
This chapter briefly introduces Jakarta Messaging (hereafter JMS), and describes the features of JEUS MQ.

1. Jakarta Messaging(JMS)

Jakarta Messaging (JMS) is a Java Standard API defined to execute inter-application communication through messaging. This section defines the necessary messaging components and message model interfaces, and describes the relationships between them.

JMS has the following features.

  • Loosely coupled structure

    Message producers and message consumers operate independently.

  • Asynchronous communication

    Message consumers can receive messages as soon as they reach the server even if there are no requests.

  • Reliable message transmission

    Messages are guaranteed to be delivered exactly once.

figure jms messaging
JMS Messaging

For more information about JMS or API usage, refer to JMS specification.

2. JEUS MQ Features

JEUS MQ is the implementation entity of the Jakarta Messaging specification that is included in JEUS (TmaxSoft Jakarta EE server). JEUS MQ supports non-blocking I/Os and XA transactions. It also provides highly available message services with enhanced security.

JEUS MQ supports JMS version 2.0 specification and provides the following key features.

  • Supports non-blocking I/O

    By using non-blocking I/O, JEUS MQ can simultaneously process more clients by using the same system resources.

  • Supports XA Transaction

    Supports XA transaction that is an option defined in the JMS specification.

  • Enhanced Security

    Supports the secure socket layer (SSL) communication. JEUS security can be configured to strengthen the security.

  • High Availability

    Clients can automatically recover from server or network failures.

  • Scalability

    Loads can be balanced by JEUS MQ clustering when the number of clients or messages increases.