1. wsdl2java
The wsdl2java tool is for the JAX-RPC web service. The following are the codes created by wsdl2java from a WSDL file.
Web service Java source code stubs for clients
Web service interface Java source code for servers
The following describes how to use the tool and parameters.
Usage: wsdl2java mode [options] wsdlURI where mode include: -gen:client generate all client artifacts -gen:server generate all server artifacts -gen same as -gen:client -import:client generate client JSR-109 portable artifacts only -import:server generate server JSR-109 portable artifacts only -import same as -import:client where [options] include: * destination directory -d <directory> specify where to put output files -cd <directory> specify where to put compiled class files If not specifed, the compile class files will be put in where '-d' specifies * WSDL and Java mapping -inputmapping <filename> specify the input JSR-109 JAX-RPC mapping file (used for generating Java artifacts) -package <package_name> specify the java package name to which all namespaceURI in the WSDL map -ns2pkg NS=PKG specify the namespaceURI and java package name mapping (NS : namespaceURI, PKG : java package name) This option can be used serveral times * output file -outputmapping <filename> specify the output JSR-109 JAX-RPc mapping file for the input WSDL This option can not be used with '-inputmapping' -compile compile generated Java source files ('tools.jar' must be in the classpath) -nokeepsrc delete generated java source files * artifact generation options -nowrapped disable wrapped mode detection for the WSDL -datahandleronly force jakarta.activation.DataHandler for MIME types -nodatabinding force jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPElement for all WSDL parts -soapver <VER> specify SOAP version used in stub/tie class. VER : '11' for SOAP 1.1, '12' for SOAP 1.2 -resolvedir directory specify directory where to be put local copies of include/import schemas and import WSDL * other options -username username to access the WSDL-URI -password password to access the WSDL-URI * verbose options -level <LEVEL> specify log level. LEVEL : SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, FINE, FINER, FINEST -verbose same as -level FINE
Parameter Description -gen:client
Creates Java classes for clients.
Creates Java classes for servers.
Same as -gen:client.
Creates Portable Artifact for clients.
Creates a Portable Artifact for servers
Same as -import:client.
-d <directory>
Result files directory.
-cd <directory>
Compiled class files directory.
-inputmapping <filename>
Input JAX-RPC mapping files used to create Java classes.
-package <package_name>
Java package name for all namespace URIs in WSDL.
-ns2pkg NS=PKG
Java package name for the namespace URI.
NS: Namespace URI
PKG: Java package name
-outputmapping <filename>
Output JAX-RPC mapping files for the WSDL input.
Compiles created Java files.
Deletes created Java source files.
Disables the wrapped mode detection function for WSDL.
Applies jakarta.activation.DataHandler to the MIME type.
Applies jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPElement to all WSDL message parts.
-soapver <VER>
SOAP version used in stub/tie classes.
11: SOAP 1.1
12: SOAP 1.2
-resolvedir <directory>
Stores remote WSDL files, including schema files, in an accessible repository.
Username to access WSDL-URI
Password to access WSDL-URI
-level <LEVEL>
Log level.
Displays verbose messages.
wsdl2java is a general script file located in JEUS_HOME/bin/.
The following is an example of executing wsdl2java.
$ wsdl2java -gen:client -d build/classes -outputmapping build/classes/web/WEB-INF/jaxrpcmapping.xml -compile http://localhost:8088/AddNumbers/addnumbers?wsdl
The previous command created service interfaces and stubs for web service clients using the remote "http://localhost:8088/AddNumbers/addnumbers?wsdl" WSDL file.
The stubs and service interfaces are created in the "build/classes" directory. The JAX-RPC mapping files are created in the "build/classes/web/WEB-INF" directory. The stub and interface files created using the "-compile" option are compiled.