1. OSGi Commands

The following is a list of OSGi commands.

Command Description


Adds an OSGi framework configuration to the domain.


Installs bundles in a specified location to a specified OSGi framework.


Displays a list of OSGi frameworks configured in the domain.


Modifies a OSGi framework configuration.


Deletes a OSGi framework configuration.


Displays information of the OSGi frameworks running in a specified server.


Starts a specified bundle.


Stops a specified bundle.


Deletes a specified bundle.


Updates a specified bundle.

1.1. add-osgi-framework

Adds an OSGi framework configuration to the domain.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    add-osgi-framework -n,--name <framework-name>
                       [-en,--exportName <jndi-export-name>]
                       [-s,--servers <server-list>]
                       [-iib <true | false>]
                       [-ibd <path>]
                       [-dsl <start-level>]
                       [-foe <true | false>]
                       [-bid <path-list>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -n,--name <framework-name>

    Unique name of the OSGi framework.

    [-en,--exportName <jndi-export-name>]

    JNDI name of the OSGi framework.

    [-s,--servers <server-list>]

    A list of servers that uses the OSGi framework. To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma(,).

    [-iib <true | false>]

    Determines whether to install bundles in the initial bundles directory. (true | false)

    [-ibd <path>]

    Path of the initial bundles directory. If not specified, the default path is JEUS_HOME/lib/osgi/FRAMEWORK_NAME.

    [-dsl <start-level>]

    Start-level default value for the bundles located in the initial bundles directory.

    [-foe <true | false>]

    Determines whether to regard the failure to install initial bundles as an error. (true | false)

    [-bid <path-list>]

    Path of bundle installation descriptor XML files. To specify multiple files, separate each file with a comma(,).


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.

  • Example

    No OSGi Frameworks exists.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-osgi-framework -name framework-0 -servers server1
    Successfully performed the ADD operation for OSGi Framework framework-0, but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-osgi-frameworks".
    List of OSGi Frameworks
    |     Framework Name     |      JNDI Export Name      |     Target Servers     |
    | framework-0            |                            | server1                |

1.2. install-bundle

Installs bundles in a specified location to a specified OSGi framework.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    install-bundle -l,--location <location>
                   -f,--framework <framework-name>
                   -s,--server <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -l,--location <location>

    URL of the bundle to be installed.

    -f,--framework <framework-name>

    Name of the OSGi framework to which the bundle will be installed.

    -s,--server <server-name>

    Server to which the bundle will be installed.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>install-bundle -location https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/ops4j/pax/url/pax-url-mvn/1.3.7/pax-url-mvn-1.3.7.jar
    -framework framework-0 -server server1
    Installation completed successfully.

1.3. list-osgi-frameworks

Displays a list of OSGi frameworks configured in the domain.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    list-osgi-frameworks [-f,--framework <framework-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    [-f,--framework <framework-name>]

    Displays detailed configuration of a specified OSGi framework.

  • Example

    List of OSGi Frameworks
    |     Framework Name     |      JNDI Export Name      |     Target Servers     |
    | framework-0            |                            | server1                |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-osgi-frameworks -framework framework-0
    OSGi Framework [framework-0]
    |                        Attribute Name                        |     Value     |
    | Framework Name                                               | framework-0   |
    | JNDI Export Name                                             | Not Specified |
    | Target Servers                                               | server1       |
    | Install Initial Bundles                                      | true          |
    | Initial Bundles Directory Location                           | Not Specified |
    | Default Start Level                                          |            30 |
    | Fail On Error                                                | true          |
    Framework Configuration Properties
    | Key |                    Value                   |
    (No data available)
    Bundle Installation Descriptors
    |                                   Location                                   |
    (No data available)

1.4. modify-osgi-framework

Modifies an OSGi framework configuration.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    modify-osgi-framework -n,--name <framework-name>
                          [-en,--exportName <jndi-export-name>]
                          [-s,--servers <server-list>]
                          [-iib <true | false>]
                          [-ibd <path>]
                          [-dsl <start-level>]
                          [-foe <true | false>]
                          [-bid <path-list>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -n,--name <framework-name>

    Unique name of the OSGi framework.

    [-en,--exportName <jndi-export-name>]

    JNDI name of the OSGi framework.

    [-s,--servers <server-list>]

    A list of servers that uses the OSGi framework. To specify multiple servers, separate each server with a comma(,).

    [-iib <true | false>]

    Determines whether to install bundles in the initial bundles directory. (true | false)

    [-ibd <path>]

    Path of the initial bundles directory. If not specified, the default path is JEUS_HOME/lib/osgi/FRAMEWORK_NAME.

    [-dsl <start-level>]

    Start-level default value for the bundles located in the initial bundles directory.

    [-foe <true | false>]

    Determines whether to regard the failure to install initial bundles as an error. (true | false)

    [-bid <path-list>]

    Path of bundle installation descriptor XML files. To specify multiple files, separate each file with a comma(,).


    Forcibly applies the configuration changes.


    Displays detailed results of the dynamic changes.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-osgi-framework -name framework-0 -dsl 45 
    Successfully performed the MODIFY operation for OSGi Framework framework-0, but some changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
    Check the results using "list-osgi-frameworks".

1.5. remove-osgi-framework

Deletes a OSGi framework configuration.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    remove-osgi-framework -n,--name <framework-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -n,--name <framework-name>

    Name of the OSGi framework to delete.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-osgi-framework -name framework-0
    Successfully performed the REMOVE operation for OSGi Framework framework-0.
    Check the results using "list-osgi-frameworks".

1.6. show-osgi-framework-info

Displays information of the OSGi frameworks running in a specified server.

  • Alias

    osgiinfo, fwkinfo

  • Usage

    show-osgi-framework-info -s,--server <server-name>
                             [-f,--framework <framework-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -s,--server <server-name>

    Server name.

    [-f,--framework <framework-name>]

    Name of the OSGi framework to display the information.


    Determines whether to display the information of the installed bundles. This parameter must be used with the -f option.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>show-osgi-framework-info -server server1 -framework framework-0 -lb
    OSGi Framework [framework-0] Information in the server[framework-0]
    Framework [framework-0] Overview
    |                    System Bundle Name                    | Version |
    | org.apache.felix.framework                               | 5.4.0   |
    Installed Bundles in the framework [framework-0].
    | Id |   Symbolic Name   | Version |      Location      |  State | Start-level |
    |  0 | org.apache.felix. | 5.4.0   | System Bundle      | ACTIVE |           0 |
    |    |framework          |         |                    |        |             |
    |  2 | org.ops4j.pax.url | 1.3.7   | https://repo.maven | ACTIVE |          30 |
    |    |.mvn               |         |.apache.org/maven2/ |        |             |
    |    |                   |         |org/ops4j/pax/url/p |        |             |
    |    |                   |         |ax-url-mvn/1.3.7/pa |        |             |
    |    |                   |         |x-url-mvn-1.3.7.jar |        |             |

1.7. start-bundle

Starts a specified bundle.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    start-bundle -name <bundle-symbolic-name>
                 [-version <bundle-version>]
                 -f,--framework <framework-name>
                 -s,--server <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -name <bundle-symbolic-name>

    Name of the bundle to start.

    [-version <bundle-version>]

    Version of the bundle to to start.

    -f,--framework <framework-name>

    Name of the OSGi framework.

    -s,--server <server-name>

    Server name.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>start-bundle -name org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn -framework framework-0 -server server1
    The bundle has been started successfully.

1.8. stop-bundle

Stops a specified bundle.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    stop-bundle -name <bundle-symbolic-name>
                 [-version <bundle-version>]
                 -f,--framework <framework-name>
                 -s,--server <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -name <bundle-symbolic-name>

    Name of the bundle to stop.

    [-version <bundle-version>]

    Version of the bundle to stop.

    -f,--framework <framework-name>

    Name of the OSGi framework.

    -s,--server <server-name>

    Server name.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>stop-bundle -name org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn -framework framework-0 -server server1
    The bundle has been stopped successfully.

1.9. uninstall-bundle

Deletes a specified bundle.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    uninstall-bundle -name <bundle-symbolic-name>
                     [-version <bundle-version>]
                     -f,--framework <framework-name>
                     -s,--server <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -name <bundle-symbolic-name>

    Name of the bundle to delete.

    [-version <bundle-version>]

    Version of the bundle to delete.

    -f,--framework <framework-name>

    Name of the OSGi framework.

    -s,--server <server-name>

    Server name.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>uninstall-bundle -name org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn -framework framework-0 -server server1
    The bundle has been uninstalled successfully.

1.10. update-bundle

Updates a specified bundle.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    update-bundle -name <bundle-symbolic-name>
                  [-version <bundle-version>]
                  -f,--framework <framework-name>
                  -s,--server <server-name>
                  [-l,--location <location>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -name <bundle-symbolic-name>

    Name of the bundle to update.

    [-version <bundle-version>]

    Version of the bundle to update.

    -f,--framework <framework-name>

    Name of the OSGi framework.

    -s,--server <server-name>

    Server name.

    [-l,--location <location>]

    URL of the bundle to use.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>update-bundle -name org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn -framework framework-0 -server server1
    The bundle has been updated successfully.