JMS Engine Commands

The following is a list of JMS engine commands.

Command Description


Forcibly disconnects from a JMS client.


Dynamically adds a new connection factory.


Dynamically adds a new destination to the JMS engine.


Adds a new durable subscription.


Dynamically dds a new message sort.


Add s a new quota.


Add a new service config.


Forcibly commits a pending transaction.


Controls the service status of a specified destination.


Controls service status of a specified durable subscription.


Deletes messages from a destination.


Exports an XML type message from a specified destination.


Imports an XML type message exported to a specified destination.


Displays a list of all connected clients.


Displays a list of all connection factories registered with the JMS engine or the information of a specified connection factory.


Displays a list of all destinations registered with the JMS engine or the information of a specified destination.


Displays a list of all durable subscriptions.


Displays a list of message sorts.


Displays destination message information.


Displays a list of pending transactions.


Displays a list of quotas or information of a specified quota.


Displays a list of service configs or information of a specified service config.


Modifies the information of a specified connection factory.


Modifies the information of a specified destination.


Modifies the information of a specified durable subscription.


Modifies the information of a specified message sort.


Modifies the information of a specified quota.


Modifies the information of a specified service config.


Moves messages to a different destination.


Dynamically deletes a specified connection factory.


Dynamically deletes a destination from the JMS engine.


Dynamically deletes a specified durable subscription.


Deletes a specified message sort.


Deletes a specified quota.


Deletes a specified service config.


Sets a quota of the JMS engine.


Sets an option to check whether the JMS engine is alive before failover.


Sets a persistence store of the JMS engine.


Displays detailed information of a specified message.

1. Shared Options

The following options are shared by JMS engine commands. Only one of the following options can be set.

  • [-cluster <cluster-name> ] option

    • This option is used to specify the cluster to which each command applies. This option can only be used when connected to the Master Server. If connected to a Managed Server, the server command is used.

    • This option is only supported for destination related commands.

  • [-server <server-name> ] option

    • This option is used to specify the server to which each command applies. This option can only be used when connected to the Master Server. If connected to a Managed Server, the server command is used.

    • This option is only supported for non-destination related commands.

2. add-jms-connection-factory

Dynamically adds a new connection factory to the JMS engine. A queue or a topic connection factory can be created.

  • Alias

    add-connection-factory, addconf, createconf

  • Usage

    add-jms-connection-factory -server <server-name>
                               -type <factory-type>
                               -name <factory-name>
                               [-export <export-name>]
                               [-clientid <client-id>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Target server name.

    -type <factory-type>

    Connection factory type

    Input options:

    • nonxa

    • xa

    • queue

    • topic

    • xaqueue

    • xatopic

    -name <factory-name>

    Connection factory name.

    The name must be unique within the JMS engine.

    [-export <export-name>]

    JNDI name of the new connection factory.

    The name must be unique within the JEUS JNDI server.

    [-clientid <client-id>]

    Client ID given to a connection created by the connection factory.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-jms-connection-factory -server adminServer -type nonxa -name MyConnectionFactory
    Executed Successfully.
    View the results using 'list-jms-connection-factories -server adminServer -name MyConnectionFactory'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-connection-factories -server adminServer
    Connection Factory Information
    |             Factory Name            |           Export Name          |  Type |
    | ConnectionFactory                   | ConnectionFactory              | nonxa |
    | MyConnectionFactory                 | MyConnectionFactory            | nonxa |
    | XAConnectionFactory                 | XAConnectionFactory            | xa    |

3. add-jms-destination

Dynamically adds a new destination to the JMS engine.

  • Alias

    add-destination, adddest, createdest

  • Usage

    add-jms-destination -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>
                        -type <destination-type>
                        -name <destination-name>
                        [-export <export-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>

    Cluster or server to which the destination belongs.

    -type <destination-type>

    Destination type. (queue or topic)

    -name <destination-name>

    Destination name to be created.

    The name must be unique within the JMS engine.

    [-export <export-name>]

    JNDI name of the new connection factory.

    The name must be unique within the JEUS JNDI server. If not specified, the value of destination-name is used.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-jms-destination -server adminServer -type queue -name MyQueue
    Executed Successfully.
    View the results using 'list-jms-destinations -server adminServer -name MyQueue'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-destinations -server adminServer
    Destination information in Server adminServer
    |   Name  |  Export |  Type |  Remaining | Dead Letter |  Produce  |  Consume  |
    |         |  Name   |       |  Messages  | Destination | Suspended | Suspended |
    | MyQueue | MyQueue | Queue |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    | Examples| Examples| Topic |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |Topic    |Topic    |       |            |             |           |           |
    | Examples| Examples| Queue |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |Queue    |Queue    |       |            |             |           |           |
    | JEUSMQ_D| JEUSMQ_D| Queue |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |LQ       |LQ       |       |            |             |           |           |
    For detailed information, use the -name option

4. add-jms-durable-subscription

Dynamically adds a new durable subscription to the JMS engine.

  • Alias

    add-durable, adddur, createdur

  • Usage

    add-jms-durable-subscription -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>
                                 -clientid <client-id>
                                 -name <durable-subscription-name>
                                 -topic <topic-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>

    Cluster or server to which the durable subscription belongs.

    -clientid <client-id>

    ID of the client to subscribe.

    -name <durable-subscription-name>

    Name of the durable subscription to create.

    The name must be unique and not match any existing durable subscription within the JMS engine.

    -topic <topic-name>

    Name of a durable subscription topic.


    Option to create a shared durable subscription.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-jms-durable-subscription -server adminServer -clientid testClient -name testDurable -topic testTopic
    Executed Successfully.
    View the results using 'list-jms-durable-subscriptions -server adminServer'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-durable-subscriptions -server adminServer
    Durable Subscription Information
    | Durable Name | Client ID | Shared | Message Selector |   Remaining Messages  |
    | testDurable  | testClient| false  |                  |                     0 |

5. add-jms-message-sort

Adds a new message sort to the JMS engine.

  • Alias

    add-message-sort, addmsgsort

  • Usage

    add-jms-message-sort -server <server-name>
                         -name <message-sort-name>
                         -key <key>
                         [-type <type>]
                         -direction <direction>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server to which the message sort belongs.

    -name <message-sort-name>

    Name of the message sort to create.

    The name must be unique and not match any existing message sort within the JMS engine.

    -key <key>

    Key as a criterion for sorting messages.

    [-type <type>]

    Key type.

    -direction <direction>

    Sorting order of messages.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-jms-message-sort -server adminServer -name testSort -key JMSPriority -type Integer -direction Ascending
    Executed successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It might be necessary to restart the server.
    View the results using 'list-jms-message-sorts -server adminServer -name testSort'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-message-sorts -server adminServer -name testSort
    Detailed Message Sort Information
    | Message Sort Name                           | testSort    |
    | Key                                         | JMSPriority |
    | Type                                        | INTEGER     |
    | Direction                                   | ASCENDING   |

6. add-jms-quota

Add a new quota to the JMS engine.

  • Alias

    add-quota, addquota

  • Usage

    add-jms-quota -server <server-name>
                  -name <quota-name>
                  [-byte <max-bytes>]
                  [-msg <max-messages>]
                  [-shared <shared>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server to which the quota belongs.

    -name <quota-name>

    Name of the quota to create. The name must be unique and not match any existing quota within the JMS engine.

    [-byte <max-bytes>]

    Maximum bytes.

    [-msg <max-messages>]

    Maximum number of messages.

    [-shared <shared>]

    Determines whether to share the quota with multiple destinations.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-jms-quota -server adminServer -name testQuota -byte 128M -msg 1M -shared false
    Executed successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It might be necessary to restart the server.
    View the results using 'list-jms-quotas -server adminServer -name testQuota'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-quotas -server adminServer -name testQuota
    Detailed Quota Information
    | Quota Name                                 | testQuota  |
    | Max Bytes                                  | 128M       |
    | Max Messages                               | 1M         |
    | Shared                                     | false      |

7. add-jms-service-config

Adds a new service to the JMS engine.

  • Alias

    add-service-config, addjmsservice

  • Usage

    add-jms-service-config -server <server-name>
                           -name <service-name>
                           [-limit <client-limit>]
                           [-timeout <client-keepalive-timeout>]
                           [-listener <listener>]
                           [-address <address>]
                           [-port <port>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server to which the service belongs.

    -name <service-name>

    Name of the service to create. The name must be unique and not match any existing quota within the JMS engine.

    [-limit <client-limit>]

    Maximum allowed clients.

    [-timeout <client-keepalive-timeout>]

    Time to wait for reconnection in the event of abnormal termination.

    [-listener <listener>]

    Listener of the service.


    Option to use a virtual listener.

    [-address <address>]

    Address of the virtual listener.

    [-port <port>]

    Port of the virtual listener.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>add-jms-service-config -server adminServer -name testService -limit 1000 -timeout 30 -listener base
    Executed Successfully.
    View the results using 'list-jms-service-configs -server adminServer -name testService'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-service-configs -server adminServer -name testService
    Detailed Service Config Information
    | Service Config Name                               | testService |
    | Client Limit                                      |        1000 |
    | Client Keepalive Timeout                          |          30 |
    | Listener Name                                     | base        |

8. ban-jms-client

Forcibly disconnects a connection with a JMS client.

  • Alias

    killentry, banentry

  • Usage

    ban-jms-client -server <server-name>
                   -name <entry-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Target server name.

    -name <entry-name>

    JMS client name to which a connection is forcibly closed. The name can be displayed using the list-jms-clients command.

9. commit-jms-pending-transaction

Forcibly commits a pending transaction.

  • Alias

    jmsptcommit, ptcommit

  • Usage

    commit-jms-pending-transaction -server <server-name>
                                   -id <tx-id>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Target server name.

    -id <tx-id>

    Transaction ID to be forcibly committed. The list-jms-pending-transactions command can be used to check the ID.

10. control-jms-destination

Controls the service status of a specified destination.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    control-jms-destination -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>
                            -dest <destination-name>
                            -suspend | -resume
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>

    Cluster or server to which the destination belongs.

    -dest <destination-name>

    Destination name to be controlled.

    -suspend | -resume

    Destination state to be controlled.

    • suspend: The destination service is temporarily suspended.

    • resume: The destination service is resumed.


    Determines whether to control the produce of the specified destination.


    Determines whether to control the consume of the specified destination.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>control-jms-destination -server adminServer -dest ExamplesQueue -suspend -produce
    Controlling destination is successful in ExamplesQueue : [production] is suspended
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>control-jms-destination -server adminServer -dest ExamplesQueue -resume -produce
    Controlling destination is successful in ExamplesQueue : [production] is resumed

11. control-jms-durable-subscription

Controls service status of a specified durable subscription in the JMS engine.

  • Alias

    control-durable, durctrl

  • Usage

    control-jms-durable-subscription -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>
                                     -name <durable-subscription-name>
                                     -suspend | -resume
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>

    Cluster or server to which the durable subscription belongs.

    -name <durable-subscription-name>

    Name of the durable subscription to control.

    -suspend | -resume

    Status of the durable subscription to control.

    • suspend: Suspends the durable subscription service.

    • resume: Resumes the durable subscription service.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>control-jms-durable-subscription -server adminServer -name testDS -suspend
    Executed Successfully
    View the results using 'list-jms-durable-subscriptions -server adminServer'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-durable-subscriptions -server adminServer
    Durable Subscription Information
    |  Durable |Client | Shared |   Message  |  Remaining Messages |   Suspended   |
    |   Name   |  ID   |        |  Selector  |      (current)      |   (current)   |
    | testDS   | testDS| false  |            |                   0 | true          |

12. delete-jms-messages

Deletes a message or all messages from a queue or durable subscriber.

  • Alias

    deletemsg, deletemessage, removemsg, removemessage, rmmsg

  • Usage

    delete-jms-message -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>
                    -dest <destination-name> | -durable <client-id>_<durable-name>
                    -id <message-id> | -all
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>

    Cluster or server name to which the destination or the durable subscriber belongs.

    -dest <destination-name> | -durable <client-id>_<durable-name>

    Destination name or durable subscriber name of the message to be deleted.

    -id <message-id> | -all

    ID of the message to be deleted. Individual message IDs or all messages can be selected.

13. export-jms-messages

Exports a message of a destination in the XML type.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    export-jms-message  -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>
                      -dest <destination-name> | -durable <client-id>_<durable-name>
                      -path <file-path>
                      -id <message-id> | -all
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>

    Cluster or server name to which the destination or the durable subscriber belongs.

    -dest <destination-name> | -durable <client-id>_<durable-name>

    Destination name or durable subscriber name of the message to be exported.

    -path <file-path>

    Path to the file to which exported messages are saved.

    -id <message-id> | -all

    ID of the message to be exported. Individual message IDs or all messages can be selected.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>export-jms-messages -server adminServer -dest ExamplesQueue -all -path exported.xml
    Successfully exported 5 messages.

14. import-jms-messages

Imports all messages from an XML file in a destination.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    import-jms-message  -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>
                       -dest <destination-name>
                       -path <file-path>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>

    Cluster or server to which the destination belongs.

    -dest <destination-name>

    Target destination of the message.

    -path <file-path>

    Path to the file to which imported messages are saved.


    Does not issue a new JMSMessageID for an imported message. A message with the same ID is overwritten.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-messages -server adminServer -dest ExamplesQueue
    There are no messages in ExamplesQueue.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>import-jms-messages -server adminServer -dest ExamplesQueue -path exported.xml
    Successfully imported 5 of 5 messages.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-messages -server adminServer -dest ExamplesQueue
    Messages in Destination ExamplesQueue
    |         Message ID         | Message Type |             Created Time             |
    | ID:796886517700001:1:5     | Text         | Tue Nov 19 19:52:54 KST 2016         |
    | ID:796886517700001:1:6     | Text         | Tue Nov 19 19:52:54 KST 2016         |
    | ID:796886517700001:1:7     | Text         | Tue Nov 19 19:52:54 KST 2016         |
    | ID:796886517700001:1:8     | Text         | Tue Nov 19 19:52:54 KST 2016         |
    | ID:796886517700001:1:9     | Text         | Tue Nov 19 19:52:54 KST 2016         |

15. list-jms-clients

Displays a list of all connected clients.

  • Alias

    jmsclient, jmsentry

  • Usage

    list-jms-clients -server <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name of which a list of clients is displayed.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-clients -server adminServer
    JEUS MQ client information
    |   Entry Name  |    Remote Address    |    Start Time    |Connection| Session |
    |               |                      |                  |  Count   |  Count  |
    | JMSClient-RE63|| Tue Nov 07       |        1 |       1 |
    |675900002      |.34.33:49490          |16:14:32 KST 2016 |          |         |
    | JMSClient-RE63|| Tue Nov 07       |        1 |       1 |
    |675900001      |.34.33:49484          |16:14:23 KST 2016 |          |         |

16. list-jms-connection-factories

Displays a list of all connection factories registered with the JMS engine or the information of a specified connection factory.

  • Alias

    jmscf, jmsconf

  • Usage

    list-jms-connection-factoryies -server <server-name>
                                   [-n, --name <factory-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name to which the connection factory belongs.

    [-n, --name <factory-name>]

    Connection factory name. If not specified, brief descriptions of all connection factories are displayed.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-connection-factories -server adminServer
    Connection Factory Information
    |             Factory Name            |           Export Name          |  Type |
    | ConnectionFactory                   | ConnectionFactory              | nonxa |
    | XAConnectionFactory                 | XAConnectionFactory            | xa    |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-connection-factories -server adminServer -name ConnectionFactory
    | Factory Name                                | ConnectionFactory |
    | Export Name                                 | ConnectionFactory |
    | Type                                        | nonxa             |
    | Client ID                                   | not-set           |
    | Max Client Session Threads                  |               100 |
    | Clustered                                   | false             |
    | Broker Selection Policy                     | round-robin       |
    |                                   Addresses                                  |
    |                                |

17. list-jms-destinations

Displays a list of all destinations registered with the JMS engine or the information of a specified destination.

  • Alias

    jmsdest, dest

  • Usage

    list-jms-destinations -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>
                          [-n, --name <destination-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>

    Cluster or server to which the destination belongs.

    [-n, --name <destination-name>]

    Destination name. If not specified, brief descriptions of all destinations are displayed.

  • Example

    [[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-destinations -server adminServer
    Destination information in Server adminServer
    |   Name  |  Export |  Type |  Remaining | Dead Letter |  Produce  |  Consume  |
    |         |  Name   |       |  Messages  | Destination | Suspended | Suspended |
    | Examples| Examples| Topic |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |Topic    |Topic    |       |            |             |           |           |
    | Examples| Examples| Queue |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |Queue    |Queue    |       |            |             |           |           |
    | JEUSMQ_D| JEUSMQ_D| Queue |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |LQ       |LQ       |       |            |             |           |           |
    For detailed information, use  the -name option
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-destinations -server adminServer -name ExamplesQueue
    Detailed destination information in Server adminServer
    | Export Name                                    | ExamplesQueue |
    | Type                                           | Queue         |
    | Dead Letter Destination                        | JEUSMQ_DLQ    |
    | Consumer Count                                 |             0 |
    | Processed Messages                             |             0 |
    | Remaining Messages                             |             0 |
    | Pending Messages                               |             0 |
    | Dispatched Messages                            |             0 |
    | Delivered Messages                             |             0 |
    | Expired Messages                               |             0 |
    | Moved Messages                                 |             0 |
    | Memory Usage (current)                         | 0kb           |
    | Memory Usage (high mark)                       | 0kb           |
    | Produce Suspended                              | false         |
    | Consume Suspended                              | false         |

18. list-jms-durable-subscriptions

Displays a list of all durable subscriptions registered with the JMS engine.

  • Alias

    durable, dur

  • Usage

    list-jms-durable-subscriptions -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>

    Server or cluster whose list of durable subscribers is displayed.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-durable-subscriptions -server adminServer
    Durable Subscription Information
    | Durable Name | Client ID | Shared | Message Selector |   Remaining Messages  |
    | testDurable  | testClient| false  |                  |                     5 |

19. list-jms-message-sorts

Displays a list of all message sorts registered with the JMS engine or information of a specified message sort.

  • Alias

    list-message-sorts, msgsort

  • Usage

    list-jms-destinations -server <server-name>
                          [-name <message-sort-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server to which the message sort belongs.

    [-name <message-sort-name>]

    Name of the message sort to display its information. If not specified, brief descriptions of all message sorts is displayed.

  • Example

    [[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-message-sorts -server adminServer
    Message Sort Information
    |         Message Sort Name         |     Key     |   Type  |
    | testSort                          | JMSPriority | INTEGER |
    [[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-message-sorts -server adminServer -name testSort
    Detailed Message Sort Information
    | Message Sort Name                           | testSort    |
    | Key                                         | JMSPriority |
    | Type                                        | INTEGER     |
    | Direction                                   | DESCENDING  |

20. list-jms-messages

Displays destination message information.

  • Alias

    message, msg

  • Usage

    list-jms-messages -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>
                     -dest <destination-name> | -durable <client-id>_<durable-name>
                     [-s,--selector <message-selector>]
                     [-offset <offset>]
                     [-size <size>]
                     [-id <message-id-pattern>]
                     [-type <message-type>]
                     [-from <YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS>]
                     [-to <YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>

    Cluster or server name to which the destination or the durable subscriber belongs.

    -dest <destination-name> | -durable <client-id>_<durable-name>

    Destination name or durable subscriber name of the message to be displayed.

    [-s, --selector <message-selector>]

    Only messages with the specified message selector can be displayed.

    [-offset <offset>]

    Offset from which messages are displayed when messages are divided before displayed.

    [-size <size>]

    Number of messages to be displayed when messages are divided before displayed.

    [-id <message-id-pattern>]

    Only messages with the specified message ID pattern can be displayed.

    [-type <message-type>]

    Only messages with the specified message type can be displayed.

    [-from <YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS>]

    Only messages received after the specified time can be displayed.

    [-to <YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS>]

    Only messages received before the specified time can be displayed.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-messages -server adminServer -dest ExamplesQueue
    Messages in Destination ExamplesQueue.
    |          Message ID         | Message Type|            Created Time            |
    | ID:7968865177000001:1:1     | Text        | Mon Nov 07 20:10:01 KST 2016       |
    | ID:7968865177000001:1:2     | Text        | Mon Nov 07 20:10:03 KST 2016       |
    | ID:7968865177000001:1:3     | Text        | Mon Nov 07 20:10:04 KST 2016       |
    | ID:7968865177000001:1:4     | Text        | Mon Nov 07 20:10:06 KST 2016       |

21. list-jms-pending-transactions

Displays a list of transactions in the indoubt state.

  • Alias

    jmspt, pt

  • Usage

    list-jms-pending-transactions -server <server-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Name of the server whose transactions are in the indoubt state are displayed.

22. list-jms-quotas

Displays a list of all quotas registered with the JMS engine or information of a specified quota.

  • Alias

    list-quotas, jmsquota

  • Usage

    list-jms-quotas -server <server-name>
                    [-name <quota-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server to which the quota belongs.

    [-name <quota-name>]

    Name of the quota to display its information. If not specified, brief descriptions of all quotas are displayed.

  • Example

    [[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-quotas -server adminServer
    Quota Information
    |          Quota Name         | Max Bytes | Shared |
    | testQuota                   | 128M      | false  |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-quotas -server adminServer -name testQuota
    Detailed Quota Information
    | Quota Name                                  | testQuota |
    | Max Bytes                                   | 128M      |
    | Max Messages                                | 1M        |
    | Shared                                      | false     |

23. list-jms-service-configs

Displays a list of service registered with the JMS engine or information of a specified service.

  • Alias

    list-service-config, jmsservice

  • Usage

    list-jms-service-configs -server <server-name>
                             [-name <service-name>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server to which the service belongs.

    [-name <service-name>]

    Name of the service to display its information. If not specified, brief descriptions of all services are displayed.

  • Example

    [[MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-service-configs -server adminServer
    Service Config Information
    |      Service Config Name     |    Listener Name    |     Virtual Listener    |
    | default                      | jms                 |                         |
    | testService                  | base                |                         |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-service-configs -server adminServer -name testService
    Detailed Service Config Information
    | Service Config Name                               | testService |
    | Client Limit                                      |        1000 |
    | Client Keepalive Timeout                          |          30 |
    | Listener Name                                     | base        |

24. modify-jms-connection-factory

Modifies the information of a specified connection factory

  • Alias

    modify-connection-factory, modifyconf

  • Usage

    modify-jms-connection-factory -server <server-name>
                                  -name <factory-name>
                                  [-type <factory-type>]
                                  [-service <service-name>]
                                  [-export <export-name>]
                                  [-clientid <client-id>]
                                  [-policy <server-selection-policy>]
                                  [-time <request-blocking-time>]
                                  [-re <reconnect-enabled>]
                                  [-period <reconnect-period>]
                                  [-interval <reconnect-interval>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name.

    -name <factory-name>

    Name of the connection factory to modify.

    [-type <factory-type>]

    Connection factory type

    Input options:

    • nonxa

    • xa

    • queue

    • topic

    • xaqueue

    • xatopic

    [-service <service-name>]

    Service of the connection factory.

    [-export <export-name>]

    JNDI name of the new connection factory.

    The name must be unique within the JEUS JNDI server.

    [-clientid <client-id>]

    Client ID given to a connection created by the connection factory.

    [-policy <server-selection-policy>]

    Policy of selecting a channel when creating a connection.

    Input options:

    • Round-robin

    • Random

    [-time <request-blocking-time>]

    Time for the client to wait for a response.

    [-re <reconnect-enabled>]

    Determines whether to reconnect when the connection is lost.

    [-period <reconnect-period>]

    Maximum time to attempt reconnection.

    [-interval <reconnect-interval>]

    Interval of attempting recconection.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-jms-connection-factory -server adminServer -name MyConnectionFactory -type xa -service testService -export MyCF -clientid MyId -policy Random
    Executed successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It might be necessary to restart the server.
    View the results using 'list-jms-connection-factories -server adminServer -name MyConnectionFactory'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-connection-factories -server adminServer -name MyConnectionFactory
    Detailed Connection Factory Information
    | Factory Name                               | MyConnectionFactory |
    | Export Name                                | MyCF                |
    | Type                                       | xa                  |
    | Client ID                                  | MyId                |
    | Max Client Session Threads                 |                 100 |
    | Clustered                                  | false               |
    | Server Selection Policy                    | Random              |
    |                                   Addresses                                  |
    |                            |

25. modify-jms-destination

Modifies the information of a specified destination.

  • Alias

    modify-destination, modifydest

  • Usage

    modify-jms-destination -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>
                           -name <destination-name>
                           [-type <destination-type>]
                           [-export <export-name>]
                           [-subLimit <subscription-limit>]
                           [-quota <quota>]
                           [-pendLimit <max-pending-limit>]
                           [-dispatch <resume-dispatch-factor>]
                           [-sort <message-sort>]
                           [-deadLetter <dead-letter-destination>]
                           [-policy <expiration-policy>]
                           [-delay <redelivery-delay>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>

    Cluster or server to which the destination to be modified belongs.

    -name <destination-name>

    Name of the destination to modify.

    [-type <destination-type>]

    Destination type. (queue or topic)

    [-export <export-name>]

    JNDI name of the destination.

    The name must be unique within the JEUS JNDI server.

    [-subLimit <subscription-limit>]

    Maximum consumers that can access the destination.

    [-quota <quota>]

    Quota to limit message data of the destination.

    [-pendLimit <max-pending-limit>]

    Maximum allowable messages that did not receive an acknowledgement.

    [-disptach <resume-dispatch-factor>]

    Factor to dispatch the pending messages.

    [-sort <message-sort>]

    Message sort to be applied to the destination.

    [-deadLetter <dead-letter-destination>]

    Name of the destination to store unprocessed messages.

    [-policy <expiration-policy>]

    Option of handling the expired messages:

    Input options:

    • Delete

    • Redirect

    [-delay <redelivery-delay>]

    Delay time until a message is resent.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-jms-destination -server adminServer
    -name MyQueue -type topic -export MyTopic -deadLetter ExamplesTopic
    Executed successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It might be necessary to restart the server.
    View the results using 'list-jms-destinations -server adminServer -name MyQueue'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-destinations -server adminServer -name MyQueue
    Detailed destination information in Server adminServer
    | Export Name                                        | MyTopic       |
    | Type                                               | Topic         |
    | Dead Letter Destination                            | ExamplesTopic |
    | Consumer Count                                     |             0 |
    | Processed Messages                                 |             0 |
    | Remaining Messages (current)                       |             0 |
    | Remaining Messages (high mark)                     |             0 |
    | Pending Messages                                   | -             |
    | Dispatched Messages                                | -             |
    | Delivered Messages                                 |             0 |
    | Expired Messages                                   |             0 |
    | Moved Messages                                     | -             |
    | Removed Messages                                   | -             |
    | Poisoned Messages                                  |             0 |
    | Memory Usage (current)                             | 0kb           |
    | Memory Usage (high mark)                           | 0kb           |
    | Production Suspended                               | false         |
    | Consumption Suspended                              | false         |

26. modify-jms-durable-subscription

Modifies the information of a specified durable subscription

  • Alias

    modify-durable-subscription, modify-durable, modifydur

  • Usage

    modify-jms-durable-subscription -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>
                                    -name <durable-subscription-name>
                                    [-clientid <client-id>]
                                    [-topic <topic-name>]
                                    [-shared <shared>]
                                    [-selector <message-selector>]
                                    [-sort <message-sort>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>

    Cluster or server to which a durable subscription to be modified belongs.

    -name <durable-subscription-name>

    Name of the durable subscription to modify.

    [-clientid <client-id>]

    ID of the client to subscribe.

    [-topic <topic-name>]

    Topic name of the durable subscription.

    [-shared <shared>]

    Determines whether the durable subscription is shared.

    [-selector <message-selector>]

    Message selector name of the durable subscription.

    [-sort <message-sort>]

    Message sort name of the durable subscription.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-jms-durable-subscription -server adminServer
    -name testDS -clientid testClientID -shared false -selector TESTNO>=1
    Executed successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It might be necessary to restart the server.
    View the results using 'list-jms-durable-subscriptions -server adminServer'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-durable-subscriptions -server adminServer
    Durable Subscription Information
    | Durable |  Client | Shared |   Message  |  Remaining Messages |   Suspended  |
    |   Name  |   ID    |        |  Selector  |      (current)      |  (current)   |
    | testDS  | testCli | false  | TESTNO>=1  |                   0 | false        |
    |         |entID    |        |            |                     |              |

27. modify-jms-message-sort

Modifies the information of a specified message sort.

  • Alias

    modify-message-sort, modmsgsort

  • Usage

    modify-jms-message-sort -server <server-name>
                            -name <message-sort-name>
                            [-key <key>]
                            [-type <type>]
                            [-direction <direction>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server to which the message sort to be modified belongs.

    -name <message-sort-name>

    Name of the message sort to modify.

    [-key <key>]

    Key as a criterion for sorting messages.

    [-type <type>]

    Key type.

    [-direction <direction>]

    Sorting order of messages.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-jms-message-sort -server adminServer
    -name testSort -key JMSMessageID -type String -direction Descending
    Executed successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It might be necessary to restart the server.
    View the results using 'list-jms-message-sorts -server adminServer -name testSort'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-message-sorts -server adminServer -name testSort
    Detailed Message Sort Information
    | Message Sort Name                          | testSort     |
    | Key                                        | JMSMessageID |
    | Type                                       | STRING       |
    | Direction                                  | DESCENDING   |

28. modify-jms-quota

Modifies the information of a specified quota

  • Alias

    modify-quota, modquota

  • Usage

    modify-jms-quota -server <server-name>
                     -name <quota-name>
                     [-byte <max-bytes>]
                     [-msg <max-messages>]
                     [-shared <shared>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server to which the quota to be modified belongs.

    -name <quota-name>

    Name of the quota to modify.

    [-byte <max-bytes>]

    Maximum bytes.

    [-msg <max-messages>]

    Maximum number of messages.

    [-shared <shared>]

    Determines whether to share the quota with multiple destinations.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-jms-quota -server adminServer
    -name testQuota -byte 256M -msg 2M -shared true
    Executed successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It might be necessary to restart the server.
    View the results using 'list-jms-quotas -server adminServer -name testQuota'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-quotas -server adminServer -name testQuota
    Detailed Quota Information
    | Quota Name                                  | testQuota |
    | Max Bytes                                   | 256M      |
    | Max Messages                                | 2M        |
    | Shared                                      | true      |

29. modify-jms-service-config

Modifies the information of a specified service.

  • Alias

    modify-service-config, modifyjmsservice

  • Usage

    modify-jms-service-config -server <server-name>
                              -name <service-name>
                              [-limit <client-limit>]
                              [-timeout <client-keepalive-timeout>]
                              [-listener <listener>]
                              [-address <address>]
                              [-port <port>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server to which the service to be modified belongs.

    -name <service-name>

    Name of the service to modify.

    [-limit <client-limit>]

    Maximum allowed clients.

    [-timeout <client-keepalive-timeout>]

    Time to wait for reconnection in the event of abnormal termination.

    [-listener <listener>]

    Listener of the service.


    Option to use a virtual listener.

    [-address <address>]

    Address of the virtual listener.

    [-port <port>]

    Port of the virtual listener.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>modify-jms-service-config -server adminServer
    -name testService -limit 2000 -timeout 100
    Executed successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It might be necessary to restart the server.
    View the results using 'list-jms-service-configs -server adminServer -name testService'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-service-configs -server adminServer -name testService
    Detailed Service Config Information
    | Service Config Name                               | testService |
    | Client Limit                                      |        2000 |
    | Client Keepalive Timeout                          |         100 |
    | Listener Name                                     | base        |

30. move-jms-messages

Moves messages to a different destination.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    move-jms-message  -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>
                     -dest <destination-name> | -durable <client-id>_<durable-name>
                     -id <message-id> | -all
                     -target <destination-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>

    Cluster or server name to which the destination or the durable subscriber belongs.

    -dest <destination-name> | -durable <client-id>_<durable-name>

    Destination name or durable subscriber name of the message to be displayed.

    -id <message-id> | -all

    ID of the message to be moved. Individual message IDs or all messages can be selected.

    -target <destination-name>

    Target destination of the message.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-destinations -server adminServer
    Destination information in Server adminServer
    |   Name  |  Export |  Type |  Remaining | Dead Letter |  Produce  |  Consume  |
    |         |  Name   |       |  Messages  | Destination | Suspended | Suspended |
    | MyQueue | MyQueue | Queue |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    | Examples| Examples| Topic |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |Topic    |Topic    |       |            |             |           |           |
    +---------+---------+-------+------------+-------------+-----------+------- ----+
    | Examples| Examples| Queue |          5 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |Queue    |Queue    |       |            |             |           |           |
    | JEUSMQ_D| JEUSMQ_D| Queue |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |LQ       |LQ       |       |            |             |           |           |
    For detailed information, use the -name option
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>move-jms-messages -server adminServer -dest ExamplesQueue -all -target MyQueue
    Successfully moved all messages from ExamplesQueue to MyQueue is successful
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-destinations -server adminServer
    Destination information in Server adminServer
    |   Name  |  Export |  Type |  Remaining | Dead Letter |  Produce  |  Consume  |
    |         |  Name   |       |  Messages  | Destination | Suspended | Suspended |
    | MyQueue | MyQueue | Queue |          5 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    | Examples| Examples| Topic |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |Topic    |Topic    |       |            |             |           |           |
    | Examples| Examples| Queue |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |Queue    |Queue    |       |            |             |           |           |
    | JEUSMQ_D| JEUSMQ_D| Queue |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |LQ       |LQ       |       |            |             |           |           |
    For detailed information, use the -name option

31. remove-jms-connection-factory

Dynamically deletes a specified connection factory from the JMS engine.

  • Alias

    remove-connection-factory, deleteconf, removeconf

  • Usage

    remove-jms-connection-factory -server <server-name>
                                  -name <factory-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server name to which the connection factory belongs.

    -name <factory-name>

    Connection factory to be deleted.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-connection-factories -server adminServer
    Connection Factory information
    |             Factory Name            |           Export Name          |  Type |
    | ConnectionFactory                   | ConnectionFactory              | nonxa |
    | MyConnectionFactory                 | MyConnectionFactory            | nonxa |
    | XAConnectionFactory                 | XAConnectionFactory            | xa    |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-jms-connection-factory -server adminServer -name MyConnectionFactory
    Executed Successfully.
    View the results using 'list-jms-connection-factories -server adminServer'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-connection-factories -server adminServer
    Connection Factory information
    |             Factory Name            |           Export Name          |  Type |
    | ConnectionFactory                   | ConnectionFactory              | nonxa |
    | XAConnectionFactory                 | XAConnectionFactory            | xa    |

32. remove-jms-destination

Dynamically deletes a destination from the JMS engine.

  • Alias

    remove-destination, deletedest, removedest

  • Usage

    remove-jms-destination -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>
                           -name <destination-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>

    Cluster or server to which the destination belongs.

    -name <destination-name>

    Destination name to be deleted.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-destinations -server adminServer
    Destination information in Server adminServer
    |   Name  |  Export |  Type |  Remaining | Dead Letter |  Produce  |  Consume  |
    |         |  Name   |       |  Messages  | Destination | Suspended | Suspended |
    | MyQueue | MyQueue | Queue |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    | Examples| Examples| Topic |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |Topic    |Topic    |       |            |             |           |           |
    | Examples| Examples| Queue |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |Queue    |Queue    |       |            |             |           |           |
    | JEUSMQ_D| JEUSMQ_D| Queue |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |LQ       |LQ       |       |            |             |           |           |
    For detailed information, use the -name option
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-jms-destination -server adminServer -name MyQueue
    Executed Successfully.
    View the results using 'list-jms-destinations -server adminServer'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-destinations -server adminServer
    Destination information in Server adminServer
    |   Name  |  Export |  Type |  Remaining | Dead Letter |  Produce  |  Consume  |
    |         |  Name   |       |  Messages  | Destination | Suspended | Suspended |
    | Examples| Examples| Topic |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |Topic    |Topic    |       |            |             |           |           |
    | Examples| Examples| Queue |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |Queue    |Queue    |       |            |             |           |           |
    | JEUSMQ_D| JEUSMQ_D| Queue |          0 | JEUSMQ_DLQ  | false     | false     |
    |LQ       |LQ       |       |            |             |           |           |
    For detailed information, use the -name option

33. remove-jms-durable-subscription

Dynamically deletes a specified durable subscription from the JMS engine.

  • Alias

    remove-durable, deletedur, removedur

  • Usage

    remove-jms-durable-subscription -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>
                                    -name <durable-subscription-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>

    Cluster or server to which the durable subscription belongs.

    -name <durable-subscription-name>

    Name of the durable subscription to delete.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-durable-subscriptions -server adminServer
    Durable Subscription Information
    | Durable Name | Client ID | Shared | Message Selector |   Remaining Messages  |
    | testDurable1 | client1   | false  |                  |                     5 |
    | testDurable2 | client2   | false  |                  |                     0 |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-jms-durable-subscription -server adminServer -name testDurable2
    Executed Successfully.
    View the results using 'list-jms-durable-subscriptions -server adminServer'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-durable-subscriptions -server adminServer
    Durable Subscription Information
    | Durable Name | Client ID | Shared | Message Selector |   Remaining Messages  |
    | testDurable1 | client1   | false  |                  |                     5 |

34. remove-jms-message-sort

Deletes a specified message sort from the JMS engine.

  • Alias

    remove-message-sort, removemsgsort

  • Usage

    remove-jms-message-sort -server <server-name>
                            -name <message-sort-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server to which the message sort belongs.

    -name <message-sort-name>

    Name of the message sort to delete.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-message-sorts -server adminServer
    Message Sort Information
    |         Message Sort Name        |      Key     |   Type  |
    | testSort                         | JMSMessageID | STRING  |
    | testSort2                        | JMSPriority  | INTEGER |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-jms-message-sort -server adminServer -name testSort2
    Executed successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It might be necessary to restart the server.
    View the results using 'list-jms-message-sorts -server adminServer'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-message-sorts -server adminServer
    Message Sort Information
    |         Message Sort Name         |      Key     |  Type  |
    | testSort                          | JMSMessageID | STRING |

35. remove-jms-quota

Deletes a specified quota from the JMS engine.

  • Alias

    remove-quota, removequota

  • Usage

    remove-jms-quota -server <server-name>
                     -name <quota-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server to which the quota belongs.

    -name <quota-name>

    Name of the quota to delete.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-quotas -server adminServer
    Quota Information
    |          Quota Name         | Max Bytes | Shared |
    | testQuota                   | 256M      | true   |
    | testQuota2                  | 128M      | false  |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-jms-quota -server adminServer -name testQuota2
    Executed successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It might be necessary to restart the server.
    View the results using 'list-jms-quotas -server adminServer'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-quotas -server adminServer
    Quota Information
    |          Quota Name         | Max Bytes | Shared |
    | testQuota                   | 256M      | true   |

36. remove-jms-service-config

Deletes a specified service config from the JMS engine.

  • Alias

    remove-service-config,deletejmsservice, removejmsservice

  • Usage

    remove-jms-service-config -server <server-name>
                              -name <service-name>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server to which the service belongs.

    -name <service-name>

    Name of the service to delete.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-service-configs -server adminServer
    Service Config Information
    |      Service Config Name     |    Listener Name    |     Virtual Listener    |
    | default                      | jms                 |                         |
    | testService                  | base                |                         |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>remove-jms-service-config -server adminServer -name testService
    Executed successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It might be necessary to restart the server.
    View the results using 'list-jms-service-configs -server adminServer'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-service-configs -server adminServer
    Service Config Information
    |      Service Config Name     |    Listener Name    |     Virtual Listener    |
    | default                      | jms                 |                         |

37. set-jms-engine-quota

Sets a quota of the JMS engine.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    set-jms-engine-quota -server <server-name>
                         [-byte <max-bytes>]
                         [-msg <max-messages>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server to which the JMS engine to configure belongs.

    [-byte <max-bytes>]

    Maximum bytes allowed in the JMS engine.

    [-msg <max-messages>]

    Maximum number of messages allowed in the JMS engine.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-jms-engine-quota -server adminServer -byte 256M -msg 1M
    Executed successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It might be necessary to restart the server.
    View the results using 'set-jms-engine-quota -server adminServer'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-jms-engine-quota -server adminServer
    Engine Quota Information
    JMS Engine
    | Max Bytes                                           | 256M  |
    | Max Messages                                        | 1M    |

38. set-jms-failover-check

Sets an option to check whether the JMS engine is alive before failover

  • Alias

    set-jms-failover, set-failover

  • Usage

    set-jms-failover-check -server <server-name>
                           [-timeout <timeout>]
                           [-count <count>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server to which the JMS engine to configure belongs.

    [-timeout <timeout>]

    Time to check whether the JMS engine is alive before failover.

    [-count <count>]

    Maximum number of checks to determine whether the JMS engine is alive before failover.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-jms-failover-check -server adminServer -timeout 10 -count 5
    Executed successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It might be necessary to restart the server.
    View the results using 'set-jms-failover-check -server adminServer'.
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-jms-failover-check -server adminServer
    Failover check Information
    JMS Engine
    | Failover Check Timeout                                    |    10 |
    | Failover Check Count                                      |     5 |

39. set-jms-persistence-store

Sets a persistence store of the JMS engine.

  • Alias

    set-jms-store, set-persistence-store, setjmsstore

  • Usage

    set-jms-persistence-store -server <server-name>
                              -none | -journal | -jdbc
                              [-dir <base-dir>]
                              [-init <initial-log-file-count>]
                              [-max <max-log-file-count>]
                              [-size <log-file-size>]
                              [-dest <destination-table>]
                              [-durSub <durable-subscription-table>]
                              [-property <property>]
                              [-source <data-source>]
                              [-msg <message-table>]
                              [-subMsg <subscription-message-table>]
                              [-tx <transaction-table>]
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -server <server-name>

    Server to which the JMS engine to configure belongs.

    -none | -journal | -jdbc

    Option to select the store type.

    [-dir <base-dir>]

    Directory where the journal store is configured.

    [-init <initial-log-file-count>]

    Number of log files to initially create when creating a journal store.

    [-max <max-log-file-count>]

    Maximum number of log files of the journal store.

    [-size <log-file-size>]

    Log file size of the journal store.

    [-dest <destination-table>]

    Destination table name of the journal and JDBC store.

    [-durSub <durable-subscription-table>]

    Durable subscription table name of the journal and JDBC store.

    [-property <property>]

    Additional setting of the journal store.

    [-source <data-source>]

    Data Source of the JDBC store.

    [-msg <message-table>]

    Message table name of the JDBC store.

    [-subMsb <subscription-message-table>]

    Subscription table name of the JDBC store.

    [-tx <transaction-table>]

    Transaction table name of the JDBC store.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>set-jms-persistence-store -server adminServer
    -journal -dir store -init 5 -max 50 -size 256M -dest ADMIN_DEST -durSub ADMIN_DS
    Executed successfully, but some configurations were not applied dynamically. It might be necessary to restart the server.

40. view-jms-message

Displays detailed information of a specified message.

  • Alias


  • Usage

    view-jms-messages  -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>
                     -dest <destination-name> | -durable <client-id>_<durable-name>
                     -id <message-id>
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description

    -cluster <cluster-name> | -server <server-name>

    Cluster or server name to which the destination or the durable subscriber belongs.

    -dest <destination-name> | -durable <client-id>_<durable-name>

    Destination name or durable subscriber name of the message to be displayed.

    -id <message-id>

    Message ID of the message to be displayed.

  • Example

    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>list-jms-messages -server adminServer -dest ExamplesQueue
    Messages in Destination ExamplesQueue
    |     Message ID     | Message Type |                Created Time                |
    | ID:1242976880:1:0  | Text         | Tue Nov 19 15:53:17 KST 2016               |
    | ID:1242976880:1:1  | Text         | Tue Nov 19 15:53:17 KST 2016               |
    | ID:1242976880:1:2  | Text         | Tue Nov 19 15:53:17 KST 2016               |
    | ID:1242976880:1:3  | Text         | Tue Nov 19 15:53:17 KST 2016               |
    | ID:1242976880:1:4  | Text         | Tue Nov 19 15:53:17 KST 2016               |
    [MASTER]domain1.adminServer>view-jms-message -server adminServer
    -dest ExamplesQueue -id ID:1242976880:1:0 Message ID:1242976880:1:0
    |  Attribute name  |                           Value                           |
    | Message ID       | ID:1242976880:1:0                                         |
    | Destination Name | ExamplesQueue                                             |
    | Delivery Mode    |                                                         2 |
    | Message Type     | Text                                                      |
    | Correlation ID   |                                                           |
    | Created Time     | Tue Nov 19 15:53:17 KST 2016                              |
    | Expiration Time  | -                                                         |
    | Time-to-live     |                                                         0 |
    | Priority         |                                                         4 |
    | Redelivered      | false                                                     |
    | Delivery Time    | Tue Nov 19 15:53:17 KST 2016                              |
    | Redelivery Limit |                                                         4 |
    | Reply To         |                                                           |
    | Message Body     | Test Message                                              |