : base-addr [] base-port [9736] http-port [8088] Check the results using "list-servers or show-server-template or add-server-template".
10. add-dynamic-servers
Creates a cluster that consists of servers that are created automatically by using a template. The template must be preset with the configuration information in advance.
add-dynamic-servers <cluster-name> -count <the-number-of-dynamic-servers> [-nodes,--nodeNames <node-names>] [-prefix,--serverNamePrefix <server-name-prefix>] -template,--serverTemplateName <server-template-name> [-step,--listenPortStep <listen-port-step>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description <cluster-name>
Name of a cluster to be created using dynamically configured servers.
-count <the-number-of-dynamic-servers>
Number of servers to be included in the cluster.
[-nodes,--nodeNames <node-names>]
Names of nodes where the servers to be added are located. Multiple nodes can be specified by using a comma (,) delimiter.
[-prefix,--serverNamePrefix <server-name-prefix>]
Prefix to be added to a server name.
If not set, '_server_' is preceded by a cluster name.
-template,--serverTemplateName <server-template-name>
Template to be applied to dynamic servers.
[-step,--listenPortStep <listen-port-step>]
Number to be incremented in the port number of the servers created in the same node.
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-dynamic-servers cluster1 -count 2 -nodes node1 -template temp1 Successfully performed the ADD operation for Dynamic servers configuration in the cluster (cluster1). Check the results using "list-clusters or show-dynamic-servers".
11. apply-configuration-plan
Command that creates a new domain.xml file, which is created by applying a configuration plan to the current domain.xml file.
apply-configuration-plan -plan,--configPlanPath <configuration-plan-path> -src,--configSourcePath <configuration-source-path> -target,--configTargetPath <configuration-target-path>
Parameter Description -plan,--configPlanPath <configuration-plan-path>
Path to the configuration plan.
-src,--configSourcePath <configuration-source-path>
Path to the current domain.xml file, which the configuration plan is applied to.
-target,--configTargetPath <configuration-target-path>
Path to the file, which is the result of applying the configuration plan.
offline>apply-configuration-plan -src /home/jeus/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml -plan /home/plans/jeus-configuration-plan.xml -target /home/jeus/domains/domain1/config/ Successfully applied configuration plan.
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
12. create-domain
Creates a new domain. For a user created by default, the password must be entered separately.
It is encrypted in AES. The default value of the option is set in JEUS_HOME\setup\
create-domain -domain <domain-name> [-mastername <master-name>] [-baseport <master-base-port>] [-baseaddress <master-base-address>] [-jmsport <jms-port>] [-user <user-name>] [-httpport <http-port>] [-jvmconfig <jvm-config>] [-node <node-name>] [-pw,--password] [-ttype,--transport.type <transport-type>] [-productionmode,--productionmode] [-taddress,--transport.address <transport-address>] [-tport,--transport.port <transport-port>]
Parameter Description -domain <domain-name>
Domain name.
[-mastername <master-name>]
JEUS Master Server name that manages the domain.
[-baseport <master-base-port>]
JEUS Master Server base port.
[-baseaddress <master-base-address>]
Base address of the JEUS Master Server.
[-user <user-name>]
Domain user name.
[-httpport <http-port>]
HTTP port of the JEUS Master Server.
[-jvmconfig <jvm-config>]
JVM configurations to be applied to the JEUS Master Server.
[-node <node-name>]
Node name to be applied to the JEUS Master Server.
Receive password only from the console regardless of the template property file configuration.
[-ttype,--transport.type <transport-type>]
SCF transport type.
Option to use the created JEUS domain in production mode.
[-taddress,--transport.address <transport-address>]
Transport address used in SCF.
[-tport,--transport.port <transport-port>]
Transport port used in SCF.
offline>create-domain -domain domain1 -mastername adminServer -baseport 9763 -jvmconfig "-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m" Enter the password for [administrator]: ********** Confirm the password: ********** Do you want to encrypt the password? (y/n): y ================================================================================ The domain [domain1] was created successfully. +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Domain name | domain1 | +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | JEUS Master Server Name | adminServer | +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | JEUS Master Server Base Listen | 9763 | | Port | | +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | JEUS Master Server Base Listen | | | Address | | +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | HTTP Port | 8088 | +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | User Name | administrator | +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Node Name | node1 | +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Password | {AES:256}lBljYlIlBrujFDC7v3NSoHZQprgnncVmdB | | |bkt4oxDRg= | +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | JVM Option | -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m | +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Production Mode | true | +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Transport Type | HYBRID | +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ ================================================================================
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
13. delete-domain
Deletes a created domain. The domain of the currently connected server cannot be deleted.
delete-domain -domain <domain-name> [-f, --force]
Parameter Description -domain <domain-name>
Domain name.
[-f, --force]
Forcibly deletes the domain without asking whether to delete the domain.
offline>delete-domain -domain newDomain Delete the following domain: [newDomain] Do you want to execute the delete domain command? (y/n)y Deleting the domain directory was successful. offline>delete-domain -domain newDomain -f Deleting the domain directory was successful.
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
14. disable-json-command
Disables JsonCommand.
suspend-json-command, jsonoff
disable-json-command [-f,--forceLock]
Parameter Description [-f,--forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>disable-json-command JsonCommand was successfully disabled. Applying configuration ... ================================================================================ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Result | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Successfully applied the configuration changes. | | Restart the server to apply the changes. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ================================================================================
15. disable-to-resynchronize-applications
Disables the synchronization of applications when the Managed Server state changes from INDEPENDENT to DEPENDENT.
disable-resync-apps, disable-resyncapps
disable-to-resynchronize-applications [-f,--forceLock]
Parameter Description [-f,--forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>disable-to-resynchronize-applications ResyncAppsCommand was successfully disabled. Applying configuration ... ================================================================================ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Result | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Successfully applied the configuration changes. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ================================================================================
16. enable-json-command
Enables JsonCommand.
resume-json-command, jsonon
enable-json-command [-f,--forceLock]
Parameter Description [-f,--forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>enable-json-command JsonCommand was successfully enabled. Applying configuration ... ================================================================================ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Result | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Successfully applied the configuration changes. | | Restart the server to apply the changes. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ================================================================================
17. enable-to-resynchronize-applications
Enables the synchronization of applications when the Managed Server state changes from INDEPENDENT to DEPENDENT.
enable-resynch-apps, enable-resyncapps, enableresyncapps
enable-to-resynchronize-applications [-f,--forceLock]
Parameter Description [-f,--forceLock]
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>enable-to-resynchronize-applications ResyncAppsCommand was successfully enabled. Applying configuration ... ================================================================================ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Result | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Successfully applied the configuration changes. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ================================================================================
18. list-clusters
Displays information about clusters in the current domain.
list-clusters [<cluster-name>]
Parameter Description [<cluster-name>]
Cluster name.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-clusters List of Clusters ================================================================================ +---------+------------------------------------------+-----+----------+--------+ | Cluster | Server List | MEJB| Class FTP| Running| +---------+------------------------------------------+-----+----------+--------+ | cluster1| newServer, server1 | | | true | +---------+------------------------------------------+-----+----------+--------+ ================================================================================
19. list-custom-resources
Displays the custom resources defined in the current domain.
listcustomresources, list-cr, listcr
list-custom-resources [-name <export-name>] | [-cluster <cluster-name>] | [-server <server-name>]
Parameter Description [-name <export-name>]
Custom resource name.
[-cluster <cluster-name>]
Name of the cluster that checks the custom resource registered in the cluster.
[-server <server-name>]
Name of the server that checks the custom resource registered in the server.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-custom-resources List of Custom Resources ================================================================================ +-------------+--------------------+--------------------------+----------------+ | Export Name | Resource Class | Factory Class | Properties | +-------------+--------------------+--------------------------+----------------+ | custom/dog | dog.Dog | dog.DogFactory | [test=1, | | | | |test1=2] | +-------------+--------------------+--------------------------+----------------+ ================================================================================
20. list-external-resources
Checks the external resource defined in the current domain.
listexternalresources, list-er, lister
list-external-resources [-name <export-name>] | [-cluster <cluster-name>] | [-server <server-name>]
Parameter Description [-name <export-name>]
External resource name.
[-cluster <cluster-name>]
Name of the cluster that checks the external resource registered in the cluster.
[-server <server-name>]
Name of the server that checks the external resource registered in the server.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-external-resources List of External Resources ================================================================================ +-------------+---------------------------------------------------+------------+ | Export Name | Resource Class | Properties | +-------------+---------------------------------------------------+------------+ | test/ext | test.ext.TestResourceBootstrapper | [] | +-------------+---------------------------------------------------+------------+ ================================================================================
21. list-domains
Displays a list of domains.
offline>list-domains List Domains ================================================================================ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Domains | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | domain1 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ================================================================================
This command can be used without being connected to the server.
22. list-servers
Displays the configuration information about servers in the current domain. Use the server-info command to display server state information.
list-servers [<server-name>]
Parameter Description [<server-name>]
Server name.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-servers List of Editable Servers ================================================================================ +------+--------+-----+--------+---------+---------+-----+-----+---------+-----+ | Serv | Base | Node| JVM | Action | Stdout | MEJB| Cla | Server | Type| | er | Listen | |Configs | On | to Raw | | ss |Log Home | | | |Address | | |Resource | Format | | FTP | Directo | | | | /Port | | | Leak | | | | ry | | +------+--------+-----+--------+---------+---------+-----+-----+---------+-----+ | admi | | nod | -Xmx10 | Warning | true | fal | true| none | ser | |nServ |/ 9736 |e1 |24m | | |se | | |ver | |er | | |-XX:Max | | | | | | | | | | |Metaspa | | | | | | | | | | |ceSize= | | | | | | | | | | |512m | | | | | | | +------+--------+-----+--------+---------+---------+-----+-----+---------+-----+ | serv | 192.16 | nod | -Xmx10 | Warning | true | fal | fal | none | ser | |er1 |8.0.124 |e1 |24m | | |se |se | |ver | | | / 9836 | |-XX:Max | | | | | | | | | | |Metaspa | | | | | | | | | | |ceSize= | | | | | | | | | | |512m | | | | | | | +------+--------+-----+--------+---------+---------+-----+-----+---------+-----+ | serv | 192.16 | nod | -Xmx10 | Warning | true | fal | fal | none | ser | |er2 |8.0.124 |e1 |24m | | |se |se | |ver | | | / 9936 | |-XX:Max | | | | | | | | | | |Metaspa | | | | | | | | | | |ceSize= | | | | | | | | | | |512m | | | | | | | +------+--------+-----+--------+---------+---------+-----+-----+---------+-----+ | dy_s | | nod | -Xmx10 | Warning | true | fal | fal | none | dyn | |erver |/ 9737 |e1 |24m | | |se |se | |amic | |_1 | | | | | | | | |(t1) | +------+--------+-----+--------+---------+---------+-----+-----+---------+-----+ | dy_s | | nod | -Xmx10 | Warning | true | fal | fal | none | dyn | |erver |/ 9837 |e1 |24m | | |se |se | |amic | |_1 | | | | | | | | |(t1) | +------+--------+-----+--------+---------+---------+-----+-----+---------+-----+ ================================================================================
23. modify-cluster
Dynamically modifies a cluster.
modifycluster, clusterconf, clusterconfig
modify-cluster <cluster-name> [-m,--mejb <true | false>] [-c,--classFtp <true | false>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description [<cluster-name>]
Cluster name.
[-m,--mejb <true |false>]
[Dynamic] Option to use MEJB. (true | false)
[-c,--classFtp <true | false>]
[Dynamic] Option to use the FTP service class. (true | false)
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-cluster cluster1 -m true Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for cluster (cluster1). Check the results using "list-clusters cluster1 or modify-cluster cluster1"
24. modify-server
Dynamically modifies a server.
serverconf, serverconfig, modify-server-template
modify-server <server-name> [-removelogdir,--removeLogHomeDirectory] [-node,--nodeName <node-name>] [-jvm,--jvmOptions <jvm-options>] [-logdir,--logHomeDirectory <server-log-home-directory>] [-a,--actionOnResourceLeak <action-on-resource-leak>] [-l,--logStdoutToRawFormat <true | false>] [-m,--mejb <true | false>] [-c,--classFtp <true | false>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description [<server-name>]
Server name.
[-removelogdir, --removeLogHomeDirectory]
Option to delete the log directory that contains logs created by the server.
[-node,--nodeName <node-name>]
Node name of the machine on which the server is running.
[-jvm,--jvmOptions <jvm-options>]
JVM options that apply to the server.
If the option contains whitespace, wrap the option with double quotes (" ").
[-logdir,--logHomeDirectory <server-log-home-directory>]
Log directory in which logs created by the server are located.
[-a,--actionOnResourceLeak <action-on-resource-leak>]
Action to take when a resource leak occurs.
Input options:
[-l,--logStdoutToRawFormat <true | false>]
[Dynamic] Option to print stdout as is or in JEUS logger format. (true | false)
[-m,--mejb <true |false>]
[Dynamic] Option to use MEJB. (true | false)
[-c,--classFtp <true | false>]
[Dynamic] Option to use the FTP service class. (true | false)
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-server server1 -a AutoClose -l false Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for server (server1). Check the results using "list-servers server1 or modify-server server1"
25. modify-dynamic-servers
Modifies the configurations of a cluster created with dynamically configured servers.
modify-dynamic-servers <cluster-name> [-count <the-number-of-dynamic-servers>] [-nodes,--nodeNames <node-names>] [-prefix,--serverNamePrefix <server-name-prefix>] [-template,--serverTemplateName <server-template-name>] [-step,--listenPortStep <listen-port-step>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description <cluster-name>
Name of a cluster that will modify the configurations of dynamically configured servers.
[-count <the-number-of-dynamic-servers>]
Number of servers to be included in the cluster.
[-nodes,--nodeNames <node-names>]
Names of nodes where servers are located.
Multiple nodes can be specified by using a comma (,) delimiter. To target all nodes, use this option without an argument.
[-prefix,--serverNamePrefix <server-name-prefix>]
Prefix to be added to a server name.
If not set, 'server' is preceded by a cluster name.
[-template,--serverTemplateName <server-template-name>]
Template to be applied to dynamic servers.
[-step,--listenPortStep <listen-port-step>]
Number to be incremented in the port number of the servers created in the same node.
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-dynamic-servers cluster1 -count 3 Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for Dynamic servers configuration in the cluster (cluster1). Check the results using "modify-dynamic-servers or show-dynamic-servers".
26. pack-domain
Packs a domain directory for recovery by using domain backup.
pack-domain <domain-name> [-p <dir-path>]
Parameter Description <domain-name>
Domain name.
[-p <dir-path>]
Path to the packed file.
(Default value: JEUS_HOME/backups/<domain-name>
offline>pack-domain domain1 Packing the domain [domain1] configuration completed successfully at the path [JEUS_HOME/backups/].
27. remove-cluster
Dynamically deletes a cluster.
remove-cluster [<cluster-name>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description [<cluster-name>]
Cluster name.
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
Checking the current clusters
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-clusters List of Clusters =================================================================== +----------+------------------------+-------+-----------+---------+ | Cluster | Server List | MEJB | Class FTP | Running | +----------+------------------------+-------+-----------+---------+ | cluster1 | server1, server2 | false | false | true | +----------+------------------------+-------+-----------+---------+ | cluster2 | server3, server4 | true | true | true | +----------+------------------------+-------+-----------+---------+ ===================================================================
Deleting a cluster after checking the list of clusters
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-cluster cluster2 Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for cluster (cluster1). Check the results using "list-clusters or remove-cluster"
28. remove-custom-resource
Dynamically deletes a custom resource.
removecr, rmcr
remove-custom-resource [<export-name>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description [<export-name>]
JNDI binding name of the custom resource to be deleted.
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-custom-resource custom/dog Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for A custom resource. Check the results using "list-custom-resources or remove-custom-resource"
29. remove-custom-resource-from-clusters
Dynamically deletes a custom resource from clusters.
remove-custom-resource-from-clusters <export-name> -clusters <cluster-list> [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description <export-name>
JNDI bind name of the customer resource to be deleted from clusters.
-cluster <cluster-list>
Cluster list from which the custom resource is deleted.
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-custom-resource-from-clusters custom/dog -clusters cluster1 Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for A custom resource. Check the results using "list-custom-resources"
30. remove-data-sources-from-cluster
Dynamically deletes data sources registered in a cluster.
remove-data-sources-from-cluster -cluster <cluster-name> [-ids <data-source-id-list> | -all] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description -cluster <cluster-name>
Cluster name from which data sources are deleted.
[-ids <data-source-id-list> ]
List of IDs of data sources to be deleted from the cluster.
To specify multiple IDs, separate each ID with a comma (,).
[ -all]
Deletes all data sources registered with the cluster.
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-data-sources-from-cluster -cluster cluster1 -all Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for data sources from the cluster [cluster1]. Check the results using "remove-data-sources-from-cluster -cluster cluster1"
31. remove-domain-log-config
Deletes the owner and permission setting of log files in the domain.
Even after the setting is deleted, the owner and permission setting of the existing log files are not changed.
rmdomainlog, rmdomainlogcon, rmdomainlogconfig
remove-domain-log-config [-perm,--permission] [-own,--owner]
Parameter Description [-perm,--permission]
Deletes the permission setting of log files in the domain.
Deletes the owner setting of log files in the domain.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-domain-log-config -own Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for Domain Log file configuration for domain1. Check the results using "show-domain-log-config".
32. remove-external-resource
Dynamically deletes an external resource.
removecr, rmcr
remove-external-resource [<export-name>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description [<export-name>]
External resource name to be deleted.
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-external-resource test/ext Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for A external resource. Check the results using "list-external-resources or remove-external-resource"
33. remove-external-resource-from-clusters
Dynamically deletes an external resource from clusters.
remove-external-resource-from-clusters <export-name> -clusters <cluster-list> [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description <export-name>
External resource name to be deleted from clusters.
-clusters <cluster-list>
Cluster list from which the external resource is deleted.
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-external-resource-from-clusters test/ext -clusters cluster1 Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for A external resource. Check the results using "list-external-resources"
34. remove-server
Dynamically deletes a server.
remove-server [<server-name>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description [<server-name>]
Server name.
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
Checking the list of servers
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>server-info Information about Domain (domain1) ================================================================================ +--------+--------+-----+-----+-----+----------+-------+-----------+-----------+ | Server | Status |Node | PID | Clu | Latest | Need | Listen | Running | | | |Name | |ster | Start | to | Ports | Engines | | | | | | | Time / |Restart| | | | | | | | | Shutdown | | | | | | | | | | Time | | | | +--------+--------+-----+-----+-----+----------+-------+-----------+-----------+ | adminS | RUNNIN | nod | 237 | N/A | 2021-03- | false | base-0.0. | jms, web, | |erver |G(00:46 |e1 |60 | |25 (Thu) | |0.0:9736 |ejb | |(*) |:06) | | | |PM | | http-serv | | | | | | | |01:13:48 | |er- | | | | | | | |KST | |:8088 | | +--------+--------+-----+-----+-----+----------+-------+-----------+-----------+ | server | RUNNIN | nod | 132 | N/A | 2021-03- | false | base-0.0. | jms, web, | |1 |G(00:02 |e1 |75 | |25 (Thu) | |0.0:9836 |ejb | | |:45) | | | |PM | | | | | | | | | |01:13:48 | | | | | | | | | |KST | | | | +--------+--------+-----+-----+-----+----------+-------+-----------+-----------+ | server | SHUTDO | nod | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |2 |WN |e1 | | | | | | | +--------+--------+-----+-----+-----+----------+-------+-----------+-----------+ ================================================================================
Deleting a server after checking if the server terminated
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-server server2 Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for server (server1). Check the results using "list-servers or remove-server"
35. remove-servers-from-cluster
Dynamically deletes servers from a cluster.
remove-servers-from-cluster <cluster-name> [-servers <server-lists>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description <cluster-name>
Cluster name.
[-servers <server-lists>]
Name of the server(s) to be deleted from the cluster.
To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma (,).
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-servers-from-cluster cluster1 -servers server1 Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for The server list for cluster(cluster1).. Check the results using "list-clusters cluster1 or remove-servers-from-cluster cluster1"
36. set-domain-backup
Sets a policy for domain backup.
set-domain-backup [-backupOnBoot <backup-on-boot>] [-backupDir <backup-directory>] [-f,--forceLock] [-detail]
Parameter Description [-backupOnBoot <backup-on-boot>]
Enables or disables backup during startup of JEUS (true or false).
[-backupDir <backup-directory>]
Specifies the directory to store backup files.
Forcibly applies the configuration changes.
Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-domain-backup -backupOnBoot true Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for Domain Backup Policy. Check the results using "set-domain-backup".
37. set-domain-log-config
Sets the owner and permission of log files in the domain. This setting is applied if the log file owner and permission are not specified in the logger settings for servers in the domain.
However, the owner and permission setting in the logger overrides this setting.
setdomainlog, setdomainlogcon, setdomainlogconfig
set-domain-log-config [-perm,--permission <permission>] [-own,--owner <chown>]
Parameter Description [-perm,--permission <permission>]
Sets the permission of log files in the domain in the rwxrw-r-- format. This setting is available only in a POSIX-compatible OS.
[-own,--owner <chown>]
Sets the owner of log files in the domain in the 'owner name, group' format.
If only one of them is specified, enter 'owner name' or ',group'
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-domain-log-config -own user,tmax Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for Domain Log file configuration for domain1, but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting. Check the results using "show-domain-log-config or set-domain-log-config". [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-domain-log-config -own ,tmax -perm rwxrwxrwx Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for Domain Log file configuration for domain1, but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting. Check the results using "show-domain-log-config or set-domain-log-config".
38. show-domain-log-config
Displays the owner and permission configuration of log files in the domain.
showdomainlog, showdomainlogcon, showdomainlogconfig
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>show-domain-log-config Shows the current configuration. Domain Log file configuration for domain1 ===================================================================== +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | Domain Log file permission | (not set) | | Domain Log file owner | (not set) | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ =====================================================================
39. show-dynamic-servers
Displays the configurations of a cluster created with dynamically configured servers.
show-dynamic-servers <cluster-name>
Parameter Description <cluster-name>
Name of a cluster whose configurations will be displayed.
[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>show-dynamic-servers cluster1 Shows the current configuration. Dynamic servers configuration in the cluster (cluster1) ==================================================================== +----------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | Server Count | 2 | | Nodes | node1 | | Base Listen Port | 9736 | | HTTP Listen Port | 8088 | | JMS Listen Port | 9741 | | Server Template Name | temp1 | | Listen Port Step | 100 | +----------------------------------------------------------+-------+ ====================================================================
40. show-server-template
Displays the configurations of a server template.
show-server-template [<server-template-name>]
Parameter Description [<server-template-name>]
Name of a server template whose configurations will be displayed.
offline>show-server-template temp1 Shows the current configuration. server template (temp1) ===================================================================== +---------------------------------------------------------+---------+ | Action On Resource Leak | WARNING | | Stdout to Raw Format | true | | MEJB | false | | Class FTP | false | | Server Log Home Directory | none | +---------------------------------------------------------+---------+ =====================================================================
41. unpack-domain
Unpacks the files packed by the pack-domain command when a server has a failure. The address and port number of the JEUS Master Server can be changed if they are set or the JEUS Master Server’s node name is set in the domain configuration.
unpack-domain -p <file-path> | <domain-name> [-delete] [-overwrite] [-masterurl <master-url>] [-nodename <node-name>]
Parameter Description -p <file-path>
Path to the packed file.
(Example: JEUS_HOME/<domain-name>
Domain name of the file to unpack.
The file to unpack must be in the JEUS_HOME/backups directory.
If the name of the domain to be unpacked already exists in DOMAIN_HOME, the domain will be deleted and then the unpack will be executed.
If the name of the domain to be unpacked already exists in DOMAIN_HOME, the existing domain will be overwritten by the domain to be unpacked.
[-masterurl <master-url>]
URL of JEUS Master Server to be configured in the domain.xml file.
[-nodename <node-name>]
Name of a node to be configured in the domain.xml.file.
offline>unpack-domain domain1 The JEUS Master Server listener address is already set to []. Do you want to change it? (y/n): y Enter the JEUS Master Server base listener address: The JEUS Master Server listener port is already set to [9736]. Do you want to change it? (y/n): n The JEUS Master Server nodename is already set to [node1]. Do you want to change it? (y/n): y Enter the JEUS Master Server nodename: node2 Unpacking the domain [domain1] configuration completed successfully.