
Follow the following steps in this chapter to easily become familiar with JEUS. The following example assumes that the JEUS server is named "server1". Change this to the actual name of the JEUS server that is installed.

  1. Verify that JEUS is installed properly and that the system paths and variables are set properly. Ensure that the directory "JEUS_HOME/bin/" is included in the system path.

    1. In this guide, "JEUS_HOME" refers to the root of the JEUS installation directory.

      (For example, “/home/user/jeus9”)

    2. For more information about installing JEUS, refer to JEUS Installation and Getting Started Guide.

  2. At least one connection must exist on a web engine of a managed server. Refer to Web Connection Management for more information about configuring web connections.

    An HTTP listener with a port set to '8088' can be added as described in HTTP Listeners.

  3. After completing the configurations, enter the following command to execute the JEUS launcher. The arguments '-u' and '-p' are used to specify the administrator name and password that were set during the installation.

    The following example assumes that the administrator name and password have been set to 'jeus'.

    startMasterServer -domain domain1 -server server1 -u jeus -p jeus
  4. Open a different console window and execute 'jeusadmin -u jeus -p jeus'. (If you omitted '-u' and '-p' values, enter 'login -u jeus -p jeus' to log in).

    $ jeusadmin
    JEUS 9 Administration Tool
    To view help, use the 'help' command.
    offline>login -u jeus -p jeus
    Attempting to connect to
    The connection has been established to JEUS Master Server [adminServer] in the domain [domain1].
  5. Execute the following command to list the commands that can monitor and control the web engine.

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>help -g Web
    [ Web]______________________________________________________________________
      add-ajp-listener                 Add AJP listener.
      add-backup-webtob                Add backup WebtoB server.
      add-http-listener                Add HTTP listener.
      add-response-header              Add an HTTP response custom header.
      add-tcp-listener                 Add TCP listener.
      add-tmax-connector               Add Tmax Connector.
      add-valve                        add a new valve configuration.
      add-virtual-host                 Add virtual host.
      add-web-cookie-policy            Add the cookie policy configuration.
      add-web-encoding                 Add web engine characterset encoding.
      add-web-properties               Add web engine properties.
      add-webtob-connector             Add the WebtoB Connector.
      clear-thread-local               Change the on/off setting for clearing
      clear-web-statistics             Resets the web engine statistics.
      list-session                     Show session list sorted by idle time.
      modify-jsp-engine                Modify JSP engine configurations.
      modify-response-header           Modify the HTTP response custom header.
      modify-session-configuration     Modifies the session configuration.
      modify-tmax-connector            Modify the thread pool number of the
      modify-virtual-host              Modify the access log format of a virtual
                                       host dynamically. The access log must be
      modify-web-cookie-policy         Modify the cookie policy configuration.
      modify-web-encoding              Modify the web engine characterset
                                       encoding configurations.
      modify-web-engine-configuration  Modify some parts of the web engine
                                       configuration dynamically.
      modify-web-listener              Modify the thread pool number of the web
                                       listener (http-listener, tcp-listener,
      modify-web-properties            Modify web engine properties.
      modify-webtob-connector          Modify the thread pool number of the
      notify-auto-scale                Notify completed.
      reload-web-context               Forcibly reloads the servlet context.
      remove-backup-webtob             Remove backup WebtoB server.
      remove-response-header           Remove the HTTP response custom header.
      remove-session                   Remove time exceeded session.
      remove-tmax-connector            Remove the tmax-connector.
      remove-valve                     Remove the valve configuration.
      remove-valve-property            Remove the property of the valve.
      remove-virtual-host              Remove virtual host.
      remove-web-cookie-policy         Remove the HTTP cookie policy
      remove-web-encoding              Remove the web engine characterset
                                       encoding configurations.
      remove-web-listener              Remove a web listener (http-listener,
                                       tcp-listener, or ajp13-listener).
      remove-web-properties            Remove web engine properties.
      remove-webtob-connector          Remove webtob-connector.
      resume-web-component             Temporarily resumes the given component
                                       (servlet element of context or given
                                       web-connection name).
      set-valve-property               Set property of the valve. If the
                                       corresponding key does not exist, a
                                       key=value pair is added to the valve.
      show-request-processing-flow     Shows the request processing flow of
                                       mapped URL patterns and the specified
                                       host name.
      show-session-configuration       Shows the session configuration.
      show-session-server-backup-table Shows the session server backup table
      show-web-engine-configuration    Show web engine configurations, including
                                       the monitoring period and access-logs.
      show-web-statistics              Shows the web engine statistics.
      show-webtob-connector            Show the WebtoB Connector Information.
      suspend-web-component            Temporarily suspends the servlet.
      precompile-jsp                   Precompile JSP files for a deployed web
                                       module. Connect to JEUS Master Server or
                                       a server.
    To show detailed information for a command, use 'help [COMMAND_NAME]'.
    ex) help connect
  6. Execute a web engine control or monitoring command. For more information about web engine commands, refer to Web Engine Commands in JEUS Reference Guide.

If a problem occurs in the previous steps, check and adjust the JEUS environment configurations. To find the source of the problem, refer to the log records in the JEUS manager console log.

For more information about configuring a JEUS environment, refer to JEUS Installation and Getting Started Guide and JEUS Server Guide.